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Calvin Martinez

Math Jam Reflection
As a Pathways student I attended week two of math jam !o say the least it was
not what I e"#e$ted I have to say the le$tures in the mornin% &y #rofessor Akien were
hel#ful &ut yet &orin% !his e"#erien$e made me realize that this is the start to my future
and also not to #ro$rastinate &e$ause itll make you fall &ehind 'efore attendin% Math
(am) I thou%ht it would &e &orin% I fi%ured sin$e its $olle%e and the name *Math (am+
that we would &e in $lassrooms %ettin% le$tures and tested on math It was the $om#lete
o##osite thou%h) sure we %ot le$tured and we had to some math worksheets &ut overall it
was a %ood time ,ou meet new #eo#le) if everyones %rou# was like mine then everyone
%ot alon% -ne thin% that stood out the most were the *i$e &reakers+ Althou%h) they $an
&e awkward at first) after a few of them they start to %et fun I learned a few thin%s durin%
my week there like to stay or%anized. it will hel# in the lon% run Another thin% I learned
is to stay on tra$k with work and make sure to meet deadlines that are near I also have a
jo& so I also have to work on my time mana%ement skills as well -ne thin% is fore sure
thou%h) s$hool $omes first
/urin% Math jam I met several #eo#le and saw many familiar fa$es I usually met
these #eo#le in the %rou# I was #la$ed in 0ettin% to know them was funny) as I told you
&efore we did $onstant i$e &reakers I met a student $alled Cristian 1o&les that was in my
%rou# and he is a very shy #erson &ut when you talk to him he is funny I for%et names
easily &ut there was also this one %irl I met who was out%oin% and had a #ositive attitude
a&out everythin%2
I &elieve the first or se$ond day our tutors %ave us a tour of PCC and it is hu%e
-ne of the $am#us re$ourses I will definitely use this semester a lot will &e the !3C
'e$ause I dont have a $om#uter or la#to# yet I #lan to use their $om#uters for essays are
any work I have to do online Another resour$e at s$hool that $au%ht my attention is the i4
!a# $ard !rans#ortation is a &i% thin% for me sin$e I dont have a $ar 5o knowin% I will
&e makin% it to $lass this semester is ni$e I ho#e to su$$eed in $olle%e and transfer out to
a four year university) so I #lan to try my &est and stay on tra$k

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