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What do I bestow upon you?

Shes a trend-setter and a game-changer.
A successful entrepreneur and inspiring writer
Seems so head-strong and hands on
The greatest inspiration ever seen
However, she fought against adversity and softened hardship as a teen
Insecurities took hold of her life but couldnt pull her down
Cynical thoughts played in her mind
Even though her mind was deep she still was never grounded
First one in her household to get her Masters Degree was the first legacy
Sprinted to success like a racehorse
And not letting lust keep her off course
Stayed focused in school, and was top of her class
Never thinking on the negative or how long winning would last
Never looked back or took a second thought of what haters would say
She was certain she would be rich one day
Not just rich in wealth, but love, friendship and respect, too
Then the negativity would be superfluous in her hands
Her man- rich in many ways and respected and glad hes taken
Never hesistated to put a ring on it, but surely glad sex waited
The first consistent and stable family wouldnt be the last
Because she set the standards for her daughters to have
Now that the fog is cleared
And stress has no effect
Stopping peoples calamity is the plan
Every day she makes a legacy
Changing the thoughts of humanity
Spreading love to every hand
And making a mark on human land

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