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A Doll's House

Henrik Ibsen
The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen
(# in our series by Henrik Ibsen!
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Title7 A Doll's House
Author7 Henrik Ibsen
1ele$se D$te7 8$r, 9::3 ;EBook #9<9=
;+es, %e $re )ore th$n one ye$r $he$' of sche'ule=
;This file %$s first #oste' on August , 9::9=
;8ost recently u#'$te'7 August , 9::9=
E'ition7 33
>$ngu$ge7 English
"h$r$cter set enco'ing7 A2"II
,,, 2TA1T ?. THE P1?@E"T GATEBBE1G EB??C, A D?>>'2 H?A2E ,,,
Pre#$re' by 8$rtin A'$)son D)$rtinEgr$ss)$rket(freeser&e(co(ukF
A D?>>'2 H?A2E
by Henrik Ibsen
Tor&$l' Hel)er(
Bor$, his %ife(
Doctor 1$nk(
8rs( >in'e(
Bils Crogst$'(
Hel)er's three young chil'ren(
Anne, their nurse(
A House)$i'(
A Porter(
(The $ction t$kes #l$ce in Hel)er's house(!
A D?>>'2 H?A2E
(2"EBE(GGA roo) furnishe' co)fort$bly $n' t$stefully, but not
e0tr$&$g$ntly( At the b$ck, $ 'oor to the right le$'s to the
entr$nceGh$ll, $nother to the left le$'s to Hel)er's stu'y(
Bet%een the 'oors st$n's $ #i$no( In the )i''le of the leftGh$n'
%$ll is $ 'oor, $n' beyon' it $ %in'o%( Be$r the %in'o% $re $
roun' t$ble, $r)Gch$irs $n' $ s)$ll sof$( In the rightGh$n' %$ll,
$t the f$rther en', $nother 'oorH $n' on the s$)e si'e, ne$rer
the footlights, $ sto&e, t%o e$sy ch$irs $n' $ rockingGch$irH
bet%een the sto&e $n' the 'oor, $ s)$ll t$ble( Engr$&ings on the
%$llsH $ c$binet %ith chin$ $n' other s)$ll objectsH $ s)$ll
bookGc$se %ith %ellGboun' books( The floors $re c$r#ete', $n' $
fire burns in the sto&e( It is %inter(
A bell rings in the h$llH shortly $fter%$r's the 'oor is he$r' to
o#en( Enter B?1A, hu))ing $ tune $n' in high s#irits( 2he is in
out'oor 'ress $n' c$rries $ nu)ber of #$rcelsH these she l$ys on
the t$ble to the right( 2he le$&es the outer 'oor o#en $fter her,
$n' through it is seen $ P?1TE1 %ho is c$rrying $ "hrist)$s Tree
$n' $ b$sket, %hich he gi&es to the 8AID %ho h$s o#ene' the
Bor$( Hi'e the "hrist)$s Tree c$refully, Helen( Be sure the
chil'ren 'o not see it until this e&ening, %hen it is 'resse'( (To
the P?1TE1, t$king out her #urse(! Ho% )uchI
Porter( 2i0#ence(
Bor$( There is $ shilling( Bo, kee# the ch$nge( (The P?1TE1
th$nks her, $n' goes out( B?1A shuts the 'oor( 2he is l$ughing to
herself, $s she t$kes off her h$t $n' co$t( 2he t$kes $ #$cket of
)$c$roons fro) her #ocket $n' e$ts one or t%oH then goes
c$utiously to her husb$n''s 'oor $n' listens(! +es, he is in(
(2till hu))ing, she goes to the t$ble on the right(!
Hel)er (c$lls out fro) his roo)!( Is th$t )y little l$rk
t%ittering out thereI
Bor$ (busy o#ening so)e of the #$rcels!( +es, it is6
Hel)er( Is it )y little sJuirrel bustling $boutI
Bor$( +es6
Hel)er( -hen 'i' )y sJuirrel co)e ho)eI
Bor$( @ust no%( (Puts the b$g of )$c$roons into her #ocket $n'
%i#es her )outh(! "o)e in here, Tor&$l', $n' see %h$t I h$&e
Hel)er( Don't 'isturb )e( (A little l$ter, he o#ens the 'oor $n'
looks into the roo), #en in h$n'(! Bought, 'i' you s$yI All these
thingsI H$s )y little s#en'thrift been %$sting )oney $g$inI
Bor$( +es but, Tor&$l', this ye$r %e re$lly c$n let oursel&es go
$ little( This is the first "hrist)$s th$t %e h$&e not nee'e' to
Hel)er( 2till, you kno%, %e c$n't s#en' )oney recklessly( Bor$(
+es, Tor&$l', %e )$y be $ %ee bit )ore reckless no%, )$yn't %eI
@ust $ tiny %ee bit6 +ou $re going to h$&e $ big s$l$ry $n' e$rn
lots $n' lots of )oney(
Hel)er( +es, $fter the Be% +e$rH but then it %ill be $ %hole
Ju$rter before the s$l$ry is 'ue(
Bor$( Pooh6 %e c$n borro% until then(
Hel)er( Bor$6 (Goes u# to her $n' t$kes her #l$yfully by the
e$r(! The s$)e little fe$therhe$'6 2u##ose, no%, th$t I borro%e'
fifty #oun's to'$y, $n' you s#ent it $ll in the "hrist)$s %eek,
$n' then on Be% +e$r's E&e $ sl$te fell on )y he$' $n' kille' )e,
$n'GGBor$ (#utting her h$n's o&er his )outh!( ?h6 'on't s$y such
horri' things(
Hel)er( 2till, su##ose th$t h$##ene',GG%h$t thenI
Bor$( If th$t %ere to h$##en, I 'on't su##ose I shoul' c$re
%hether I o%e' )oney or not(
Hel)er( +es, but %h$t $bout the #eo#le %ho h$' lent itI
Bor$( TheyI -ho %oul' bother $bout the)I I shoul' not kno% %ho they
Hel)er( Th$t is like $ %o)$n6 But seriously, Bor$, you kno% %h$t
I think $bout th$t( Bo 'ebt, no borro%ing( There c$n be no
free'o) or be$uty $bout $ ho)e life th$t 'e#en's on borro%ing $n'
'ebt( -e t%o h$&e ke#t br$&ely on the str$ight ro$' so f$r, $n'
%e %ill go on the s$)e %$y for the short ti)e longer th$t there
nee' be $ny struggle(
Bor$ ()o&ing to%$r's the sto&e!( As you #le$se, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er (follo%ing her!( "o)e, co)e, )y little skyl$rk )ust not
'roo# her %ings( -h$t is this6 Is )y little sJuirrel out of
te)#erI (T$king out his #urse(! Bor$, %h$t 'o you think I h$&e
got hereI
Bor$ (turning roun' Juickly!( 8oney6
Hel)er( There you $re( (Gi&es her so)e )oney(! Do you think I
'on't kno% %h$t $ lot is %$nte' for housekee#ing $t "hrist)$sG
Bor$ (counting!( Ten shillingsGG$ #oun'GGt%o #oun's6 Th$nk you,
th$nk you, Tor&$l'H th$t %ill kee# )e going for $ long ti)e(
Hel)er( In'ee' it )ust(
Bor$( +es, yes, it %ill( But co)e here $n' let )e sho% you %h$t I
h$&e bought( An' $ll so che$#6 >ook, here is $ ne% suit for I&$r,
$n' $ s%or'H $n' $ horse $n' $ tru)#et for BobH $n' $ 'oll $n'
'olly's be'ste$' for E))y,GGthey $re &ery #l$in, but $ny%$y she
%ill soon bre$k the) in #ieces( An' here $re 'ressGlengths $n'
h$n'kerchiefs for the )$i'sH ol' Anne ought re$lly to h$&e
so)ething better(
Hel)er( An' %h$t is in this #$rcelI
Bor$ (crying out!( Bo, no6 you )ustn't see th$t until this
Hel)er( /ery %ell( But no% tell )e, you e0tr$&$g$nt little
#erson, %h$t %oul' you like for yourselfI
Bor$( .or )yselfI ?h, I $) sure I 'on't %$nt $nything(
Hel)er( +es, but you )ust( Tell )e so)ething re$son$ble th$t you
%oul' #$rticul$rly like to h$&e(
Bor$( Bo, I re$lly c$n't think of $nythingGGunless, Tor&$l'GG
Hel)er( -ellI
Bor$ (#l$ying %ith his co$t buttons, $n' %ithout r$ising her eyes
to his!( If you re$lly %$nt to gi&e )e so)ething, you )ightGGyou
Hel)er( -ell, out %ith it6
Bor$ (s#e$king Juickly!( +ou )ight gi&e )e )oney, Tor&$l'( ?nly
just $s )uch $s you c$n $ffor'H $n' then one of these '$ys I %ill
buy so)ething %ith it(
Hel)er( But, Bor$GG
Bor$( ?h, 'o6 'e$r Tor&$l'H #le$se, #le$se 'o6 Then I %ill %r$# it u#
in be$utiful gilt #$#er $n' h$ng it on the "hrist)$s Tree( -oul'n't
th$t be funI
Hel)er( -h$t $re little #eo#le c$lle' th$t $re $l%$ys %$sting
Bor$( 2#en'thriftsGGI kno%( >et us 'o $s you suggest, Tor&$l',
$n' then I sh$ll h$&e ti)e to think %h$t I $) )ost in %$nt of(
Th$t is $ &ery sensible #l$n, isn't itI
Hel)er (s)iling!( In'ee' it isGGth$t is to s$y, if you %ere
re$lly to s$&e out of the )oney I gi&e you, $n' then re$lly buy
so)ething for yourself( But if you s#en' it $ll on the
housekee#ing $n' $ny nu)ber of unnecess$ry things, then I )erely
h$&e to #$y u# $g$in(
Bor$( ?h but, Tor&$l'GG
Hel)er( +ou c$n't 'eny it, )y 'e$r little Bor$( (Puts his $r)
roun' her %$ist(! It's $ s%eet little s#en'thrift, but she uses
u# $ 'e$l of )oney( ?ne %oul' h$r'ly belie&e ho% e0#ensi&e such
little #ersons $re6
Bor$( It's $ sh$)e to s$y th$t( I 'o re$lly s$&e $ll I c$n(
Hel)er (l$ughing!( Th$t's &ery true,GG$ll you c$n( But you c$n't
s$&e $nything6
Bor$ (s)iling Juietly $n' h$##ily!( +ou h$&en't $ny i'e$ ho% )$ny
e0#enses %e skyl$rks $n' sJuirrels h$&e, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( +ou $re $n o'' little soul( /ery like your f$ther( +ou
$l%$ys fin' so)e ne% %$y of %hee'ling )oney out of )e, $n', $s
soon $s you h$&e got it, it see)s to )elt in your h$n's( +ou
ne&er kno% %here it h$s gone( 2till, one )ust t$ke you $s you
$re( It is in the bloo'H for in'ee' it is true th$t you c$n
inherit these things, Bor$(
Bor$( Ah, I %ish I h$' inherite' )$ny of #$#$'s Ju$lities(
Hel)er( An' I %oul' not %ish you to be $nything but just %h$t you
$re, )y s%eet little skyl$rk( But, 'o you kno%, it strikes )e
th$t you $re looking r$therGG%h$t sh$ll I s$yGGr$ther une$sy to'$yI
Bor$( Do II
Hel)er( +ou 'o, re$lly( >ook str$ight $t )e(
Bor$ (looks $t hi)!( -ellI
Hel)er (%$gging his finger $t her!( H$sn't 8iss 2%eet Tooth been
bre$king rules in to%n to'$yI
Bor$( BoH %h$t )$kes you think th$tI
Hel)er( H$sn't she #$i' $ &isit to the confectioner'sI
Bor$( Bo, I $ssure you, Tor&$l'GG
Hel)er( Bot been nibbling s%eetsI
Bor$( Bo, cert$inly not(
Hel)er( Bot e&en t$ken $ bite $t $ )$c$roon or t%oI
Bor$( Bo, Tor&$l', I $ssure you re$llyGG
Hel)er( There, there, of course I %$s only joking(
Bor$ (going to the t$ble on the right!( I shoul' not think of
going $g$inst your %ishes(
Hel)er( Bo, I $) sure of th$tH besi'es, you g$&e )e your %or'GG
(Going u# to her(! Cee# your little "hrist)$s secrets to
yourself, )y '$rling( They %ill $ll be re&e$le' tonight %hen the
"hrist)$s Tree is lit, no 'oubt(
Bor$( Di' you re)e)ber to in&ite Doctor 1$nkI
Hel)er( Bo( But there is no nee'H $s $ )$tter of course he %ill
co)e to 'inner %ith us( Ho%e&er, I %ill $sk hi) %hen he co)es in
this )orning( I h$&e or'ere' so)e goo' %ine( Bor$, you c$n't
think ho% I $) looking for%$r' to this e&ening(
Bor$( 2o $) I6 An' ho% the chil'ren %ill enjoy the)sel&es, Tor&$l'6
Hel)er( It is s#len'i' to feel th$t one h$s $ #erfectly s$fe
$##oint)ent, $n' $ big enough inco)e( It's 'elightful to think
of, isn't itI
Bor$( It's %on'erful6
Hel)er( Do you re)e)ber l$st "hrist)$sI .or $ full three %eeks
beforeh$n' you shut yourself u# e&ery e&ening until long $fter
)i'night, )$king orn$)ents for the "hrist)$s Tree, $n' $ll the
other fine things th$t %ere to be $ sur#rise to us( It %$s the
'ullest three %eeks I e&er s#ent6
Bor$( I 'i'n't fin' it 'ull(
Hel)er (s)iling!( But there %$s #recious little result, Bor$(
Bor$( ?h, you shoul'n't te$se )e $bout th$t $g$in( Ho% coul' I
hel# the c$t's going in $n' te$ring e&erything to #iecesI
Hel)er( ?f course you coul'n't, #oor little girl( +ou h$' the
best of intentions to #le$se us $ll, $n' th$t's the )$in thing(
But it is $ goo' thing th$t our h$r' ti)es $re o&er(
Bor$( +es, it is re$lly %on'erful(
Hel)er( This ti)e I nee'n't sit here $n' be 'ull $ll $lone, $n'
you nee'n't ruin your 'e$r eyes $n' your #retty little h$n'sGG
Bor$ (cl$##ing her h$n's!( Bo, Tor&$l', I nee'n't $ny longer,
nee' I6 It's %on'erfully lo&ely to he$r you s$y so6 (T$king his
$r)(! Bo% I %ill tell you ho% I h$&e been thinking %e ought to
$rr$nge things, Tor&$l'( As soon $s "hrist)$s is o&erGG(A bell
rings in the h$ll(! There's the bell( (2he ti'ies the roo) $
little(! There's so)e one $t the 'oor( -h$t $ nuis$nce6
Hel)er( If it is $ c$ller, re)e)ber I $) not $t ho)e(
8$i' (in the 'oor%$y!( A l$'y to see you, )$'$),GG$ str$nger(
Bor$( Ask her to co)e in(
8$i' (to HE>8E1!( The 'octor c$)e $t the s$)e ti)e, sir(
Hel)er( Di' he go str$ight into )y roo)I
8$i'( +es, sir(
(HE>8E1 goes into his roo)( The 8AID ushers in 8rs( >IBDE, %ho is
in tr$&elling 'ress, $n' shuts the 'oor(! 8rs( >in'e (in $
'ejecte' $n' ti)i' &oice!( Ho% 'o you 'o, Bor$I
Bor$ ('oubtfully!( Ho% 'o you 'oGG8rs( >in'e( +ou 'on't recognise
)e, I su##ose(
Bor$( Bo, I 'on't kno%GGyes, to be sure, I see) toGG(2u''enly(!
+es6 "hristine6 Is it re$lly youI
8rs( >in'e( +es, it is I(
Bor$( "hristine6 To think of )y not recognising you6 An' yet ho%
coul' IGG(In $ gentle &oice(! Ho% you h$&e $ltere', "hristine6
8rs( >in'e( +es, I h$&e in'ee'( In nine, ten long ye$rsGG
Bor$( Is it so long since %e )etI I su##ose it is( The l$st eight
ye$rs h$&e been $ h$##y ti)e for )e, I c$n tell you( An' so no%
you h$&e co)e into the to%n, $n' h$&e t$ken this long journey in
%interGGth$t %$s #lucky of you(
8rs( >in'e( I $rri&e' by ste$)er this )orning(
Bor$( To h$&e so)e fun $t "hrist)$sGti)e, of course( Ho%
'elightful6 -e %ill h$&e such fun together6 But t$ke off your
things( +ou $re not col', I ho#e( (Hel#s her(! Bo% %e %ill sit
'o%n by the sto&e, $n' be cosy( Bo, t$ke this $r)ch$irH I %ill
sit here in the rockingGch$ir( (T$kes her h$n's(! Bo% you look
like your ol' self $g$inH it %$s only the first )o)entGG+ou $re $
little #$ler, "hristine, $n' #erh$#s $ little thinner(
8rs( >in'e( An' )uch, )uch ol'er, Bor$(
Bor$( Perh$#s $ little ol'erH &ery, &ery littleH cert$inly not
)uch( (2to#s su''enly $n' s#e$ks seriously(! -h$t $ thoughtless
cre$ture I $), ch$ttering $%$y like this( 8y #oor, 'e$r "hristine,
'o forgi&e )e(
8rs( >in'e( -h$t 'o you )e$n, Bor$I
Bor$ (gently!( Poor "hristine, you $re $ %i'o%(
8rs( >in'e( +esH it is three ye$rs $go no%(
Bor$( +es, I kne%H I s$% it in the #$#ers( I $ssure you,
"hristine, I )e$nt e&er so often to %rite to you $t the ti)e, but
I $l%$ys #ut it off $n' so)ething $l%$ys #re&ente' )e(
8rs( >in'e( I Juite un'erst$n', 'e$r(
Bor$( It %$s &ery b$' of )e, "hristine( Poor thing, ho% you )ust
h$&e suffere'( An' he left you nothingI
8rs( >in'e( Bo(
Bor$( An' no chil'renI
8rs( >in'e( Bo(
Bor$( Bothing $t $ll, then(
8rs( >in'e( Bot e&en $ny sorro% or grief to li&e u#on(
Bor$ (looking incre'ulously $t her!( But, "hristine, is th$t
8rs( >in'e (s)iles s$'ly $n' strokes her h$ir!( It so)eti)es
h$##ens, Bor$(
Bor$( 2o you $re Juite $lone( Ho% 're$'fully s$' th$t )ust be( I
h$&e three lo&ely chil'ren( +ou c$n't see the) just no%, for they
$re out %ith their nurse( But no% you )ust tell )e $ll $bout it(
8rs( >in'e( Bo, noH I %$nt to he$r $bout you(
Bor$( Bo, you )ust begin( I )ustn't be selfish to'$yH to'$y I
)ust only think of your $ff$irs( But there is one thing I )ust
tell you( Do you kno% %e h$&e just h$' $ gre$t #iece of goo'
8rs( >in'e( Bo, %h$t is itI
Bor$( @ust f$ncy, )y husb$n' h$s been )$'e )$n$ger of the B$nk6
8rs( >in'e( +our husb$n'I -h$t goo' luck6
Bor$( +es, tre)en'ous6 A b$rrister's #rofession is such $n
uncert$in thing, es#eci$lly if he %on't un'ert$ke uns$&oury
c$sesH $n' n$tur$lly Tor&$l' h$s ne&er been %illing to 'o th$t,
$n' I Juite $gree %ith hi)( +ou )$y i)$gine ho% #le$se' %e $re6
He is to t$ke u# his %ork in the B$nk $t the Be% +e$r, $n' then
he %ill h$&e $ big s$l$ry $n' lots of co))issions( .or the future
%e c$n li&e Juite 'ifferentlyGG%e c$n 'o just $s %e like( I feel
so relie&e' $n' so h$##y, "hristine6 It %ill be s#len'i' to h$&e
he$#s of )oney $n' not nee' to h$&e $ny $n0iety, %on't itI
8rs( >in'e( +es, $nyho% I think it %oul' be 'elightful to h$&e
%h$t one nee's(
Bor$( Bo, not only %h$t one nee's, but he$#s $n' he$#s of )oney(
8rs( >in'e (s)iling!( Bor$, Bor$, h$&en't you le$rne' sense yetI
In our school'$ys you %ere $ gre$t s#en'thrift(
Bor$ (l$ughing!( +es, th$t is %h$t Tor&$l' s$ys no%( (-$gs her
finger $t her(! But *Bor$, Bor$* is not so silly $s you think( -e
h$&e not been in $ #osition for )e to %$ste )oney( -e h$&e both
h$' to %ork(
8rs( >in'e( +ou tooI
Bor$( +esH o''s $n' en's, nee'le%ork, crotchetG%ork, e)broi'ery,
$n' th$t kin' of thing( (Dro##ing her &oice(! An' other things $s
%ell( +ou kno% Tor&$l' left his office %hen %e %ere )$rrie'I
There %$s no #ros#ect of #ro)otion there, $n' he h$' to try $n'
e$rn )ore th$n before( But 'uring the first ye$r he o&erG%orke'
hi)self 're$'fully( +ou see, he h$' to )$ke )oney e&ery %$y he
coul', $n' he %orke' e$rly $n' l$teH but he coul'n't st$n' it,
$n' fell 're$'fully ill, $n' the 'octors s$i' it %$s necess$ry
for hi) to go south(
8rs( >in'e( +ou s#ent $ %hole ye$r in It$ly, 'i'n't youI
Bor$( +es( It %$s no e$sy )$tter to get $%$y, I c$n tell you( It %$s
just $fter I&$r %$s bornH but n$tur$lly %e h$' to go( It %$s $
%on'erfully be$utiful journey, $n' it s$&e' Tor&$l''s life( But
it cost $ tre)en'ous lot of )oney, "hristine(
8rs( >in'e( 2o I shoul' think(
Bor$( It cost $bout t%o hun're' $n' fifty #oun's( Th$t's $ lot,
isn't itI
8rs( >in'e( +es, $n' in e)ergencies like th$t it is lucky to h$&e
the )oney(
Bor$( I ought to tell you th$t %e h$' it fro) #$#$(
8rs( >in'e( ?h, I see( It %$s just $bout th$t ti)e th$t he 'ie',
%$sn't itI
Bor$( +esH $n', just think of it, I coul'n't go $n' nurse hi)( I
%$s e0#ecting little I&$r's birth e&ery '$y $n' I h$' )y #oor
sick Tor&$l' to look $fter( 8y 'e$r, kin' f$therGGI ne&er s$% hi)
$g$in, "hristine( Th$t %$s the s$''est ti)e I h$&e kno%n since
our )$rri$ge(
8rs( >in'e( I kno% ho% fon' you %ere of hi)( An' then you %ent
off to It$lyI
Bor$( +esH you see %e h$' )oney then, $n' the 'octors insiste' on
our going, so %e st$rte' $ )onth l$ter(
8rs( >in'e( An' your husb$n' c$)e b$ck Juite %ellI
Bor$( As soun' $s $ bell6
8rs( >in'e( ButGGthe 'octorI
Bor$( -h$t 'octorI
8rs( >in'e( I thought your )$i' s$i' the gentle)$n %ho $rri&e'
here just $s I 'i', %$s the 'octorI
Bor$( +es, th$t %$s Doctor 1$nk, but he 'oesn't co)e here
#rofession$lly( He is our gre$test frien', $n' co)es in $t le$st
once e&ery'$y( Bo, Tor&$l' h$s not h$' $n hour's illness since
then, $n' our chil'ren $re strong $n' he$lthy $n' so $) I( (@u)#s
u# $n' cl$#s her h$n's(! "hristine6 "hristine6 it's goo' to be
$li&e $n' h$##y6GGBut ho% horri' of )eH I $) t$lking of nothing
but )y o%n $ff$irs( (2its on $ stool ne$r her, $n' rests her $r)s
on her knees(! +ou )ustn't be $ngry %ith )e( Tell )e, is it
re$lly true th$t you 'i' not lo&e your husb$n'I -hy 'i' you )$rry
8rs( >in'e( 8y )other %$s $li&e then, $n' %$s be'ri''en $n'
hel#less, $n' I h$' to #ro&i'e for )y t%o younger brothersH so I
'i' not think I %$s justifie' in refusing his offer(
Bor$( Bo, #erh$#s you %ere Juite right( He %$s rich $t th$t ti)e,
8rs( >in'e( I belie&e he %$s Juite %ell off( But his business %$s
$ #rec$rious oneH $n', %hen he 'ie', it $ll %ent to #ieces $n'
there %$s nothing left(
Bor$( An' thenIGG
8rs( >in'e( -ell, I h$' to turn )y h$n' to $nything I coul' fin'G
Gfirst $ s)$ll sho#, then $ s)$ll school, $n' so on( The l$st
three ye$rs h$&e see)e' like one long %orkingG'$y, %ith no rest(
Bo% it is $t $n en', Bor$( 8y #oor )other nee's )e no )ore, for
she is goneH $n' the boys 'o not nee' )e eitherH they h$&e got
situ$tions $n' c$n shift for the)sel&es(
Bor$( -h$t $ relief you )ust feel ifGG
8rs( >in'e( Bo, in'ee'H I only feel )y life uns#e$k$bly e)#ty( Bo
one to li&e for $ny)ore( (Gets u# restlessly(! Th$t %$s %hy I
coul' not st$n' the life in )y little b$ck%$ter $ny longer( I
ho#e it )$y be e$sier here to fin' so)ething %hich %ill busy )e
$n' occu#y )y thoughts( If only I coul' h$&e the goo' luck to get
so)e regul$r %orkGGoffice %ork of so)e kin'GG
Bor$( But, "hristine, th$t is so frightfully tiring, $n' you look
tire' out no%( +ou h$' f$r better go $%$y to so)e %$teringG#l$ce(
8rs( >in'e (%$lking to the %in'o%!( I h$&e no f$ther to gi&e )e
)oney for $ journey, Bor$(
Bor$ (rising!( ?h, 'on't be $ngry %ith )e6
8rs( >in'e (going u# to her!( It is you th$t )ust not be $ngry
%ith )e, 'e$r( The %orst of $ #osition like )ine is th$t it )$kes
one so bitter( Bo one to %ork for, $n' yet oblige' to be $l%$ys
on the lookout for ch$nces( ?ne )ust li&e, $n' so one beco)es
selfish( -hen you tol' )e of the h$##y turn your fortunes h$&e
t$kenGGyou %ill h$r'ly belie&e itGGI %$s 'elighte' not so )uch on
your $ccount $s on )y o%n(
Bor$( Ho% 'o you )e$nIGG?h, I un'erst$n'( +ou )e$n th$t #erh$#s
Tor&$l' coul' get you so)ething to 'o(
8rs( >in'e( +es, th$t %$s %h$t I %$s thinking of(
Bor$( He )ust, "hristine( @ust le$&e it to )eH I %ill bro$ch the
subject &ery cle&erlyGGI %ill think of so)ething th$t %ill #le$se
hi) &ery )uch( It %ill )$ke )e so h$##y to be of so)e use to you(
8rs( >in'e( Ho% kin' you $re, Bor$, to be so $n0ious to hel# )e6
It is 'oubly kin' in you, for you kno% so little of the bur'ens
$n' troubles of life(
Bor$( IGGI I kno% so little of the)I
8rs( >in'e (s)iling!( 8y 'e$r6 2)$ll househol' c$res $n' th$t
sort of thing6GG+ou $re $ chil', Bor$(
Bor$ (tosses her he$' $n' crosses the st$ge!( +ou ought not to be
so su#erior(
8rs( >in'e( BoI
Bor$( +ou $re just like the others( They $ll think th$t I $)
inc$#$ble of $nything re$lly seriousGG
8rs( >in'e( "o)e, co)eGG
Bor$(GGth$t I h$&e gone through nothing in this %orl' of c$res(
8rs( >in'e( But, )y 'e$r Bor$, you h$&e just tol' )e $ll your
Bor$( Pooh6GGthose %ere trifles( (>o%ering her &oice(! I h$&e not
tol' you the i)#ort$nt thing(
8rs( >in'e( The i)#ort$nt thingI -h$t 'o you )e$nI
Bor$( +ou look 'o%n u#on )e $ltogether, "hristineGGbut you ought
not to( +ou $re #rou', $ren't you, of h$&ing %orke' so h$r' $n'
so long for your )otherI
8rs( >in'e( In'ee', I 'on't look 'o%n on $nyone( But it is true
th$t I $) both #rou' $n' gl$' to think th$t I %$s #ri&ilege' to
)$ke the en' of )y )other's life $l)ost free fro) c$re(
Bor$( An' you $re #rou' to think of %h$t you h$&e 'one for your
8rs( >in'e( I think I h$&e the right to be(
Bor$( I think so, too( But no%, listen to thisH I too h$&e
so)ething to be #rou' $n' gl$' of(
8rs( >in'e( I h$&e no 'oubt you h$&e( But %h$t 'o you refer toI
Bor$( 2#e$k lo%( 2u##ose Tor&$l' %ere to he$r6 He )ustn't on $ny
$ccountGGno one in the %orl' )ust kno%, "hristine, e0ce#t you(
8rs( >in'e( But %h$t is itI
Bor$( "o)e here( (Pulls her 'o%n on the sof$ besi'e her(! Bo% I
%ill sho% you th$t I too h$&e so)ething to be #rou' $n' gl$' of(
It %$s I %ho s$&e' Tor&$l''s life(
8rs( >in'e( *2$&e'*I Ho%I
Bor$( I tol' you $bout our tri# to It$ly( Tor&$l' %oul' ne&er
h$&e reco&ere' if he h$' not gone thereGG
8rs( >in'e( +es, but your f$ther g$&e you the necess$ry fun's(
Bor$ (s)iling!( +es, th$t is %h$t Tor&$l' $n' $ll the others
think, butGG
8rs( >in'e( ButGG
Bor$( P$#$ 'i'n't gi&e us $ shilling( It %$s I %ho #rocure' the
8rs( >in'e( +ouI All th$t l$rge su)I
Bor$( T%o hun're' $n' fifty #oun's( -h$t 'o you think of th$tI
8rs( >in'e( But, Bor$, ho% coul' you #ossibly 'o itI Di' you %in
$ #riKe in the >otteryI
Bor$ (conte)#tuously!( In the >otteryI There %oul' h$&e been no
cre'it in th$t(
8rs( >in'e( But %here 'i' you get it fro), thenI Bor$ (hu))ing
$n' s)iling %ith $n $ir of )ystery!( H), h)6 Ah$6
8rs( >in'e( Bec$use you coul'n't h$&e borro%e' it(
Bor$( "oul'n't II -hy notI
8rs( >in'e( Bo, $ %ife c$nnot borro% %ithout her husb$n''s
Bor$ (tossing her he$'!( ?h, if it is $ %ife %ho h$s $ny he$' for
businessGG$ %ife %ho h$s the %it to be $ little bit cle&erGG
8rs( >in'e( I 'on't un'erst$n' it $t $ll, Bor$(
Bor$( There is no nee' you shoul'( I ne&er s$i' I h$' borro%e'
the )oney( I )$y h$&e got it so)e other %$y( (>ies b$ck on the
sof$(! Perh$#s I got it fro) so)e other $')irer( -hen $nyone is
$s $ttr$cti&e $s I $)GG
8rs( >in'e( +ou $re $ )$' cre$ture(
Bor$( Bo%, you kno% you're full of curiosity, "hristine(
8rs( >in'e( >isten to )e, Bor$ 'e$r( H$&en't you been $ little
bit i)#ru'entI
Bor$ (sits u# str$ight!( Is it i)#ru'ent to s$&e your husb$n''s
8rs( >in'e( It see)s to )e i)#ru'ent, %ithout his kno%le'ge, toGG
Bor$( But it %$s $bsolutely necess$ry th$t he shoul' not kno%6 8y
goo'ness, c$n't you un'erst$n' th$tI It %$s necess$ry he shoul'
h$&e no i'e$ %h$t $ '$ngerous con'ition he %$s in( It %$s to )e
th$t the 'octors c$)e $n' s$i' th$t his life %$s in '$nger, $n'
th$t the only thing to s$&e hi) %$s to li&e in the south( Do you
su##ose I 'i'n't try, first of $ll, to get %h$t I %$nte' $s if it
%ere for )yselfI I tol' hi) ho% )uch I shoul' lo&e to tr$&el
$bro$' like other young %i&esH I trie' te$rs $n' entre$ties %ith
hi)H I tol' hi) th$t he ought to re)e)ber the con'ition I %$s in,
$n' th$t he ought to be kin' $n' in'ulgent to )eH I e&en hinte'
th$t he )ight r$ise $ lo$n( Th$t ne$rly )$'e hi) $ngry, "hristine(
He s$i' I %$s thoughtless, $n' th$t it %$s his 'uty $s )y husb$n'
not to in'ulge )e in )y %hi)s $n' c$#ricesGG$s I belie&e he c$lle'
the)( /ery %ell, I thought, you )ust be s$&e'GG$n' th$t %$s ho%
I c$)e to 'e&ise $ %$y out of the 'ifficultyGG
8rs( >in'e( An' 'i' your husb$n' ne&er get to kno% fro) your
f$ther th$t the )oney h$' not co)e fro) hi)I
Bor$( Bo, ne&er( P$#$ 'ie' just $t th$t ti)e( I h$' )e$nt to let
hi) into the secret $n' beg hi) ne&er to re&e$l it( But he %$s so
ill thenGG$l$s, there ne&er %$s $ny nee' to tell hi)(
8rs( >in'e( An' since then h$&e you ne&er tol' your secret to
your husb$n'I
Bor$( Goo' He$&ens, no6 Ho% coul' you think soI A )$n %ho h$s
such strong o#inions $bout these things6 An' besi'es, ho% #$inful
$n' hu)ili$ting it %oul' be for Tor&$l', %ith his )$nly
in'e#en'ence, to kno% th$t he o%e' )e $nything6 It %oul' u#set
our )utu$l rel$tions $ltogetherH our be$utiful h$##y ho)e %oul'
no longer be %h$t it is no%(
8rs( >in'e( Do you )e$n ne&er to tell hi) $bout itI
Bor$ ()e'it$ti&ely, $n' %ith $ h$lf s)ile!( +esGGso)e'$y,
#erh$#s, $fter )$ny ye$rs, %hen I $) no longer $s niceGlooking $s
I $) no%( Don't l$ugh $t )e6 I )e$n, of course, %hen Tor&$l' is
no longer $s 'e&ote' to )e $s he is no%H %hen )y '$ncing $n'
'ressingGu# $n' reciting h$&e #$lle' on hi)H then it )$y be $
goo' thing to h$&e so)ething in reser&eGG(Bre$king off(! -h$t
nonsense6 Th$t ti)e %ill ne&er co)e( Bo%, %h$t 'o you think of )y
gre$t secret, "hristineI Do you still think I $) of no useI I c$n
tell you, too, th$t this $ff$ir h$s c$use' )e $ lot of %orry( It
h$s been by no )e$ns e$sy for )e to )eet )y eng$ge)ents
#unctu$lly( I )$y tell you th$t there is so)ething th$t is
c$lle', in business, Ju$rterly interest, $n' $nother thing c$lle'
#$y)ent in inst$ll)ents, $n' it is $l%$ys so 're$'fully 'ifficult
to )$n$ge the)( I h$&e h$' to s$&e $ little here $n' there, %here
I coul', you un'erst$n'( I h$&e not been $ble to #ut $si'e )uch
fro) )y housekee#ing )oney, for Tor&$l' )ust h$&e $ goo' t$ble( I
coul'n't let )y chil'ren be sh$bbily 'resse'H I h$&e felt oblige'
to use u# $ll he g$&e )e for the), the s%eet little '$rlings6
8rs( >in'e( 2o it h$s $ll h$' to co)e out of your o%n necess$ries
of life, #oor Bor$I
Bor$( ?f course( Besi'es, I %$s the one res#onsible for it( -hene&er
Tor&$l' h$s gi&en )e )oney for ne% 'resses $n' such things, I h$&e
ne&er s#ent )ore th$n h$lf of itH I h$&e $l%$ys bought the si)#lest
$n' che$#est things( Th$nk He$&en, $ny clothes look %ell on )e,
$n' so Tor&$l' h$s ne&er notice' it( But it %$s often &ery h$r'
on )e, "hristineGGbec$use it is 'elightful to be re$lly %ell
'resse', isn't itI
8rs( >in'e( Luite so(
Bor$( -ell, then I h$&e foun' other %$ys of e$rning )oney( >$st
%inter I %$s lucky enough to get $ lot of co#ying to 'oH so I
locke' )yself u# $n' s$t %riting e&ery e&ening until Juite l$te
$t night( 8$ny $ ti)e I %$s 'es#er$tely tire'H but $ll the s$)e
it %$s $ tre)en'ous #le$sure to sit there %orking $n' e$rning
)oney( It %$s like being $ )$n(
8rs( >in'e( Ho% )uch h$&e you been $ble to #$y off in th$t %$yI
Bor$( I c$n't tell you e0$ctly( +ou see, it is &ery 'ifficult to
kee# $n $ccount of $ business )$tter of th$t kin'( I only kno%
th$t I h$&e #$i' e&ery #enny th$t I coul' scr$#e together( 8$ny $
ti)e I %$s $t )y %its' en'( (2)iles(! Then I use' to sit here $n'
i)$gine th$t $ rich ol' gentle)$n h$' f$llen in lo&e %ith )eGG
8rs( >in'e( -h$t6 -ho %$s itI
Bor$( Be Juiet6GGth$t he h$' 'ie'H $n' th$t %hen his %ill %$s
o#ene' it cont$ine', %ritten in big letters, the instruction7
*The lo&ely 8rs( Bor$ Hel)er is to h$&e $ll I #ossess #$i' o&er
to her $t once in c$sh(*
8rs( >in'e( But, )y 'e$r Bor$GG%ho coul' the )$n beI
Bor$( Goo' gr$cious, c$n't you un'erst$n'I There %$s no ol'
gentle)$n $t $llH it %$s only so)ething th$t I use' to sit here
$n' i)$gine, %hen I coul'n't think of $ny %$y of #rocuring )oney(
But it's $ll the s$)e no%H the tireso)e ol' #erson c$n st$y %here
he is, $s f$r $s I $) concerne'H I 'on't c$re $bout hi) or his
%ill either, for I $) free fro) c$re no%( (@u)#s u#(! 8y
goo'ness, it's 'elightful to think of, "hristine6 .ree fro) c$re6
To be $ble to be free fro) c$re, Juite free fro) c$reH to be $ble
to #l$y $n' ro)# %ith the chil'renH to be $ble to kee# the house
be$utifully $n' h$&e e&erything just $s Tor&$l' likes it6 An',
think of it, soon the s#ring %ill co)e $n' the big blue sky6
Perh$#s %e sh$ll be $ble to t$ke $ little tri#GG#erh$#s I sh$ll
see the se$ $g$in6 ?h, it's $ %on'erful thing to be $li&e $n' be
h$##y( (A bell is he$r' in the h$ll(!
8rs( >in'e (rising!( There is the bellH #erh$#s I h$' better go(
Bor$( Bo, 'on't goH no one %ill co)e in hereH it is sure to be
for Tor&$l'(
2er&$nt ($t the h$ll 'oor!( E0cuse )e, )$'$)GGthere is $
gentle)$n to see the )$ster, $n' $s the 'octor is %ith hi)GG
Bor$( -ho is itI
Crogst$' ($t the 'oor!( It is I, 8rs( Hel)er( (8rs( >IBDE st$rts,
tre)bles, $n' turns to the %in'o%(!
Bor$ (t$kes $ ste# to%$r's hi), $n' s#e$ks in $ str$ine', lo%
&oice!( +ouI -h$t is itI -h$t 'o you %$nt to see )y husb$n'
Crogst$'( B$nk businessGGin $ %$y( I h$&e $ s)$ll #ost in the
B$nk, $n' I he$r your husb$n' is to be our chief no%GG
Bor$( Then it isGG
Crogst$'( Bothing but 'ry business )$tters, 8rs( Hel)erH
$bsolutely nothing else(
Bor$( Be so goo' $s to go into the stu'y, then( (2he bo%s
in'ifferently to hi) $n' shuts the 'oor into the h$llH then co)es
b$ck $n' )$kes u# the fire in the sto&e(!
8rs( >in'e( Bor$GG%ho %$s th$t )$nI
Bor$( A l$%yer, of the n$)e of Crogst$'(
8rs( >in'e( Then it re$lly %$s he(
Bor$( Do you kno% the )$nI
8rs( >in'e( I use' toGG)$ny ye$rs $go( At one ti)e he %$s $
solicitor's clerk in our to%n(
Bor$( +es, he %$s(
8rs( >in'e( He is gre$tly $ltere'(
Bor$( He )$'e $ &ery unh$##y )$rri$ge(
8rs( >in'e( He is $ %i'o%er no%, isn't heI
Bor$( -ith se&er$l chil'ren( There no%, it is burning u#( 2huts
the 'oor of the sto&e $n' )o&es the rockingGch$ir $si'e(!
8rs( >in'e( They s$y he c$rries on &$rious kin's of business(
Bor$( 1e$lly6 Perh$#s he 'oesH I 'on't kno% $nything $bout it(
But 'on't let us think of businessH it is so tireso)e(
Doctor 1$nk (co)es out of HE>8E1'2 stu'y( Before he shuts the
'oor he c$lls to hi)!( Bo, )y 'e$r fello%, I %on't 'isturb youH I
%oul' r$ther go in to your %ife for $ little %hile( (2huts the
'oor $n' sees 8rs( >IBDE(! I beg your #$r'onH I $) $fr$i' I $)
'isturbing you too(
Bor$( Bo, not $t $ll( (Intro'ucing hi)!( Doctor 1$nk, 8rs( >in'e(
1$nk( I h$&e often he$r' 8rs( >in'e's n$)e )entione' here( I
think I #$sse' you on the st$irs %hen I $rri&e', 8rs( >in'eI
8rs( >in'e( +es, I go u# &ery slo%lyH I c$n't )$n$ge st$irs %ell(
1$nk( Ah6 so)e slight intern$l %e$knessI
8rs( >in'e( Bo, the f$ct is I h$&e been o&er%orking )yself(
1$nk( Bothing )ore th$n th$tI Then I su##ose you h$&e co)e to
to%n to $)use yourself %ith our entert$in)entsI
8rs( >in'e( I h$&e co)e to look for %ork(
1$nk( Is th$t $ goo' cure for o&er%orkI
8rs( >in'e( ?ne )ust li&e, Doctor 1$nk(
1$nk( +es, the gener$l o#inion see)s to be th$t it is necess$ry(
Bor$( >ook here, Doctor 1$nkGGyou kno% you %$nt to li&e(
1$nk( "ert$inly( Ho%e&er %retche' I )$y feel, I %$nt to #rolong
the $gony $s long $s #ossible( All )y #$tients $re like th$t( An'
so $re those %ho $re )or$lly 'ise$se'H one of the), $n' $ b$'
c$se too, is $t this &ery )o)ent %ith Hel)erGG
8rs( >in'e (s$'ly!( Ah6
Bor$( -ho) 'o you )e$nI
1$nk( A l$%yer of the n$)e of Crogst$', $ fello% you 'on't kno%
$t $ll( He suffers fro) $ 'ise$se' )or$l ch$r$cter, 8rs( Hel)erH
but e&en he beg$n t$lking of its being highly i)#ort$nt th$t he
shoul' li&e(
Bor$( Di' heI -h$t 'i' he %$nt to s#e$k to Tor&$l' $boutI
1$nk( I h$&e no i'e$H I only he$r' th$t it %$s so)ething $bout
the B$nk(
Bor$( I 'i'n't kno% thisGG%h$t's his n$)eGGCrogst$' h$' $nything
to 'o %ith the B$nk(
1$nk( +es, he h$s so)e sort of $##oint)ent there( (To 8rs(
>IBDE(! I 'on't kno% %hether you fin' $lso in your #$rt of the
%orl' th$t there $re cert$in #eo#le %ho go Ke$lously snuffing
$bout to s)ell out )or$l corru#tion, $n', $s soon $s they h$&e
foun' so)e, #ut the #erson concerne' into so)e lucr$ti&e #osition
%here they c$n kee# their eye on hi)( He$lthy n$tures $re left
out in the col'(
8rs( >in'e( 2till I think the sick $re those %ho )ost nee' t$king
c$re of(
1$nk (shrugging his shoul'ers!( +es, there you $re( Th$t is the
senti)ent th$t is turning 2ociety into $ sickGhouse(
(B?1A, %ho h$s been $bsorbe' in her thoughts, bre$ks out into
s)othere' l$ughter $n' cl$#s her h$n's(!
1$nk( -hy 'o you l$ugh $t th$tI H$&e you $ny notion %h$t 2ociety
re$lly isI
Bor$( -h$t 'o I c$re $bout tireso)e 2ocietyI I $) l$ughing $t
so)ething Juite 'ifferent, so)ething e0tre)ely $)using( Tell )e,
Doctor 1$nk, $re $ll the #eo#le %ho $re e)#loye' in the B$nk
'e#en'ent on Tor&$l' no%I
1$nk( Is th$t %h$t you fin' so e0tre)ely $)usingI
Bor$ (s)iling $n' hu))ing!( Th$t's )y $ff$ir6 (-$lking $bout the
roo)(! It's #erfectly glorious to think th$t %e h$&eGGth$t
Tor&$l' h$s so )uch #o%er o&er so )$ny #eo#le( (T$kes the #$cket
fro) her #ocket(! Doctor 1$nk, %h$t 'o you s$y to $ )$c$roonI
1$nk( -h$t, )$c$roonsI I thought they %ere forbi''en here(
Bor$( +es, but these $re so)e "hristine g$&e )e(
8rs( >in'e( -h$t6 IIGG
Bor$( ?h, %ell, 'on't be $l$r)e'6 +ou coul'n't kno% th$t Tor&$l'
h$' forbi''en the)( I )ust tell you th$t he is $fr$i' they %ill
s#oil )y teeth( But, b$h6GGonce in $ %$yGGTh$t's so, isn't it,
Doctor 1$nkI By your le$&e6 (Puts $ )$c$roon into his )outh(! +ou
)ust h$&e one too, "hristine( An' I sh$ll h$&e one, just $ little
oneGGor $t )ost t%o( (-$lking $bout(! I $) tre)en'ously h$##y(
There is just one thing in the %orl' no% th$t I shoul' 'e$rly
lo&e to 'o(
1$nk( -ell, %h$t is th$tI
Bor$( It's so)ething I shoul' 'e$rly lo&e to s$y, if Tor&$l'
coul' he$r )e(
1$nk( -ell, %hy c$n't you s$y itI
Bor$( Bo, I '$ren'tH it's so shocking(
8rs( >in'e( 2hockingI
1$nk( -ell, I shoul' not $'&ise you to s$y it( 2till, %ith us you
)ight( -h$t is it you %oul' so )uch like to s$y if Tor&$l' coul'
he$r youI
Bor$( I shoul' just lo&e to s$yGG-ell, I') '$)ne'6
1$nk( Are you )$'I
8rs( >in'e( Bor$, 'e$rGG6
1$nk( 2$y it, here he is6
Bor$ (hi'ing the #$cket!( Hush6 Hush6 Hush6 (HE>8E1 co)es out of
his roo), %ith his co$t o&er his $r) $n' his h$t in his h$n'(!
Bor$( -ell, Tor&$l' 'e$r, h$&e you got ri' of hi)I
Hel)er( +es, he h$s just gone(
Bor$( >et )e intro'uce youGGthis is "hristine, %ho h$s co)e to to%n(
Hel)er( "hristineGGI E0cuse )e, but I 'on't kno%GG
Bor$( 8rs( >in'e, 'e$rH "hristine >in'e(
Hel)er( ?f course( A school frien' of )y %ife's, I #resu)eI
8rs( >in'e( +es, %e h$&e kno%n e$ch other since then(
Bor$( An' just think, she h$s t$ken $ long journey in or'er to see you(
Hel)er( -h$t 'o you )e$nI 8rs( >in'e( Bo, re$lly, IGG
Bor$( "hristine is tre)en'ously cle&er $t bookGkee#ing, $n' she
is frightfully $n0ious to %ork un'er so)e cle&er )$n, so $s to
#erfect herselfGG
Hel)er( /ery sensible, 8rs( >in'e(
Bor$( An' %hen she he$r' you h$' been $##ointe' )$n$ger of the
B$nkGGthe ne%s %$s telegr$#he', you kno%GGshe tr$&elle' here $s
Juick $s she coul'( Tor&$l', I $) sure you %ill be $ble to 'o
so)ething for "hristine, for )y s$ke, %on't youI
Hel)er( -ell, it is not $ltogether i)#ossible( I #resu)e you $re
$ %i'o%, 8rs( >in'eI
8rs( >in'e( +es(
Hel)er( An' h$&e h$' so)e e0#erience of bookGkee#ingI
8rs( >in'e( +es, $ f$ir $)ount(
Hel)er( Ah6 %ell, it's &ery likely I )$y be $ble to fin'
so)ething for youGG
Bor$ (cl$##ing her h$n's!( -h$t 'i' I tell youI -h$t 'i' I tell
Hel)er( +ou h$&e just co)e $t $ fortun$te )o)ent, 8rs( >in'e(
8rs( >in'e( Ho% $) I to th$nk youI
Hel)er( There is no nee'( (Puts on his co$t(! But to'$y you )ust
e0cuse )eGG
1$nk( -$it $ )inuteH I %ill co)e %ith you( (Brings his fur co$t
fro) the h$ll $n' %$r)s it $t the fire(!
Bor$( Don't be long $%$y, Tor&$l' 'e$r(
Hel)er( About $n hour, not )ore(
Bor$( Are you going too, "hristineI
8rs( >in'e (#utting on her clo$k!( +es, I )ust go $n' look for $
Hel)er( ?h, %ell then, %e c$n %$lk 'o%n the street together(
Bor$ (hel#ing her!( -h$t $ #ity it is %e $re so short of s#$ce
hereH I $) $fr$i' it is i)#ossible for usGG
8rs( >in'e( Ple$se 'on't think of it6 Goo'bye, Bor$ 'e$r, $n'
)$ny th$nks(
Bor$( Goo'bye for the #resent( ?f course you %ill co)e b$ck this
e&ening( An' you too, Dr( 1$nk( -h$t 'o you s$yI If you $re %ell
enoughI ?h, you )ust be6 -r$# yourself u# %ell( (They go to the
'oor $ll t$lking together( "hil'ren's &oices $re he$r' on the
Bor$( There they $re6 There they $re6 (2he runs to o#en the 'oor(
The BA12E co)es in %ith the chil'ren(! "o)e in6 "o)e in6 (2too#s
$n' kisses the)(! ?h, you s%eet blessings6 >ook $t the),
"hristine6 Aren't they '$rlingsI
1$nk( Don't let us st$n' here in the 'r$ught(
Hel)er( "o)e $long, 8rs( >in'eH the #l$ce %ill only be be$r$ble
for $ )other no%6
(1ABC, HE>8E1, $n' 8rs( >IBDE go 'o%nst$irs( The BA12E co)es
for%$r' %ith the chil'renH B?1A shuts the h$ll 'oor(!
Bor$( Ho% fresh $n' %ell you look6 2uch re' cheeks like $##les
$n' roses( (The chil'ren $ll t$lk $t once %hile she s#e$ks to
the)(! H$&e you h$' gre$t funI Th$t's s#len'i'6 -h$t, you #ulle'
both E))y $n' Bob $long on the sle'geI GGboth $t onceIGGth$t %$s
goo'( +ou $re $ cle&er boy, I&$r( >et )e t$ke her for $ little,
Anne( 8y s%eet little b$by 'oll6 (T$kes the b$by fro) the 8AID
$n' '$nces it u# $n' 'o%n(! +es, yes, )other %ill '$nce %ith Bob
too( -h$t6 H$&e you been sno%b$llingI I %ish I h$' been there
too6 Bo, no, I %ill t$ke their things off, AnneH #le$se let )e 'o
it, it is such fun( Go in no%, you look h$lf froKen( There is
so)e hot coffee for you on the sto&e(
(The BA12E goes into the roo) on the left( B?1A t$kes off the
chil'ren's things $n' thro%s the) $bout, %hile they $ll t$lk to
her $t once(!
Bor$( 1e$lly6 Di' $ big 'og run $fter youI But it 'i'n't bite
youI Bo, 'ogs 'on't bite nice little 'olly chil'ren( +ou )ustn't
look $t the #$rcels, I&$r( -h$t $re theyI Ah, I '$res$y you %oul'
like to kno%( Bo, noGGit's so)ething n$sty6 "o)e, let us h$&e $
g$)e6 -h$t sh$ll %e #l$y $tI Hi'e $n' 2eekI +es, %e'll #l$y Hi'e
$n' 2eek( Bob sh$ll hi'e first( 8ust I hi'eI /ery %ell, I'll hi'e
first( (2he $n' the chil'ren l$ugh $n' shout, $n' ro)# in $n' out
of the roo)H $t l$st B?1A hi'es un'er the t$ble, the chil'ren
rush in $n' out for her, but 'o not see herH they he$r her
s)othere' l$ughter, run to the t$ble, lift u# the cloth $n' fin'
her( 2houts of l$ughter( 2he cr$%ls for%$r' $n' #reten's to
frighten the)( .resh l$ughter( 8e$n%hile there h$s been $ knock
$t the h$ll 'oor, but none of the) h$s notice' it( The 'oor is
h$lf o#ene', $n' C1?G2TAD $##e$rs, lie %$its $ littleH the g$)e
goes on(!
Crogst$'( E0cuse )e, 8rs( Hel)er(
Bor$ (%ith $ stifle' cry, turns roun' $n' gets u# on to her
knees!( Ah6 %h$t 'o you %$ntI
Crogst$'( E0cuse )e, the outer 'oor %$s $j$rH I su##ose so)eone
forgot to shut it(
Bor$ (rising!( 8y husb$n' is out, 8r( Crogst$'(
Crogst$'( I kno% th$t(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you %$nt here, thenI
Crogst$'( A %or' %ith you(
Bor$( -ith )eIGG(To the chil'ren, gently(! Go in to nurse( -h$tI
Bo, the str$nge )$n %on't 'o )other $ny h$r)( -hen he h$s gone %e
%ill h$&e $nother g$)e( (2he t$kes the chil'ren into the roo) on
the left, $n' shuts the 'oor $fter the)(! +ou %$nt to s#e$k to
Crogst$'( +es, I 'o(
Bor$( To'$yI It is not the first of the )onth yet(
Crogst$'( Bo, it is "hrist)$s E&e, $n' it %ill 'e#en' on yourself
%h$t sort of $ "hrist)$s you %ill s#en'(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$nI To'$y it is $bsolutely i)#ossible for )eGG
Crogst$'( -e %on't t$lk $bout th$t until l$ter on( This is
so)ething 'ifferent( I #resu)e you c$n gi&e )e $ )o)entI
Bor$( +esGGyes, I c$nGG$lthoughGG
Crogst$'( Goo'( I %$s in ?lsen's 1est$ur$nt $n' s$% your husb$n'
going 'o%n the streetGG
Bor$( +esI
Crogst$'( -ith $ l$'y(
Bor$( -h$t thenI
Crogst$'( 8$y I )$ke so bol' $s to $sk if it %$s $ 8rs( >in'eI
Bor$( It %$s(
Crogst$'( @ust $rri&e' in to%nI
Bor$( +es, to'$y(
Crogst$'( 2he is $ gre$t frien' of yours, isn't sheI
Bor$( 2he is( But I 'on't seeGG
Crogst$'( I kne% her too, once u#on $ ti)e(
Bor$( I $) $%$re of th$t(
Crogst$'( Are youI 2o you kno% $ll $bout itH I thought $s )uch(
Then I c$n $sk you, %ithout be$ting $bout the bushGGis 8rs( >in'e
to h$&e $n $##oint)ent in the B$nkI
Bor$( -h$t right h$&e you to Juestion )e, 8r( Crogst$'IGG+ou, one
of )y husb$n''s subor'in$tes6 But since you $sk, you sh$ll kno%(
+es, 8rs( >in'e is to h$&e $n $##oint)ent( An' it %$s I %ho
#le$'e' her c$use, 8r( Crogst$', let )e tell you th$t(
Crogst$'( I %$s right in %h$t I thought, then(
Bor$ (%$lking u# $n' 'o%n the st$ge!( 2o)eti)es one h$s $ tiny
little bit of influence, I shoul' ho#e( Bec$use one is $ %o)$n,
it 'oes not necess$rily follo% th$tGG( -hen $nyone is in $
subor'in$te #osition, 8r( Crogst$', they shoul' re$lly be c$reful
to $&oi' offen'ing $nyone %hoGG%hoGG
Crogst$'( -ho h$s influenceI
Bor$( E0$ctly(
Crogst$' (ch$nging his tone!( 8rs( Hel)er, you %ill be so goo' $s
to use your influence on )y beh$lf(
Bor$( -h$tI -h$t 'o you )e$nI
Crogst$'( +ou %ill be so kin' $s to see th$t I $) $llo%e' to kee#
)y subor'in$te #osition in the B$nk(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$n by th$tI -ho #ro#oses to t$ke your #ost
$%$y fro) youI
Crogst$'( ?h, there is no necessity to kee# u# the #retence of
ignor$nce( I c$n Juite un'erst$n' th$t your frien' is not &ery
$n0ious to e0#ose herself to the ch$nce of rubbing shoul'ers %ith
)eH $n' I Juite un'erst$n', too, %ho) I h$&e to th$nk for being
turne' off(
Bor$( But I $ssure youGG
Crogst$'( /ery likelyH but, to co)e to the #oint, the ti)e h$s
co)e %hen I shoul' $'&ise you to use your influence to #re&ent
Bor$( But, 8r( Crogst$', I h$&e no influence(
Crogst$'( H$&en't youI I thought you s$i' yourself just no%GG
Bor$( B$tur$lly I 'i' not )e$n you to #ut th$t construction on
it( I6 -h$t shoul' )$ke you think I h$&e $ny influence of th$t
kin' %ith )y husb$n'I
Crogst$'( ?h, I h$&e kno%n your husb$n' fro) our stu'ent '$ys( I
'on't su##ose he is $ny )ore un$ss$il$ble th$n other husb$n's(
Bor$( If you s#e$k slightingly of )y husb$n', I sh$ll turn you
out of the house(
Crogst$'( +ou $re bol', 8rs( Hel)er(
Bor$( I $) not $fr$i' of you $ny longer( As soon $s the Be% +e$r
co)es, I sh$ll in $ &ery short ti)e be free of the %hole thing(
Crogst$' (controlling hi)self!( >isten to )e, 8rs( Hel)er( If
necess$ry! I $) #re#$re' to fight for )y s)$ll #ost in the B$nk
$s if I %ere fighting for )y life(
Bor$( 2o it see)s(
Crogst$'( It is not only for the s$ke of the )oneyH in'ee', th$t
%eighs le$st %ith )e in the )$tter( There is $nother re$sonGG
%ell, I )$y $s %ell tell you( 8y #osition is this( I '$res$y you
kno%, like e&erybo'y else, th$t once, )$ny ye$rs $go, I %$s
guilty of $n in'iscretion(
Bor$( I think I h$&e he$r' so)ething of the kin'(
Crogst$'( The )$tter ne&er c$)e into courtH but e&ery %$y see)e'
to be close' to )e $fter th$t( 2o I took to the business th$t you
kno% of( I h$' to 'o so)ethingH $n', honestly, I 'on't think I'&e
been one of the %orst( But no% I )ust cut )yself free fro) $ll
th$t( 8y sons $re gro%ing u#H for their s$ke I )ust try $n' %in
b$ck $s )uch res#ect $s I c$n in the to%n( This #ost in the B$nk
%$s like the first ste# u# for )eGG$n' no% your husb$n' is going
to kick )e 'o%nst$irs $g$in into the )u'(
Bor$( But you )ust belie&e )e, 8r( Crogst$'H it is not in )y
#o%er to hel# you $t $ll(
Crogst$'( Then it is bec$use you h$&en't the %illH but I h$&e
)e$ns to co)#el you(
Bor$( +ou 'on't )e$n th$t you %ill tell )y husb$n' th$t I o%e you
Crogst$'( H)6GGsu##ose I %ere to tell hi)I
Bor$( It %oul' be #erfectly inf$)ous of you( (2obbing(! To think
of his le$rning )y secret, %hich h$s been )y joy $n' #ri'e, in
such $n ugly, clu)sy %$yGGth$t he shoul' le$rn it fro) you6 An'
it %oul' #ut )e in $ horribly 'is$gree$ble #ositionGG
Crogst$'( ?nly 'is$gree$bleI
Bor$ (i)#etuously!( -ell, 'o it, then6GG$n' it %ill be the %orse
for you( 8y husb$n' %ill see for hi)self %h$t $ bl$ckgu$r' you
$re, $n' you cert$inly %on't kee# your #ost then(
Crogst$'( I $ske' you if it %$s only $ 'is$gree$ble scene $t ho)e
th$t you %ere $fr$i' ofI
Bor$( If )y husb$n' 'oes get to kno% of it, of course he %ill $t
once #$y you %h$t is still o%ing, $n' %e sh$ll h$&e nothing )ore
to 'o %ith you(
Crogst$' (co)ing $ ste# ne$rer!( >isten to )e, 8rs( Hel)er(
Either you h$&e $ &ery b$' )e)ory or you kno% &ery little of
business( I sh$ll be oblige' to re)in' you of $ fe% 'et$ils(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$nI
Crogst$'( -hen your husb$n' %$s ill, you c$)e to )e to borro% t%o
hun're' $n' fifty #oun's(
Bor$( I 'i'n't kno% $nyone else to go to(
Crogst$'( I #ro)ise' to get you th$t $)ountGG
Bor$( +es, $n' you 'i' so(
Crogst$'( I #ro)ise' to get you th$t $)ount, on cert$in
con'itions( +our )in' %$s so t$ken u# %ith your husb$n''s
illness, $n' you %ere so $n0ious to get the )oney for your
journey, th$t you see) to h$&e #$i' no $ttention to the con'itions
of our b$rg$in( Therefore it %ill not be $)iss if I re)in' you of
the)( Bo%, I #ro)ise' to get the )oney on the security of $ bon'
%hich I 're% u#(
Bor$( +es, $n' %hich I signe'(
Crogst$'( Goo'( But belo% your sign$ture there %ere $ fe% lines
constituting your f$ther $ surety for the )oneyH those lines your
f$ther shoul' h$&e signe'(
Bor$( 2houl'I He 'i' sign the)(
Crogst$'( I h$' left the '$te bl$nkH th$t is to s$y, your f$ther
shoul' hi)self h$&e inserte' the '$te on %hich he signe' the #$#er(
Do you re)e)ber th$tI
Bor$( +es, I think I re)e)berGG
Crogst$'( Then I g$&e you the bon' to sen' by #ost to your
f$ther( Is th$t not soI
Bor$( +es(
Crogst$'( An' you n$tur$lly 'i' so $t once, bec$use fi&e or si0
'$ys $fter%$r's you brought )e the bon' %ith your f$ther's
sign$ture( An' then I g$&e you the )oney(
Bor$( -ell, h$&en't I been #$ying it off regul$rlyI
Crogst$'( .$irly so, yes( ButGGto co)e b$ck to the )$tter in
h$n'GGth$t )ust h$&e been $ &ery trying ti)e for you, 8rs(
Bor$( It %$s, in'ee'(
Crogst$'( +our f$ther %$s &ery ill, %$sn't heI
Bor$( He %$s &ery ne$r his en'(
Crogst$'( An' 'ie' soon $fter%$r'sI
Bor$( +es(
Crogst$'( Tell )e, 8rs( Hel)er, c$n you by $ny ch$nce re)e)ber
%h$t '$y your f$ther 'ie'IGGon %h$t '$y of the )onth, I )e$n(
Bor$( P$#$ 'ie' on the 94th of 2e#te)ber(
Crogst$'( Th$t is correctH I h$&e $scert$ine' it for )yself( An',
$s th$t is so, there is $ 'iscre#$ncy (t$king $ #$#er fro) his
#ocket! %hich I c$nnot $ccount for(
Bor$( -h$t 'iscre#$ncyI I 'on't kno%GG
Crogst$'( The 'iscre#$ncy consists, 8rs( Hel)er, in the f$ct th$t
your f$ther signe' this bon' three '$ys $fter his 'e$th(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$nI I 'on't un'erst$n'GG
Crogst$'( +our f$ther 'ie' on the 94th of 2e#te)ber( But, look
hereH your f$ther h$s '$te' his sign$ture the 9n' of ?ctober( It
is $ 'iscre#$ncy, isn't itI (B?1A is silent(! "$n you e0#l$in it
to )eI (B?1A is still silent(! It is $ re)$rk$ble thing, too,
th$t the %or's *9n' of ?ctober,* $s %ell $s the ye$r, $re not
%ritten in your f$ther's h$n'%riting but in one th$t I think I
kno%( -ell, of course it c$n be e0#l$ine'H your f$ther )$y h$&e
forgotten to '$te his sign$ture, $n' so)eone else )$y h$&e '$te'
it h$#h$K$r' before they kne% of his 'e$th( There is no h$r) in
th$t( It $ll 'e#en's on the sign$ture of the n$)eH $n' th$t is
genuine, I su##ose, 8rs( Hel)erI It %$s your f$ther hi)self %ho
signe' his n$)e hereI
Bor$ ($fter $ short #$use, thro%s her he$' u# $n' looks 'efi$ntly
$t hi)!( Bo, it %$s not( It %$s I th$t %rote #$#$'s n$)e(
Crogst$'( Are you $%$re th$t is $ '$ngerous confessionI
Bor$( In %h$t %$yI +ou sh$ll h$&e your )oney soon(
Crogst$'( >et )e $sk you $ JuestionH %hy 'i' you not sen' the
#$#er to your f$therI
Bor$( It %$s i)#ossibleH #$#$ %$s so ill( If I h$' $ske' hi) for
his sign$ture, I shoul' h$&e h$' to tell hi) %h$t the )oney %$s
to be use' forH $n' %hen he %$s so ill hi)self I coul'n't tell
hi) th$t )y husb$n''s life %$s in '$ngerGGit %$s i)#ossible(
Crogst$'( It %oul' h$&e been better for you if you h$' gi&en u#
your tri# $bro$'(
Bor$( Bo, th$t %$s i)#ossible( Th$t tri# %$s to s$&e )y husb$n''s
lifeH I coul'n't gi&e th$t u#(
Crogst$'( But 'i' it ne&er occur to you th$t you %ere co))itting
$ fr$u' on )eI
Bor$( I coul'n't t$ke th$t into $ccountH I 'i'n't trouble )yself
$bout you $t $ll( I coul'n't be$r you, bec$use you #ut so )$ny
he$rtless 'ifficulties in )y %$y, $lthough you kne% %h$t $ '$ngerous
con'ition )y husb$n' %$s in(
Crogst$'( 8rs( Hel)er, you e&i'ently 'o not re$lise cle$rly %h$t
it is th$t you h$&e been guilty of( But I c$n $ssure you th$t )y
one f$lse ste#, %hich lost )e $ll )y re#ut$tion, %$s nothing )ore
or nothing %orse th$n %h$t you h$&e 'one(
Bor$( +ouI Do you $sk )e to belie&e th$t you %ere br$&e enough to
run $ risk to s$&e your %ife's lifeI
Crogst$'( The l$% c$res nothing $bout )oti&es(
Bor$( Then it )ust be $ &ery foolish l$%(
Crogst$'( .oolish or not, it is the l$% by %hich you %ill be ju'ge',
if I #ro'uce this #$#er in court(
Bor$( I 'on't belie&e it( Is $ '$ughter not to be $llo%e' to
s#$re her 'ying f$ther $n0iety $n' c$reI Is $ %ife not to be
$llo%e' to s$&e her husb$n''s lifeI I 'on't kno% )uch $bout l$%H
but I $) cert$in th$t there )ust be l$%s #er)itting such things
$s th$t( H$&e you no kno%le'ge of such l$%sGGyou %ho $re $
l$%yerI +ou )ust be $ &ery #oor l$%yer, 8r( Crogst$'(
Crogst$'( 8$ybe( But )$tters of businessGGsuch business $s you
$n' I h$&e h$' togetherGG'o you think I 'on't un'erst$n' th$tI
/ery %ell( Do $s you #le$se( But let )e tell you thisGGif I lose
)y #osition $ secon' ti)e, you sh$ll lose yours %ith )e( (He
bo%s, $n' goes out through the h$ll(!
Bor$ ($##e$rs burie' in thought for $ short ti)e, then tosses her
he$'!( Bonsense6 Trying to frighten )e like th$t6GGI $) not so
silly $s he thinks( (Begins to busy herself #utting the chil'ren's
things in or'er(! An' yetGGI Bo, it's i)#ossible6 I 'i' it for lo&e's s$ke(
The "hil'ren (in the 'oor%$y on the left!( 8other, the str$nger
)$n h$s gone out through the g$te(
Bor$( +es, 'e$rs, I kno%( But, 'on't tell $nyone $bout the str$nger
)$n( Do you he$rI Bot e&en #$#$(
"hil'ren( Bo, )otherH but %ill you co)e $n' #l$y $g$inI
Bor$( Bo, no,GGnot no%(
"hil'ren( But, )other, you #ro)ise' us(
Bor$( +es, but I c$n't no%( 1un $%$y inH I h$&e such $ lot to 'o(
1un $%$y in, )y s%eet little '$rlings( (2he gets the) into the
roo) by 'egrees $n' shuts the 'oor on the)H then sits 'o%n on the
sof$, t$kes u# $ #iece of nee'le%ork $n' se%s $ fe% stitches, but
soon sto#s(! Bo6 (Thro%s 'o%n the %ork, gets u#, goes to the h$ll
'oor $n' c$lls out(! Helen6 bring the Tree in( (Goes to the t$ble
on the left, o#ens $ 'r$%er, $n' sto#s $g$in(! Bo, no6 it is
Juite i)#ossible6
8$i' (co)ing in %ith the Tree!( -here sh$ll I #ut it, )$'$)I
Bor$( Here, in the )i''le of the floor(
8$i'( 2h$ll I get you $nything elseI
Bor$( Bo, th$nk you( I h$&e $ll I %$nt( ;E0it 8AID(=
Bor$ (begins 'ressing the tree!( A c$n'le hereG$n' flo%ers hereGG
The horrible )$n6 It's $ll nonsenseGGthere's nothing %rong( The
tree sh$ll be s#len'i'6 I %ill 'o e&erything I c$n think of to
#le$se you, Tor&$l'6GGI %ill sing for you, '$nce for youGG(HE>8E1
co)es in %ith so)e #$#ers un'er his $r)(! ?h6 $re you b$ck
Hel)er( +es( H$s $nyone been hereI
Bor$( HereI Bo(
Hel)er( Th$t is str$nge( I s$% Crogst$' going out of the g$te(
Bor$( Di' youI ?h yes, I forgot, Crogst$' %$s here for $ )o)ent(
Hel)er( Bor$, I c$n see fro) your )$nner th$t he h$s been here
begging you to s$y $ goo' %or' for hi)(
Bor$( +es(
Hel)er( An' you %ere to $##e$r to 'o it of your o%n $ccor'H you
%ere to conce$l fro) )e the f$ct of his h$&ing been hereH 'i'n't
he beg th$t of you tooI
Bor$( +es, Tor&$l', butGG
Hel)er( Bor$, Bor$, $n' you %oul' be $ #$rty to th$t sort of
thingI To h$&e $ny t$lk %ith $ )$n like th$t, $n' gi&e hi) $ny
sort of #ro)iseI An' to tell )e $ lie into the b$rg$inI
Bor$( A lieGGI
Hel)er( Di'n't you tell )e no one h$' been hereI (2h$kes his
finger $t her(! 8y little songbir' )ust ne&er 'o th$t $g$in( A
songbir' )ust h$&e $ cle$n be$k to chir# %ithGGno f$lse notes6
(Puts his $r) roun' her %$ist(! Th$t is so, isn't itI +es, I $)
sure it is( (>ets her go(! -e %ill s$y no )ore $bout it( (2its
'o%n by the sto&e(! Ho% %$r) $n' snug it is here6 (Turns o&er his
Bor$ ($fter $ short #$use, 'uring %hich she busies herself %ith
the "hrist)$s Tree(! Tor&$l'6
Hel)er( +es(
Bor$( I $) looking for%$r' tre)en'ously to the f$ncyG'ress b$ll
$t the 2tenborgs' the '$y $fter to)orro%(
Hel)er( An' I $) tre)en'ously curious to see %h$t you $re going
to sur#rise )e %ith(
Bor$( It %$s &ery silly of )e to %$nt to 'o th$t(
Hel)er( -h$t 'o you )e$nI
Bor$( I c$n't hit u#on $nything th$t %ill 'oH e&erything I think
of see)s so silly $n' insignific$nt(
Hel)er( Does )y little Bor$ $ckno%le'ge th$t $t l$stI
Bor$ (st$n'ing behin' his ch$ir %ith her $r)s on the b$ck of it!(
Are you &ery busy, Tor&$l'I
Hel)er( -ellGG
Bor$( -h$t $re $ll those #$#ersI
Hel)er( B$nk business(
Bor$( Alre$'yI
Hel)er( I h$&e got $uthority fro) the retiring )$n$ger to
un'ert$ke the necess$ry ch$nges in the st$ff $n' in the
re$rr$nge)ent of the %orkH $n' I )ust )$ke use of the
"hrist)$s %eek for th$t, so $s to h$&e e&erything in or'er
for the ne% ye$r(
Bor$( Then th$t %$s %hy this #oor Crogst$'GG
Hel)er( H)6
Bor$ (le$ns $g$inst the b$ck of his ch$ir $n' strokes his h$ir!(
If you h$'n't been so busy I shoul' h$&e $ske' you $ tre)en'ously
big f$&our, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( -h$t is th$tI Tell )e(
Bor$( There is no one h$s such goo' t$ste $s you( An' I 'o so
%$nt to look nice $t the f$ncyG'ress b$ll( Tor&$l', coul'n't you
t$ke )e in h$n' $n' 'eci'e %h$t I sh$ll go $s, $n' %h$t sort of $
'ress I sh$ll %e$rI
Hel)er( Ah$6 so )y obstin$te little %o)$n is oblige' to get
so)eone to co)e to her rescueI
Bor$( +es, Tor&$l', I c$n't get $long $ bit %ithout your hel#(
Hel)er( /ery %ell, I %ill think it o&er, %e sh$ll )$n$ge to hit
u#on so)ething(
Bor$( Th$t is nice of you( (Goes to the "hrist)$s Tree( A short
#$use(! Ho% #retty the re' flo%ers lookGG( But, tell )e, %$s it
re$lly so)ething &ery b$' th$t this Crogst$' %$s guilty ofI
Hel)er( He forge' so)eone's n$)e( H$&e you $ny i'e$ %h$t th$t
Bor$( Isn't it #ossible th$t he %$s 'ri&en to 'o it by necessityI
Hel)er( +esH or, $s in so )$ny c$ses, by i)#ru'ence( I $) not so
he$rtless $s to con'e)n $ )$n $ltogether bec$use of $ single f$lse
ste# of th$t kin'(
Bor$( Bo, you %oul'n't, %oul' you, Tor&$l'I
Hel)er( 8$ny $ )$n h$s been $ble to retrie&e his ch$r$cter, if he
h$s o#enly confesse' his f$ult $n' t$ken his #unish)ent(
Bor$( Punish)entGGI
Hel)er( But Crogst$' 'i' nothing of th$t sortH he got hi)self out
of it by $ cunning trick, $n' th$t is %hy he h$s gone un'er $ltogether(
Bor$( But 'o you think it %oul'GGI
Hel)er( @ust think ho% $ guilty )$n like th$t h$s to lie $n' #l$y
the hy#ocrite %ith e&ery one, ho% he h$s to %e$r $ )$sk in the
#resence of those ne$r $n' 'e$r to hi), e&en before his o%n %ife
$n' chil'ren( An' $bout the chil'renGGth$t is the )ost terrible
#$rt of it $ll, Bor$(
Bor$( Ho%I
Hel)er( Bec$use such $n $t)os#here of lies infects $n' #oisons
the %hole life of $ ho)e( E$ch bre$th the chil'ren t$ke in such $
house is full of the ger)s of e&il(
Bor$ (co)ing ne$rer hi)!( Are you sure of th$tI
Hel)er( 8y 'e$r, I h$&e often seen it in the course of )y life $s
$ l$%yer( Al)ost e&eryone %ho h$s gone to the b$' e$rly in life
h$s h$' $ 'eceitful )other(
Bor$( -hy 'o you only s$yGG)otherI
Hel)er( It see)s )ost co))only to be the )other's influence,
though n$tur$lly $ b$' f$ther's %oul' h$&e the s$)e result( E&ery
l$%yer is f$)ili$r %ith the f$ct( This Crogst$', no%, h$s been
#ersistently #oisoning his o%n chil'ren %ith lies $n'
'issi)ul$tionH th$t is %hy I s$y he h$s lost $ll )or$l ch$r$cter(
(Hol's out his h$n's to her(! Th$t is %hy )y s%eet little Bor$
)ust #ro)ise )e not to #le$' his c$use( Gi&e )e your h$n' on it(
"o)e, co)e, %h$t is thisI Gi&e )e your h$n'( There no%, th$t's
settle'( I $ssure you it %oul' be Juite i)#ossible for )e to %ork
%ith hi)H I liter$lly feel #hysic$lly ill %hen I $) in the co)#$ny
of such #eo#le(
Bor$ (t$kes her h$n' out of his $n' goes to the o##osite si'e of
the "hrist)$s Tree!( Ho% hot it is in hereH $n' I h$&e such $ lot
to 'o(
Hel)er (getting u# $n' #utting his #$#ers in or'er!( +es, $n' I
)ust try $n' re$' through so)e of these before 'innerH $n' I )ust
think $bout your costu)e, too( An' it is just #ossible I )$y h$&e
so)ething re$'y in gol' #$#er to h$ng u# on the Tree( (Puts his
h$n' on her he$'(! 8y #recious little singingGbir'6 (He goes into
his roo) $n' shuts the 'oor $fter hi)(!
Bor$ ($fter $ #$use, %his#ers!( Bo, noGGit isn't true( It's
i)#ossibleH it )ust be i)#ossible(
(The BA12E o#ens the 'oor on the left(!
Burse( The little ones $re begging so h$r' to be $llo%e' to co)e
in to )$))$(
Bor$( Bo, no, no6 Don't let the) co)e in to )e6 +ou st$y %ith
the), Anne(
Burse( /ery %ell, )$'$)( (2huts the 'oor(!
Bor$ (#$le %ith terror!( De#r$&e )y little chil'renI Poison )y
ho)eI (A short #$use( Then she tosses her he$'(! It's not true(
It c$n't #ossibly be true(
(THE 2A8E 2"EBE(GGTHE "hrist)$s Tree is in the corner by the
#i$no, stri##e' of its orn$)ents $n' %ith burntG'o%n c$n'leGen's
on its 'ishe&elle' br$nches( B?1A'2 clo$k $n' h$t $re lying on
the sof$( 2he is $lone in the roo), %$lking $bout une$sily( 2he
sto#s by the sof$ $n' t$kes u# her clo$k(!
Bor$ ('ro#s her clo$k!( 2o)eone is co)ing no%6 (Goes to the 'oor
$n' listens(! BoGGit is no one( ?f course, no one %ill co)e to'$y,
"hrist)$s D$yGGnor to)orro% either( But, #erh$#sGG(o#ens
the 'oor $n' looks out!( Bo, nothing in the letterbo0H it is
Juite e)#ty( ("o)es for%$r'(! -h$t rubbish6 of course he c$n't be
in e$rnest $bout it( 2uch $ thing coul'n't h$##enH it is
i)#ossibleGGI h$&e three little chil'ren(
(Enter the BA12E fro) the roo) on the left, c$rrying $ big
c$r'bo$r' bo0(!
Burse( At l$st I h$&e foun' the bo0 %ith the f$ncy 'ress(
Bor$( Th$nksH #ut it on the t$ble(
Burse ('oing so!( But it is &ery )uch in %$nt of )en'ing(
Bor$( I shoul' like to te$r it into $ hun're' thous$n' #ieces(
Burse( -h$t $n i'e$6 It c$n e$sily be #ut in or'erGGjust $ little
Bor$( +es, I %ill go $n' get 8rs( >in'e to co)e $n' hel# )e %ith
Burse( -h$t, out $g$inI In this horrible %e$therI +ou %ill c$tch
col', )$'$), $n' )$ke yourself ill(
Bor$( -ell, %orse th$n th$t )ight h$##en( Ho% $re the chil'renI
Burse( The #oor little souls $re #l$ying %ith their "hrist)$s
#resents, butGG
Bor$( Do they $sk )uch for )eI
Burse( +ou see, they $re so $ccusto)e' to h$&e their )$))$ %ith
Bor$( +es, but, nurse, I sh$ll not be $ble to be so )uch %ith
the) no% $s I %$s before(
Burse( ?h %ell, young chil'ren e$sily get $ccusto)e' to $nything(
Bor$( Do you think soI Do you think they %oul' forget their
)other if she %ent $%$y $ltogetherI
Burse( Goo' he$&ens6GG%ent $%$y $ltogetherI
Bor$( Burse, I %$nt you to tell )e so)ething I h$&e often
%on'ere' $boutGGho% coul' you h$&e the he$rt to #ut your o%n
chil' out $)ong str$ngersI
Burse( I %$s oblige' to, if I %$nte' to be little Bor$'s nurse(
Bor$( +es, but ho% coul' you be %illing to 'o itI
Burse( -h$t, %hen I %$s going to get such $ goo' #l$ce by itI A
#oor girl %ho h$s got into trouble shoul' be gl$' to( Besi'es,
th$t %icke' )$n 'i'n't 'o $ single thing for )e(
Bor$( But I su##ose your '$ughter h$s Juite forgotten you(
Burse( Bo, in'ee' she h$sn't( 2he %rote to )e %hen she %$s
confir)e', $n' %hen she %$s )$rrie'(
Bor$ (#utting her $r)s roun' her neck!( De$r ol' Anne, you %ere $
goo' )other to )e %hen I %$s little(
Burse( >ittle Bor$, #oor 'e$r, h$' no other )other but )e( Bor$(
An' if )y little ones h$' no other )other, I $) sure you %oul'GG
-h$t nonsense I $) t$lking6 (?#ens the bo0(! Go in to the)( Bo% I
)ustGG( +ou %ill see to)orro% ho% ch$r)ing I sh$ll look(
Burse( I $) sure there %ill be no one $t the b$ll so ch$r)ing $s
you, )$'$)( (Goes into the roo) on the left(!
Bor$ (begins to un#$ck the bo0, but soon #ushes it $%$y fro)
her!( If only I '$re' go out( If only no one %oul' co)e( If only
I coul' be sure nothing %oul' h$##en here in the )e$nti)e( 2tuff
$n' nonsense6 Bo one %ill co)e( ?nly I )ustn't think $bout it( I
%ill brush )y )uff( -h$t lo&ely, lo&ely glo&es6 ?ut of )y thoughts,
out of )y thoughts6 ?ne, t%o, three, four, fi&e, si0GG
(2cre$)s(! Ah6 there is so)eone co)ingGG( (8$kes $ )o&e)ent
to%$r's the 'oor, but st$n's irresolute(!
(Enter 812( >IBDE fro) the h$ll, %here she h$s t$ken off her
clo$k $n' h$t(!
Bor$( ?h, it's you, "hristine( There is no one else out there, is
thereI Ho% goo' of you to co)e6
8rs( >in'e( I he$r' you %ere u# $sking for )e(
Bor$( +es, I %$s #$ssing by( As $ )$tter of f$ct, it is so)ething
you coul' hel# )e %ith( >et us sit 'o%n here on the sof$( >ook
here( To)orro% e&ening there is to be $ f$ncyG'ress b$ll $t the
2tenborgs', %ho li&e $bo&e usH $n' Tor&$l' %$nts )e to go $s $
Be$#olit$n fisherGgirl, $n' '$nce the T$r$ntell$ th$t I le$rne' $t
8rs( >in'e( I seeH you $re going to kee# u# the ch$r$cter(
Bor$( +es, Tor&$l' %$nts )e to( >ook, here is the 'ressH Tor&$l' h$'
it )$'e for )e there, but no% it is $ll so torn, $n' I h$&en't $ny
8rs( >in'e( -e %ill e$sily #ut th$t right( It is only so)e of the
tri))ing co)e unse%n here $n' there( Bee'le $n' thre$'I Bo% then,
th$t's $ll %e %$nt(
Bor$( It is nice of you(
8rs( >in'e (se%ing!( 2o you $re going to be 'resse' u# to)orro%
Bor$( I %ill tell you %h$tGGI sh$ll co)e in for $ )o)ent $n' see
you in your fine fe$thers( But I h$&e co)#letely forgotten to
th$nk you for $ 'elightful e&ening yester'$y(
Bor$ (gets u#, $n' crosses the st$ge!( -ell, I 'on't think
yester'$y %$s $s #le$s$nt $s usu$l( +ou ought to h$&e co)e to
to%n $ little e$rlier, "hristine( "ert$inly Tor&$l' 'oes
un'erst$n' ho% to )$ke $ house '$inty $n' $ttr$cti&e(
8rs( >in'e( An' so 'o you, it see)s to )eH you $re not your
f$ther's '$ughter for nothing( But tell )e, is Doctor 1$nk $l%$ys
$s 'e#resse' $s he %$s yester'$yI
Bor$( BoH yester'$y it %$s &ery notice$ble( I )ust tell you th$t
he suffers fro) $ &ery '$ngerous 'ise$se( He h$s consu)#tion of
the s#ine, #oor cre$ture( His f$ther %$s $ horrible )$n %ho
co))itte' $ll sorts of e0cessesH $n' th$t is %hy his son %$s
sickly fro) chil'hoo', 'o you un'erst$n'I
8rs( >in'e ('ro##ing her se%ing!( But, )y 'e$rest Bor$, ho% 'o
you kno% $nything $bout such thingsI
Bor$ (%$lking $bout!( Pooh6 -hen you h$&e three chil'ren, you get
&isits no% $n' then fro)GGfro) )$rrie' %o)en, %ho kno% so)ething
of )e'ic$l )$tters, $n' they t$lk $bout one thing $n' $nother(
8rs( >in'e (goes on se%ing( A short silence!( Does Doctor 1$nk
co)e here e&ery'$yI
Bor$( E&ery'$y regul$rly( He is Tor&$l''s )ost inti)$te frien',
$n' $ gre$t frien' of )ine too( He is just like one of the f$)ily(
8rs( >in'e( But tell )e thisGGis he #erfectly sincereI I )e$n, isn't
he the kin' of )$n th$t is &ery $n0ious to )$ke hi)self $gree$bleI
Bor$( Bot in the le$st( -h$t )$kes you think th$tI
8rs( >in'e( -hen you intro'uce' hi) to )e yester'$y, he 'ecl$re' he
h$' often he$r' )y n$)e )entione' in this houseH but $fter%$r's I
notice' th$t your husb$n' h$'n't the slightest i'e$ %ho I %$s(
2o ho% coul' Doctor 1$nkGGI
Bor$( Th$t is Juite right, "hristine( Tor&$l' is so $bsur'ly fon'
of )e th$t he %$nts )e $bsolutely to hi)self, $s he s$ys( At first
he use' to see) $l)ost je$lous if I )entione' $ny of the 'e$r folk
$t ho)e, so n$tur$lly I g$&e u# 'oing so( But I often t$lk $bout
such things %ith Doctor 1$nk, bec$use he likes he$ring $bout the)(
8rs( >in'e( >isten to )e, Bor$( +ou $re still &ery like $ chil'
in )$ny things, $n' I $) ol'er th$n you in )$ny %$ys $n' h$&e $
little )ore e0#erience( >et )e tell you thisGGyou ought to )$ke
$n en' of it %ith Doctor 1$nk(
Bor$( -h$t ought I to )$ke $n en' ofI
8rs( >in'e( ?f t%o things, I think( +ester'$y you t$lke' so)e
nonsense $bout $ rich $')irer %ho %$s to le$&e you )oneyGG
Bor$( An $')irer %ho 'oesn't e0ist, unfortun$tely6 But %h$t thenI
8rs( >in'e( Is Doctor 1$nk $ )$n of )e$nsI
Bor$( +es, he is(
8rs( >in'e( An' h$s no one to #ro&i'e forI
Bor$( Bo, no oneH butGG
8rs( >in'e( An' co)es here e&ery'$yI
Bor$( +es, I tol' you so(
8rs( >in'e( But ho% c$n this %ellGbre' )$n be so t$ctlessI
Bor$( I 'on't un'erst$n' you $t $ll(
8rs( >in'e( Don't #re&$ric$te, Bor$( Do you su##ose I 'on't guess
%ho lent you the t%o hun're' $n' fifty #oun'sI
Bor$( Are you out of your sensesI Ho% c$n you think of such $ thing6
A frien' of ours, %ho co)es here e&ery'$y6 Do you re$lise %h$t $
horribly #$inful #osition th$t %oul' beI
8rs( >in'e( Then it re$lly isn't heI
Bor$( Bo, cert$inly not( It %oul' ne&er h$&e entere' into )y he$'
for $ )o)ent( Besi'es, he h$' no )oney to len' thenH he c$)e into
his )oney $fter%$r's(
8rs( >in'e( -ell, I think th$t %$s lucky for you, )y 'e$r Bor$(
Bor$( Bo, it %oul' ne&er h$&e co)e into )y he$' to $sk Doctor
1$nk( Although I $) Juite sure th$t if I h$' $ske' hi)GG
8rs( >in'e( But of course you %on't(
Bor$( ?f course not( I h$&e no re$son to think it coul' #ossibly
be necess$ry( But I $) Juite sure th$t if I tol' Doctor 1$nkGG
8rs( >in'e( Behin' your husb$n''s b$ckI
Bor$( I )ust )$ke $n en' of it %ith the other one, $n' th$t %ill
be behin' his b$ck too( I )ust )$ke $n en' of it %ith hi)(
8rs( >in'e( +es, th$t is %h$t I tol' you yester'$y, butGG
Bor$ (%$lking u# $n' 'o%n!( A )$n c$n #ut $ thing like th$t
str$ight )uch e$sier th$n $ %o)$nGG
8rs( >in'e( ?ne's husb$n', yes(
Bor$( Bonsense6 (2t$n'ing still(! -hen you #$y off $ 'ebt you get
your bon' b$ck, 'on't youI
8rs( >in'e( +es, $s $ )$tter of course(
Bor$( An' c$n te$r it into $ hun're' thous$n' #ieces, $n' burn it
u#GGthe n$sty 'irty #$#er6
8rs( >in'e (looks h$r' $t her, l$ys 'o%n her se%ing $n' gets u#
slo%ly!( Bor$, you $re conce$ling so)ething fro) )e(
Bor$( Do I look $s if I %ereI
8rs( >in'e( 2o)ething h$s h$##ene' to you since yester'$y )orning(
Bor$, %h$t is itI
Bor$ (going ne$rer to her!( "hristine6 (>istens(! Hush6 there's
Tor&$l' co)e ho)e( Do you )in' going in to the chil'ren for the
#resentI Tor&$l' c$n't be$r to see 'ress)$king going on( >et Anne
hel# you(
8rs( >in'e (g$thering so)e of the things together!( "ert$inly GG
but I $) not going $%$y fro) here until %e h$&e h$' it out %ith
one $nother( (2he goes into the roo) on the left, $s HE>8E1 co)es
in fro) the h$ll(!
Bor$ (going u# to HE>8E1!( I h$&e %$nte' you so )uch, Tor&$l'
Hel)er( -$s th$t the 'ress)$kerI
Bor$( Bo, it %$s "hristineH she is hel#ing )e to #ut )y 'ress in
or'er( +ou %ill see I sh$ll look Juite s)$rt(
Hel)er( -$sn't th$t $ h$##y thought of )ine, no%I
Bor$( 2#len'i'6 But 'on't you think it is nice of )e, too, to 'o
$s you %ishI
Hel)er( BiceIGGbec$use you 'o $s your husb$n' %ishesI -ell, %ell,
you little rogue, I $) sure you 'i' not )e$n it in th$t %$y( But
I $) not going to 'isturb youH you %ill %$nt to be trying on your
'ress, I e0#ect(
Bor$( I su##ose you $re going to %ork(
Hel)er( +es( (2ho%s her $ bun'le of #$#ers(! >ook $t th$t( I h$&e
just been into the b$nk( (Turns to go into his roo)(!
Bor$( Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( +es(
Bor$( If your little sJuirrel %ere to $sk you for so)ething &ery,
&ery #rettilyGGI
Hel)er( -h$t thenI
Bor$( -oul' you 'o itI
Hel)er( I shoul' like to he$r %h$t it is, first(
Bor$( +our sJuirrel %oul' run $bout $n' 'o $ll her tricks if you
%oul' be nice, $n' 'o %h$t she %$nts(
Hel)er( 2#e$k #l$inly(
Bor$( +our skyl$rk %oul' chir# $bout in e&ery roo), %ith her song
rising $n' f$llingGG
Hel)er( -ell, )y skyl$rk 'oes th$t $nyho%(
Bor$( I %oul' #l$y the f$iry $n' '$nce for you in the )oonlight,
Hel)er( Bor$GGyou surely 'on't )e$n th$t reJuest you )$'e to )e
this )orningI
Bor$ (going ne$r hi)!( +es, Tor&$l', I beg you so e$rnestlyGG
Hel)er( H$&e you re$lly the cour$ge to o#en u# th$t Juestion $g$inI
Bor$( +es, 'e$r, you )ust 'o $s I $skH you )ust let Crogst$' kee#
his #ost in the b$nk(
Hel)er( 8y 'e$r Bor$, it is his #ost th$t I h$&e $rr$nge' 8rs(
>in'e sh$ll h$&e(
Bor$( +es, you h$&e been $%fully kin' $bout th$tH but you coul'
just $s %ell 'is)iss so)e other clerk inste$' of Crogst$'(
Hel)er( This is si)#ly incre'ible obstin$cy6 Bec$use you chose to
gi&e hi) $ thoughtless #ro)ise th$t you %oul' s#e$k for hi), I $)
e0#ecte' toGG
Bor$( Th$t isn't the re$son, Tor&$l'( It is for your o%n s$ke(
This fello% %rites in the )ost scurrilous ne%s#$#ersH you h$&e
tol' )e so yourself( He c$n 'o you $n uns#e$k$ble $)ount of h$r)(
I $) frightene' to 'e$th of hi)GG
Hel)er( Ah, I un'erst$n'H it is recollections of the #$st th$t
sc$re you(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$nI
Hel)er( B$tur$lly you $re thinking of your f$ther(
Bor$( +esGGyes, of course( @ust rec$ll to your )in' %h$t these
)$licious cre$tures %rote in the #$#ers $bout #$#$, $n' ho%
horribly they sl$n'ere' hi)( I belie&e they %oul' h$&e #rocure'
his 'is)iss$l if the De#$rt)ent h$' not sent you o&er to inJuire
into it, $n' if you h$' not been so kin'ly 'is#ose' $n' hel#ful
to hi)(
Hel)er( 8y little Bor$, there is $n i)#ort$nt 'ifference bet%een
your f$ther $n' )e( +our f$ther's re#ut$tion $s $ #ublic offici$l
%$s not $bo&e sus#icion( 8ine is, $n' I ho#e it %ill continue to
be so, $s long $s I hol' )y office(
Bor$( +ou ne&er c$n tell %h$t )ischief these )en )$y contri&e( -e
ought to be so %ell off, so snug $n' h$##y here in our #e$ceful
ho)e, $n' h$&e no c$resGGyou $n' I $n' the chil'ren, Tor&$l'6
Th$t is %hy I beg you so e$rnestlyGG
Hel)er( An' it is just by interce'ing for hi) th$t you )$ke it
i)#ossible for )e to kee# hi)( It is $lre$'y kno%n $t the B$nk
th$t I )e$n to 'is)iss Crogst$'( Is it to get $bout no% th$t the
ne% )$n$ger h$s ch$nge' his )in' $t his %ife's bi''ingGG
Bor$( An' %h$t if it 'i'I
Hel)er( ?f course6GGif only this obstin$te little #erson c$n get
her %$y6 Do you su##ose I $) going to )$ke )yself ri'iculous before
)y %hole st$ff, to let #eo#le think th$t I $) $ )$n to be s%$ye' by
$ll sorts of outsi'e influenceI I shoul' &ery soon feel the
conseJuences of it, I c$n tell you6 An' besi'es, there is one thing
th$t )$kes it Juite i)#ossible for )e to h$&e Crogst$' in the B$nk
$s long $s I $) )$n$ger(
Bor$( -h$te&er is th$tI
Hel)er( His )or$l f$ilings I )ight #erh$#s h$&e o&erlooke', if
Bor$( +es, you coul'GGcoul'n't youI
Hel)er( An' I he$r he is $ goo' %orker, too( But I kne% hi) %hen
%e %ere boys( It %$s one of those r$sh frien'shi#s th$t so often
#ro&e $n incubus in $fterlife( I )$y $s %ell tell you #l$inly,
%e %ere once on &ery inti)$te ter)s %ith one $nother( But this
t$ctless fello% l$ys no restr$int on hi)self %hen other #eo#le
$re #resent( ?n the contr$ry, he thinks it gi&es hi) the right to
$'o#t $ f$)ili$r tone %ith )e, $n' e&ery )inute it is *I s$y,
Hel)er, ol' fello%6* $n' th$t sort of thing( I $ssure you it is
e0tre)ely #$inful for )e( He %oul' )$ke )y #osition in the B$nk
Bor$( Tor&$l', I 'on't belie&e you )e$n th$t(
Hel)er( Don't youI -hy notI
Bor$( Bec$use it is such $ n$rro%G)in'e' %$y of looking $t
Hel)er( -h$t $re you s$yingI B$rro%G)in'e'I Do you think I $)
Bor$( Bo, just the o##osite, 'e$rGG$n' it is e0$ctly for th$t
Hel)er( It's the s$)e thing( +ou s$y )y #oint of &ie% is n$rro%G
)in'e', so I )ust be so too( B$rro%G)in'e'6 /ery %ellGGI )ust #ut
$n en' to this( (Goes to the h$ll 'oor $n' c$lls(! Helen6
Bor$( -h$t $re you going to 'oI
Hel)er (looking $)ong his #$#ers!( 2ettle it( (Enter 8AID(! >ook
hereH t$ke this letter $n' go 'o%nst$irs %ith it $t once( .in' $
)essenger $n' tell hi) to 'eli&er it, $n' be Juick( The $''ress
is on it, $n' here is the )oney(
8$i'( /ery %ell, sir( (E0it %ith the letter(!
Hel)er (#utting his #$#ers together!( Bo% then, little 8iss
Bor$ (bre$thlessly!( Tor&$l'GG%h$t %$s th$t letterI
Hel)er( Crogst$''s 'is)iss$l(
Bor$( "$ll her b$ck, Tor&$l'6 There is still ti)e( ?h Tor&$l',
c$ll her b$ck6 Do it for )y s$keGGfor your o%n s$keGGfor the
chil'ren's s$ke6 Do you he$r )e, Tor&$l'I "$ll her b$ck6 +ou
'on't kno% %h$t th$t letter c$n bring u#on us(
Hel)er( It's too l$te(
Bor$( +es, it's too l$te(
Hel)er( 8y 'e$r Bor$, I c$n forgi&e the $n0iety you $re in,
$lthough re$lly it is $n insult to )e( It is, in'ee'( Isn't
it $n insult to think th$t I shoul' be $fr$i' of $ st$r&ing
JuillG'ri&er's &enge$nceI But I forgi&e you ne&ertheless,
bec$use it is such eloJuent %itness to your gre$t lo&e for
)e( (T$kes her in his $r)s(! An' th$t is $s it shoul' be,
)y o%n '$rling Bor$( "o)e %h$t %ill, you )$y be sure I sh$ll
h$&e both cour$ge $n' strength if they be nee'e'( +ou %ill
see I $) )$n enough to t$ke e&erything u#on )yself(
Bor$ (in $ horrorGstricken &oice!( -h$t 'o you )e$n by th$tI
Hel)er( E&erything, I s$yGG
Bor$ (reco&ering herself!( +ou %ill ne&er h$&e to 'o th$t(
Hel)er( Th$t's right( -ell, %e %ill sh$re it, Bor$, $s )$n
$n' %ife shoul'( Th$t is ho% it sh$ll be( ("$ressing her(!
Are you content no%I There6 There6GGnot these frightene' 'o&e's
eyes6 The %hole thing is only the %il'est f$ncy6GGBo%, you )ust
go $n' #l$y through the T$r$ntell$ $n' #r$ctise %ith your
t$)bourine( I sh$ll go into the inner office $n' shut the 'oor,
$n' I sh$ll he$r nothingH you c$n )$ke $s )uch noise $s you
#le$se( (Turns b$ck $t the 'oor(! An' %hen 1$nk co)es, tell hi)
%here he %ill fin' )e( (Bo's to her, t$kes his #$#ers $n' goes
into his roo), $n' shuts the 'oor $fter hi)(!
Bor$ (be%il'ere' %ith $n0iety, st$n's $s if roote' to the s#ot,
$n' %his#ers!( He %$s c$#$ble of 'oing it( He %ill 'o it( He %ill
'o it in s#ite of e&erything(GGBo, not th$t6 Be&er, ne&er6
Anything r$ther th$n th$t6 ?h, for so)e hel#, so)e %$y out of
it6 (The 'oorGbell rings(! Doctor 1$nk6 Anything r$ther th$n
th$tGG$nything, %h$te&er it is6 (2he #uts her h$n's o&er her
f$ce, #ulls herself together, goes to the 'oor $n' o#ens it( 1ABC
is st$n'ing %ithout, h$nging u# his co$t( During the follo%ing
'i$logue it begins to gro% '$rk(!
Bor$( Goo' '$y, Doctor 1$nk( I kne% your ring( But you )ustn't
go in to Tor&$l' no%H I think he is busy %ith so)ething(
1$nk( An' youI
Bor$ (brings hi) in $n' shuts the 'oor $fter hi)!( ?h, you kno%
&ery %ell I $l%$ys h$&e ti)e for you(
1$nk( Th$nk you( I sh$ll )$ke use of $s )uch of it $s I c$n(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you )e$n by th$tI As )uch of it $s you c$nI
1$nk( -ell, 'oes th$t $l$r) youI
Bor$( It %$s such $ str$nge %$y of #utting it( Is $nything likely
to h$##enI
1$nk( Bothing but %h$t I h$&e long been #re#$re' for( But I
cert$inly 'i'n't e0#ect it to h$##en so soon(
Bor$ (gri##ing hi) by the $r)!( -h$t h$&e you foun' outI Doctor
1$nk, you )ust tell )e(
1$nk (sitting 'o%n by the sto&e!( It is $ll u# %ith )e( An' it
c$n't be hel#e'(
Bor$ (%ith $ sigh of relief!( Is it $bout yourselfI
1$nk( -ho elseI It is no use lying to one's self( I $) the )ost
%retche' of $ll )y #$tients, 8rs( Hel)er( >$tely I h$&e been
t$king stock of )y intern$l econo)y( B$nkru#t6 Prob$bly %ithin
$ )onth I sh$ll lie rotting in the churchy$r'(
Bor$( -h$t $n ugly thing to s$y6
1$nk( The thing itself is curse'ly ugly, $n' the %orst of it is
th$t I sh$ll h$&e to f$ce so )uch )ore th$t is ugly before th$t(
I sh$ll only )$ke one )ore e0$)in$tion of )yselfH %hen I h$&e
'one th$t, I sh$ll kno% #retty cert$inly %hen it %ill be th$t the
horrors of 'issolution %ill begin( There is so)ething I %$nt to
tell you( Hel)er's refine' n$ture gi&es hi) $n unconJuer$ble
'isgust $t e&erything th$t is uglyH I %on't h$&e hi) in )y sickG
Bor$( ?h, but, Doctor 1$nkGG
1$nk( I %on't h$&e hi) there( Bot on $ny $ccount( I b$r )y 'oor
to hi)( As soon $s I $) Juite cert$in th$t the %orst h$s co)e, I
sh$ll sen' you )y c$r' %ith $ bl$ck cross on it, $n' then you
%ill kno% th$t the lo$thso)e en' h$s begun(
Bor$( +ou $re Juite $bsur' to'$y( An' I %$nte' you so )uch to be
in $ re$lly goo' hu)our(
1$nk( -ith 'e$th st$lking besi'e )eIGGTo h$&e to #$y this #en$lty
for $nother )$n's sinI Is there $ny justice in th$tI An' in
e&ery single f$)ily, in one %$y or $nother, so)e such ine0or$ble
retribution is being e0$cte'GG
Bor$ (#utting her h$n's o&er her e$rs!( 1ubbish6 Do t$lk of
so)ething cheerful(
1$nk( ?h, it's $ )ere l$ughing )$tter, the %hole thing( 8y #oor
innocent s#ine h$s to suffer for )y f$ther's youthful $)use)ents(
Bor$ (sitting $t the t$ble on the left!( I su##ose you )e$n th$t
he %$s too #$rti$l to $s#$r$gus $n' #$te 'e foie gr$s, 'on't youI
1$nk( +es, $n' to truffles(
Bor$( Truffles, yes( An' oysters too, I su##oseI
1$nk( ?ysters, of course, th$t goes %ithout s$ying(
Bor$( An' he$#s of #ort $n' ch$)#$gne( It is s$' th$t $ll these
nice things shoul' t$ke their re&enge on our bones(
1$nk( Es#eci$lly th$t they shoul' re&enge the)sel&es on the unlucky
bones of those %ho h$&e not h$' the s$tisf$ction of enjoying the)(
Bor$( +es, th$t's the s$''est #$rt of it $ll(
1$nk (%ith $ se$rching look $t her!( H)6GG
Bor$ ($fter $ short #$use!( -hy 'i' you s)ileI
1$nk( Bo, it %$s you th$t l$ughe'(
Bor$( Bo, it %$s you th$t s)ile', Doctor 1$nk6
1$nk (rising!( +ou $re $ gre$ter r$sc$l th$n I thought(
Bor$( I $) in $ silly )oo' to'$y(
1$nk( 2o it see)s(
Bor$ (#utting her h$n's on his shoul'ers!( De$r, 'e$r Doctor
1$nk, 'e$th )ustn't t$ke you $%$y fro) Tor&$l' $n' )e(
1$nk( It is $ loss you %oul' e$sily reco&er fro)( Those %ho $re
gone $re soon forgotten(
Bor$ (looking $t hi) $n0iously!( Do you belie&e th$tI
1$nk( Peo#le for) ne% ties, $n' thenGG
Bor$( -ho %ill for) ne% tiesI
1$nk( Both you $n' Hel)er, %hen I $) gone( +ou yourself $re
$lre$'y on the high ro$' to it, I think( -h$t 'i' th$t 8rs( >in'e
%$nt here l$st nightI
Bor$( ?ho6GGyou 'on't )e$n to s$y you $re je$lous of #oor
1$nk( +es, I $)( 2he %ill be )y successor in this house( -hen I
$) 'one for, this %o)$n %illGG
Bor$( Hush6 'on't s#e$k so lou'( 2he is in th$t roo)(
1$nk( To'$y $g$in( There, you see(
Bor$( 2he h$s only co)e to se% )y 'ress for )e( Bless )y soul,
ho% unre$son$ble you $re6 (2its 'o%n on the sof$(! Be nice no%,
Doctor 1$nk, $n' to)orro% you %ill see ho% be$utifully I sh$ll
'$nce, $n' you c$n i)$gine I $) 'oing it $ll for youGG$n' for
Tor&$l' too, of course( (T$kes &$rious things out of the bo0(!
Doctor 1$nk, co)e $n' sit 'o%n here, $n' I %ill sho% you so)ething(
1$nk (sitting 'o%n!( -h$t is itI
Bor$( @ust look $t those6
1$nk( 2ilk stockings(
Bor$( .leshGcoloure'( Aren't they lo&elyI It is so '$rk here no%,
but to)orro%GG( Bo, no, no6 you )ust only look $t the feet( ?h
%ell, you )$y h$&e le$&e to look $t the legs too(
1$nk( H)6GGBor$( -hy $re you looking so critic$lI Don't you think
they %ill fit )eI
1$nk( I h$&e no )e$ns of for)ing $n o#inion $bout th$t(
Bor$ (looks $t hi) for $ )o)ent!( .or sh$)e6 (Hits hi) lightly on the
e$r %ith the stockings(! Th$t's to #unish you( (.ol's the) u# $g$in(!
1$nk( An' %h$t other nice things $) I to be $llo%e' to seeI
Bor$( Bot $ single thing )ore, for being so n$ughty( (2he looks
$)ong the things, hu))ing to herself(!
1$nk ($fter $ short silence!( -hen I $) sitting here, t$lking to
you $s inti)$tely $s this, I c$nnot i)$gine for $ )o)ent %h$t
%oul' h$&e beco)e of )e if I h$' ne&er co)e into this house(
Bor$ (s)iling!( I belie&e you 'o feel thoroughly $t ho)e %ith us(
1$nk (in $ lo%er &oice, looking str$ight in front of hi)!( An' to
be oblige' to le$&e it $llGG
Bor$( Bonsense, you $re not going to le$&e it(
1$nk ($s before!( An' not be $ble to le$&e behin' one the slightest
token of one's gr$titu'e, sc$rcely e&en $ fleeting regretGGnothing
but $n e)#ty #l$ce %hich the first co)er c$n fill $s %ell $s $ny other(
Bor$( An' if I $ske' you no% for $GGI Bo6
1$nk( .or %h$tI
Bor$( .or $ big #roof of your frien'shi#GG
1$nk( +es, yes6
Bor$( I )e$n $ tre)en'ously big f$&ourGG
1$nk( -oul' you re$lly )$ke )e so h$##y for onceI
Bor$( Ah, but you 'on't kno% %h$t it is yet(
1$nk( BoGGbut tell )e(
Bor$( I re$lly c$n't, Doctor 1$nk( It is so)ething out of $ll
re$sonH it )e$ns $'&ice, $n' hel#, $n' $ f$&ourGG
1$nk( The bigger $ thing it is the better( I c$n't concei&e %h$t
it is you )e$n( Do tell )e( H$&en't I your confi'enceI
Bor$( 8ore th$n $nyone else( I kno% you $re )y truest $n' best
frien', $n' so I %ill tell you %h$t it is( -ell, Doctor 1$nk, it
is so)ething you )ust hel# )e to #re&ent( +ou kno% ho% 'e&ote'ly,
ho% ine0#ressibly 'ee#ly Tor&$l' lo&es )eH he %oul' ne&er for $
)o)ent hesit$te to gi&e his life for )e(
1$nk (le$ning to%$r's her!( Bor$GG'o you think he is the only
Bor$ (%ith $ slight st$rt!( The only oneGGI
1$nk( The only one %ho %oul' gl$'ly gi&e his life for your s$ke(
Bor$ (s$'ly!( Is th$t itI
1$nk( I %$s 'eter)ine' you shoul' kno% it before I %ent $%$y, $n'
there %ill ne&er be $ better o##ortunity th$n this( Bo% you kno%
it, Bor$( An' no% you kno%, too, th$t you c$n trust )e $s you
%oul' trust no one else(
Bor$ (rises, 'eliber$tely $n' Juietly!( >et )e #$ss(
1$nk ()$kes roo) for her to #$ss hi), but sits still!( Bor$6
Bor$ ($t the h$ll 'oor!( Helen, bring in the l$)#( (Goes o&er to
the sto&e(! De$r Doctor 1$nk, th$t %$s re$lly horri' of you(
1$nk( To h$&e lo&e' you $s )uch $s $nyone else 'oesI -$s th$t
Bor$( Bo, but to go $n' tell )e so( There %$s re$lly no nee'GG
1$nk( -h$t 'o you )e$nI Di' you kno%GGI (8AID enters %ith l$)#,
#uts it 'o%n on the t$ble, $n' goes out(! Bor$GG8rs( Hel)erGGtell
)e, h$' you $ny i'e$ of thisI
Bor$( ?h, ho% 'o I kno% %hether I h$' or %hether I h$'n'tI I
re$lly c$n't tell youGGTo think you coul' be so clu)sy, Doctor 1$nk6
-e %ere getting on so nicely(
1$nk( -ell, $t $ll e&ents you kno% no% th$t you c$n co))$n' )e,
bo'y $n' soul( 2o %on't you s#e$k outI
Bor$ (looking $t hi)!( After %h$t h$##ene'I
1$nk( I beg you to let )e kno% %h$t it is(
Bor$( I c$n't tell you $nything no%(
1$nk( +es, yes( +ou )ustn't #unish )e in th$t %$y( >et )e h$&e
#er)ission to 'o for you %h$te&er $ )$n )$y 'o(
Bor$( +ou c$n 'o nothing for )e no%( Besi'es, I re$lly 'on't nee'
$ny hel# $t $ll( +ou %ill fin' th$t the %hole thing is )erely f$ncy
on )y #$rt( It re$lly is soGGof course it is6 (2its 'o%n in the
rockingGch$ir, $n' looks $t hi) %ith $ s)ile(! +ou $re $ nice sort
of )$n, Doctor 1$nk6GG'on't you feel $sh$)e' of yourself, no% the
l$)# h$s co)eI
1$nk( Bot $ bit( But #erh$#s I h$' better goGGfor e&erI
Bor$( Bo, in'ee', you sh$ll not( ?f course you )ust co)e here
just $s before( +ou kno% &ery %ell Tor&$l' c$n't 'o %ithout you(
1$nk( +es, but youI
Bor$( ?h, I $) $l%$ys tre)en'ously #le$se' %hen you co)e(
1$nk( It is just th$t, th$t #ut )e on the %rong tr$ck( +ou $re $
ri''le to )e( I h$&e often thought th$t you %oul' $l)ost $s soon
be in )y co)#$ny $s in Hel)er's(
Bor$( +esGGyou see there $re so)e #eo#le one lo&es best, $n'
others %ho) one %oul' $l)ost $l%$ys r$ther h$&e $s co)#$nions(
1$nk( +es, there is so)ething in th$t(
Bor$( -hen I %$s $t ho)e, of course I lo&e' #$#$ best( But I
$l%$ys thought it tre)en'ous fun if I coul' ste$l 'o%n into the
)$i's' roo), bec$use they ne&er )or$lise' $t $ll, $n' t$lke' to
e$ch other $bout such entert$ining things(
1$nk( I seeGGit is their #l$ce I h$&e t$ken(
Bor$ (ju)#ing u# $n' going to hi)!( ?h, 'e$r, nice Doctor 1$nk, I
ne&er )e$nt th$t $t $ll( But surely you c$n un'erst$n' th$t being
%ith Tor&$l' is $ little like being %ith #$#$GG(Enter 8AID fro)
the h$ll(!
8$i'( If you #le$se, )$'$)( (-his#ers $n' h$n's her $ c$r'(!
Bor$ (gl$ncing $t the c$r'!( ?h6 (Puts it in her #ocket(!
1$nk( Is there $nything %rongI
Bor$( Bo, no, not in the le$st( It is only so)ethingGGit is )y
ne% 'ressGG
1$nk( -h$tI +our 'ress is lying there(
Bor$( ?h, yes, th$t oneH but this is $nother( I or'ere' it(
Tor&$l' )ustn't kno% $bout itGG
1$nk( ?ho6 Then th$t %$s the gre$t secret(
Bor$( ?f course( @ust go in to hi)H he is sitting in the inner
roo)( Cee# hi) $s long $sGG
1$nk( 8$ke your )in' e$syH I %on't let hi) esc$#e(
(Goes into HE>8E1'2 roo)(!
Bor$ (to the 8AID!( An' he is st$n'ing %$iting in the kitchenI
8$i'( +esH he c$)e u# the b$ck st$irs(
Bor$( But 'i'n't you tell hi) no one %$s inI
8$i'( +es, but it %$s no goo'(
Bor$( He %on't go $%$yI
8$i'( BoH he s$ys he %on't until he h$s seen you, )$'$)(
Bor$( -ell, let hi) co)e inGGbut Juietly( Helen, you )ustn't s$y
$nything $bout it to $nyone( It is $ sur#rise for )y husb$n'(
8$i'( +es, )$'$), I Juite un'erst$n'( (E0it(!
Bor$( This 're$'ful thing is going to h$##en6 It %ill h$##en in
s#ite of )e6 Bo, no, no, it c$n't h$##enGGit sh$n't h$##en6 (2he
bolts the 'oor of HE>8E1'2 roo)( The 8AID o#ens the h$ll 'oor for
C1?G2TAD $n' shuts it $fter hi)( He is %e$ring $ fur co$t, high
boots $n' $ fur c$#(!
Bor$ ($'&$ncing to%$r's hi)!( 2#e$k lo%GG)y husb$n' is $t ho)e(
Crogst$'( Bo )$tter $bout th$t(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you %$nt of )eI
Crogst$'( An e0#l$n$tion of so)ething(
Bor$( 8$ke h$ste then( -h$t is itI
Crogst$'( +ou kno%, I su##ose, th$t I h$&e got )y 'is)iss$l(
Bor$( I coul'n't #re&ent it, 8r( Crogst$'( I fought $s h$r' $s I
coul' on your si'e, but it %$s no goo'(
Crogst$'( Does your husb$n' lo&e you so little, thenI He kno%s
%h$t I c$n e0#ose you to, $n' yet he &enturesGG
Bor$( Ho% c$n you su##ose th$t he h$s $ny kno%le'ge of the sortI
Crogst$'( I 'i'n't su##ose so $t $ll( It %oul' not be the le$st
like our 'e$r Tor&$l' Hel)er to sho% so )uch cour$geGG
Bor$( 8r( Crogst$', $ little res#ect for )y husb$n', #le$se(
Crogst$'( "ert$inlyGG$ll the res#ect he 'eser&es( But since you
h$&e ke#t the )$tter so c$refully to yourself, I )$ke bol' to
su##ose th$t you h$&e $ little cle$rer i'e$, th$n you h$'
yester'$y, of %h$t it $ctu$lly is th$t you h$&e 'oneI
Bor$( 8ore th$n you coul' e&er te$ch )e(
Crogst$'( +es, such $ b$' l$%yer $s I $)(
Bor$( -h$t is it you %$nt of )eI
Crogst$'( ?nly to see ho% you %ere, 8rs( Hel)er( I h$&e been
thinking $bout you $ll '$y long( A )ere c$shier, $ JuillG'ri&er,
$GG%ell, $ )$n like )eGGe&en he h$s $ little of %h$t is c$lle'
feeling, you kno%(
Bor$( 2ho% it, thenH think of )y little chil'ren(
Crogst$'( H$&e you $n' your husb$n' thought of )ineI But ne&er
)in' $bout th$t( I only %$nte' to tell you th$t you nee' not
t$ke this )$tter too seriously( In the first #l$ce there %ill
be no $ccus$tion )$'e on )y #$rt(
Bor$( Bo, of course notH I %$s sure of th$t(
Crogst$'( The %hole thing c$n be $rr$nge' $)ic$blyH there is
no re$son %hy $nyone shoul' kno% $nything $bout it( It %ill
re)$in $ secret bet%een us three(
Bor$( 8y husb$n' )ust ne&er get to kno% $nything $bout it(
Crogst$'( Ho% %ill you be $ble to #re&ent itI A) I to un'erst$n'
th$t you c$n #$y the b$l$nce th$t is o%ingI
Bor$( Bo, not just $t #resent(
Crogst$'( ?r #erh$#s th$t you h$&e so)e e0#e'ient for r$ising the
)oney soonI
Bor$( Bo e0#e'ient th$t I )e$n to )$ke use of(
Crogst$'( -ell, in $ny c$se, it %oul' h$&e been of no use to you
no%( If you stoo' there %ith e&er so )uch )oney in your h$n', I
%oul' ne&er #$rt %ith your bon'(
Bor$( Tell )e %h$t #ur#ose you )e$n to #ut it to(
Crogst$'( I sh$ll only #reser&e itGGkee# it in )y #ossession( Bo
one %ho is not concerne' in the )$tter sh$ll h$&e the slightest
hint of it( 2o th$t if the thought of it h$s 'ri&en you to $ny
'es#er$te resolutionGG
Bor$( It h$s(
Crogst$'( If you h$' it in your )in' to run $%$y fro) your ho)eGG
Bor$( I h$'(
Crogst$'( ?r e&en so)ething %orseGG
Bor$( Ho% coul' you kno% th$tI
Crogst$'( Gi&e u# the i'e$(
Bor$( Ho% 'i' you kno% I h$' thought of th$tI
Crogst$'( 8ost of us think of th$t $t first( I 'i', tooGGbut I
h$'n't the cour$ge(
Bor$ (f$intly!( Bo )ore h$' I(
Crogst$' (in $ tone of relief!( Bo, th$t's it, isn't itGGyou
h$'n't the cour$ge eitherI
Bor$( Bo, I h$&en'tGGI h$&en't(
Crogst$'( Besi'es, it %oul' h$&e been $ gre$t #iece of folly(
?nce the first stor) $t ho)e is o&erGG( I h$&e $ letter for your
husb$n' in )y #ocket(
Bor$( Telling hi) e&erythingI
Crogst$'( In $s lenient $ )$nner $s I #ossibly coul'(
Bor$ (Juickly!( He )ustn't get the letter( Te$r it u#( I %ill
fin' so)e )e$ns of getting )oney(
Crogst$'( E0cuse )e, 8rs( Hel)er, but I think I tol' you just
Bor$( I $) not s#e$king of %h$t I o%e you( Tell )e %h$t su) you
$re $sking )y husb$n' for, $n' I %ill get the )oney(
Crogst$'( I $) not $sking your husb$n' for $ #enny(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you %$nt, thenI
Crogst$'( I %ill tell you( I %$nt to reh$bilit$te )yself,
8rs( Hel)erH I %$nt to get onH $n' in th$t your husb$n' )ust
hel# )e( .or the l$st ye$r $n' $ h$lf I h$&e not h$' $ h$n'
in $nything 'ishonour$ble, $)i' $ll th$t ti)e I h$&e been
struggling in )ost restricte' circu)st$nces( I %$s content
to %ork )y %$y u# ste# by ste#( Bo% I $) turne' out, $n' I
$) not going to be s$tisfie' %ith )erely being t$ken into
f$&our $g$in( I %$nt to get on, I tell you( I %$nt to get
into the B$nk $g$in, in $ higher #osition( +our husb$n'
)ust )$ke $ #l$ce for )eGG
Bor$( Th$t he %ill ne&er 'o6
Crogst$'( He %illH I kno% hi)H he '$re not #rotest( An' $s soon
$s I $) in there $g$in %ith hi), then you %ill see6 -ithin $ ye$r
I sh$ll be the )$n$ger's right h$n'( It %ill be Bils Crogst$'
$n' not Tor&$l' Hel)er %ho )$n$ges the B$nk(
Bor$( Th$t's $ thing you %ill ne&er see6
Crogst$'( Do you )e$n th$t you %illGGI
Bor$( I h$&e cour$ge enough for it no%(
Crogst$'( ?h, you c$n't frighten )e( A fine, s#oilt l$'y like youGG
Bor$( +ou %ill see, you %ill see(
Crogst$'( An'er the ice, #erh$#sI Do%n into the col', co$lGbl$ck
%$terI An' then, in the s#ring, to flo$t u# to the surf$ce, $ll
horrible $n' unrecognis$ble, %ith your h$ir f$llen outGG
Bor$( +ou c$n't frighten )e(
Crogst$'( Bor you )e( Peo#le 'on't 'o such things, 8rs( Hel)er(
Besi'es, %h$t use %oul' it beI I shoul' h$&e hi) co)#letely in )y
#o%er $ll the s$)e(
Bor$( After%$r'sI -hen I $) no longerGG
Crogst$'( H$&e you forgotten th$t it is I %ho h$&e the kee#ing of
your re#ut$tionI (B?1A st$n's s#eechlessly looking $t hi)(! -ell,
no%, I h$&e %$rne' you( Do not 'o $nything foolish( -hen Hel)er
h$s h$' )y letter, I sh$ll e0#ect $ )ess$ge fro) hi)( An' be sure
you re)e)ber th$t it is your husb$n' hi)self %ho h$s force' )e
into such %$ys $s this $g$in( I %ill ne&er forgi&e hi) for th$t(
Goo'bye, 8rs( Hel)er( (E0it through the h$ll(!
Bor$ (goes to the h$ll 'oor, o#ens it slightly $n' listens(! He
is going( He is not #utting the letter in the bo0( ?h no, no6
th$t's i)#ossible6 (?#ens the 'oor by 'egrees(! -h$t is th$tI He
is st$n'ing outsi'e( He is not going 'o%nst$irs( Is he
hesit$tingI "$n heGGI (A letter 'ro#s into the bo0H then
C1?G2TAD'2 footste#s $re he$r', until they 'ie $%$y $s he goes
'o%nst$irs( B?1A utters $ stifle' cry, $n' runs $cross the roo)
to the t$ble by the sof$( A short #$use(!
Bor$( In the letterGbo0( (2te$ls $cross to the h$ll 'oor(! There
it liesGGTor&$l', Tor&$l', there is no ho#e for us no%6
(8rs( >IBDE co)es in fro) the roo) on the left, c$rrying the
8rs( >in'e( There, I c$n't see $nything )ore to )en' no%( -oul'
you like to try it onGGI
Bor$ (in $ ho$rse %his#er!( "hristine, co)e here(
8rs( >in'e (thro%ing the 'ress 'o%n on the sof$!( -h$t is the
)$tter %ith youI +ou look so $git$te'6
Bor$( "o)e here( Do you see th$t letterI There, lookGGyou c$n see
it through the gl$ss in the letterGbo0(
8rs( >in'e( +es, I see it(
Bor$( Th$t letter is fro) Crogst$'(
8rs( >in'e( Bor$GGit %$s Crogst$' %ho lent you the )oney6
Bor$( +es, $n' no% Tor&$l' %ill kno% $ll $bout it(
8rs( >in'e( Belie&e )e, Bor$, th$t's the best thing for both of you(
Bor$( +ou 'on't kno% $ll( I forge' $ n$)e(
8rs( >in'e( Goo' he$&ensGG6
Bor$( I only %$nt to s$y this to you, "hristineGGyou )ust be )y
8rs( >in'e( +our %itnessI -h$t 'o you )e$nI -h$t $) I toGGI
Bor$( If I shoul' go out of )y )in'GG$n' it )ight e$sily h$##enGG
8rs( >in'e( Bor$6
Bor$( ?r if $nything else shoul' h$##en to )eGG$nything, for
inst$nce, th$t )ight #re&ent )y being hereGG
8rs( >in'e( Bor$6 Bor$6 you $re Juite out of your )in'(
Bor$( An' if it shoul' h$##en th$t there %ere so)e one %ho %$nte'
to t$ke $ll the res#onsibility, $ll the bl$)e, you un'erst$n'GG
8rs( >in'e( +es, yesGGbut ho% c$n you su##oseGGI
Bor$( Then you )ust be )y %itness, th$t it is not true, "hristine(
I $) not out of )y )in' $t $llH I $) in )y right senses no%, $n'
I tell you no one else h$s kno%n $nything $bout itH I, $n' I
$lone, 'i' the %hole thing( 1e)e)ber th$t(
8rs( >in'e( I %ill, in'ee'( But I 'on't un'erst$n' $ll this(
Bor$( Ho% shoul' you un'erst$n' itI A %on'erful thing is going
to h$##en6
8rs( >in'e( A %on'erful thingI
Bor$( +es, $ %on'erful thing6GGBut it is so terrible, "hristineH
it )ustn't h$##en, not for $ll the %orl'(
8rs( >in'e( I %ill go $t once $n' see Crogst$'(
Bor$( Don't go to hi)H he %ill 'o you so)e h$r)(
8rs( >in'e( There %$s $ ti)e %hen he %oul' gl$'ly 'o $nything for
)y s$ke(
Bor$( HeI
8rs( >in'e( -here 'oes he li&eI
Bor$( Ho% shoul' I kno%GGI +es (feeling in her #ocket!, here is
his c$r'( But the letter, the letterGG6
Hel)er (c$lls fro) his roo), knocking $t the 'oor!( Bor$6 Bor$
(cries out $n0iously!( ?h, %h$t's th$tI -h$t 'o you %$ntI
Hel)er( Don't be so frightene'( -e $re not co)ing inH you h$&e
locke' the 'oor( Are you trying on your 'ressI
Bor$( +es, th$t's it( I look so nice, Tor&$l'(
8rs( >in'e (%ho h$s re$' the c$r'!( I see he li&es $t the corner here(
Bor$( +es, but it's no use( It is ho#eless( The letter is lying
there in the bo0(
8rs( >in'e( An' your husb$n' kee#s the keyI
Bor$( +es, $l%$ys(
8rs( >in'e( Crogst$' )ust $sk for his letter b$ck unre$', he )ust
fin' so)e #retenceGG
Bor$( But it is just $t this ti)e th$t Tor&$l' gener$llyGG
8rs( >in'e( +ou )ust 'el$y hi)( Go in to hi) in the )e$nti)e( I
%ill co)e b$ck $s soon $s I c$n( (2he goes out hurrie'ly through
the h$ll 'oor(!
Bor$ (goes to HE>8E1'2 'oor, o#ens it $n' #ee#s in!( Tor&$l'6
Hel)er (fro) the inner roo)!( -ellI 8$y I &enture $t l$st to co)e
into )y o%n roo) $g$inI "o)e $long, 1$nk, no% you %ill seeGG
(H$lting in the 'oor%$y(! But %h$t is thisI
Bor$( -h$t is %h$t, 'e$rI
Hel)er( 1$nk le' )e to e0#ect $ s#len'i' tr$nsfor)$tion(
1$nk (in the 'oor%$y!( I un'erstoo' so, but e&i'ently I %$s
Bor$( +es, nobo'y is to h$&e the ch$nce of $')iring )e in )y
'ress until to)orro%(
Hel)er( But, )y 'e$r Bor$, you look so %orn out( H$&e you been
#r$ctising too )uchI
Bor$( Bo, I h$&e not #r$ctise' $t $ll(
Hel)er( But you %ill nee' toGG
Bor$( +es, in'ee' I sh$ll, Tor&$l'( But I c$n't get on $ bit
%ithout you to hel# )eH I h$&e $bsolutely forgotten the %hole
Hel)er( ?h, %e %ill soon %ork it u# $g$in(
Bor$( +es, hel# )e, Tor&$l'( Pro)ise th$t you %ill6 I $) so
ner&ous $bout itGG$ll the #eo#leGG( +ou )ust gi&e yourself u# to
)e entirely this e&ening( Bot the tiniest bit of businessGGyou
)ustn't e&en t$ke $ #en in your h$n'( -ill you #ro)ise, Tor&$l' 'e$rI
Hel)er( I #ro)ise( This e&ening I %ill be %holly $n' $bsolutely
$t your ser&ice, you hel#less little )ort$l( Ah, by the %$y,
first of $ll I %ill justGG (Goes to%$r's the h$ll 'oor(!
Bor$( -h$t $re you going to 'o thereI
Hel)er( ?nly see if $ny letters h$&e co)e(
Bor$( Bo, no6 'on't 'o th$t, Tor&$l'6
Hel)er( -hy notI
Bor$( Tor&$l', #le$se 'on't( There is nothing there(
Hel)er( -ell, let )e look( (Turns to go to the letterGbo0( B?1A,
$t the #i$no, #l$ys the first b$rs of the T$r$ntell$( HE>8E1
sto#s in the 'oor%$y(! Ah$6
Bor$( I c$n't '$nce to)orro% if I 'on't #r$ctise %ith you(
Hel)er (going u# to her!( Are you re$lly so $fr$i' of it, 'e$rI
Bor$( +es, so 're$'fully $fr$i' of it( >et )e #r$ctise $t onceH
there is ti)e no%, before %e go to 'inner( 2it 'o%n $n' #l$y for
)e, Tor&$l' 'e$rH criticise )e, $n' correct )e $s you #l$y(
Hel)er( -ith gre$t #le$sure, if you %ish )e to( (2its 'o%n $t the
Bor$ (t$kes out of the bo0 $ t$)bourine $n' $ long &$rieg$te'
sh$%l( 2he h$stily 'r$#es the sh$%l roun' her( Then she s#rings
to the front of the st$ge $n' c$lls out!( Bo% #l$y for )e6 I $)
going to '$nce6
(HE>8E1 #l$ys $n' B?1A '$nces( 1ABC st$n's by the #i$no behin'
HE>8E1, $n' looks on(!
Hel)er ($s he #l$ys!( 2lo%er, slo%er6
Bor$( I c$n't 'o it $ny other %$y(
Hel)er( Bot so &iolently, Bor$6
Bor$( This is the %$y(
Hel)er (sto#s #l$ying!( Bo, noGGth$t is not $ bit right(
Bor$ (l$ughing $n' s%inging the t$)bourine!( Di'n't I tell you
1$nk( >et )e #l$y for her(
Hel)er (getting u#!( +es, 'o( I c$n correct her better then(
(1ABC sits 'o%n $t the #i$no $n' #l$ys( B?1A '$nces )ore $n' )ore
%il'ly( HE>8E1 h$s t$ken u# $ #osition besi'e the sto&e, $n'
'uring her '$nce gi&es her freJuent instructions( 2he 'oes not
see) to he$r hi)H her h$ir co)es 'o%n $n' f$lls o&er her
shoul'ersH she #$ys no $ttention to it, but goes on '$ncing(
Enter 8rs( >IBDE(!
8rs( >in'e (st$n'ing $s if s#ellGboun' in the 'oor%$y!( ?h6GG
Bor$ ($s she '$nces!( 2uch fun, "hristine6
Hel)er( 8y 'e$r '$rling Bor$, you $re '$ncing $s if your life
'e#en'e' on it(
Bor$( 2o it 'oes(
Hel)er( 2to#, 1$nkH this is sheer )$'ness( 2to#, I tell you6
(1ABC sto#s #l$ying, $n' B?1A su''enly st$n's still( HE>8E1 goes
u# to her(! I coul' ne&er h$&e belie&e' it( +ou h$&e forgotten
e&erything I t$ught you(
Bor$ (thro%ing $%$y the t$)bourine!( There, you see(
Hel)er( +ou %ill %$nt $ lot of co$ching(
Bor$( +es, you see ho% )uch I nee' it( +ou )ust co$ch )e u# to
the l$st )inute( Pro)ise )e th$t, Tor&$l'6
Hel)er( +ou c$n 'e#en' on )e(
Bor$( +ou )ust not think of $nything but )e, either to'$y or
to)orro%H you )ustn't o#en $ single letterGGnot e&en o#en the
Hel)er( Ah, you $re still $fr$i' of th$t fello%GG
Bor$( +es, in'ee' I $)(
Hel)er( Bor$, I c$n tell fro) your looks th$t there is $ letter
fro) hi) lying there(
Bor$( I 'on't kno%H I think there isH but you )ust not re$'
$nything of th$t kin' no%( Bothing horri' )ust co)e bet%een us
until this is $ll o&er(
1$nk (%his#ers to HE>8E1!( +ou )ustn't contr$'ict her(
Hel)er (t$king her in his $r)s!( The chil' sh$ll h$&e her %$y(
But to)orro% night, $fter you h$&e '$nce'GG
Bor$( Then you %ill be free( (The 8AID $##e$rs in the 'oor%$y to
the right(!
8$i'( Dinner is ser&e', )$'$)(
Bor$( -e %ill h$&e ch$)#$gne, Helen(
8$i'( /ery goo', )$'$)( ;E0it(
Hel)er( Hullo6GG$re %e going to h$&e $ b$nJuetI
Bor$( +es, $ ch$)#$gne b$nJuet until the s)$ll hours( ("$lls out(!
An' $ fe% )$c$roons, HelenGGlots, just for once6
Hel)er( "o)e, co)e, 'on't be so %il' $n' ner&ous( Be )y o%n
little skyl$rk, $s you use'(
Bor$( +es, 'e$r, I %ill( But go in no% $n' you too, Doctor 1$nk(
"hristine, you )ust hel# )e to 'o u# )y h$ir(
1$nk (%his#ers to HE>8E1 $s they go out!( I su##ose there is
nothingGGshe is not e0#ecting $nythingI
Hel)er( .$r fro) it, )y 'e$r fello%H it is si)#ly nothing )ore
th$n this chil'ish ner&ousness I %$s telling you of( (They go
into the rightGh$n' roo)(!
Bor$( -ell6
8rs( >in'e( Gone out of to%n(
Bor$( I coul' tell fro) your f$ce(
8rs( >in'e( He is co)ing ho)e to)orro% e&ening( I %rote $ note
for hi)(
Bor$( +ou shoul' h$&e let it $loneH you )ust #re&ent nothing(
After $ll, it is s#len'i' to be %$iting for $ %on'erful thing to
8rs( >in'e( -h$t is it th$t you $re %$iting forI
Bor$( ?h, you %oul'n't un'erst$n'( Go in to the), I %ill co)e in
$ )o)ent( (8rs( >IBDE goes into the 'iningGroo)( B?1A st$n's
still for $ little %hile, $s if to co)#ose herself( Then she
looks $t her %$tch(! .i&e o'clock( 2e&en hours until )i'nightH $n'
then fourG$n'Gt%enty hours until the ne0t )i'night( Then the
T$r$ntell$ %ill be o&er( T%entyGfour $n' se&enI ThirtyGone hours
to li&e(
Hel)er (fro) the 'oor%$y on the right!( -here's )y little skyl$rkI
Bor$ (going to hi) %ith her $r)s outstretche'!( Here she is6
(THE 2A8E 2"EBE(GGThe t$ble h$s been #l$ce' in the )i''le of the
st$ge, %ith ch$irs $roun' it( A l$)# is burning on the t$ble( The
'oor into the h$ll st$n's o#en( D$nce )usic is he$r' in the roo)
$bo&e( 8rs( >IBDE is sitting $t the t$ble i'ly turning o&er the
le$&es of $ bookH she tries to re$', but 'oes not see) $ble to
collect her thoughts( E&ery no% $n' then she listens intently for
$ soun' $t the outer 'oor(!
8rs( >in'e (looking $t her %$tch!( Bot yetGG$n' the ti)e is
ne$rly u#( If only he 'oes notGG( (>istens $g$in(! Ah, there he is(
(Goes into the h$ll $n' o#ens the outer 'oor c$refully(
>ight footste#s $re he$r' on the st$irs( 2he %his#ers(!
"o)e in( There is no one here(
Crogst$' (in the 'oor%$y!( I foun' $ note fro) you $t ho)e( -h$t
'oes this )e$nI
8rs( >in'e( It is $bsolutely necess$ry th$t I shoul' h$&e $ t$lk
%ith you(
Crogst$'( 1e$llyI An' is it $bsolutely necess$ry th$t it shoul'
be hereI
8rs( >in'e( It is i)#ossible %here I li&eH there is no #ri&$te
entr$nce to )y roo)s( "o)e inH %e $re Juite $lone( The )$i' is
$slee#, $n' the Hel)ers $re $t the '$nce u#st$irs(
Crogst$' (co)ing into the roo)!( Are the Hel)ers re$lly $t $
'$nce tonightI
8rs( >in'e( +es, %hy notI
Crogst$'( "ert$inlyGG%hy notI
8rs( >in'e( Bo%, Bils, let us h$&e $ t$lk(
Crogst$'( "$n %e t%o h$&e $nything to t$lk $boutI
8rs( >in'e( -e h$&e $ gre$t 'e$l to t$lk $bout(
Crogst$'( I shoul'n't h$&e thought so(
8rs( >in'e( Bo, you h$&e ne&er #ro#erly un'erstoo' )e(
Crogst$'( -$s there $nything else to un'erst$n' e0ce#t %h$t
%$s ob&ious to $ll the %orl'GG$ he$rtless %o)$n jilts $ )$n
%hen $ )ore lucr$ti&e ch$nce turns u#I
8rs( >in'e( Do you belie&e I $) $s $bsolutely he$rtless $s
$ll th$tI An' 'o you belie&e th$t I 'i' it %ith $ light he$rtI
Crogst$'( Di'n't youI
8rs( >in'e( Bils, 'i' you re$lly think th$tI
Crogst$'( If it %ere $s you s$y, %hy 'i' you %rite to )e $s you
'i' $t the ti)eI
8rs( >in'e( I coul' 'o nothing else( As I h$' to bre$k %ith you,
it %$s )y 'uty $lso to #ut $n en' to $ll th$t you felt for )e(
Crogst$' (%ringing his h$n's!( 2o th$t %$s it( An' $ll thisGGonly
for the s$ke of )oney6
8rs( >in'e( +ou )ust not forget th$t I h$' $ hel#less )other $n'
t%o little brothers( -e coul'n't %$it for you, BilsH your
#ros#ects see)e' ho#eless then(
Crogst$'( Th$t )$y be so, but you h$' no right to thro% )e o&er
for $nyone else's s$ke(
8rs( >in'e( In'ee' I 'on't kno%( 8$ny $ ti)e 'i' I $sk )yself if
I h$' the right to 'o it(
Crogst$' ()ore gently!( -hen I lost you, it %$s $s if $ll the
soli' groun' %ent fro) un'er )y feet( >ook $t )e no%GGI $) $ shi#%recke'
)$n clinging to $ bit of %reck$ge(
8rs( >in'e( But hel# )$y be ne$r(
Crogst$'( It %$s ne$rH but then you c$)e $n' stoo' in )y %$y(
8rs( >in'e( Anintention$lly, Bils( It %$s only to'$y th$t I
le$rne' it %$s your #l$ce I %$s going to t$ke in the B$nk(
Crogst$'( I belie&e you, if you s$y so( But no% th$t you kno% it,
$re you not going to gi&e it u# to )eI
8rs( >in'e( Bo, bec$use th$t %oul' not benefit you in the le$st(
Crogst$'( ?h, benefit, benefitGGI %oul' h$&e 'one it %hether or no(
8rs( >in'e( I h$&e le$rne' to $ct #ru'ently( >ife, $n' h$r', bitter
necessity h$&e t$ught )e th$t(
Crogst$'( An' life h$s t$ught )e not to belie&e in fine s#eeches(
8rs( >in'e( Then life h$s t$ught you so)ething &ery re$son$ble(
But 'ee's you )ust belie&e inI
Crogst$'( -h$t 'o you )e$n by th$tI
8rs( >in'e( +ou s$i' you %ere like $ shi#%recke' )$n clinging to
so)e %reck$ge(
Crogst$'( I h$' goo' re$son to s$y so(
8rs( >in'e( -ell, I $) like $ shi#%recke' %o)$n clinging to so)e
%reck$geGGno one to )ourn for, no one to c$re for(
Crogst$'( It %$s your o%n choice(
8rs( >in'e( There %$s no other choiceGGthen(
Crogst$'( -ell, %h$t no%I
8rs( >in'e( Bils, ho% %oul' it be if %e t%o shi#%recke' #eo#le
coul' join forcesI
Crogst$'( -h$t $re you s$yingI
8rs( >in'e( T%o on the s$)e #iece of %reck$ge %oul' st$n' $
better ch$nce th$n e$ch on their o%n(
Crogst$'( "hristine I(((
8rs( >in'e( -h$t 'o you su##ose brought )e to to%nI
Crogst$'( Do you )e$n th$t you g$&e )e $ thoughtI
8rs( >in'e( I coul' not en'ure life %ithout %ork( All )y life, $s
long $s I c$n re)e)ber, I h$&e %orke', $n' it h$s been )y gre$test
$n' only #le$sure( But no% I $) Juite $lone in the %orl'GG)y life
is so 're$'fully e)#ty $n' I feel so fors$ken( There is not the
le$st #le$sure in %orking for one's self( Bils, gi&e )e so)eone $n'
so)ething to %ork for(
Crogst$'( I 'on't trust th$t( It is nothing but $ %o)$n's
o&erstr$ine' sense of generosity th$t #ro)#ts you to )$ke such $n
offer of yourself(
8rs( >in'e( H$&e you e&er notice' $nything of the sort in )eI
Crogst$'( "oul' you re$lly 'o itI Tell )eGG'o you kno% $ll $bout
)y #$st lifeI
8rs( >in'e( +es(
Crogst$'( An' 'o you kno% %h$t they think of )e hereI
8rs( >in'e( +ou see)e' to )e to i)#ly th$t %ith )e you )ight h$&e
been Juite $nother )$n(
Crogst$'( I $) cert$in of it(
8rs( >in'e( Is it too l$te no%I
Crogst$'( "hristine, $re you s$ying this 'eliber$telyI +es, I $)
sure you $re( I see it in your f$ce( H$&e you re$lly the cour$ge,
8rs( >in'e( I %$nt to be $ )other to so)eone, $n' your chil'ren
nee' $ )other( -e t%o nee' e$ch other( Bils, I h$&e f$ith in your
re$l ch$r$cterGGI c$n '$re $nything together %ith you(
Crogst$' (gr$s#s her h$n's!( Th$nks, th$nks, "hristine6 Bo% I
sh$ll fin' $ %$y to cle$r )yself in the eyes of the %orl'( Ah,
but I forgotGG
8rs( >in'e (listening!( Hush6 The T$r$ntell$6 Go, go6
Crogst$'( -hyI -h$t is itI
8rs( >in'e( Do you he$r the) u# thereI -hen th$t is o&er, %e )$y
e0#ect the) b$ck(
Crogst$'( +es, yesGGI %ill go( But it is $ll no use( ?f course
you $re not $%$re %h$t ste#s I h$&e t$ken in the )$tter of the
8rs( >in'e( +es, I kno% $ll $bout th$t(
Crogst$'( An' in s#ite of th$t h$&e you the cour$ge toGGI
8rs( >in'e( I un'erst$n' &ery %ell to %h$t lengths $ )$n like you
)ight be 'ri&en by 'es#$ir(
Crogst$'( If I coul' only un'o %h$t I h$&e 'one6
8rs( >in'e( +ou c$nnot( +our letter is lying in the letterGbo0
Crogst$'( Are you sure of th$tI
8rs( >in'e( Luite sure, butGG
Crogst$' (%ith $ se$rching look $t her!( Is th$t %h$t it $ll
)e$nsIGGth$t you %$nt to s$&e your frien' $t $ny costI Tell )e
fr$nkly( Is th$t itI
8rs( >in'e( Bils, $ %o)$n %ho h$s once sol' herself for $nother's
s$ke, 'oesn't 'o it $ secon' ti)e(
Crogst$'( I %ill $sk for )y letter b$ck(
8rs( >in'e( Bo, no(
Crogst$'( +es, of course I %ill( I %ill %$it here until Hel)er
co)esH I %ill tell hi) he )ust gi&e )e )y letter b$ckGGth$t it
only concerns )y 'is)iss$lGGth$t he is not to re$' itGG
8rs( >in'e( Bo, Bils, you )ust not rec$ll your letter(
Crogst$'( But, tell )e, %$sn't it for th$t &ery #ur#ose th$t you
$ske' )e to )eet you hereI
8rs( >in'e( In )y first )o)ent of fright, it %$s( But t%entyGfour
hours h$&e el$#se' since then, $n' in th$t ti)e I h$&e %itnesse'
incre'ible things in this house( Hel)er )ust kno% $ll $bout it(
This unh$##y secret )ust be 'isclose'H they )ust h$&e $ co)#lete
un'erst$n'ing bet%een the), %hich is i)#ossible %ith $ll this
conce$l)ent $n' f$lsehoo' going on(
Crogst$'( /ery %ell, if you %ill t$ke the res#onsibility( But
there is one thing I c$n 'o in $ny c$se, $n' I sh$ll 'o it $t
8rs( >in'e (listening!( +ou )ust be Juick $n' go6 The '$nce is
o&erH %e $re not s$fe $ )o)ent longer(
Crogst$'( I %ill %$it for you belo%(
8rs( >in'e( +es, 'o( +ou )ust see )e b$ck to )y 'oor(((
Crogst$'( I h$&e ne&er h$' such $n $)$King #iece of goo' fortune
in )y life6 (Goes out through the outer 'oor( The 'oor bet%een
the roo) $n' the h$ll re)$ins o#en(!
8rs( >in'e (ti'ying u# the roo) $n' l$ying her h$t $n' clo$k
re$'y!( -h$t $ 'ifference6 %h$t $ 'ifference6 2o)eone to %ork
for $n' li&e forGG$ ho)e to bring co)fort into( Th$t I %ill 'o,
in'ee'( I %ish they %oul' be Juick $n' co)eGG(>istens(! Ah, there
they $re no%( I )ust #ut on )y things( (T$kes u# her h$t $n'
clo$k( HE>8E1'2 $n' B?1A'2 &oices $re he$r' outsi'eH $ key is
turne', $n' HE>8E1 brings B?1A $l)ost by force into the h$ll( 2he
is in $n It$li$n costu)e %ith $ l$rge bl$ck sh$%l $roun' herH he
is in e&ening 'ress, $n' $ bl$ck 'o)ino %hich is flying o#en(!
Bor$ (h$nging b$ck in the 'oor%$y, $n' struggling %ith hi)!( Bo,
no, no6GG'on't t$ke )e in( I %$nt to go u#st$irs $g$inH I 'on't
%$nt to le$&e so e$rly(
Hel)er( But, )y 'e$rest Bor$GG
Bor$( Ple$se, Tor&$l' 'e$rGG#le$se, #le$seGGonly $n hour )ore(
Hel)er( Bot $ single )inute, )y s%eet Bor$( +ou kno% th$t %$s our
$gree)ent( "o)e $long into the roo)H you $re c$tching col'
st$n'ing there( (He brings her gently into the roo), in s#ite of
her resist$nce(!
8rs( >in'e( Goo' e&ening(
Bor$( "hristine6
Hel)er( +ou here, so l$te, 8rs( >in'eI
8rs( >in'e( +es, you )ust e0cuse )eH I %$s so $n0ious to see Bor$
in her 'ress(
Bor$( H$&e you been sitting here %$iting for )eI
8rs( >in'e( +es, unfortun$tely I c$)e too l$te, you h$' $lre$'y
gone u#st$irsH $n' I thought I coul'n't go $%$y $g$in %ithout
h$&ing seen you(
Hel)er (t$king off B?1A'2 sh$%l!( +es, t$ke $ goo' look $t her( I
think she is %orth looking $t( Isn't she ch$r)ing, 8rs( >in'eI
8rs( >in'e( +es, in'ee' she is(
Hel)er( Doesn't she look re)$rk$bly #rettyI E&eryone thought so
$t the '$nce( But she is terribly selfG%ille', this s%eet little
#erson( -h$t $re %e to 'o %ith herI +ou %ill h$r'ly belie&e th$t
I h$' $l)ost to bring her $%$y by force(
Bor$( Tor&$l', you %ill re#ent not h$&ing let )e st$y, e&en if it
%ere only for h$lf $n hour(
Hel)er( >isten to her, 8rs( >in'e6 2he h$' '$nce' her T$r$ntell$,
$n' it h$' been $ tre)en'ous success, $s it 'eser&e'GG$lthough
#ossibly the #erfor)$nce %$s $ trifle too re$listicGG$ little
)ore so, I )e$n, th$n %$s strictly co)#$tible %ith the li)it$tions
of $rt( But ne&er )in' $bout th$t6 The chief thing is, she h$' )$'e
$ successGGshe h$' )$'e $ tre)en'ous success( Do you think I %$s going
to let her re)$in there $fter th$t, $n' s#oil the effectI Bo, in'ee'6
I took )y ch$r)ing little "$#ri )$i'enGG)y c$#ricious little
"$#ri )$i'en, I shoul' s$yGGon )y $r)H took one Juick turn
roun' the roo)H $ curtsey on either si'e, $n', $s they s$y in
no&els, the be$utiful $##$rition 'is$##e$re'( An e0it ought $l%$ys
to be effecti&e, 8rs( >in'eH but th$t is %h$t I c$nnot )$ke Bor$
un'erst$n'( Pooh6 this roo) is hot( (Thro%s his 'o)ino on $
ch$ir, $n' o#ens the 'oor of his roo)(! Hullo6 it's $ll '$rk
in here( ?h, of courseGGe0cuse )eGG( (He goes in, $n' lights
so)e c$n'les(!
Bor$ (in $ hurrie' $n' bre$thless %his#er!( -ellI
8rs( >in'e (in $ lo% &oice!( I h$&e h$' $ t$lk %ith hi)(
Bor$( +es, $n'GG
8rs( >in'e( Bor$, you )ust tell your husb$n' $ll $bout it(
Bor$ (in $n e0#ressionless &oice!( I kne% it(
8rs( >in'e( +ou h$&e nothing to be $fr$i' of $s f$r $s Crogst$'
is concerne'H but you )ust tell hi)(
Bor$( I %on't tell hi)(
8rs( >in'e( Then the letter %ill(
Bor$( Th$nk you, "hristine( Bo% I kno% %h$t I )ust 'o( HushGG6
Hel)er (co)ing in $g$in!( -ell, 8rs( >in'e, h$&e you $')ire' herI
8rs( >in'e( +es, $n' no% I %ill s$y goo'night(
Hel)er( -h$t, $lre$'yI Is this yours, this knittingI
8rs( >in'e (t$king it!( +es, th$nk you, I h$' &ery ne$rly forgotten it(
Hel)er( 2o you knitI
8rs( >in'e( ?f course(
Hel)er( Do you kno%, you ought to e)broi'er(
8rs( >in'e( 1e$llyI -hyI
Hel)er( +es, it's f$r )ore beco)ing( >et )e sho% you( +ou hol'
the e)broi'ery thus in your left h$n', $n' use the nee'le %ith
the rightGGlike thisGG%ith $ long, e$sy s%ee#( Do you seeI
8rs( >in'e( +es, #erh$#sGG
Hel)er( But in the c$se of knittingGGth$t c$n ne&er be $nything
but ungr$cefulH look hereGGthe $r)s close together, the knittingG
nee'les going u# $n' 'o%nGGit h$s $ sort of "hinese effectGG(
Th$t %$s re$lly e0cellent ch$)#$gne they g$&e us(
8rs( >in'e( -ell,GGgoo'night, Bor$, $n' 'on't be selfG%ille' $ny
Hel)er( Th$t's right, 8rs( >in'e(
8rs( >in'e( Goo'night, 8r( Hel)er(
Hel)er ($cco)#$nying her to the 'oor!( Goo'night, goo'night( I
ho#e you %ill get ho)e $ll right( I shoul' be &ery h$##y toGGbut
you h$&en't $ny gre$t 'ist$nce to go( Goo'night, goo'night(
(2he goes outH he shuts the 'oor $fter her, $n' co)es in $g$in(!
Ah6GG$t l$st %e h$&e got ri' of her( 2he is $ frightful bore,
th$t %o)$n(
Bor$( Aren't you &ery tire', Tor&$l'I
Hel)er( Bo, not in the le$st(
Bor$( Bor slee#yI
Hel)er( Bot $ bit( ?n the contr$ry, I feel e0tr$or'in$rily li&ely(
An' youIGGyou re$lly look both tire' $n' slee#y(
Bor$( +es, I $) &ery tire'( I %$nt to go to slee# $t once(
Hel)er( There, you see it %$s Juite right of )e not to let you
st$y there $ny longer(
Bor$( E&erything you 'o is Juite right, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er (kissing her on the forehe$'!( Bo% )y little skyl$rk is
s#e$king re$son$bly( Di' you notice %h$t goo' s#irits 1$nk %$s in
this e&eningI
Bor$( 1e$llyI -$s heI I 'i'n't s#e$k to hi) $t $ll(
Hel)er( An' I &ery little, but I h$&e not for $ long ti)e seen
hi) in such goo' for)( (>ooks for $ %hile $t her $n' then goes
ne$rer to her(! It is 'elightful to be $t ho)e by oursel&es $g$in,
to be $ll $lone %ith youGGyou f$scin$ting, ch$r)ing little '$rling6
Bor$( Don't look $t )e like th$t, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( -hy shoul'n't I look $t )y 'e$rest tre$sureIGG$t $ll the
be$uty th$t is )ine, $ll )y &ery o%nI
Bor$ (going to the other si'e of the t$ble!( +ou )ustn't s$y
things like th$t to )e tonight(
Hel)er (follo%ing her!( +ou h$&e still got the T$r$ntell$ in your
bloo', I see( An' it )$kes you )ore c$#ti&$ting th$n e&er(
>istenGGthe guests $re beginning to go no%( (In $ lo%er &oice(!
Bor$GGsoon the %hole house %ill be Juiet(
Bor$( +es, I ho#e so(
Hel)er( +es, )y o%n '$rling Bor$( Do you kno%, %hen I $) out $t $
#$rty %ith you like this, %hy I s#e$k so little to you, kee# $%$y
fro) you, $n' only sen' $ stolen gl$nce in your 'irection no% $n'
thenIGG'o you kno% %hy I 'o th$tI It is bec$use I )$ke belie&e to
)yself th$t %e $re secretly in lo&e, $n' you $re )y secretly
#ro)ise' bri'e, $n' th$t no one sus#ects there is $nything bet%een us(
Bor$( +es, yesGGI kno% &ery %ell your thoughts $re %ith )e $ll
the ti)e(
Hel)er( An' %hen %e $re le$&ing, $n' I $) #utting the sh$%l o&er
your be$utiful young shoul'ersGGon your lo&ely neckGGthen I i)$gine
th$t you $re )y young bri'e $n' th$t %e h$&e just co)e fro) the
%e''ing, $n' I $) bringing you for the first ti)e into our
ho)eGGto be $lone %ith you for the first ti)eGGJuite $lone %ith
)y shy little '$rling6 All this e&ening I h$&e longe' for nothing
but you( -hen I %$tche' the se'ucti&e figures of the T$r$ntell$,
)y bloo' %$s on fireH I coul' en'ure it no longer, $n' th$t %$s
%hy I brought you 'o%n so e$rlyGG
Bor$( Go $%$y, Tor&$l'6 +ou )ust let )e go( I %on'tGG
Hel)er( -h$t's th$tI +ou're joking, )y little Bor$6 +ou %on'tGG
you %on'tI A) I not your husb$n'GGI (A knock is he$r' $t the
outer 'oor(!
Bor$ (st$rting!( Di' you he$rGGI
Hel)er (going into the h$ll!( -ho is itI
1$nk (outsi'e!( It is I( 8$y I co)e in for $ )o)entI
Hel)er (in $ fretful %his#er!( ?h, %h$t 'oes he %$nt no%I
(Alou'(! -$it $ )inute6 (Anlocks the 'oor(! "o)e, th$t's kin' of
you not to #$ss by our 'oor(
1$nk( I thought I he$r' your &oice, $n' felt $s if I shoul' like
to look in( (-ith $ s%ift gl$nce roun'(! Ah, yes6GGthese 'e$r
f$)ili$r roo)s( +ou $re &ery h$##y $n' cosy in here, you t%o(
Hel)er( It see)s to )e th$t you looke' $fter yourself #retty %ell
u#st$irs too(
1$nk( E0cellently( -hy shoul'n't II -hy shoul'n't one enjoy
e&erything in this %orl'IGG$t $ny r$te $s )uch $s one c$n, $n' $s
long $s one c$n( The %ine %$s c$#it$lGG
Hel)er( Es#eci$lly the ch$)#$gne(
1$nk( 2o you notice' th$t tooI It is $l)ost incre'ible ho% )uch I
)$n$ge' to #ut $%$y6
Bor$( Tor&$l' 'r$nk $ gre$t 'e$l of ch$)#$gne tonight too(
1$nk( Di' heI
Bor$( +es, $n' he is $l%$ys in such goo' s#irits $fter%$r's(
1$nk( -ell, %hy shoul' one not enjoy $ )erry e&ening $fter $
%ellGs#ent '$yI
Hel)er( -ell s#entI I $) $fr$i' I c$n't t$ke cre'it for th$t(
1$nk (cl$##ing hi) on the b$ck!( But I c$n, you kno%6
Bor$( Doctor 1$nk, you )ust h$&e been occu#ie' %ith so)e
scientific in&estig$tion to'$y(
1$nk( E0$ctly(
Hel)er( @ust listen6GGlittle Bor$ t$lking $bout scientific
Bor$( An' )$y I congr$tul$te you on the resultI
1$nk( In'ee' you )$y(
Bor$( -$s it f$&our$ble, thenI
1$nk( The best #ossible, for both 'octor $n' #$tientGGcert$inty(
Bor$ (Juickly $n' se$rchingly!( "ert$intyI
1$nk( Absolute cert$inty( 2o %$sn't I entitle' to )$ke $ )erry
e&ening of it $fter th$tI
Bor$( +es, you cert$inly %ere, Doctor 1$nk( Hel)er( I think so
too, so long $s you 'on't h$&e to #$y for it in the )orning(
1$nk( ?h %ell, one c$n't h$&e $nything in this life %ithout
#$ying for it(
Bor$( Doctor 1$nkGG$re you fon' of f$ncyG'ress b$llsI
1$nk( +es, if there is $ fine lot of #retty costu)es(
Bor$( Tell )eGG%h$t sh$ll %e t%o %e$r $t the ne0tI
Hel)er( >ittle fe$therbr$in6GG$re you thinking of the ne0t
1$nk( -e t%oI +es, I c$n tell you( +ou sh$ll go $s $ goo' f$iryGG
Hel)er( +es, but %h$t 'o you suggest $s $n $##ro#ri$te costu)e
for th$tI
1$nk( >et your %ife go 'resse' just $s she is in e&ery'$y life(
Hel)er( Th$t %$s re$lly &ery #rettily turne'( But c$n't you tell
us %h$t you %ill beI
1$nk( +es, )y 'e$r frien', I h$&e Juite )$'e u# )y )in' $bout th$t(
Hel)er( -ellI
1$nk( At the ne0t f$ncyG'ress b$ll I sh$ll be in&isible(
Hel)er( Th$t's $ goo' joke6
1$nk( There is $ big bl$ck h$tGGh$&e you ne&er he$r' of h$ts th$t
)$ke you in&isibleI If you #ut one on, no one c$n see you(
Hel)er (su##ressing $ s)ile!( +es, you $re Juite right(
1$nk( But I $) cle$n forgetting %h$t I c$)e for( Hel)er, gi&e )e
$ cig$rGGone of the '$rk H$&$n$s(
Hel)er( -ith the gre$test #le$sure( (?ffers hi) his c$se(!
1$nk (t$kes $ cig$r $n' cuts off the en'!( Th$nks(
Bor$ (striking $ )$tch!( >et )e gi&e you $ light(
1$nk( Th$nk you( (2he hol's the )$tch for hi) to light his
cig$r(! An' no% goo'bye6
Hel)er( Goo'bye, goo'bye, 'e$r ol' )$n6
Bor$( 2lee# %ell, Doctor 1$nk(
1$nk( Th$nk you for th$t %ish(
Bor$( -ish )e the s$)e(
1$nk( +ouI -ell, if you %$nt )e to slee# %ell6 An' th$nks for the
light( (He no's to the) both $n' goes out(!
Hel)er (in $ sub'ue' &oice!( He h$s 'runk )ore th$n he ought(
Bor$ ($bsently!( 8$ybe( (HE>8E1 t$kes $ bunch of keys out of his
#ocket $n' goes into the h$ll(! Tor&$l'6 %h$t $re you going to 'o
Hel)er( E)#tying the letterGbo0H it is Juite fullH there %ill be no
roo) to #ut the ne%s#$#er in to)orro% )orning(
Bor$( Are you going to %ork tonightI
Hel)er( +ou kno% Juite %ell I') not( -h$t is thisI 2o)eone h$s
been $t the lock(
Bor$( At the lockGGI
Hel)er( +es, so)eone h$s( -h$t c$n it )e$nI I shoul' ne&er h$&e
thought the )$i'GG( Here is $ broken h$ir#in( Bor$, it is one of
Bor$ (Juickly!( Then it )ust h$&e been the chil'renGG
Hel)er( Then you )ust get the) out of those %$ys( There, $t l$st
I h$&e got it o#en( (T$kes out the contents of the letterGbo0,
$n' c$lls to the kitchen(! Helen6GGHelen, #ut out the light o&er
the front 'oor( (Goes b$ck into the roo) $n' shuts the 'oor into
the h$ll( He hol's out his h$n' full of letters(! >ook $t th$tGG
look %h$t $ he$# of the) there $re( (Turning the) o&er(! -h$t on
e$rth is th$tI
Bor$ ($t the %in'o%!( The letterGGBo6 Tor&$l', no6
Hel)er( T%o c$r'sGGof 1$nk's(
Bor$( ?f Doctor 1$nk'sI
Hel)er (looking $t the)!( Doctor 1$nk( They %ere on the to#( He
)ust h$&e #ut the) in %hen he %ent out(
Bor$( Is there $nything %ritten on the)I
Hel)er( There is $ bl$ck cross o&er the n$)e( >ook thereGG%h$t $n
unco)fort$ble i'e$6 It looks $s if he %ere $nnouncing his o%n 'e$th(
Bor$( It is just %h$t he is 'oing(
Hel)er( -h$tI Do you kno% $nything $bout itI H$s he s$i' $nything
to youI
Bor$( +es( He tol' )e th$t %hen the c$r's c$)e it %oul' be his
le$&eGt$king fro) us( He )e$ns to shut hi)self u# $n' 'ie(
Hel)er( 8y #oor ol' frien'6 "ert$inly I kne% %e shoul' not h$&e
hi) &ery long %ith us( But so soon6 An' so he hi'es hi)self $%$y
like $ %oun'e' $ni)$l(
Bor$( If it h$s to h$##en, it is best it shoul' be %ithout $
%or'GG'on't you think so, Tor&$l'I
Hel)er (%$lking u# $n' 'o%n!( He h$' so gro%n into our li&es( I
c$n't think of hi) $s h$&ing gone out of the)( He, %ith his
sufferings $n' his loneliness, %$s like $ clou'y b$ckgroun' to
our sunlit h$##iness( -ell, #erh$#s it is best so( .or hi),
$ny%$y( (2t$n'ing still(! An' #erh$#s for us too, Bor$( -e
t%o $re thro%n Juite u#on e$ch other no%( (Puts his $r)s roun'
her(! 8y '$rling %ife, I 'on't feel $s if I coul' hol' you tight
enough( Do you kno%, Bor$, I h$&e often %ishe' th$t you )ight be
thre$tene' by so)e gre$t '$nger, so th$t I )ight risk )y life's
bloo', $n' e&erything, for your s$ke(
Bor$ ('iseng$ges herself, $n' s$ys fir)ly $n' 'eci'e'ly!( Bo% you
)ust re$' your letters, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( Bo, noH not tonight( I %$nt to be %ith you, )y '$rling %ife(
Bor$( -ith the thought of your frien''s 'e$thGG
Hel)er( +ou $re right, it h$s $ffecte' us both( 2o)ething ugly
h$s co)e bet%een usGGthe thought of the horrors of 'e$th(
-e )ust try $n' ri' our )in's of th$t( Antil thenGG%e %ill
e$ch go to our o%n roo)(
Bor$ (h$nging on his neck!( Goo'night, Tor&$l'GGGoo'night6
Hel)er (kissing her on the forehe$'!( Goo'night, )y little
singingGbir'( 2lee# soun', Bor$( Bo% I %ill re$' )y letters
through( (He t$kes his letters $n' goes into his roo), shutting
the 'oor $fter hi)(!
Bor$ (gro#es 'istr$cte'ly $bout, seiKes HE>8E1'2 'o)ino, thro%s
it roun' her, %hile she s$ys in Juick, ho$rse, s#$s)o'ic
%his#ers!( Be&er to see hi) $g$in( Be&er6 Be&er6 (Puts her sh$%l
o&er her he$'(! Be&er to see )y chil'ren $g$in eitherGGne&er
$g$in( Be&er6 Be&er6GGAh6 the icy, bl$ck %$terGGthe unf$tho)$ble
'e#thsGGIf only it %ere o&er6 He h$s got it no%GGno% he is re$'ing
it( Goo'bye, Tor&$l' $n' )y chil'ren6 (2he is $bout to rush out
through the h$ll, %hen HE>8E1 o#ens his 'oor hurrie'ly $n' st$n's
%ith $n o#en letter in his h$n'(!
Hel)er( Bor$6
Bor$( Ah6GG
Hel)er( -h$t is thisI Do you kno% %h$t is in this letterI
Bor$( +es, I kno%( >et )e go6 >et )e get out6
Hel)er (hol'ing her b$ck!( -here $re you goingI
Bor$ (trying to get free!( +ou sh$n't s$&e )e, Tor&$l'6
Hel)er (reeling!( TrueI Is this true, th$t I re$' hereI Horrible6
Bo, noGGit is i)#ossible th$t it c$n be true(
Bor$( It is true( I h$&e lo&e' you $bo&e e&erything else in the %orl'(
Hel)er( ?h, 'on't let us h$&e $ny silly e0cuses(
Bor$ (t$king $ ste# to%$r's hi)!( Tor&$l'GG6
Hel)er( 8iser$ble cre$tureGG%h$t h$&e you 'oneI
Bor$( >et )e go( +ou sh$ll not suffer for )y s$ke( +ou sh$ll not
t$ke it u#on yourself(
Hel)er( Bo tr$gic $irs, #le$se( (>ocks the h$ll 'oor(! Here you
sh$ll st$y $n' gi&e )e $n e0#l$n$tion( Do you un'erst$n' %h$t you
h$&e 'oneI Ans%er )e6 Do you un'erst$n' %h$t you h$&e 'oneI
Bor$ (looks ste$'ily $t hi) $n' s$ys %ith $ gro%ing look of
col'ness in her f$ce!( +es, no% I $) beginning to un'erst$n'
Hel)er (%$lking $bout the roo)!( -h$t $ horrible $%$kening6 All
these eight ye$rsGGshe %ho %$s )y joy $n' #ri'eGG$ hy#ocrite, $
li$rGG%orse, %orseGG$ cri)in$l6 The unutter$ble ugliness of it
$ll6GG.or sh$)e6 .or sh$)e6 (B?1A is silent $n' looks ste$'ily $t
hi)( He sto#s in front of her(! I ought to h$&e sus#ecte' th$t
so)ething of the sort %oul' h$##en( I ought to h$&e foreseen it(
All your f$ther's %$nt of #rinci#leGGbe silent6GG$ll your f$ther's
%$nt of #rinci#le h$s co)e out in you( Bo religion, no )or$lity,
no sense of 'utyGG( Ho% I $) #unishe' for h$&ing %inke' $t %h$t he 'i'6
I 'i' it for your s$ke, $n' this is ho% you re#$y )e(
Bor$( +es, th$t's just it(
Hel)er( Bo% you h$&e 'estroye' $ll )y h$##iness( +ou h$&e ruine'
$ll )y future( It is horrible to think of6 I $) in the #o%er of
$n unscru#ulous )$nH he c$n 'o %h$t he likes %ith )e, $sk $nything
he likes of )e, gi&e )e $ny or'ers he #le$sesGGI '$re not refuse(
An' I )ust sink to such )iser$ble 'e#ths bec$use of $ thoughtless %o)$n6
Bor$( -hen I $) out of the %$y, you %ill be free(
Hel)er( Bo fine s#eeches, #le$se( +our f$ther h$' $l%$ys #lenty
of those re$'y, too( -h$t goo' %oul' it be to )e if you %ere out
of the %$y, $s you s$yI Bot the slightest( He c$n )$ke the $ff$ir
kno%n e&ery%hereH $n' if he 'oes, I )$y be f$lsely sus#ecte' of
h$&ing been $ #$rty to your cri)in$l $ction( /ery likely #eo#le
%ill think I %$s behin' it $llGGth$t it %$s I %ho #ro)#te' you6
An' I h$&e to th$nk you for $ll thisGGyou %ho) I h$&e cherishe'
'uring the %hole of our )$rrie' life( Do you un'erst$n' no% %h$t
it is you h$&e 'one for )eI
Bor$ (col'ly $n' Juietly!( +es(
Hel)er( It is so incre'ible th$t I c$n't t$ke it in( But %e )ust
co)e to so)e un'erst$n'ing( T$ke off th$t sh$%l( T$ke it off, I
tell you( I )ust try $n' $##e$se hi) so)e %$y or $nother( The
)$tter )ust be hushe' u# $t $ny cost( An' $s for you $n' )e, it
)ust $##e$r $s if e&erything bet%een us %ere just $s beforeGGbut
n$tur$lly only in the eyes of the %orl'( +ou %ill still re)$in in
)y house, th$t is $ )$tter of course( But I sh$ll not $llo% you
to bring u# the chil'renH I '$re not trust the) to you( To think
th$t I shoul' be oblige' to s$y so to one %ho) I h$&e lo&e' so
'e$rly, $n' %ho) I stillGG( Bo, th$t is $ll o&er( .ro) this )o)ent
h$##iness is not the JuestionH $ll th$t concerns us is to s$&e the
re)$ins, the fr$g)ents, the $##e$r$nceGG
(A ring is he$r' $t the frontG'oor bell(!
Hel)er (%ith $ st$rt!( -h$t is th$tI 2o l$te6 "$n the %orstGGI
"$n heGGI Hi'e yourself, Bor$( 2$y you $re ill(
(B?1A st$n's )otionless( HE>8E1 goes $n' unlocks the h$ll 'oor(!
8$i' (h$lfG'resse', co)es to the 'oor!( A letter for the )istress(
Hel)er( Gi&e it to )e( (T$kes the letter, $n' shuts the 'oor(!
+es, it is fro) hi)( +ou sh$ll not h$&e itH I %ill re$' it )yself(
Bor$( +es, re$' it(
Hel)er (st$n'ing by the l$)#!( I sc$rcely h$&e the cour$ge to 'o
it( It )$y )e$n ruin for both of us( Bo, I )ust kno%( (Te$rs o#en
the letter, runs his eye o&er $ fe% lines, looks $t $ #$#er
enclose', $n' gi&es $ shout of joy(! Bor$6 (2he looks $t hi)
Juestioningly(! Bor$6GGBo, I )ust re$' it once $g$inGG( +es, it
is true6 I $) s$&e'6 Bor$, I $) s$&e'6
Bor$( An' II
Hel)er( +ou too, of courseH %e $re both s$&e', both you $n' I(
>ook, he sen's you your bon' b$ck( He s$ys he regrets $n' re#entsGG
th$t $ h$##y ch$nge in his lifeGGne&er )in' %h$t he s$ys6 -e
$re s$&e', Bor$6 Bo one c$n 'o $nything to you( ?h, Bor$,
Bor$6GGno, first I )ust 'estroy these h$teful things( >et
)e seeGG( (T$kes $ look $t the bon'(! Bo, no, I %on't look
$t it( The %hole thing sh$ll be nothing but $ b$' 're$) to
)e( (Te$rs u# the bon' $n' both letters, thro%s the) $ll
into the sto&e, $n' %$tches the) burn(! ThereGGno% it 'oesn't
e0ist $ny longer( He s$ys th$t since "hrist)$s E&e youGG(
These )ust h$&e been three 're$'ful '$ys for you, Bor$(
Bor$( I h$&e fought $ h$r' fight these three '$ys(
Hel)er( An' suffere' $gonies, $n' seen no %$y out butGG( Bo, %e
%on't c$ll $ny of the horrors to )in'( -e %ill only shout %ith
joy, $n' kee# s$ying, *It's $ll o&er6 It's $ll o&er6* >isten to
)e, Bor$( +ou 'on't see) to re$lise th$t it is $ll o&er( -h$t is
thisIGGsuch $ col', set f$ce6 8y #oor little Bor$, I Juite
un'erst$n'H you 'on't feel $s if you coul' belie&e th$t I h$&e
forgi&en you( But it is true, Bor$, I s%e$r itH I h$&e forgi&en
you e&erything( I kno% th$t %h$t you 'i', you 'i' out of lo&e for )e(
Bor$( Th$t is true(
Hel)er( +ou h$&e lo&e' )e $s $ %ife ought to lo&e her husb$n'( ?nly
you h$' not sufficient kno%le'ge to ju'ge of the )e$ns you use'( But
'o you su##ose you $re $ny the less 'e$r to )e, bec$use you 'on't
un'erst$n' ho% to $ct on your o%n res#onsibilityI Bo, noH only le$n
on )eH I %ill $'&ise you $n' 'irect you( I shoul' not be $ )$n if
this %o)$nly hel#lessness 'i' not just gi&e you $ 'ouble
$ttr$cti&eness in )y eyes( +ou )ust not think $ny)ore $bout the
h$r' things I s$i' in )y first )o)ent of constern$tion, %hen
I thought e&erything %$s going to o&er%hel) )e( I h$&e forgi&en
you, Bor$H I s%e$r to you I h$&e forgi&en you(
Bor$( Th$nk you for your forgi&eness( (2he goes out through the
'oor to the right(!
Hel)er( Bo, 'on't goGG( (>ooks in(! -h$t $re you 'oing in thereI
Bor$ (fro) %ithin!( T$king off )y f$ncy 'ress(
Hel)er (st$n'ing $t the o#en 'oor!( +es, 'o( Try $n' c$l) yourself,
$n' )$ke your )in' e$sy $g$in, )y frightene' little singingGbir'( Be
$t rest, $n' feel secureH I h$&e bro$' %ings to shelter you un'er(
(-$lks u# $n' 'o%n by the 'oor(! Ho% %$r) $n' cosy our ho)e is,
Bor$( Here is shelter for youH here I %ill #rotect you like $
hunte' 'o&e th$t I h$&e s$&e' fro) $ h$%k's cl$%sH I %ill bring
#e$ce to your #oor be$ting he$rt( It %ill co)e, little by little,
Bor$, belie&e )e( To)orro% )orning you %ill look u#on it $ll Juite
'ifferentlyH soon e&erything %ill be just $s it %$s before(
/ery soon you %on't nee' )e to $ssure you th$t I h$&e forgi&en
youH you %ill yourself feel the cert$inty th$t I h$&e 'one so(
"$n you su##ose I shoul' e&er think of such $ thing $s
re#u'i$ting you, or e&en re#ro$ching youI +ou h$&e no
i'e$ %h$t $ true )$n's he$rt is like, Bor$( There is so)ething so
in'escrib$bly s%eet $n' s$tisfying, to $ )$n, in the kno%le'ge
th$t he h$s forgi&en his %ifeGGforgi&en her freely, $n' %ith $ll
his he$rt( It see)s $s if th$t h$' )$'e her, $s it %ere, 'oubly
his o%nH he h$s gi&en her $ ne% life, so to s#e$kH $n' she h$s
in $ %$y beco)e both %ife $n' chil' to hi)( 2o you sh$ll be for
)e $fter this, )y little sc$re', hel#less '$rling( H$&e no
$n0iety $bout $nything, Bor$H only be fr$nk $n' o#en %ith )e,
$n' I %ill ser&e $s %ill $n' conscience both to youGG( -h$t
is thisI Bot gone to be'I H$&e you ch$nge' your thingsI
Bor$ (in e&ery'$y 'ress!( +es, Tor&$l', I h$&e ch$nge' )y things no%(
Hel)er( But %h$t forIGGso l$te $s this(
Bor$( I sh$ll not slee# tonight(
Hel)er( But, )y 'e$r Bor$GG
Bor$ (looking $t her %$tch!( It is not so &ery l$te( 2it 'o%n
here, Tor&$l'( +ou $n' I h$&e )uch to s$y to one $nother( (2he
sits 'o%n $t one si'e of the t$ble(!
Hel)er( Bor$GG%h$t is thisIGGthis col', set f$ceI
Bor$( 2it 'o%n( It %ill t$ke so)e ti)eH I h$&e $ lot to t$lk o&er
%ith you(
Hel)er (sits 'o%n $t the o##osite si'e of the t$ble!( +ou $l$r)
)e, Bor$6GG$n' I 'on't un'erst$n' you(
Bor$( Bo, th$t is just it( +ou 'on't un'erst$n' )e, $n' I h$&e
ne&er un'erstoo' you eitherGGbefore tonight( Bo, you )ustn't
interru#t )e( +ou )ust si)#ly listen to %h$t I s$y( Tor&$l',
this is $ settling of $ccounts(
Hel)er( -h$t 'o you )e$n by th$tI
Bor$ ($fter $ short silence!( Isn't there one thing th$t strikes
you $s str$nge in our sitting here like thisI
Hel)er( -h$t is th$tI
Bor$( -e h$&e been )$rrie' no% eight ye$rs( Does it not occur
to you th$t this is the first ti)e %e t%o, you $n' I, husb$n'
$n' %ife, h$&e h$' $ serious con&ers$tionI
Hel)er( -h$t 'o you )e$n by seriousI
Bor$( In $ll these eight ye$rsGGlonger th$n th$tGGfro) the &ery
beginning of our $cJu$int$nce, %e h$&e ne&er e0ch$nge' $ %or' on
$ny serious subject(
Hel)er( -$s it likely th$t I %oul' be continu$lly $n' fore&er
telling you $bout %orries th$t you coul' not hel# )e to be$rI
Bor$( I $) not s#e$king $bout business )$tters( I s$y th$t %e
h$&e ne&er s$t 'o%n in e$rnest together to try $n' get $t the
botto) of $nything(
Hel)er( But, 'e$rest Bor$, %oul' it h$&e been $ny goo' to youI
Bor$( Th$t is just itH you h$&e ne&er un'erstoo' )e( I h$&e been
gre$tly %ronge', Tor&$l'GGfirst by #$#$ $n' then by you(
Hel)er( -h$t6 By us t%oGGby us t%o, %ho h$&e lo&e' you better
th$n $nyone else in the %orl'I
Bor$ (sh$king her he$'!( +ou h$&e ne&er lo&e' )e( +ou h$&e only
thought it #le$s$nt to be in lo&e %ith )e(
Hel)er( Bor$, %h$t 'o I he$r you s$yingI
Bor$( It is #erfectly true, Tor&$l'( -hen I %$s $t ho)e %ith
#$#$, he tol' )e his o#inion $bout e&erything, $n' so I
h$' the s$)e o#inionsH $n' if I 'iffere' fro) hi) I
conce$le' the f$ct, bec$use he %oul' not h$&e like' it(
He c$lle' )e his 'ollGchil', $n' he #l$ye' %ith )e just
$s I use' to #l$y %ith )y 'olls( An' %hen I c$)e to
li&e %ith youGG
Hel)er( -h$t sort of $n e0#ression is th$t to use $bout our )$rri$geI
Bor$ (un'isturbe'!( I )e$n th$t I %$s si)#ly tr$nsferre' fro)
#$#$'s h$n's into yours( +ou $rr$nge' e&erything $ccor'ing to
your o%n t$ste, $n' so I got the s$)e t$stes $s your else I
#reten'e' to, I $) re$lly not Juite sure %hichGGI think
so)eti)es the one $n' so)eti)es the other( -hen I look b$ck
on it, it see)s to )e $s if I h$' been li&ing here like $
#oor %o)$nGGjust fro) h$n' to )outh( I h$&e e0iste' )erely
to #erfor) tricks for you, Tor&$l'( But you %oul' h$&e it
so( +ou $n' #$#$ h$&e co))itte' $ gre$t sin $g$inst )e(
It is your f$ult th$t I h$&e )$'e nothing of )y life(
Hel)er( Ho% unre$son$ble $n' ho% ungr$teful you $re, Bor$6 H$&e
you not been h$##y hereI
Bor$( Bo, I h$&e ne&er been h$##y( I thought I %$s, but it h$s
ne&er re$lly been so(
Hel)er( BotGGnot h$##y6
Bor$( Bo, only )erry( An' you h$&e $l%$ys been so kin' to )e(
But our ho)e h$s been nothing but $ #l$yroo)( I h$&e been
your 'ollG%ife, just $s $t ho)e I %$s #$#$'s 'ollGchil'H $n'
here the chil'ren h$&e been )y 'olls( I thought it gre$t fun
%hen you #l$ye' %ith )e, just $s they thought it gre$t fun
%hen I #l$ye' %ith the)( Th$t is %h$t our )$rri$ge h$s been, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( There is so)e truth in %h$t you s$yGGe0$gger$te' $n'
str$ine' $s your &ie% of it is( But for the future it sh$ll be
'ifferent( Pl$yti)e sh$ll be o&er, $n' lessonGti)e sh$ll begin(
Bor$( -hose lessonsI 8ine, or the chil'ren'sI
Hel)er( Both yours $n' the chil'ren's, )y '$rling Bor$(
Bor$( Al$s, Tor&$l', you $re not the )$n to e'uc$te )e into being
$ #ro#er %ife for you(
Hel)er( An' you c$n s$y th$t6
Bor$( An' IGGho% $) I fitte' to bring u# the chil'renI
Hel)er( Bor$6
Bor$( Di'n't you s$y so yourself $ little %hile $goGGth$t you
'$re not trust )e to bring the) u#I
Hel)er( In $ )o)ent of $nger6 -hy 'o you #$y $ny hee' to th$tI
Bor$( In'ee', you %ere #erfectly right( I $) not fit for the
t$sk( There is $nother t$sk I )ust un'ert$ke first( I )ust
try $n' e'uc$te )yselfGGyou $re not the )$n to hel# )e in
th$t( I )ust 'o th$t for )yself( An' th$t is %hy I $)
going to le$&e you no%(
Hel)er (s#ringing u#!( -h$t 'o you s$yI
Bor$( I )ust st$n' Juite $lone, if I $) to un'erst$n' )yself $n'
e&erything $bout )e( It is for th$t re$son th$t I c$nnot re)$in
%ith you $ny longer(
Hel)er( Bor$, Bor$6
Bor$( I $) going $%$y fro) here no%, $t once( I $) sure "hristine
%ill t$ke )e in for the nightGG
Hel)er( +ou $re out of your )in'6 I %on't $llo% it6 I forbi' you6
Bor$( It is no use forbi''ing )e $nything $ny longer( I %ill t$ke
%ith )e %h$t belongs to )yself( I %ill t$ke nothing fro) you,
either no% or l$ter(
Hel)er( -h$t sort of )$'ness is this6
Bor$( To)orro% I sh$ll go ho)eGGI )e$n, to )y ol' ho)e( It %ill
be e$siest for )e to fin' so)ething to 'o there(
Hel)er( +ou blin', foolish %o)$n6
Bor$( I )ust try $n' get so)e sense, Tor&$l'(
Hel)er( To 'esert your ho)e, your husb$n' $n' your chil'ren6 An'
you 'on't consi'er %h$t #eo#le %ill s$y6
Bor$( I c$nnot consi'er th$t $t $ll( I only kno% th$t it is
necess$ry for )e(
Hel)er( It's shocking( This is ho% you %oul' neglect your )ost
s$cre' 'uties(
Bor$( -h$t 'o you consi'er )y )ost s$cre' 'utiesI
Hel)er( Do I nee' to tell you th$tI Are they not your 'uties to
your husb$n' $n' your chil'renI
Bor$( I h$&e other 'uties just $s s$cre'(
Hel)er( Th$t you h$&e not( -h$t 'uties coul' those beI
Bor$( Duties to )yself(
Hel)er( Before $ll else, you $re $ %ife $n' $ )other(
Bor$( I 'on't belie&e th$t $ny longer( I belie&e th$t before $ll
else I $) $ re$son$ble hu)$n being, just $s you $reGGor, $t $ll
e&ents, th$t I )ust try $n' beco)e one( I kno% Juite %ell,
Tor&$l', th$t )ost #eo#le %oul' think you right, $n' th$t
&ie%s of th$t kin' $re to be foun' in booksH but I c$n no
longer content )yself %ith %h$t )ost #eo#le s$y, or %ith
%h$t is foun' in books( I )ust think o&er things for )yself
$n' get to un'erst$n' the)(
Hel)er( "$n you not un'erst$n' your #l$ce in your o%n ho)eI
H$&e you not $ reli$ble gui'e in such )$tters $s th$tIGGh$&e
you no religionI
Bor$( I $) $fr$i', Tor&$l', I 'o not e0$ctly kno% %h$t religion is(
Hel)er( -h$t $re you s$yingI
Bor$( I kno% nothing but %h$t the clergy)$n s$i', %hen I %ent
to be confir)e'( He tol' us th$t religion %$s this, $n' th$t,
$n' the other( -hen I $) $%$y fro) $ll this, $n' $) $lone,
I %ill look into th$t )$tter too( I %ill see if %h$t the
clergy)$n s$i' is true, or $t $ll e&ents if it is true for )e(
Hel)er( This is unhe$r' of in $ girl of your $ge6 But if religion
c$nnot le$' you $right, let )e try $n' $%$ken your conscience( I
su##ose you h$&e so)e )or$l senseI ?rGG$ns%er )eGG$) I to think you
h$&e noneI
Bor$( I $ssure you, Tor&$l', th$t is not $n e$sy Juestion to $ns%er(
I re$lly 'on't kno%( The thing #er#le0es )e $ltogether( I only
kno% th$t you $n' I look $t it in Juite $ 'ifferent light(
I $) le$rning, too, th$t the l$% is Juite $nother thing fro)
%h$t I su##ose'H but I fin' it i)#ossible to con&ince )yself
th$t the l$% is right( Accor'ing to it $ %o)$n h$s no right
to s#$re her ol' 'ying f$ther, or to s$&e her husb$n''s
life( I c$n't belie&e th$t(
Hel)er( +ou t$lk like $ chil'( +ou 'on't un'erst$n' the
con'itions of the %orl' in %hich you li&e(
Bor$( Bo, I 'on't( But no% I $) going to try( I $) going
to see if I c$n )$ke out %ho is right, the %orl' or I(
Hel)er( +ou $re ill, Bor$H you $re 'eliriousH I $l)ost think you
$re out of your )in'(
Bor$( I h$&e ne&er felt )y )in' so cle$r $n' cert$in $s tonight(
Hel)er( An' is it %ith $ cle$r $n' cert$in )in' th$t you fors$ke
your husb$n' $n' your chil'renI
Bor$( +es, it is(
Hel)er( Then there is only one #ossible e0#l$n$tion(
Bor$( -h$t is th$tI
Hel)er( +ou 'o not lo&e )e $ny)ore(
Bor$( Bo, th$t is just it(
Hel)er( Bor$6GG$n' you c$n s$y th$tI
Bor$( It gi&es )e gre$t #$in, Tor&$l', for you h$&e $l%$ys been
so kin' to )e, but I c$nnot hel# it( I 'o not lo&e you $ny )ore(
Hel)er (reg$ining his co)#osure!( Is th$t $ cle$r $n' cert$in
con&iction tooI
Bor$( +es, $bsolutely cle$r $n' cert$in( Th$t is the re$son %hy I
%ill not st$y here $ny longer(
Hel)er( An' c$n you tell )e %h$t I h$&e 'one to forfeit your lo&eI
Bor$( +es, in'ee' I c$n( It %$s tonight, %hen the %on'erful thing 'i' not
h$##enH then I s$% you %ere not the )$n I h$' thought you %ere(
Hel)er( E0#l$in yourself better( I 'on't un'erst$n' you(
Bor$( I h$&e %$ite' so #$tiently for eight ye$rsH for, goo'ness
kno%s, I kne% &ery %ell th$t %on'erful things 'on't h$##en e&ery
'$y( Then this horrible )isfortune c$)e u#on )eH $n' then I felt
Juite cert$in th$t the %on'erful thing %$s going to h$##en $t l$st(
-hen Crogst$''s letter %$s lying out there, ne&er for $ )o)ent
'i' I i)$gine th$t you %oul' consent to $cce#t this )$n's
con'itions( I %$s so $bsolutely cert$in th$t you %oul' s$y
to hi)7 Publish the thing to the %hole %orl'( An' %hen th$t %$s 'oneGG
Hel)er( +es, %h$t thenIGG%hen I h$' e0#ose' )y %ife to sh$)e $n'
Bor$( -hen th$t %$s 'one, I %$s so $bsolutely cert$in, you %oul'
co)e for%$r' $n' t$ke e&erything u#on yourself, $n' s$y7 I $) the
guilty one(
Hel)er( Bor$GG6
Bor$( +ou )e$n th$t I %oul' ne&er h$&e $cce#te' such $ s$crifice
on your #$rtI Bo, of course not( But %h$t %oul' )y $ssur$nces h$&e
been %orth $g$inst yoursI Th$t %$s the %on'erful thing %hich I
ho#e' for $n' fe$re'H $n' it %$s to #re&ent th$t, th$t I %$nte'
to kill )yself(
Hel)er( I %oul' gl$'ly %ork night $n' '$y for you, Bor$GGbe$r
sorro% $n' %$nt for your s$ke( But no )$n %oul' s$crifice his
honour for the one he lo&es(
Bor$( It is $ thing hun're's of thous$n's of %o)en h$&e 'one(
Hel)er( ?h, you think $n' t$lk like $ hee'less chil'(
Bor$( 8$ybe( But you neither think nor t$lk like the )$n I
coul' bin' )yself to( As soon $s your fe$r %$s o&erGG$n' it
%$s not fe$r for %h$t thre$tene' )e, but for %h$t )ight h$##en
to youGG%hen the %hole thing %$s #$st, $s f$r $s you %ere
concerne' it %$s e0$ctly $s if nothing $t $ll h$' h$##ene'(
E0$ctly $s before, I %$s your little skyl$rk, your 'oll,
%hich you %oul' in future tre$t %ith 'oubly gentle c$re,
bec$use it %$s so brittle $n' fr$gile( (Getting u#(!
Tor&$l'GGit %$s then it '$%ne' u#on )e th$t for eight
ye$rs I h$' been li&ing here %ith $ str$nge )$n, $n' h$'
borne hi) three chil'renGG( ?h, I c$n't be$r to think
of it6 I coul' te$r )yself into little bits6
Hel)er (s$'ly!( I see, I see( An $byss h$s o#ene' bet%een usGGthere
is no 'enying it( But, Bor$, %oul' it not be #ossible to fill it u#I
Bor$( As I $) no%, I $) no %ife for you(
Hel)er( I h$&e it in )e to beco)e $ 'ifferent )$n(
Bor$( Perh$#sGGif your 'oll is t$ken $%$y fro) you(
Hel)er( But to #$rt6GGto #$rt fro) you6 Bo, no, Bor$, I c$n't
un'erst$n' th$t i'e$(
Bor$ (going out to the right!( Th$t )$kes it $ll the )ore cert$in
th$t it )ust be 'one( (2he co)es b$ck %ith her clo$k $n' h$t $n'
$ s)$ll b$g %hich she #uts on $ ch$ir by the t$ble(!
Hel)er( Bor$, Bor$, not no%6 -$it until to)orro%(
Bor$ (#utting on her clo$k!( I c$nnot s#en' the night in $
str$nge )$n's roo)(
Hel)er( But c$n't %e li&e here like brother $n' sisterGGI
Bor$ (#utting on her h$t!( +ou kno% &ery %ell th$t %oul' not l$st
long( (Puts the sh$%l roun' her(! Goo'bye, Tor&$l'( I %on't see
the little ones( I kno% they $re in better h$n's th$n )ine( As
I $) no%, I c$n be of no use to the)(
Hel)er( But so)e '$y, Bor$GGso)e '$yI
Bor$( Ho% c$n I tellI I h$&e no i'e$ %h$t is going to beco)e of )e(
Hel)er( But you $re )y %ife, %h$te&er beco)es of you(
Bor$( >isten, Tor&$l'( I h$&e he$r' th$t %hen $ %ife 'eserts her
husb$n''s house, $s I $) 'oing no%, he is leg$lly free' fro) $ll
oblig$tions to%$r's her( In $ny c$se, I set you free fro) $ll your
oblig$tions( +ou $re not to feel yourself boun' in the slightest
%$y, $ny )ore th$n I sh$ll( There )ust be #erfect free'o) on
both si'es( 2ee, here is your ring b$ck( Gi&e )e )ine(
Hel)er( Th$t tooI
Bor$( Th$t too(
Hel)er( Here it is(
Bor$( Th$t's right( Bo% it is $ll o&er( I h$&e #ut the keys here(
The )$i's kno% $ll $bout e&erything in the houseGGbetter th$n I 'o(
To)orro%, $fter I h$&e left her, "hristine %ill co)e here $n'
#$ck u# )y o%n things th$t I brought %ith )e fro) ho)e( I %ill
h$&e the) sent $fter )e(
Hel)er( All o&er6 All o&er6GGBor$, sh$ll you ne&er think of )e $g$inI
Bor$( I kno% I sh$ll often think of you, the chil'ren, $n' this house(
Hel)er( 8$y I %rite to you, Bor$I
Bor$( BoGGne&er( +ou )ust not 'o th$t(
Hel)er( But $t le$st let )e sen' youGG
Bor$( BothingGGnothingGG
Hel)er( >et )e hel# you if you $re in %$nt(
Bor$( Bo( I c$n recei&e nothing fro) $ str$nger(
Hel)er( Bor$GGc$n I ne&er be $nything )ore th$n $ str$nger to youI
Bor$ (t$king her b$g!( Ah, Tor&$l', the )ost %on'erful thing of
$ll %oul' h$&e to h$##en(
Hel)er( Tell )e %h$t th$t %oul' be6
Bor$( Both you $n' I %oul' h$&e to be so ch$nge' th$tGG( ?h, Tor&$l',
I 'on't belie&e $ny longer in %on'erful things h$##ening(
Hel)er( But I %ill belie&e in it( Tell )e6 2o ch$nge' th$tGGI
Bor$( Th$t our life together %oul' be $ re$l %e'lock( Goo'bye(
(2he goes out through the h$ll(!
Hel)er (sinks 'o%n on $ ch$ir $t the 'oor $n' buries his f$ce in
his h$n's!( Bor$6 Bor$6 (>ooks roun', $n' rises(! E)#ty( 2he is gone( (A ho#e
fl$shes $cross his )in'(! The )ost %on'erful thing of $llGGI
(The soun' of $ 'oor shutting is he$r' fro) belo%(!
,,, EBD ?. THE P1?@E"T GATEBBE1G EB??C, A D?>>'2 H?A2E ,,,
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