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Christian Suarez

WR 5
Pg. 264 #s 25-32
25. It became the religion of Persia, North Africa, Middle East, and most
of Spain.

26. There areas are the northern part of Africa, the entire Middle East,
all of Southwestern Asia (including Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran),
South Asia, and the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia.

27. Arabic is the language of Islam, there are many Muslim sacred sites
in Arabia such as Mecca, and Arabia is the birthplace of the Mohammad
and the faith itself.

28. Heritage is one reason as many of the African slaves brought to
North America were Muslims. Therefore, many African Americans have
argued that Islam is better suited for them considering they associate
Christianity with their white oppressors' religion.

29. Sunnism is the common name for the variety of Islam practiced by
87% of Muslims. The word Sunni, which the word Sunnism is based on,
is derived from a phrase which refers to people who follow established
customs, or the sunna.

30. Shii is the division of Islam dominant in Iraq and Iran, originating as
a result of an early dispute over leadership. It is distinguishable from
Sunni Islam mainly by its figure of the Imam and strong messianic
31. Iraq and Iran

32. The Imam is not thought to be a prophet but is thought to have
unique spiritual insight. The Imam is recognized as the true authority on
earth. Shi'is believe there have been twelve Imams, all of them
descended from Muhammad. The twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi is
also thought to return at the end of time to restore Islam and to usher in
the Day of Judgment.

33. They state there is nothing but God. It is believed that the
worshipper must be one with God, and this is the major principle in
Sufism. Through being one with Allah, an individual gains spiritual

34. chanting odes and the whirling dervish

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