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<HTML> </HTML> Indicates the beginning and end of an HTML document.

<HEAD></HEAD> Indicates the beginning and end of a section of the document used for the title and other
document header information.
<TITLE></TITLE> Indicates the beginning and end of the title; the title does not display in the body of the
Web page, but displays on the title bar of the browser.
<BODY></BODY> Indicates the beginning and end of the Web page body.
LINK Link color, without mouse over it or before having been visited
Default color is usually blue
VLINK Visited link. Controls the color of a link that has been clicked or visited.
Default color is usually purple or green.
ALINK Active link. Controls the color of a link on which a mouse has been
pressed but not clicked. Default color usually is green or red.
Example: <BODY LINK=color VLINK=color ALINK=color>
<HN> </HN> Indicates the beginning and end of the text section called a heading; sizes range from
<H1>through <H6>.
<P> </P> Indicates the beginning of a new paragraph; inserts a blank line above the new paragraph.
<UL> </UL> Indicates the beginning and end of an unordered (bulleted) list.
*TYPE Defines the type of bullet to be used (square, disc, circle)
<UL TYPE=square>
<OL> </OL> Indicates the beginning and end of an ordered list.
<LI> </LI> Indicates that the item that follows the tag is an item within a list.
<HR> Inserts a horizontal line.
<BR> Breaks a line of text at the point where the tag appears.
<STRONG> </STRONG> Creates bold text
<BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> Indents margins on sections of text (used for definitions)
<EMPHASIS> </EMPHASIS>Italicizes text
<U> </U> Underlines text
<A> </A> Inserts a link
HREF Defines the URL of the linked page
<A>Utah Education Network</A>
NAME Defines an anchor
<A NAME=Education>Education</A>
<A HREF=#Education>Education</A>will send you down to the
section named Education within the same page
<FONT> </FONT> Sets the following font attributes for text:
COLOR Changes the font color
FACE Change the font type
SIZE Changes the font size
<PRE> </PRE> Supports preformatted material
<IMG SRC> Inserts an image
ALT Inserts an alt tag that will display when the mouse rests on the image
BORDER Defines the border width
HEIGHT Defines the height of the image
WIDTH Defines the width of the image
HSPACE Defines the horizontal space that separates the image from the text
VSPACE Defines the vertical space that separates the image from the text
September 2007
September 2007
Example: <IMG SRC=school.gif ALIGN=MIDDLE BORDER=0
*<SUB> </SUB> Subscripts text *Optional tag
*<SUP> </SUP> Superscripts text *Optional tag
<TABLE> </TABLE> Indicates the beginning and end of the table
<TR> </TR> Indicates the beginning and end of a table row
<TH> </TH> Indicates the beginning and end of a table heading cell
<TD> </TD> Indicates the beginning and end of a table data cell
**The following table tag attributes are optional:
<TABLE> </TABLE> ALIGN Controls table alignment (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT)
<TABLE ALIGN=CENTER>centers table horizontally on the page
BGCOLOR Sets background color for table
<TABLE BGCOLOR=BLUE>the background of the entire table will
be blue
BORDER Sets width of table border in number of pixels
<TABLE BORDER=3> table will have a border around it 3 pixels wide
CELLSPACING Spacing between cells
<TABLE CELLSPACING=5>will put a 5 pixel space around each cell
CELLPADDING Spacing within cells
<TABLE CELLPADDING=3>will put a 3 pixel space around all borders
inside each cell
COLS Number of columns
WIDTH Table width relative to window width
<TABLE WIDTH=75%>will produce a table 75% of the window
<TR> </TR> ALIGN Horizontally aligns row (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, J USTIFY)
BGCOLOR Sets background color for row
VALIGN Vertically aligns row (TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM)
<TH> </TH> ALIGN Horizontally aligns cell (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, J USTIFY)
BGCOLOR Sets background color for cell
COLSPAN Sets number of columns spanned by a cell
ROWSPAN Sets number of rows spanned by a cell
VALIGN Vertically aligns cell (TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM)

<CENTER> </CENTER> Centers the enclosed text horizontally on the page.

<CITE> </CITE> Indicates that the enclosed text is a citation; text usually displays in italics

<DL> </DL> Creates a definition list

<DT> </DT> Indicates that the enclosed text is a term in a term list

<DD> </DD> Indicates that the enclosed text is a definition in a definition list

<DIV> </DIV> Defines a division/section in a document.

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