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Hello All...

Here are the Technical Round Interview Questions.

Syscom Corporation:
1. What is the automation process in your company?
2. Which Framework you are using in your company?
3. What is Data driven and Keyword driven Frameworks and difference b/w them?
4. How many frameworks in QTP?
5. How many types Object Repositories and difference b/w them?
6. How to get the data from database table?
7. which type of strings are used to connect to oracle server and Sql server?
Manual :
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. What are the test lead responsibilities?
4. What is the STLC process in your company?
5. Explain defect life cycle?
6. today evening you need to release software to that time you found a defect.How
you convence him?
7. Application is in live ,critical bug found by client. How you convence him and you need to
take an action of that defect? But developer refuses to fix that bug. At that situation what you will
do and why?
15.priority & severity difference and example of High severity and low priority?
Accretive Health
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. Explain defect life cycle?
4. Priority & severity difference and example of High severity and low priority?
5. What is the testing process you followed in your company?
6. What do you mean by non-functional testing and types?
1. display top 3 salaries?
2. joins examples?(Must)
3. select 1 execute or not? 1+1 ?
1. How many frameworks in QTP?
2. How many types Object Repositories and difference b/w them?
3. What is the difference b/w smart identification & ordinal identification?
4. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
5. What do u meant by data driven and keyword driven?
6. How many frameworks in QTP?
7. Write a program to read character by character in a text file?
8. I opend four same browsers. How to close second browser?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company and why?
3. If keywords are more, is there any complicated in the framework. If not explain?
4. Write a script to retrieve data(Username) from excel sheet and in webtable so many
usernames are there. I want to select my username and corresponding checkbox I need to ON?
5. Write descriptive program for login? Fields like Username, Password,[Submit] & [Cancel]
6. If there are 4 same yahoo browsers,if I close two browsers using creation time, will I use
creation time for actions like edit or click a link etc..?
7. How to confirm in yahoo weather the mail has been sent successfully or not?
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. Explain defect life cycle?
4. Priority & severity difference?
5. Example of High severity, low priority and High priority, High severity?
6. Write test case for login page?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company?
3. How to set ON 1,3,7 checkboxex in a web table?
4. write a descriptive program to send an email from Outlook?
5. How to use DOM and write a program to ON particular checkbox?
6. How to get the value from webtable?
7. How to get the data from a particular cell in excel?
8. In one cell there are two links,in that I want to click on the second link in excel?
9. How to read alternate lines in text file?
10. how many types to return the values in function and what are they?
11. How to connect QC from QTP?
12. How many tabs are there in QC and how many are visible for us?
13. How many types we can write one script?
14. How to use reusable action in current action?
15. Difference b/w getROproperty and setROproperty?
16. Difference b/w systemutil and invokeapplication?
17. How to use arrays?
18. What are different types of objects in OR?
19. Why you are using recovery scenarios in your framework?
20. What are the events in recovery scenario?
21. How you are analyzing the results in QTP?
22. How to count number of links in a web page using DP?
23. What is the difference b/w on error resume next and on error Zero?
24. How to close browser without closing QTP?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company?
3. Why you are writing the scripts in descriptive programming?
4. Difference b/w keyword view and expert view?
5. Difference b/w per action and shared repository?
6. How many types of recording modes? Difference b/w them?
7. How to use Description object?
8. Difference b/w getROproperty and setTOproperty?
9. What are the methods in run time data table?
10. How to get OS, OS version using QTP?
11. How to retrieve data from database?
12. How to read by line using FSO?
13. How to ensure weather file exists or not?
14. What are the different types of check points?
15. What are different types of actions?
16. How to call previous action in current action?
17. How to connect QC from QTP?
18. How to reverse of a string without using string reverse?
19. How to increase size of an array if the size is fixed?
20. how many types we can return a value in functions?
21. Explain about framework in detail?
22. Explain driver script and how it execute?

1. What is the framework you are using in your company?
2. For login and new page 1 for a site has one Shared OR. In new page 1 there are 300
country links(300 ORs for 300 Countries). Depends upon user interest if any user click on
particular country link, some information shows related to that country and that country OR has
been added during run time in that script?
3. How many ORs use in one script? neither Shared OR nor Local OR?
4. In a web table
First Name : Edit box Last Name : Edit box
Emp num : Edit box Salary : Edit box
Ph no : Edit box Address : Edit box

I want to get O/P like
First Name - Ganesh
Last Name - Jana
Emp Name - ***** (5 digits)
Salary - ***** (5 digits)
5.write a script how to print browser name?
6. in a weblist Username is there I want to get that username and print it.
7.write a script to delete a mail in gmail using QTP?
8.what do you meant by dictionary object? to use array in functions?
10. how to display browser title name using QTP?
1.How to reverse of a string without using string reverse?
2. GANESH is there. I want to print every letter in new line as
o/p should be like below
3. display count no.of same kind of objects,no.of different kind of objects, print same kind of
objects and different kind of objects in web page.
Objects like edit boxes,list boxes,links etc.
5. how to replace data in run time data table during run time?
6. How to get 2 table?
2 * 1 =2
2 * 2 = 4

2 * 10 = 20
7. Can we change the objects in repository permanently?

1. Difference b/w re testing & regression testing
2. Difference b/w smoke and sanity testing
3. Difference b/w defect and bug?
4. Explain v-model?
5. Quiery on equi join?
1. Which automation process you followed in your company?
2. Why you are using data driven and keyword driven in framework?
3. Why you are writing the scripts in descriptive programming in QTP?
4. Write a script for x=Ganesh and I want output as x=gansh write two codes for this?
5. Write a script for login using descriptive programming and description object?
6. How the driver script executes?
7. How the input data and keywords called from driver script?
8. Automation folder structure?
9. What are the vbscript functions?
10. What is difference between instr and instrrev?
11. Without data can we test application using data driven framework?
12. If data exists in application why we are using data driven why not liner or modular

Syscom Corporation:
1. what is the automation process in your company?
2. which Framework you are using in your company?
3. what is Data driven and Keyword driven Frameworks and difference b/w them?
4. How many frameworks in QTP?
5. How many types Object Repositories and difference b/w them?
6. How to get the data from database table?
7. which type of strings are used to connect to oracle server and Sql server?
Manual :
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. What are the test lead responsibilities?
4. What is the STLC process in your company?
5. Explain defect life cycle?
6. today evening you need to release software to that time you found a defect.How
you convence him?
7. Application is in live ,critical bug found by client. How you convence him and you need to
take an action of that defect? But developer refuses to fix that bug. At that situation what you will
do and why?
15.priority & severity difference and example of High severity and low priority?
Accretive Health
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. Explain defect life cycle?
4. Priority & severity difference and example of High severity and low priority?
5. What is the testing process you followed in your company?
6. What do you mean by non-functional testing and types?
1. display top 3 salaries?
2. joins examples?(Must)
3. select 1 execute or not? 1+1 ?
1. How many frameworks in QTP?
2. How many types Object Repositories and difference b/w them?
3. What is the difference b/w smart identification & ordinal identification?
4. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
5. What do u meant by data driven and keyword driven?
6. How many frameworks in QTP?
7. Write a program to read character by character in a text file?
8. I opend four same browsers. How to close second browser?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company and why?
3. If keywords are more, is there any complicated in the framework. If not explain?
4. Write a script to retrieve data(Username) from excel sheet and in webtable so many
usernames are there. I want to select my username and corresponding checkbox I need to ON?
5. Write descriptive program for login? Fields like Username, Password,[Submit] & [Cancel]
6. If there are 4 same yahoo browsers,if I close two browsers using creation time, will I use
creation time for actions like edit or click a link etc..?
7. How to confirm in yahoo weather the mail has been sent successfully or not?
1. Difference b/w Smoke & sanity testing?
2. Difference b/w Re testing & Regression testing?
3. Explain defect life cycle?
4. Priority & severity difference?
5. Example of High severity, low priority and High priority, High severity?
6. Write test case for login page?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company?
3. How to set ON 1,3,7 checkboxex in a web table?
4. write a descriptive program to send an email from Outlook?
5. How to use DOM and write a program to ON particular checkbox?
6. How to get the value from webtable?
7. How to get the data from a particular cell in excel?
8. In one cell there are two links,in that I want to click on the second link in excel?
9. How to read alternate lines in text file?
10. how many types to return the values in function and what are they?
11. How to connect QC from QTP?
12. How many tabs are there in QC and how many are visible for us?
13. How many types we can write one script?
14. How to use reusable action in current action?
15. Difference b/w getROproperty and setROproperty?
16. Difference b/w systemutil and invokeapplication?
17. How to use arrays?
18. What are different types of objects in OR?
19. Why you are using recovery scenarios in your framework?
20. What are the events in recovery scenario?
21. How you are analyzing the results in QTP?
22. How to count number of links in a web page using DP?
23. What is the difference b/w on error resume next and on error Zero?
24. How to close browser without closing QTP?
1. What is the automation process you followed in your company?
2. What is the framework you are using in your company?
3. Why you are writing the scripts in descriptive programming?
4. Difference b/w keyword view and expert view?
5. Difference b/w per action and shared repository?
6. How many types of recording modes? Difference b/w them?
7. How to use Description object?
8. Difference b/w getROproperty and setTOproperty?
9. What are the methods in run time data table?
10. How to get OS, OS version using QTP?
11. How to retrieve data from database?
12. How to read by line using FSO?
13. How to ensure weather file exists or not?
14. What are the different types of check points?
15. What are different types of actions?
16. How to call previous action in current action?
17. How to connect QC from QTP?
18. How to reverse of a string without using string reverse?
19. How to increase size of an array if the size is fixed?
20. how many types we can return a value in functions?
21. Explain about framework in detail?
22. Explain driver script and how it execute?

1. What is the framework you are using in your company?
2. For login and new page 1 for a site has one Shared OR. In new page 1 there are 300
country links(300 ORs for 300 Countries). Depends upon user interest if any user click on
particular country link, some information shows related to that country and that country OR has
been added during run time in that script?
3. How many ORs use in one script? neither Shared OR nor Local OR?
4. In a web table
First Name : Edit box Last Name : Edit box
Emp num : Edit box Salary : Edit box
Ph no : Edit box Address : Edit box

I want to get O/P like
First Name - Ganesh
Last Name - Jana
Emp Name - ***** (5 digits)
Salary - ***** (5 digits)
5.write a script how to print browser name?
6. in a weblist Username is there I want to get that username and print it.
7.write a script to delete a mail in gmail using QTP?
8.what do you meant by dictionary object? to use array in functions?
10. how to display browser title name using QTP?
1.How to reverse of a string without using string reverse?
2. GANESH is there. I want to print every letter in new line as
o/p should be like below
3. display count no.of same kind of objects,no.of different kind of objects, print same kind of
objects and different kind of objects in web page.
Objects like edit boxes,list boxes,links etc.
5. how to replace data in run time data table during run time?
6. How to get 2 table?
2 * 1 =2
2 * 2 = 4

2 * 10 = 20
7. Can we change the objects in repository permanently?

1. Difference b/w re testing & regression testing
2. Difference b/w smoke and sanity testing
3. Difference b/w defect and bug?
4. Explain v-model?
5. Quiery on equi join?
1. Which automation process you followed in your company?
2. Why you are using data driven and keyword driven in framework?
3. Why you are writing the scripts in descriptive programming in QTP?
4. Write a script for x=Ganesh and I want output as x=gansh write two codes for this?
5. Write a script for login using descriptive programming and description object?
6. How the driver script executes?
7. How the input data and keywords called from driver script?
8. Automation folder structure?
9. What are the vbscript functions?
10. What is difference between instr and instrrev?
11. Without data can we test application using data driven framework?
12. If data exists in application why we are using data driven why not liner or modular
All the Best...
Venkataraamana Reddy. G

Hello All...
Here are the First Round HR Interview questions.
1. Full Name (as per SSC/HSC Certificate)
2. Mobile Number
3. Alternate Contact Number
4. Date of Birth:
5. Have you applied with my company any time in last 6months
6. Current Designation
7. Current Job Type: (Full Time/Contract)
8. If contract ( Name of the Employer)
9. For permanent employer Do you have all relevant docs( Last 3 employers BGV
compliance, Form16, Bankstatements, Relieving Letters, Bond/commitment from company
10. "For Contract Employer Do you have all the Relevant docs
11. (Pay slips, official email id, form 16, Bank statements, Fake Employer Validation)"
12. Actual Notice Period:
13. Negotiable Upto:
14. Buyout Option: (Y/N)
15. Whether Resigned from Current Employer ( Yes/No)
16. Flexibility to Work at Client Place
17. Reason for Change
18. Current CTC
19. Expected CTC:
20. How is the expectation justified:
21. Recent hike (%, Month and Year)
22. Variable Pay( % in CTC)
23. Any Offers in Hand?
24. Preferred Work Location
25. Willingness to Travel[If Applicable]
26. Preferred time for Interview
27. What type of project is current project?
28. How long you have been in current project
29. Which Vertical is the current project?
30. Role in your current project
31. Team Size and how are you aligned in the team
32. Education:
33. Year of Pass Out
34. Justification in case if there is a gap from pass out date to employment start
35. Shortterm Goal
36. Longterm Goal
37. Total Experience
38. Relevant Experience to the JD:
39. Self Rating (1-5)
40. Primary Skills:
41. Skill1
42. Skill2
43. Skill3
44. Skill4
All the Best...
Venkataraamana Reddy. G

Hello All...
Below are the Tips for facing the Interview in GOOD MANNER

Prepare for the interview
1. Dress appropriately in simple, comfortable clothes that reflect your personality.
2. Avoid wearing new shoes (squeaking noises) and do practice wearing your tie.
3. Be punctual don't be late or even too early.
4. Read up about the company, what business they are into, growth trends, diversification etc
5. Read your own resume - be sure that you don't have to look into your resume to recall
details during the interview
6. Carry extra copies of your resume and testimonials you never know when you may need
7. Make sure you know the full name and designation of the person interviewing you
8. Keep your references ready
9. Remember to make a note of your previous or current salary with all its components.
Make a good first impression
1. Wish the interviewer(s) cheerfully and with a smile
2. A firm handshake is an indicator of how you are feeling. If you are a lady, then some male
employers might not make the first move, but go ahead and initiate the handshake
3. Wait till you are asked to sit down
4. Look the person in the eye
5. Do not appear too nervous or overconfident. Your body language usually conveys more
than what you are saying. Don't slouch or lean forward too much.
6. Try to curb nervous mannerisms e.g. fidgeting or biting your finger.]
7. Appear comfortable, confident and interested in securing the job
During the interview...
1. Start the interview with a pleasant smile.
2. Always remember to give a firm handshake. If there are women in your interview panel,
wait for the other person to extend the hand while shaking hands.
3. Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying
4. Stress on what you can contribute to the organization.
5. Remember that the employer is in control of the interview
6. Don't be too long-winded say what you want to convey in crisp sentences and use terms
that would convey your job & achievements.
7. Complete your sentences - don't answer just yes or no
8. What you don't know can be learned tell them if you don't know something. But give
instances of how quick a learner you are.
9. Do not boast. People on the other side are shrewd and can generally see through you. At
the same time talk about achievements giving due credit to others.
10. When talking about yourself and your aspirations, do not sound vague or do not say that
you don't know something. You should be very clear and precise about what you want to
do, where you want to go etc.
11. If you don't understand a question, ask for clarification, don't answer vaguely.
12. Don't talk about your personal problems, why you need the job etc
13. Don't get personal even if you know the interviewer personally
14. Don't be overconfident or too nervous
15. Don't badmouth your previous employer - you could do the same in the case of the
prospective customer
16. Don't complain about politics, a bad boss or a poor salary - your reasons for change should
be higher responsibilities, location etc.
17. If the interviewer is interrupted during the course of the interview, don't pick up papers on
his/her desk and read them
18. Don't ask about salary before the offer is made
19. Strike a balance between what you actually are and what you want to be don't paint a
picture of yourself as somebody who is not concerned about money, social status etc.
20. Don't be in a hurry to complete the interview
21. Ask questions at the end of the interview it could be about the company, the job or the
next stage of the interview process. It will be an indicator of your interest in the position
22. Send a thank-you letter outlining your interest in the job and why you are qualified for it.
Be positive and confident - and the job is yours!

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