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1. What was the Black Death?

A disease that killed many people in Europe, Africa and Asia
2. What animal carried the Black Death?
The animal that carried the Black Death was Fleas that lived on rats
3. Where do historians think the Black Death started?
Historians the the Black death was likely started in Asia and traveled westward along the Silk Road
4. When did the Black Death take place?
The black death happened between 1347 to 1350
5. What did some people at the time think caused the disease?
They thought it was punishment from god,
The Wandering Jews
The pockets of bad air from earthquakes released the disease.
6. Around what percentage of people in Europe during the Middle Ages died from the
Black Plague?
33 percent of the world then died
7. What is the Black Death called today?
The Black Deaths name today is the Bubonic Plague
8. What did people do when the disease started killing people?
People locked their doors and tried to hide in their houses and sometimes burned down houses
and even entire villages to try and stop the disease.
9. What happened to most of the people who contracted the Black Death in the Middle
When people contracted the Black Death their skin turned black and then they died
10. How did the Black Death move around?
The disease was carried by fleas that lived on rats. The black rats living on European merchant
ships caught the disease an then brought it to Europe.

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