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Luddite Cyberpunk

kids and kruelty, teaching them young how to kill

what's a crusty girl
songs, incorporate quileute style, charging up, simultaneous contrasting chants and moans and yells but
with violin
wild dogs
fascist superhero solves all crimes
only later do they run into the autonomous mathematicians, plot device, we are searching for them
sound clips from other radio shows
like in 13 assassins or greeks with helots, the rich fascists come out to battle the terrible bastards
reprisal comes in the for of exiled poor fascists, they get below a certain level and are expelled, we kill
them for revenge and they don't know why
fascists overmen! perfect smart
pro"ection film of empty desert #the world should've ended in $%1$ and the fact that it didn't negates all
'()(*C, cuts in in the middle of the action+ ,eedback during intense screams, etc+
intro organ violin horn
hd sunglasses
not fascist and anarchist but beautiful and ugly
fight through to fascist sanctum sanctorum to find big babies who "ust want a friend
(here is an inherent longing for the divine, but when the divine becomes attainable it is then
meaningless, the fascists are about to hit the cyberpoint, which is what the autonomous hackers don't
want to happen+ *t's to the point where even the ones orchestrating the whole thing are subdued by it
-arration is explanation to somebody, possibly the grandson, in the end it is revealed who he is talking
to, there are little clues sprinkled throughout
Cut to )rt .ell and 'teven /esse .ernstein during the static, maybe
lonely girl
singularity, math drugs
eat superman
krypton kryptonite
*carus prone to storytelling and monologues
icarus song0
List Of Terrible Tribe Members #1oat,uck0&
(heir names maybe are maybe biblically hated characters, like /e2ebel or something like that+
List Of Hacker (mathmegician) Tribe Members

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