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$1 per pay period can:

Provide an educational booklet for a person newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
Send a child with epilepsy to a morning of summer camp.
Provide therapy flashcards for an underprivileged family to increase their autistic childs vocabulary.
Provide one unit of a cryoprecipitate blood transfusion for a woman suffering from a rare blood
Help buy wigs for pediatric cancer patients.

$2.50 per pay period can:
Provide two support group sessions that provide emotional support and information to people with
liver disease and their caregivers.
Provide a patient with a platelet count.
Pay for one hour of camp for a child with diabetes.

$5 per pay period can:
Assist in sending one person with a brain injury to camp for one day.
Provide a complete platelet count for two children going through cancer treatment.
Assist in supplying underprivileged families with autistic children a complete range of therapy
teaching materials and child motivators.

$8 per pay period can:
Help pay for oxygen for a child in the hospital.
Provide mammograms for three women who cant afford them.
Pay for one month of call center assistance to people living with lung disease.

Your Dollars in Action
When donating to Community Health Charities of Arizona,
every dollar makes a significant impact towards changing the lives of those affected by a
disability or chronic disease.
Look what can happen when we put your dollars in action...

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