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Ryan September 2014

Seventh Grade ELA Classes 7-335 & 7-341 Room 341

Welcome to Seventh Grade!

One composition (marble- hard sided) notebook no spirals or binders
A pack of pens (10 12 blue or black)
2 Highlighters
a couple of packs of post-its
a folder
pack of loose-leaf paper (100-200 sheets)

Daily Student Expectations:
Doing well is no secret. Work hard. Ask questions. Respect others. Behave appropriately. Be
prepared to learn when coming to class. Bring your materials. Arrive on time. Take care of
personal necessities before coming to class. Keep the classroom clean. Dispose of your own

You will need to have your notebook, central text (book we are reading), and your Module
Workbook every day. I will provide you with a folder to help keep these organized and readily

Homework will be assigned every night (independent reading 30 45 minutes per day) and
should be logged. In addition to your independent reading, there will be various assignments
from the Expeditionary Learning Module that is expected to be completed. You will need the
assignment to complete the classwork on the following day.

All classroom information and homework assignments will be posted to our class website: There is a direct link to contact me at this site, if you have
any questions or comments. If you are absent, please check to see what you missed. Anything
you missed during class time or didnt understand please, please, please check the website
its there to help you.

Parents this site is also for you please go to the site and see what your child is learning.
There you can also find information about the Common Core Standards and Lexile reading

Grading Standards and Policies:
30% - Classwork
(participating during lessons, being prepared with materials when class begins, staying
focused, graphic organizers).
20% - Homework
(keeping up with nightly reading assignments & written responses)
50% - Assessments
(there will be at least six test based on the skills/standards we are learning in the

Handing in work late:
Your grades are based on if you are meeting a certain standard or not. If an extension for work
is necessary, please see me BEFORE THE DUE DATE and explain why. If it is handled maturely,
and not abused, we will be able to work things out. This is a way to begin encouraging you to
take on your own responsibilities. However, if you wait until I am collecting work to tell me you
need to print something out, well that is too late. You will be penalized 5 points for each day
something is not handed in (up to 25 points deducted). If an assignment is over a week late, I
will have to contact your parent to schedule a meeting to facilitate the completion of the

Classroom Library:
Our classroom library uses a computerized accountability program. Each child will have a library
card. You may take out 2 books at one time and you can check them out for up to 14 days. You
are responsible for any lost or damaged books and must pay a fee of $10.00 per book in order
to replace it. You may also take out books from the school library, public library, or purchase
them from a bookstore.

Bathroom Pass Policy:
School Rules no passes the first 5 minutes or the last 5 minutes of the class period. You do
not have to ask to go. Please sign out when you leave and sign in when you return. Take the pass
with you. You should be gone 2 to 3 minutes at the most. Please try not to disturb others who
are doing their classwork when leaving or returning.

Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions as soon as possible at, or at our class website: I am here to
help you succeed.

I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the classroom standards and expectations.

___________________________________ _________________
Student Name (Please Print) Date

Class ______________________

I have read and understood the class standards and expectations, and agree to support my
childs efforts to adhere to them.

___________________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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