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Brad Simon

Strategy Name: Concept # 1
Brainstorming Prior Knowledge

Brief Description (in your own words):

Brainstorming Prior Knowledge is a way to introduce a new subject. The teacher
will introduce a topic (i.e. World War 2) and write that on the board. Students will
have 3-5 minutes to write down as much information as possible. The teacher will
then ask students to volunteer information that they want to share about the subject
to the rest of the class.

How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student Teaching,
or in your own classroom:

I would use this strategy to introduce a new unit. For the students it activates prior
knowledge on the subject and gets them thinking about the upcoming unit. It allows
me to gauge students knowledge of the subject area and make any additions or
subtractions to my lesson plans. It also allows me to clarify any misunderstanding or
misinformation a student might have concerning the new material.

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