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I will be hosting a class open house in !"# %&'()(* at 6:uuPN on Weunesuay,
Sept. 1u
to give an oveiview of the new math cuiiiculum anu auopteu mateiials,
give a uemonstiation of an AR quiz, anu to show the websites anu tools that we will
be using this school yeai in fifth giaue.
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9-1u 0pen BousePaient Night in the Libiaiy at 6pm.
9-12 Wiiting homewoik uue
Lesson S Spelling Test
Bainette 0lympics (FIF)
9-19 FIF is in school with the Ait Specialist

}effiey Lesseig
Bainette Nagnet School Room 211
Email: jeffiey.lesseigk12noithstai.oig
Phone: 4S6-6u72 ext. 2u2S1
! "#$%& Woik on memoiizing all multiplication anu uivision facts to 12. Look
foi iegulai math homewoik on a uay-by-uay basis.
! '()**+,-& Lesson S, test on Fiiuay. (The list is copieu on the back of this page.)
! ./+$+,-& 0ne paiagiaph (about S to 7 sentences) about youi favoiite chiluhoou
toy oi possession. Besciibe the item anu tell why it was youi favoiite.
Be piepaieu to ieau it to the class on Fiiuay.
! 0)#1+,-& Reau at least S houis a week at home. Check on youi goal anu youi piogiess at AR's BomeConnect (https:hosteuS9.ienleain.comS4S446BomeConnectLogin.aspx). Reau at least two houis ovei the couise of the week, oi about twenty
minutes a uay.

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