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Information technology has dramatically changed all asects in !"siness and ind"stry in modern
society# These technology de$eloments ha$e ad$ersely affected the %o!s of many eole# To
"nderstand information technology &ennett '())*+ defined it as ac,"isition- rocessing- storage-
and dissemination of information "sing com"ters# Information technology incl"des. a com"ter-
a com"ter rogram / 0ord rocessor- a calc"lator- comact dis1- fa2 machine- telehone- and so
many more# Information technology is 0idely "sed in offices today# In many organi3ations- yo"
0ill find eole sitting at o0erf"l 0or1 stations and ersonal com"ters doing their o0n
information rocessing# 4ome of these eole may !e erforming simle tas1s s"ch as 0riting
letters- generating grahs and others de$eloing sohisticated or order/entry systems#
Information re$ol"tion has re$itali3ing force thro"gho"t the 0orld# According to IT5 statistics-
those co"ntries 0hich ha$e in$ested in ICT ha$e had income- h"man caital- legal ,"ality and
!an1ing sector de$eloment associated 0ith technology enetration rates# 6hile in de$eloing
co"ntries li1e 7enya- there ha$e !een minimal !enefits in ICT "sage#
Many organi3ations today ha$e not ragged !ehind in de$eloment of information technology#
Most of them ha$e chief information officers or information technology deartments to o$ersee
all the "ses of information technology in their organi3ations# In addition to this there is "se of
telecomm"nication net0or1s- electronic mail- electronic meeting systems to coordinate 0or1

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