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D. Cebu Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Inc. v.

Secretary Drilon
On December 14, 1!", #e$ublic Act %o. &&4' (as $asse) t*at ma)e +or an
increase in t*e minimum (age. ,*e Secretary o+ -abor issue) t*e $ertinent rules
im$lementing t*e $rovisions o+ t*e #e$ublic Act. Section ! $rovi)e) in sum t*at t*e
im$lementing rules $ro*ibit t*e em$loyer +rom cre)iting anniversary (age
increases un)er a collective bargaining agreement against suc* (age increases
man)ate) by t*e #e$ublic Act. ,*e $etitioners argue t*at t*is $rovision is null an)
voi) on t*e groun) t*at it un)uly ex$an)s t*e $rovisions o+ t*e sai) la(.
.*et*er or not an Im$lementing Or)er o+ t*e Secretary o+ -abor an) /m$loyment
0DO-/1 can $rovi)e +or a $ro*ibition not contem$late) by t*e la( it see2s to
%o t*ey cannot.
It is a +un)amental rule t*at im$lementing rules cannot a)) or )etract +rom t*e
$rovisions o+ la( it is )esigne) to im$lement. ,*e $rovisions o+ t*e #A )o not
$ro*ibit t*e cre)iting o+ C4A anniversary (age increases +or $ur$oses o+ com$liance
(it* #A %o. &&4'. A)ministrative regulations a)o$te) un)er legislative aut*ority by
a $articular )e$artment must be in *armony (it* t*e $rovisions o+ t*e la(, an)
s*oul) be +or t*e sole $ur$ose o+ carrying into e5ect its general $rovisions. An
a)ministrative agency cannot amen) an act o+ Congress.

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