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Define public administration with your own example

Public administration is a group of people working together to organize the public right. Public
administration may be defined as the management of all the activities and operations of the
three branches of the government at the central or federal, state and local levels. These
activities and operations include policy formulation and execution, provision of various public
services such as education, transportation, health care, welfare; enactment and enforcement of
laws, defense and internal security, tax collection, administration of social security and justice,
financial and personnel administration. Public administration covers 3 branches which is
executive, legislative and judicial. Public administration plays important roles in the
transformation of public policy and it is part of political process. Public administration is
important and it is different from private management. Public administration plays an important
role as mediator for private groups and individual to deliver services to the society.
2. Difference between public and private/business?
The difference between public/non-profit sector management and private sector management is
supported by two argument which represent real differences in how public programs and private
businesses strive to meet their objectives. First, public organizations do not always operate with
objectives which can be clearly measured like in the private sector, which operates in a model of
economic efficiency.

For example, a toy manufacturer is able to clearly set a goal of how much product to manufacture and
sell, as well as establish a clear bottom line. This is not always possible in the public sector, where the
goals arent so straightforward and there is no clear bottom line. So if a presidential directive calls for
reducing poverty and the mission objectives include reducing powerlessness and apathy", any measure
of the success of this endeavor and the programs implemented along with it are going to be general and
not easily identifiable. Traditional business or private sector methods of measuring success cannot be
used in this instance. The end-result cannot be easily measured based on the establishment of one
particular program or managerial factor.

One of the most influential people to have approached this question is Herbert Simon. In Simons highly
regarded discussion on fact and value, Simon claims that public and private sector management, while
sharing similarities in management methods, arent entirely similar. By accepting that the means of
administration (the facts) are different than the ends (the values), one can assert that the values of the
public sector differ from that of the private sector. The public sector values the public interest and political
compromise, while the private sector values profit.

The second argument is that accountability differs largely between public and private organizations.
Managers in public organizations are accountable to a much greater number of people and in turn are
subjected to greater influence by those they are accountable to. This is will play a significant role in their
decision making process as public administration is constantly under public scrutiny. The public manager
will attempt to appease as many people as possible while achieving results. This adds to the complexity
of their position as manager. Moreover, research supports the notion that organizational commitment is
weaker in the public sector, so this will also influence public managers accountability.

The private sector operates without the checks and balances of the public sector. They are accountable
to shareholders and their focus remains on maximizing the bottom-line. Yes, there is a blurring of the
public and private sector, and the business man is certainly more subjected to public scrutiny than in the
past, but on the whole, the private managers maintain accountability too far less people than the public
managers do. Private organizations are also far less transparent than public organizations as there is less
demand for sunset clauses and other mechanisms to ensure public organizations do not become too
powerful and overshadow the abilities of the private sector to function as needed.

With varying objectives and degrees of accountability, managing a public organization will differ greatly
from private sector management.

3. Explain the vital roles of a government

4. Explain the factors associated with civil society and size and scope of government

5. Define ethics in public administration with example from your country

Ethics attempts to define and develop a systematic means to guide behavior. Ethics is the
process of using reason, guided by moral standards or personal values, to make decisions
regarding right and wrongdoing in ones professional and personal life, and taking
responsibilities for those decisions.
As a developing country, Malaysia has achieved success in many fields. It now aims to become
a fully developed nation by its own mould in 2020.
In order to become a successful nation and to further strengthen its achievement towards
excellence, glory and distinction, Malaysia must effectively manage its success, says Dr Syed
The transformation towards a developed nation is not solely based on economic and
technological progress. It also needs progress in social, cultural, intellectual and spiritual realm.
To achieve this, the enhancement of ethics and integrity to ensure that they become port of the
societys culture is absolutely necessary.
Only with these values and norms in place, our successes can be sustained and the peoples
well being enhanced.
6. Congress uses a variety of tools to influence the operations of government. Explain with
example the oversights purpose of the congress

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