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My name is Erin MacKenzie Crockett, 31, and I am originally from Xenia, Ohio.

In 1996, I graduated from

Xenia High School and began my college education at Tennessee State University. While in high school, I
was accepted into the TSU Engineering Concepts Institute (ECI) and received a partial Engineering
scholarship. I declared a double major in Architectural Engineering and Africana Studies. During my
junior year, I applied and was accepted into the United States Navy Civil Engineer Corps. In 2005 I
graduated from Touro University and received a Master degree in Business Administration with a
concentration in Public Policy. In 2006, I studied at Liberty Theological Seminary, where I completed 3
courses. Two years later, I started another Master degree at American Graduate University. I am
currently pursuing a Master degree in Acquisition Management.

In 2002, I graduated from TSU and left two month later for Pensacola, Florida to attend Officer Candidate
School (OCS). OCS was… WOW… something else. I was trained my US Marine Corps drill instructors and
that experience was scary, never-ending, yet rewarding. I couldn’t swim, so I was in that “extended”
program, which kept me there an extra 1.5 months. Finally, in October 2002, I would graduate from the
toughest school I had ever attended. I graduated from the Navy Officer Candidate School and become a
Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy. I would later attend the Civil Engineer Corps Officer
School in Port Hueneme, California, and then move to Memphis, Tennessee. While stationed in
Tennessee from 2002-2005, I would work as the Assistant Resident Officer in Charge of Construction. In
May 2005, I was then stationed at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Navy Hospital where I worked as
the Department Head for Facilities Management. While stationed there, I would deploy to Baghdad, Iraq
for 7 months. There I submitted my resignation request and would get off of active duty in June 2007.

Once free from active duty, I moved to Baltimore, Maryland to work for the Army Corps of Engineers. I
joined the Navy Reserve’s and have served as a Reservist for 2 years. It was here that I met my beautiful
wife, Khia Nicole Carrington. In December 2007, I met Khia on Downelink, an online social network. We
emailed back and forth and eventually went on our first date. We went to Ray Lewis’ Full Moon
restaurant and the rest is history. We would later marry in Laguna Beach, California in June 2008.
Months later, I told my family, in Xenia, Ohio, of the marriage. They were surprised and are still
adjusting. Khia and I have traveled to Ohio twice and my family is finally coming around.

Prior to meeting Khia, I started dating women in 1999. My first relationship, ever, was with a woman and
lasted for 6 months. After that relationship ended, it wasn’t until June 2003 that I would enter into
something new. That relationship lasted 1.5 years and ended prior to moving to California to fulfill my
military obligation. Growing up, I always knew that I was different, but it was unexplainable at that time.
I enjoyed the company of women and could not completely open up to males. As time progressed, I
decided to live my life for me and do what made me happy. In 2001, I met someone from Miami, Florida
and we would be in a relationship for 6 months, as well. I would later join the military and my story

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