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1. Why does a computer require an operating system?

A computer requires an operating system to control the various hardware devices and manage its own resources. The
operating system also allows users to create and manage files and run various applications. The operating system
performs the following basic tasks:
1. Peripheral Management
2. Memory Management
3. Process Management
4. Filesystem Management
5. Command Interpretation
2. How is UNIX different from other operating systems?
The differences between UNIX and other operating systems are:
UNIX is a multi-user operating system. Unlike DOS and Windows, a number of users can
access the UNIX operating system simultaneously.
UNIX has better scalability than Windows OS.
UNIX is stable and can be operated continuously without being rebooted compared to
Windows OS.
3. What is the function of the UNIX kernel?
The kernel, collection of programs written in C language, is the core of the UNIX operating system. The kernel manages
the hardware and the executing processes. The kernel acts as an interface between the applications and the system
hardware. The application programs communicate with the hardware by using the services of the kernel.

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