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Pride Leader

Chapter 39
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng

Sire, We are in orbit of Meridian four. We should be making planet fall in twenty minutes.


Thank you War Lord.

<Mark moves slowly thru the deepest part of Luna, parts not touched in eons. There is a plan in the
making, but first he has to make a major change in one of the pieces of this game.>

Luna, Open File marked Gods last chance.


Open files Sire.


Execute it!




Crew panic! Everyone is running for transporters and life boats. No one knows whats happening. All
they know is that the ship is about to explode. There is only one way to survive, and they have to get as
far as possible. The triplets vanish in a wink, goddesses gather everyone close to them, taking them to a
safe place, Joy finds Mark sitting calmly on the floor.


Whats going on! Why are you just sitting there?!!


A step in a plan, I need all mortals off Luna.


Ships Clear Sire.


Luna Jump to Pride point cluster now.


Jumping Now Sire.


Joy, go get your sisters. I need them for this. I will be in the bridge.

* * *

10 minutes later:

Mark whats going on?


Come here. Form a circle and open your minds to my control.

<Mark forms a Mass Mind of gods. Focusing the power. Having them fine tune where he cant. He
reaches out to a few near by stars. Starts pulling the cores from them, wrapping Luna with them, Her
form dissolving, she gains mass, she grows in size, new weapons form on her hull. She is outgrowing the
close by stars, reaching further Mark needs more raw mass to complete the change. Luna exceeds a
super destroyer and is growing still. The last stars are gone, a system that held dozens of stars now only
has three left. In its center cooling is a new Ship. Thirty miles long, four miles high and 3 miles wide. She
is monstrous, bigger than any other ship ever built, from her six grav cannons she now has four hundred
of them, pluse cannons all over, torpedo tubes, missiles launchers, ten fighter bay, each holding two
hundred ships. Luna has been reborn, shes a new ship. Emblazon on her Hull, the Royal Seal, Her Kings
Seal. She is a mega carrier, created to be a destroyer of systems, capable to take on more ships than a
battle group. Luna awakens in her new body ready for her to command. Now its time to return to
retrieve her crew. And to gain more. >


OH MY! Mark what are you planning?


Im planning on keeping my family safe. And this is a start. Ladies, thank you for your help, now please
go and bring back all you have placed in safe places.

Luna, take us back to Meridian four. We have souls to pick up.


Yes Sire.

Deep in Luna, New power plants come alive, core taps power up, the fold drive spins up. In a wink her
massive hull disappears.


Luna Is now traveling Meridian four shipping lanes. Lunas Massive form crawls thru the lanes. She is
working her way back to Meridian. On the bridge, a skeleton crew is getting frustrated.

Lt Gyss ( On Comm ):

SS Blue Horizon, This is His Sire Flag. You are in danger. Please change your course port four degrees.

On the Comm screen a vixen appears.

Taro Nichols:

His Sire Flag, this is Taro Nichols XO of the Blue Horizon. We acknowledge your transmission and are
correcting course as suggested.

Lt Gyss:

OK Blue Horizon, Have a safe journey. His Sire Flag out.

Taro Nichols:

Blue Horizon out.


OH MY! How!? Mark what happened to Luna?


It came to me in a dream, how the ship were made in the first place.


Its amazing, is there any other ship this size?


Not as far as I know of. Here is what I want to show you.

<Opening a Pair of doors they enter into a new throne room. Mark and all his Queens enter. To the rear
is a platform, four feet above the floor level covered in what appears to be lush green grass. A Marble
throne front center, behind it to each side is four more marble thrones. One for each Queen. But behind
and above is a Row of more thrones made of Crystal they circle the entire room. Thousands of them. In
front of the platform is twenty smaller thrones, about the size for Kits.>


Amaazzing!!! Whats with all the crystal ones?


Just take your Seats, and you will soon see.

<They all walk up to the platform, as they get closer you can see the details, each throne has the
individual Queen's name engraved in them. When they reach them then feel the just grass under their
feet. Each seat is the perfect size and height so once seated, all their eyes are at the same level. And
each is so lush in comfort one would think they were in heaven setting in them. Each one takes a seat.
Wondering whats going to happen next.>



< A mist forms, in it are nine goddesses and one god, Star Steps forward>


Mark, you called for us?


Yes my lovely goddesses, you see before you my throne room. For each of you is a Seat, I wish you to
take them and be one with my kingdom. Help guide and endorse true faith. Will you accept my offer?

<Star smiles, being asked to take an active role in the needs of mortals, helping guide their king, and the
new god, a move unexpected but very wise.>


We accept your graces offer. May I ask why so many thrones?


One for each of you and for future gods and goddesses.

<Each one takes a seat, the thrones shift in form, accepting the goddesses and god, each one changes
to represent who will sit in them. Stars is covered in magical graphs, Roses shows a garden background,
Joy has scenes of happiness on hers, Violets a simple flower, Lakes turns in to a mass of solid liquid
water, Woods become made of plants. Moons turn solid black, Springs a Flowering Bush, And
Mercurys grows Wings. >


This is a wonderful sight Mark, whats the smaller ones for?


My childrens places. < His Eyes glow and the Staff of Truth appears in Marks paw, he speaks unheard
words and than jams it into the deck sparks fly, the staff bonds. Now part of the throne room deck, To
step in here would render anyone from hiding anything. >

Now we need to find the best of the best. This ship needs a full crew. Thank you all for coming, we have
work to do. Ladies you all know what you need to do, Mercury come with me.


Where did you find these names?


Mostly from Falas memories, so do you think you can find them?


Most yes, Im surprised you have Gods names on this list.


They are old and trusted friends of Fala. I am hoping that they will befriend me. You my friend have
shown that not all gods are out there to use me, so go, find them. Have them go to Roses garden and
wait for me.


I will. And thanks for giving me your trust on this.


Daddy!! Our new oom big!


Yes it is little one. Where is Sarah?


Saah is in her new oom.


Good now you go and play.

* * *

There you are, I see you like your new room.


Oh its so large. And the bed is so nice. You didnt have to do this. I was fine in my old room.


You earned it. And you are so going to have plenty of help. Our next stop is Hissit Colony on Meridian


A Slaver colony? Why?


Because if there going to be slaves, then Im going to set an example of how they should be treated by
having my own and treating them right. Leading by example is the best way to make a change.


So youre going to get me helpers.


Im going to build a staff from some of them. And I have had Fyyf send for some Fox crew members.


Sire, This group was brought up from Hissit colony,


I said I was going to go there and look for myself. Tell them I still will be there in five hours no matter

Shuttle Guard:

That is understandable Sire, this group was sent first because its hoped you will have a place for them
all. In most cases they are undesirables. Theyre from Fuiiios, A heavy gravity world and in most cases
are just too strong to be handled or trained.


How many?


I have just two.


Just Two? You have twenty guards here.


Sire, they are unwilling to be slaves, even tho their family sold them to pay a debt.

< Mark enters the room, in the center is two nude young wolf females, mad as hell. Snapping and
growling. Chained to the walls, floor, and ceiling. >


Release them now!


Sire, We cant safely.

< With a wave of a hand the chains vanish, the wolf are stunned for a moment, then all hell breaks
loose. They attack the guards, as fast as it start it ends, they stand frozen in place. >


Now young ladies, we cant have that. < with a thought both are dressed in a simple white dress.> Now
you are proper, hear me out, Im you king, and hopefully I have a new home for you. You will be treated
good, keep safe and schooled. I know you didnt choose this, But Im offering you the best life you can
have as slaves, on my ship you will be treated as ladies and respected. I am now going to release you, if
you attack again I will have to deal with it. Give me a chance to show you how life can be happy and full,
even as a slave. < with a thought Mark releases them, both stand there blinking and confused >

Okay now, how old are you and do you have names?

First Wolf:

Sire, I am ten seasons old. I was called Flee.

Second Wolf:

Sire: I am eleven seasons old and call Sun.


Good, now both of you step here and accept my branding.

Flee( Scared out of her mind ):

Branding!? Please dont hurt me!


Dont worry, this will be painless < Mark places his paw on top of each of their small breast, a soft glow
starts and once Mark remove his paw the branding is seen. No pain, no burning, but a very clean

Now take your places and follow me, Guards, head back to your


Now you two, I know youre scared, but you will have jobs to do, So tell me whats your thought on kits
and pups?


I took care of my family litters as soon as I was old enough to.


Same here. Its the first thing I learned.


Good, for now, Im going to have you helping my nanny out, you will also be given schooling and if you
like, you may learn a trade. And you will at all time have your brand showing. Otherwise you may dress
as you wish. For now you will be restricted to the royal deck. There are guards at both entrances.


We arent to be used?


Used? You will be taking care of my kits and pups.


Sire, I think she means your not going to force us to please you.


Ahh, no, I would never force that on you. If you ever feel the want to sleep with me, just ask me or one
of my wives, but you will never be forced. If a Male does force you while you are with me, youll let me
or my wives know. That male will be dealt with. Rape is not tolerated at all no matter what. You are not
sex objects here, you are royal servants doing your jobs.

< Both wolfs look at each other, growing up knowing how all their sister were sold and told what to
expected in life as a slave, now to learn that this Master has no plans of beating them, or using them.>


Sire those two over there are untouched and scared out of their minds.


Do you have an idea of a job they can do?


They say they can read and write, their mother was killed and there was no one to take them in.


You like them dont you.


Yes, they talk to me like you do Sire. Theyre so scared.


You, Go get those two white foxes. They will be coming with me.

Controller Yann:

Sire, those to bitches dont speak, their stupid mutes, not worth your time.

<Mark grabs the controller by his collar and starts telling him what his choices are>

You either do as youre told or you will be joining them as a slave.

Controller Yann:

Yesss SSssire, Riight away Sshire

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