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Motivating Your Workforce

Creating a Motivated Workforce

Why Motivate?
Manager as Motivator
Ongoing Performance

Why Motivate? Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-
nine percent perspiration. -Thomas Edison
Helps your most productive employees
become better
Helps less productive employees become
more productive
Prevents management from overlooking
high-potential performers
How to spot a motivated workforce
Motivated Employees
Contribute to a positive work
Affect the morale of those around them
Are team players
Are willing to go the extra mile in a
Put a friendly face to your good name
Care about the companys image and
Are more likely to be self starters and
Have strong personal goals
Want to keep their jobs or move within
the company
Have a healthy work ethic
Are committed to problem solving
Are good for your business
Un-Motivated Employees
Do not attract or retain clients or
Negatively affect the morale of this
around them
Often quit or get themselves fired
Do not care about the companys
image or success
Call in sick more often than satisfied
employees in order to do anything else
(and may even become ill from the
anxiety of going to a job here they feel
unappreciated, even mistreated).
Will punch out in the middle of a crisis
May do what is asked of them, but will
rarely do more.

The difference between a successful person
and others is not a lack of strength, not a
lace of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
Vince Lombardi
Manager as Motivator Leadership is doing what is
right when no one is watching. George Van Valkenburg
Self Motivation
Your management style
Set Clear Expectations
Lead by Example
Learn about your employees
What do I say? Example is not the main thing in influencing
others: it is the only thing Albert Schweitzer
To Create a Positive Workplace
Good Morning
How are you?
What a great day. Thanks for all of your hard work.
Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he hit 714 homeruns. You
did your best and I still believe you can do it
It is clear that we dont see eye to eye on this issue, but I
respect your point of view.
Everyone is Important
Youre not just a ______. Your work is critical to the accuracy of
this patients care.
I realize that this position is a stepping stone for you. The
experience you gain here will be helpful in the future.

What do I say?
Reduce Stress
Machinery does break down usually a the worst time . Take a deep
breath and lets figure out a way to get this done.
Mistakes are a part of the learning process Lets look at the lesson this
situation presents.
Team Attitude
Strong personalities working together are bound to have
disagreements, but resolving those will open up new avenues to you.
Each member of this team is valuable
Productive Meetings
Our regular contributors always offer excellent suggestions. I suspect
we have other good ideas at the table. Id like everyone to have a
chance to speak.
Lets summarize our decisions and review who has agreed to complete

Ongoing Performance Management
Continuous effort not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
- Winston Churchill
Continual Feedback
Clear Expectations and Goals
Observing behavior
Providing feedback/support/corrective action
Performance Review at Regular Intervals
Success measures
Their status in meeting these expectations
Skills Development as part of
Performance Management
Internal and External Training programs
Online courses
On-the-job training

What do I say? Catch them doing something right.
- Ken Blanchard, from The One Minute Manager
Continual Positive Feedback
Would you mind sharing that idea at our next
staff meeting? I think everyone could benefit
from it
I know how much you struggled with that
______. The results are excellent clear and
concise. And, I am glad you remained
committed to the project.
I noticed the way you handled that difficult
situation. Good work!
What do I say? A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise
man keeps himself under control. (Proverbs 29:11)
Developmental Feedback
You are such a friendly person and I love hearing your stories. But,
continual chatter adds to everyones end-of-the day pressures. We will
all be more relaxed if you minimize your personal conversations for
breaks and lunch.
In the office, the Internet is used for business. Please save your
personal instant messages and cyber shopping of home. Popping on for
a quick look always takes more time than we realize.
Snapping at your coworkers is not like you. Do you need to talk about
Have you ever walked into a store and felt like you were interrupting
the sales people? I dont want our customers to feel that way. Please
take care of customers immediately.
I have noticed a lot of errors in your typing since you have been
_______. I know the extra responsibility is tough but please use spell
check and proof read carefully before sending something out.
Motivational Challenges
Others will underestimate us, for although we judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
others judge us only by what we have already done. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Under Achiever
The Powerhouse Achiever
The Part-time Employee
The Virtual Commuter
The Naysayer
Complaints About the Rules
Employee Conflicts
Conclusion and Summary
Why Motivate?
Your ultimate goal is to have your department operating
like a fine well oiled machine that will keep working even
when you are not there
Manager as Motivator
YES! Motivating your workforce is part of your job
Ongoing Performance Management
Tell often, tell truthfully and clearly
Motivational Challenges
Know your employees on a personal basis and
understand what makes them tick

References and Further Reading
The Leadership Pill: The Missing
Ingredient in Motivating People Today
By Ken Blanchard and Marc Muchnick
Motivating Employees
By Anne Bruce and James S. Pepitone
Dont Fire Them, Fire Them Up: Motivate
Yourself and Your Team
By Frank Pacetta and Roger Gittines

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