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1 kg of cassava peel wash and grate
1 tsp salt
250 grams of coconut and a half old, peel lengthwise chaotic
Oil for frying
Puree: 3 cloves of garlic and 3 cloves garlic and 1 cm kencur
Fill combro:
5 cloves of sliced onion
5 cloves of garlic sliced
2 large red pepper slices
Red chili sauce 8 slices
1 tsp chicken bouillon powder flavor
1 tsp salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tsp sugar
250 grams oncom, knead
1 leek, thinly sliced
25 basil leaves
Misro Contents: 150 grams of brown sugar, comb

How to make:
1 Fill combro: heat a little oil saute ground spices with onion, garlic, red pepper, cayenne
pepper until fragrant, put the broth powder and oncom, cook until oncom mature add salt,
pepper and sugar.
2 Grate cassava mixed with salt and grated coconut and stir for dough into 2 parts.
3 Combro: take 2 tablespoons dough oval shape filled with stuffing combro 1 tablespoon
and form again set aside.
4. Misro: take 2 tablespoons dough round shape fill with 2 tablespoons brown sugar comb.
5. combro and misro Fry until golden brown, remove from heat.
Serve as an afternoon tea or coffee.


Kelompok 4
1. Najla Nabila
2. NurSamsiyah
3. Marlina
4. Putri Komalasari
5. Anisa Anggraeni
6. Dimas Satria, N
7. M. Ali Kafli
8. Karnata

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