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Caesars Lesson One

Bicycle noun
a vehicle with two wheels
Spanish - bicicleta
Biped noun
something with two feet
Bilateral adj.
having two sides

Bicameral adj.
having two chambers
Bi - two
Submarine noun
a vehicle that goes underwater
Spanish - submarino
Submerge verb
pull something under the surface
Subtract verb
take away something from another (pull down)

sub rosa adj.
done in secret
Sub - under
Descend - v
to go down
Deposit v
put down
Spanish - depositar
Deduce v
think your way down from lots of information to one idea

Debrief v
to question someone

De - down
Predict v
announce something before it happens
Spanish - predecir
Prepare v
get ready before an event
Prelude n
music before a performance

Preexist adj.
existing beforehand
Pre - before
Supervise v
watch over people or things
Superior adj
over others in quality or rank
Superb adj
over others in quality, excellent
Spanish supersonic supersonico
Superannuated adj
outdated, obsolete
Super - over

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