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Tout: verb \ta t, in sense 4 also tt\

: to talk about (something or someone) as being very good, effective, skillful, etc.
: to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services

Medium: a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or
Shift: (verb) to change or to cause (something) to change to a different opinion, belief,
Interactivity: (noun) interactive adjective \-ak-tiv\
: designed to respond to the actions, commands, etc., of a user
: requiring people to talk with each other or do things together

Forge (verb) to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort <working
to forge party unity>
Advocacy: the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal
Pervasive: (adj) existing in every part of something : spreading to all parts of
Striking: (adj) very interesting
Far-off: adjective \fr-f\ : very far away in time or space
plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or
sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and
that often constitute a politically organized group
debauchery noun \di-b -ch-r, -chr, -b-\
: bad or immoral behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.

verb \in-st\
: to cause (someone) to act in an angry, harmful, or violent way

verb \ad-m-nish\
: to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism

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