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Common Usage Problems

1. a, an

27. Anxious, eager

2. accept, except

28. capital, capitol

3. accuse, allege

29. Emigrate, immigrate

4. adapt, adopt

30. Enthused, enthusiastic

5. advice, advise

31. Farther, further

6. affect, effect

32. Fewer, less

7. unique (comparative)

33. Former, latter

8. allot, a lot, alot

34. Gone, went

9. already, all ready

35. Healthful, healthy

10. all right, alright

36. In, into

11. all together, altogether

37. Irregardless

12. Among, between

38. Prosecute, persecute

13. Sit, set

39. Kind of, sort of

14. Anywhere, everywhere, nowhere,


40. Lay, lie

15. As to
16. In, at
17. Awhile, a while
18. Their, there, and theyre
19. Win, beat
20. Beside, besides
21. Bring, take,
22. Burst, bust, busted
23. Personal, personnel
24. Different from, different than
25. Doesnt, dont
26. Stationary, stationery

41. Learn, teach

42. Leave, let
43. Farther, further
44. Fewer, less
45. Former, latter
46. Gone, went
47. Healthful, healthy
48. In, into
49. Irregardless
50. Just
51. Kind of, sort of
52. Lay, lie

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