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Sva pitanja za Engleski roman 20.

1. Setting in "Sexing the Cherry"
2. The worlds in "Saturday"
3. Perowne's family
4. Violence and terroism in "Saturday"
5. Public and private in "Saturday"
6. The charachter of Dog-woman
7. Subversion of patriarchal values in 12 princesses
8. Historical background in "Shame"
9. Magical realism in "Shame"
10. The importance of the Scottish dialect in "Trainspotting"
11. Violence in "Trainspotting"
12. Postmodernist features
13. Love vs. Duty in "Remains of the Day"
14. The world of politics in the "Remains of the day".
15. Challenging reality in "Flaubert's parrot"
16. Flaubert's parrto as hybrid novel
17. Narrator in Flabuert's parrot
18. Technological development and its meaning in "Saturday"
19. Patriarchal values in "Saturday"
20. Edinburgh versus London in "Trainspotting"
21. Biography in "F parrot"
22. Political meaning of shame in "Shame"
23. Social and cultural changes in "Remains fo the day"
24. The role of art and literature in Saturday
25. Multiple narraors in Sexing the Cherry
26. Public and private sphere in the Remains of the Day
27. Autobiographical elements in Shame
28. Technological development and its meaning in Saturday
29. Unreliable narrator in the Remains of the Day
30. Magical realism in Sexing the Cherry
31. Parallels between the past and the present in Shame.
32. The role of art and literature in Saturday
33. Multiple narraors in Sexing the Cherry
34. Sexing the cherry as a historiographical metafiction.
1. Family in Saturday
2. Historical background of Saturday
3. The influence of past in Shame
4. The social critique in Trainspotting
5. Postmodernist elements in Trainspotting
6. Shamelessness in Shame
7. Omar's shamelessness
9. Light motif in The Remains of the Day
10.Identity and history in Shame
11.Position of women in Shame

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