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Worksheet for Outlining your Reasoning and Analysis Paper

This is for your use only: it is not to be turned in!

Thesis Statement Fill in your thesis statement using an option from the list in
the instructions on the website, or use your own. Expand on your thesis in one to three

2. Support your thesis using at least one example from the film Catfish.* (You
may use more than one example.)
3. Support your thesis using at least one example from at least one of the
assigned articles.* (You may use both articles, and you may use more than one
4. Support your thesis using an example from your personal experience or
from popular culture.*
5. Conclude your paper by re-stating your thesis and briefly summing up how
your have supported it with the examples given.**
6. Add your Works Cited on a separate page.
*You dont have to reference your sources (film, articles, etc.) in any particular order:
you can use your pop culture reference before your article reference, for example.
**Dont forget to use in-paper (parenthetical) citations any time your paraphrase or
directly quote one of your sources

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