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ommon "alents
1hls book ls prlnLed under Lhe copyrlghL laws of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca. ConLenLs copyrlghL 2003-2010, Wyrd MlnlaLures,
LLC. All rlghLs reserved. Coples of maLerlals hereln are lnLended solely for your personal, non-commerclal use, only lf you
preserve any assoclaLed copyrlghLs, Lrademarks, or oLher noLlces. Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC holds excluslve rlghLs Lo Lhls work.
unauLhorlzed dupllcaLlon ls prohlblLed. ?ou may noL dlsLrlbuLe coples Lo oLhers for a charge or oLher conslderaLlon wlLhouL prlor
wrlLLen consenL of Lhe owner of Lhe maLerlals excepL for revlew purposes only.
MALllAux ls a Lrademark of Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC 2003-2010. 1he Wyrd logo, Lhe MALllAux logo and all relaLed characLer names,
places, and Lhlngs are Lrademarks and copyrlghL 2003-2010 Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC.

!ommon "bilities #ist
1hls model lgnores severe Lerraln movemenL
penalLles and cllmbs 1 PL for each 1" of
movemenL lL spends.
#rmor $%
A model sufferlng damage reduces Lhe damage
by Lhe lndlcaLed number down Lo a mlnlmum of
&lac' &lood
All non-neverborn models wlLhln 1" suffer 1 Wd
when Lhls model suffers damage from a melee
SLrlke or melee Spell.
&(lletproof %
8educe Lhe amounL of damage Lhls model
suffers from ranged SLrlkes or ranged Spells by
Lhe lndlcaLed number Lo a mlnlmum of 1. 1hls ls
cumulaLlve wlLh any oLher Armor.
!omes !heap
1hls model's SoulsLone CosL ls noL lncreased
when hlred by anoLher lacLlon.
!ompanion )model*
lf Lhls model and Lhe companlon (model) are
wlLhln 6" of one anoLher aL Lhe sLarL of elLher
model's acLlvaLlon, boLh models may acLlvaLe
slmulLaneously. CompleLe Lhe acLlng model's
acLlvaLlon flrsL.
+as, to -o(nd %
uamage lllps agalnsL Lhls model recelve one +
per #.
+vasive %
8educe Lhe amounL of damage Lhls model
suffers from b by Lhe lndlcaLed number Lo a
mlnlmum of 1. 1hls ls cumulaLlve wlLh any oLher
1hls model may move over Lerraln and over
oLher models wlLhouL penalLy, and can end lLs
movemenL over lmpassable Lerraln buL cannoL
end lLs movemenL over anoLher model's base.
1hls model may move over Lerraln and over
oLher models wlLhouL penalLy buL cannoL end lLs
movemenL ln or on lmpassable Lerraln or
anoLher model's base.
/(nfighter 0-eapon1
1hls model can make melee SLrlkes up Lo 2"
away wlLh Lhls weapon. 1he weapon galns y and
loses z when maklng Lhese SLrlkes.
2ard to 3ill
Whlle Lhls model has 2 or more Wd remalnlng
when lL suffers damage, lL can only be reduced
Lo 1 Wd by a slngle damage source.
2ard to -o(nd %
uamage fllps agalnsL Lhls model recelve one -
per #.
Lnemy models musL wln a Wp !12 uuel when
LargeLlng Lhls model wlLh an aLLack or Lhe AcLlon
lmmedlaLely falls. Parmless ends when Lhe
model performs an AcLlon oLher Lhan Walk or
ass. 1errlfylng models lgnore Parmless.
1hls model lgnores cover and lncreases lLs LoS
Lhrough obscurlng Lerraln Lo 6".
4mm(ne to 4nfl(ence
1hls model ls lmmune Lo Wp uuels when lL ls
Lhe defender.
5agic 6esistant %
8educe Lhe damage Lhls model suffers from
spells by Lhe lndlcaLed number Lo a mlnlmum of
7ass "hro(gh
1hls model may move Lhrough lnLervenlng
7oison %
1he affecLed model recelves Lhe lndlcaLed
number of olson CounLers lf lL has no olson
CounLers on lL. 1he affecLed model replaces any
olson CounLers on lL wlLh Lhe lndlcaLed number
lf LhaL number ls greaLer Lhan Lhe number of
olson CounLers lL currenLly has. 1he model
suffers 1 Wd per olson CounLer on lL aL Lhe
sLarL of lLs acLlvaLlon, and Lhen dlscards 1 olson
6egeneration %
Peal Lhls model Lhe lndlcaLed number of Wd aL
Lhe sLarL of lLs acLlvaLlon.
!ommon "alents
1hls book ls prlnLed under Lhe copyrlghL laws of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca. ConLenLs copyrlghL 2003-2010, Wyrd MlnlaLures,
LLC. All rlghLs reserved. Coples of maLerlals hereln are lnLended solely for your personal, non-commerclal use, only lf you
preserve any assoclaLed copyrlghLs, Lrademarks, or oLher noLlces. Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC holds excluslve rlghLs Lo Lhls work.
unauLhorlzed dupllcaLlon ls prohlblLed. ?ou may noL dlsLrlbuLe coples Lo oLhers for a charge or oLher conslderaLlon wlLhouL prlor
wrlLLen consenL of Lhe owner of Lhe maLerlals excepL for revlew purposes only.
MALllAux ls a Lrademark of Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC 2003-2010. 1he Wyrd logo, Lhe MALllAux logo and all relaLed characLer names,
places, and Lhlngs are Lrademarks and copyrlghL 2003-2010 Wyrd MlnlaLures, LLC.

1hls model lgnores Parmless and lLlful when
LargeLlng enemy models.
1hls model lgnores severe movemenL penalLles.
8low to 9ie
When Lhls model ls kllled, lL lmmedlaLely Lakes a
1 A AcLlon before belng removed from play.
"errif,ing %
Llvlng models who are engaged ln melee wlLh
Lhls model, or who wlsh Lo Charge Lhls model,
musL wln a Morale uuel or fall back (Morale,
8ook l, p 77).
:se 8o(lstones
1hls model may use game effecLs LhaL requlre
SoulsLones. All MasLers and Penchmen
auLomaLlcally have Lhls AblllLy.
!ommon "ctions #ist
)$;* !asting +xpert
1hls model recelves one addlLlonal CasL AcLlon
durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)$<* !asting 5aster
1hls model recelves Lwo addlLlonal CasL AcLlons
durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)<* .l(rr,
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model lmmedlaLely
makes up Lo Lhree melee SLrlkes agalnsL a slngle
)<* .(rio(s !asting
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model recelves 3 A
LhaL musL lmmedlaLely be used on CasL AcLlons.
)$;* 4nstinct(al
1hls model may perform Lwo dlfferenL (0)
AcLlons durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)=* >in'
1hls model and LargeL model ln base conLacL
wlLh lL are Llnked. AfLer Lhe model Lhls model ls
Llnked Lo compleLes a Walk AcLlon or ends lLs
acLlvaLlon, ush Lhls model lnLo base conLacL
wlLh Lhe Llnked model. A model can be Llnked
Lo one model aL any Llme.
)$;* 5elee +xpert
1hls model recelves one addlLlonal Melee SLrlke
AcLlon durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)$<* 5elee 5aster
1hls model recelves Lwo addlLlonal Melee SLrlke
AcLlons durlng lLs acLlvaLlon
)$;* ?imble
1hls model recelves one addlLlonal Walk AcLlon
durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)$;* 6anged +xpert
1hls model recelves one addlLlonal 8anged
SLrlke AcLlon durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)$<* 6anged 5aster
1hls model recelves Lwo addlLlonal 8anged
SLrlke AcLlons durlng lLs acLlvaLlon.
)<* 6apid .ire
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model lmmedlaLely
Lakes up Lo Lhree SLrlke AcLlons wlLh Lhls
Weapon agalnsL a slngle model.
!ommon $riggers #ist
!b )R* !ritical 8tri'e
When damaglng defender wlLh a melee or
ranged weapon SLrlke, defender suffers +1 ug
for each 8 ln Lhls model's aLLack uuel LoLal. 1he
Weapon Lhe model may apply Lhe CrlLlcal SLrlke
Lrlgger Lo wlll be llsLed ln Lhe models sLaLlsLlcs.
!b )MM* .la,
When damaglng defender wlLh a melee SLrlke,
defender suffers +2 ug.
!b )CC* 6ot
When damaglng defender wlLh a melee SLrlke,
Lhe damage fllp recelves +.
!a )tt* 8(rge
AfLer successfully casLlng a Spell, dlscard 1
ConLrol Card. uraw 1 ConLrol Card.
!b )t* &r(tal 0-eapon1
When damaged by Lhls Weapon, defender
suffers +1 ug for each t ln Lhls model's uuel

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