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Here's why moms are so great: Your Stories

In his MVP acceptance speech this week, Kevin Durant supplied a stirring, heartfelt tribute to his
mother, saying: "You are the real MVP."
Ahead of Mother's Day, CBS News asked
readers to share their personal tributes
to, and favorite memories of, their
mothers. The responses, posted in
tweets to the @CBSNews Twitter
account, messages on the CBS News
Facebook web page, and comments on, show just why we
celebrate Mother's Day every year.
There are a lot of extra unique moms out there. Right here are the stories of a few:
"My mother taught me never to give up on myself.. I always was chubby and awkward but my mom
who was tiny females ... She would exercise with me each night and encourage me anyway she could
to lift my spirits... My mother has been gone for ten years but her life lessons keep me going even on
my worst days." - Carla Jackson
"My mom taught me so many items. She taught me how to be a mother, she taught me how to be
strong and independent. My mother was a young mother at the age of 15 years old, but that by no
means stopped her from pursuing her dreams of going to college and teaching me that values that I
attempt to instill in my children these days. I returned manteles antimanchas to college later in life
to get a Master's degree and my mother was my inspiration each step of the way, simply because I
as well was a teenaged mother. Now I have a son who has obtained his Master's and a daughter who
is continuing her education to become a teacher and we all have "grandma Rita" my mom to thank.
I'm shouting all the way to heaven. I adore you mom and I hope that we are making you proud." -
Talisa Bracy
"I keep in mind walking residence from school in the 8th grade. A strange man pushed me to the
ground and stole my health club bag. I was clearly shocked and scared. My mom pleaded with me to
let her choose me up from school from now on. I refused attempting to be brave and wanting to walk
home with my pals. She attempted to attempt to blend in with the after college crowd hoping I would
not notice her walking on the other side of the street. I felt so significantly safer knowing she was
near and I thank her for our sacred bond." - Ronald Wainwright
"I have
so several great memories of my mother but my fondest a single is when I was 9 years old. My
mother took all of us (5) children to our college fair. At the time all I wanted was a new bike. My
older brother and sister had a single and I was angry that I did not. I played a game at the fair with
my friend and one a cake of my option. My mother ran more than and said to get the German
chocolate cake given that that was my dad's favourite. She then told me to watch my small sisters
given that she only had toallas two dollars left and she required to get one thing. What ???!! Not only
did I not get the cake I wanted I had to babysit my tiny sisters!! In my young selfish mind I wasn't
going to stand for this. I grabbed my sisters hands and went looking for my mom. I ultimately found
her standing in line to buy 4 raffle tickets for a new bike for me with her last two dollars. I learned
that day about the numerous selfless acts a mother does for her children. I attempt daily to be the
identical fantastic mother to my youngsters that my mother was to me. It is a tough act to stick to...
Pleased Mothers Day Mom!!! I adore you." - Callye
"In 1973 I was 12 years old possessing my very first of many hip surgeries. At this time, my mother
was not permitted to stay more than at John Gaston Hospital with surgery on minors, no exceptions.
My mother hid beneath my bed and spent the evening because she could not drive and was afraid
she would miss my surgery if the buses produced her late. She violated the policy to make certain
she was there to see her child have her initial main surgery. She is no longer here, but I positive
would love her honored. This was just one of the numerous acts of her love for me . She showed me
the art and sacrifice of really like in action and I have discovered to really like other people in this
identical way. She raised us to persevere through all adversity and challenge. Hence, my brother
became a Pittsburgh Steeler in 1975, but pass at 43 of a massive heart attack. She faithfully said to
us, Whatever you do--be the greatest and if you cant be the very best, be second best. I would be
proud to have her honored even though she is no longer her in the physical planet." - Linda A.
"My mom grew up in a coal camp in West Virginia and only completed the 8th grade of school, but
she valued education and was determined that I would attend college. She told my dad that she
would only marry him if he promised that they would never reside in coal-organization housing, and
he kept his promise and moved to Charleston where the educational opportunities had been higher.
A coal miner didn't make extremely a lot during the time when I was expanding up plus there were
many strikes which drained the family's spending budget. My mother sacrificed and somehow
managed to send me to college, and I am just finishing my 41st year as a middle-school teacher!" -
Phyllis Vaughan Pilewski
"My Mom is 93 &amp in a wheelchair for final two 1/2 years so we have reversed the caring roles
that started many years ago. Mom was a farmers wife fantastic cook &amp the Best Bread maker
ever. She was a Cleveland Indian fan till her mind got blurred, but nonetheless watches the games. I
remember when I came residence from Fort Hood, Texas with our infant son,and stepped off the
plane, back then Mom &amp Dad meet us at the plane, I tried to hand Billy to her and stated Don't
you want to meet your Grandson, she replied it really is you I want to hug, I've missed you so a lot, I
do not know him however. Bless your heart Mom I really like you." - Linda Longsdorf
"My mom has been gone for 7 years, but what made her so particular was her ability to usually make us (I had two
sisters) really feel important and particular. On our birthdays she created each and every of us a
themed reduce-out cake, fully decorated like a lion, a rainbow, a school girl to name a couple of, and
she continued the tradition with her grandchildren. She baberos personalizados con nombre was a
excellent sabanas baker, and following that horrible day at school, we would locate a plate of hot
chocolate chip cookies awaiting. She had this uncanny sense to often know what we necessary
emotionally. She taught us how God developed us uniquely and perfectcly in His image. Her favorite
bible verse was, 'rejoice in the Lord always....' I rejoice now for the numerous years of her influence,
and so appreciate how unique she made me feel." - Sue Flynn, Waterloo, Iowa
"Marla Dickerson was so special and I wish I knew it when she was alive. We did not want a father
simply because God was with her daily showing us her love." - Major Marci Hodge, US Army
"My Mutti (mom) grew up in the course of very hard instances, fleeing from bombs during WWII in
Czechoslovakia. Losing her house, clothes, and everything personal that a 12 year old youngster
cherishes, except what match in a single suitcase. She has been a robust &amp outspoken advocate
for herself and her kids. She inspired our individualism. Taught us the accurate which means of
proper from incorrect. She taught us to respect nature. She taught us to not follow blindly but to
question and feel for ourselves. Not all of her options had been easy ones. Some may have even been
poor options. Who has not produced poor options in life? She loves us, her youngsters, dearly. She
respects our variations. She cherishes our adult relationships. Mutti is now facing severe life
threatening heart failure. Daily is a lot more valuable than the last. I really like you Mutti." - Hedda
"My dad died when I was 11 yrs old, my sisters were 6 and 15... Our mom was 41 and had been a
stay at home mom and homemaker by no means possessing the experience of operating throughout
her marriage as was the norm back then ... We had our house but soon she realized that social safety
benefits and what was left of life insurance coverage would not stretch enough to preserve us out of
poverty... Three of our father's brothers wanted to take every of us girls to raise so that mom could
make her way without us to burden her....she was heartbroken to think that the only help they could
give would take us from her .. She turned her back to their gives and set out to function for the first
time in her life... She got a job at the nearby city hospital doing a menial job but she had advantages
... Her hours were 6am to two pm which includes weekends and all holidays. We did not own a
automobile so she took the bus which needed 1 transfer to get there rain or shine , winter or
summer till following I graduated high school and helped her obtain a automobile.... Each morning
when we girls would get up for school our lunches have been waiting on the table and our clothes
had been set out for us...on Christmas and thanksgiving we would awaken to the smells of stuffed
turkey baking in the oven that she had ready before she left for work( bear in mind she had to be
manteles antimanchas there at 6 am)."
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