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Chole Bhature is my fathers favorite recipe.

It is made with chickpeas, and a delicious fried

Ingredients (for Bhature):
3 Cups Refined flour
1/2 Cup Yogurt
1/2 spoon Baking powder
Soda bicarbonate a pinch
Salt 1 spoon
Oil 2 spoons+ deep fry
Place flour and baking powder, soda bicarbonate and salt in a bowl. Mix well. Mix yogurt to the
flour and add about a cup of water and mix gradually to make a soft dough. Add two tablespoons
of oil into the dough and cover the dough with a wet cloth. Keep it aside for 4-5 hours for
fermenting. Divide dough into sixteen equal portions. Roll them into balls. Grease your palms
with a little oil and flatten the balls. Roll out into five-inch diameter. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai
and deep fry the bhaturas on high heat till light brown on both sides. Drain on absorbent paper.
Serve hot with chole.
Ingredients (for Chole):
1 and half cup chickpeas
2 medium sized onions chopped
3 medium sized tomatoes chopped
1 tsp ginger paste
1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp amchur powder/dry mango powder
2 slit green chillies
1 tbsp oil
4-5 black cardamoms
5-6 peppercorns
3 cloves
1 bay leaf
1 and half tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
2 red chillies
1. Wash and soak the chole (chickpeas) in enough water over night.
2. In a pressure cooker add the chole, enough water, salt and cook for 5-6 whistles. The
chole should be soft.
3. In a pan, dry roast all the spices on a slow flame.
4. Once they are cooled, grind them into a fine powder.
5. Now in the pan, add oil. Add the chopped onions. Add the ginger paste.
6. Once the raw smell of the disappears, then add the chopped tomatoes.
7. Add a little salt so that the tomato gets cooked fast.
8. Add the powdered spices, red chilli powder and green chillies to the onion-ginger-tomato
mixture. Saut for a minute.
9. Now add the boiled chole with a little quantity of its broth. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.
10. Finally, add the amchur powder.
11. Serve with bhature
Fathers Day Note:
I love my papa unconditionally. He is the best man I will ever know. At present what I am is
only because of papa. After marriage I realize how much I love my parents.

If you enjoyed the recipe for Chole Bhature, here are more great recipes you should try from
Manjula's Kitchen.

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