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9 December 2009

Today’s Tabbloid

ROGUE FEED can cast spells as if they were 7th-level magic-users. Many are also
equipped with offensive magic items, such as wands.
[Colonial Gothic] Update on the
In return for the gift of immortality, necrolytes typically serve as
map guardians of locations of particular importance to the cult of Turms
DEC 08, 2009 08:45P.M. Termax. While acting as such, they are free to continue their researches
into magic and occult lore, unfettered from the weaknesses to which all
I figured it was time to update you on the status of the map being created flesh is prone. Those who serve the cult well might one day gain access to
for the Gazetteer. As you remember, last week I showed you the start of more powerful rituals that set them further down the path to
the map. More work has been done, and here is where it stands right apotheosis.

As you can see progress is coming along.


Grognard’s Grimoire:
Termaxian Necrolyte
DEC 08, 2009 10:40A.M.

The stat block of this monster is hereby designated as Open Game

Content via the Open Game License.

Termaxian Necrolyte
Number Appearing: 1
% in Lair: 90%
Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: 3
Move: 6
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1 touch (1d8), Spells
Save: M7
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XVII
XP: 570

A Termaxian necrolyte is a magic-user of the cult of Turms Termax, who,

by means of various secret rituals and enchantments, has become
undying. Despite its skeletal appearance, it is not technically a type of
undead, at least not as the term is usual understood. Clerics have no
power over necrolytes and thus cannot turn them. Like true undead,
though, a necrolyte is immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. The cold
touch of a necrolyte deals 1d8 points of damage and all of these creatures

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