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These objectives are discussed in Surah Luqman:

Allahs Knowledge
Rights and Obedience of Parents
Etiquettes and Manners
Idle Talk
How to Bring up Children
Obedience of ALLAH
There is no God except ALLAH. He is the One. He has no Father or Son. He has all the
powers. Only He is worthy to be worship

Allahs Knowledge:
Allah knows hidden apparent. Knowledge is for him. How can a man compete to him.

It is very important part of worship( ibadaat). Allah says if you want success establish
your prayers with pure intention.

These are favorite peoples of ALLAH Almighty. Those who do utmost good for
ALLAH, and devote their all life to ALLAH. Mohsineen are the peoples who are beautiful from
the core of heart , they do their work peacefully and honestly by keeping in mind that ALLAH is
watching them.

Rights and Obedience to Parents:
Parents are great blessing of ALLAH
They love us more then their life
Obeying them is also worship
We have no rights to hurt them or say no to them
Disobedience of parents is Gunnah e kabeerah
Only in one condition we can say no to them if they ask us to go against ALLAH.

Etiquettes and Manners:
A true Momin is recognized by his etiquettes and manners. He walks in moderate way,
says Salam to everyone, help others. They dont have any ego. They give proper attention when
listening to anyone.

Humble and Idle Talks:
Be humble, be good to others dont be arrogant. The arrogance totally change the attitude
and life style of a person and think that he is at apex. Allah has the right to take the person down
from the highest peak. Person should talk for benefits, useless talks are not beneficial they only
just waste time.

How to bring up children:
In this surah luqman told his son in such a way that his son starts pondering. So, when
children grow up, they stop doing bad things in the presence and absence of people because of
the fear of ALLAH.

Punishments for those who disobey Parents and Allah in their life and in akhrat.
Allah Almighty give place in Jannah to those who devote their lives according to Islam.

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