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Personality of a person has been variously defned to include a vast number of
qualities of head n heart..
The personality of a person is the sum total of what one has experienced, seen,
heard, read, or felt sine he ained senses.
!t is the contents of one"s character ultimately what an employer loo#s for in a
new employee and not $ust his outer persona.
%&'() we all do some fear at the time of oin for an and it is natural* this is
+owever what is not acceptable is is fear convertin into panic which can
diminish yr performance in many ways.
,o you need to control your nerves in a positive way.
'dmit to yourself that you may be nervous but that you are oin to use this in a
positive way.
!n this short time, u need 2 create a positive impression in his.her mind, as it will
determine yr future relationship
/ith that person or the orani0ation.
1hallenin, isnt it2
3urin frst few minutes, it ta#es a quic# lance for some one to evaluate you
when you meet them for the 4 time.
!n this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on yr
appearance, body lanuae and mannerism.
5y displayin self confdence..thru ood poise, ud communication s#ills,..
&verybody li#es inspirin, honest and character stron people.
5ein friendly is the #ey to instant li#eability
Bad frst impression
/hatever you do, don6t be late and don6t show up loo#in hot and sweaty, untidy
or out of breath. 7our frst impression will o a lon way.
/hile a little small tal# is reat for settlin nerves before the formal interview
beins, be careful what you say as some interviewers use it as part of their
'nd remember to turn your mobile phone o89
&7& T: &7& 1:-T'1T) it shows that you are listenin attentively.
'nswerin a question too quic#ly and without thin#in sometimes ma#es you
ive incorrect or false information. 'lso thin#in for a few seconds, before you
start answerin the question, shows that you are orani0in your thouht in your
mind;re<ectin your orani0ational s#ills.
=:/ P&(!P+&('= >:?&>&-T) it shows that you are used to people listenin to
you carefully when you tal# to others.
:ptimism) !t is quality you can develop n it pays rich dividends.
1alm) !t wud re<ect that u have the capability to have resilience and maintain
cool in case of crisis also.

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