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The planets gains full Dikbala in the following houses:
1st (Lagna Bhava) - Jupiter and Merur! ("ther! and "arth! ele#ent)
1$th (%ar#a Bhava) - &un and Mars ('ier! ele#ent)
(th (&ukha Bhava) - )enus and Moon (*ater! ele#ent)
+th (Ja!a Bhava ) - &aturn (,ir! ele#ent)
*hen the planets are plaed awa! fro# the bhava where the! get the full dik bala- there strength is
proportionatel! redued. The #a/i#u# strength attained here is 0$ virupa or 1 rupa. To o#pute the
dikbala find the angular distane of the planet and the +th of bhava where the! get the full dik bala. 1f
the angular distane is #ore than 12$ then- subtrat it fro# 30$. The result when divided b! 3- gives the
dikbala of the planets. The longitude of the bhava is sa#e as the Lagna usp as per the e4ual house
Varahamihira: Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I file:///E:/T.S.RAO/T.S.RAO-1/ASTROLOGY/may-2014/webpage/Var...
1 of 1 04/08/2014 8:00 PM

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