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Braveheart is directed by Mel Gibson.

Based on the life of "William Wallace", a

Scottish commoner who grew to lead the Scots against England and its King, Edward the
Longshanks, the film is a historical, romantic, grand epic with bloody battle sequences
and larger than life characters
We are introduced to William Wallace as a child, where he disco!ers the body of his
father"t the funeral, he is approached by another girl who gi!es him a purple flower as
a sign of respect and condolencesLater Wallace, marries her in secret so the English
lords cannot e#act their legal right to $prima notte$ % the se#ual right to the new wife on
the night of her wedding When they are disco!ered, in a terrifying struggle, Wallace is
able to escape, but his wife gets caught and e#ecuted Later, Wallace is betrayed by the
Scottish nobles and is sentenced to death&he battle sequences are bloody and
gruesome Limbs are hacked, heads decapitated, chests punctured and arms are
chopped off, all in a bloody ha'e as the Wallace$s makeshift army takes on the English
ca!alry E!en the horses aren$t let off, as they run head on in to wooden spears
"Bra!eheart" is a traditional (ollywood epic, filled with drama, intrigue, romance and big
!isuals )t$s a splendid, emotional *ourney, if not entirely accurate historically

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