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Tactics Ogre Spells & Techniques Guide

Debilitating Status Conditions


Effect: Hp is 0. When the counter above the units head reaches 0, it is removed from the battlefield. If
the unit has no remaining life, it dies.
Removed By: Resurrect, Living Corpse, Blessing Stone, Hallowing Stone


Effect: No remaining life. Sadly, this unit cannot be revived. Scavenge the units skills to transfer them to
another member of your party and let this warrior rest.
Removed By: None
Notes: By losing all three hearts, a unit will be reduced to this condition on the edit screen. Its the
players choice to either omit the deceased unit or scavenge for any skill they may have learned while
they were alive. Keep in mind that SP cannot be salvaged from dead characters no matter how large or
small the amount is.


Effect: Undead and Hp is 0. When the counter above the units head reaches 0, HP is fully restored and
the unit rises again.
Removed By: Animate Dead

Near Death

Effect: HP has fallen below 10%.
Removed By: HP Restoration
Notes: The description of this common condition is self-explanatory. Once a unit loses more than 90%
of their health, they start to flash red to alert players. While being in danger of dying does nothing in
particular, it does end some event battles or trigger extra dialogue when certain enemy leaders are
brought under it.


Effect: Unable to take action. Any damage will awaken the unit.
Removed By: Damage, Poisoned, Awaken, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Zolia Draught


Effect: Turned traitor. Actions and movement cannot be controlled.
Removed By: Damage, Poisoned, Awaken, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Zolia Draught


Effect: Turned traitor. Actions and movement cannot be controlled. Left bewitched, a units loyalty will
Removed By: Awaken II, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Zolia Draught +1
Notes: Being a stronger version of charmed, this status ailment does more than confuse victims. It lowers
a fraction of the units loyalty towards their current affiliation if left untreated. What makes bewitched more
of a hassle is that it cant be removed by simply damaging the afflicted unit. The means in curing it are
also hard to come by which makes this condition quite threatening. Fortunately, the effects do wear off in


Effect: Actions and movement cannot be controlled. On each attack turn, spendthrifts toss goth around
like theres no tomorrow.
Removed By: Awaken II, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Zolia Draught +1


Effect: Actions and movement cannot be controlled. Refuses all aid from allies.
Removed By: Awaken II, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Zolia Draught +1


Effect: Sometimes unable to take action.
Removed By: Innervate, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Stardust Grace, Zena


Effect: Unable to cast spells or recruit.
Removed By: Singing Light, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Stardust Grace,
Illumina Nectar


Effect: Unable to move or take action.
Removed By: Awaken Stone, Ease, Shriving Dance, Princess Whim, Stardust Grace, Gerun Powder


Effect: Unable to move.
Removed By: Shackled, Liberate, Ease, Shriving Dance, First Aid (Ranger/Knight Commander Version),
Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Feyrn Bolus


Effect: Unable to take action.
Removed By: Bound, Liberate, Ease, Shriving Dance, First Aid (Ranger/Knight Commander Version),
Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Stirring Kiss (Buccaneer Version), Feyrn Bolus


Effect: RT (Recovery Time) is frozen. Will not have an attack turn until the condition is removed.
Removed By: Bound, Shackled, Liberate, Ease, Shriving Dance, First Aid (Ranger/Knight Commander
Version), Princess Whim, Feyrn Bolus


Effect: Takes poison damage at regular intervals.
Removed By: Cleanse, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Maca Antidote


Effect: Takes considerable poison damage at regular intervals.
Removed By: Cleanse II, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Maca Antidote +1


Effect: Movement type is changed to slow and unit can only move up and down elevation differences of
Removed By: Unburden, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Jaarns Poultice


Effect: Movement range is reduced by 1.
Removed By: Leadened, Unburden, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Stirring
Kiss (Buccaneer Version), Jaarns Poultice


Effect: Max HP reduced.
Removed By: Addled, Decurse, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Break Curse, Princess Whim,
Ishtars Ambrosia


Effect: Max MP reduced.
Removed By: Withered, Decurse, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Break Curse, Princess Whim,
Ishtars Ambrosia


Effect: Max HP and MP reduced.
Removed By: Withered, Addled, Decurse, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Break Curse,
Princess Whim, Ishtars Ambrosia


Effect: Attack and defense reduced.
Removed By: Hearten, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim, Ashmedais Grog


Effect: RT (Recovery Time) slowed.
Removed By: Quickened, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Physical attack weakened.
Removed By: Strengthened, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Offensive magic weakened.
Removed By: Spellcraft, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Restorative magic weakened.
Removed By: Healcraft, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Physical defense weakened.
Removed By: Fortified, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Magic resist weakened.
Removed By: Resilient, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Melee accuracy reduced.
Removed By: Truestrike, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Ranged accuracy reduced.
Removed By: Trueflight, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Magic accuracy reduced.
Removed By: Spellstrike, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Melee avoidance reduced.
Removed By: Dodge, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim


Effect: Ranged avoidance reduced.
Removed By: Sidestep, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Air Averse

Effect: Air resistance reduced.
Removed By: Air Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Earth Averse

Effect: Earth resistance reduced.
Removed By: Earth Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Lightning Averse

Effect: Lightning resistance reduced.
Removed By: Lightning Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Water Averse

Effect: Water resistance reduced.
Removed By: Water Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Fire Averse

Effect: Fire resistance reduced.
Removed By: Fire Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Ice Averse

Effect: Ice resistance reduced.
Removed By: Ice Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Light Averse

Effect: Light resistance reduced.
Removed By: Light Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim

Dark Averse

Effect: Dark resistance reduced.
Removed By: Dark Attuned, Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim
Beneficial Status Conditions


Effect: A living corpse. Cannot gain levels or class change.
Removed By: Celestial Song, Charm of Remission
Notes: Units under this condition are prone to several disadvantages. For one, zombies are unable to
level up or accumulate SP right after winning a battle. They also cannot change classes unlike most living
units. As undead, these units are restricted from using divine magic or light-based grimoires. Last but not
least, they receive damage from healing spells and fade completely upon being exorcised. Despite these
crippling weaknesses, the zombie condition does have a few advantages that players might take note of.
Instead of being incapacitated after losing all HP, zombies become stilled which leads to their eventual
revival once the countdown reaches zero. They also gain full immunity against offensive dark spells save
for the ones that drain health.


Effect: Regains HP at regular intervals.
Removed By: Dispel

Pain Aura

Effect: Defense is dramatically reduced. A small amount of damage taken is reflected back at its source.
Removed By: Ease, Shriving Dance, Mothers Mercy, Princess Whim
Notes: Basically, what pain aura does is decrease the units overall resistance against damage in
exchange for recoiling at least 1/3 of it right back to the attacker. Although the game classifies this
condition as debilitating, it does have some use in certain situations. The effects of pain aura can also be
compounded with Reflect Damage I and II for further impact. Its better to employ this particular condition
on undead casters to bypass the need of using resurrecting spells or items on them.


Effect: Undead may not approach within 1 tile.
Removed By: Dispel

Battering Ram

Effect: Able to ignore rampart aura when moving.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Able to move without penalty over elevation changes.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Able to walk on water.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Able to walk on lava.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Able to teleport.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Able to float above the ground.
Removed By: Leadened, Dispel


Effect: Able to fly.
Removed By: Leadened, Dispel


Effect: RT (Recovery Time) hastened.
Removed By: Slowed, Dispel


Effect: Next incoming weapon attack, special skill, or item effect is rendered ineffective.
Removed By: Attacks, Dispel


Effect: Next incoming spell is rendered ineffective. Includes ninjutsu and war dances.
Removed By: Magic, Dispel


Effect: Physical attack strengthened.
Removed By: Weakened, Dispel


Effect: Offensive magic strengthened.
Removed By: Spoilspell, Dispel


Effect: Restorative magic strengthened.
Removed By: Spoilheal, Dispel


Effect: Physical defense strengthened.
Removed By: Breached, Dispel


Effect: Magic resist strengthened.
Removed By: Enfeebled, Dispel


Effect: Melee accuracy increased.
Removed By: Falsestrike, Dispel


Effect: Ranged accuracy increased.
Removed By: Falseflight, Dispel


Effect: Magic accuracy increased.
Removed By: Spellslip, Dispel


Effect: Melee avoidance increased.
Removed By: Stagger, Dispel


Effect: Ranged avoidance increased.
Removed By: Misstep, Dispel


Effect: Air damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Earth damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Lightning damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Water damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Fire damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Ice damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Light damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Dark damage added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel

Air Attuned

Effect: Air resistance increased.
Removed By: Air Averse, Dispel

Earth Attuned

Effect: Earth resistance increased.
Removed By: Air Averse, Dispel

Lightning Attuned

Effect: Lightning resistance increased.
Removed By: Earth Averse, Dispel

Water Attuned

Effect: Water resistance increased.
Removed By: Water Averse, Dispel

Fire Attuned

Effect: Fire resistance increased.
Removed By: Fire Averse, Dispel

Ice Attuned

Effect: Ice resistance increased.
Removed By: Ice Averse, Dispel

Light Attuned

Effect: Light resistance increased.
Removed By: Light Averse, Dispel

Dark Attuned

Effect: Dark resistance increased.
Removed By: Dark Averse, Dispel


Effect: Silence added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Stun added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel


Effect: Poison added to weapon attacks.
Removed By: Dispel
Air Magic
Deadshot (/Dead Shot)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Rafale (/Gust Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Almorica Passageway (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Emits a shock wave dealing crushing air damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict air
Incantation: Gale upon the welkin high, send arrow wind to smite my foes!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Deadshot II (II/Dead Shot II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Rafale II (II/Gust Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L/2C Event - Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a lawful umbra-type Wizard)
Effect: Emits a shock wave dealing crushing air damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict air
Incantation: Gale upon the welkin high, send arrow wind to smite my foes!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Deadshot III (III/Dead Shot III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Rafale III (III/Gust Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Emits a shock wave dealing crushing air damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict air
averse. Can also be invoked by using Notos and Boreas.
Incantation: Gale upon the welkin high, send arrow wind to smite my foes!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Deadshot IV (IV/Dead Shot IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Rafale IV (IV/Gust Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 11F (Dropped by a phantom-type Witch),
Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 2F (Dropped by a Hippogryph)
Effect: Emits a shock wave dealing crushing air damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict air
Incantation: Gale upon the welkin high, send arrow wind to smite my foes!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Tornado (/Tornado)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tourbillon (/Whirlwind Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Calls forth a powerful tornado dealing slashing air damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict air averse.
Incantation: Whipping wind, become a wyrm to shake the skyby tempest toss my oathsworn foe!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Tornado II (II/Tornado II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tourbillon II (II/Whirlwind Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress), Chapter 3N
Event - Tynemouth Hill (Dropped by a neutral winged-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event - The Reisan Way
(Dropped by an umbra-type Familiar)
Effect: Calls forth a powerful tornado dealing slashing air damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict air averse. Can also be invoked by using Pinion Blade.
Incantation: Whipping wind, become a wyrm to shake the skyby tempest toss my oathsworn foe!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Tornado III (III/Tornado III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tourbillon III (III/Whirlwind Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 2F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below Level
31), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 13F (Dropped by a Templar Enchantress below Level 31)
Effect: Calls forth a powerful tornado dealing slashing air damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict air averse.
Incantation: Whipping wind, become a wyrm to shake the skyby tempest toss my oathsworn foe!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Tornado IV (IV/Tornado IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tourbillon IV (IV/Whirlwind Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 3F (Dropped by a winged-type Rune Fencer),
Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 8F (Dropped by a winged-type Wizard), Random Battle -
San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 12F (Dropped by a Matriarch)
Effect: Calls forth a powerful tornado dealing slashing air damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict air averse.
Incantation: Whipping wind, become a wyrm to shake the skyby tempest toss my oathsworn foe!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Sylphide (/Sylphide)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Sylphide (/Wind Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 2F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below Level
Effect: Summons the air spirit Sylphide into battle dealing crushing air damage to single or multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict air averse.
Incantation: Proud and noble maiden of the wind, o hear my voice. Lend me your strength!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Sylphide II (II/Sylphide II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Sylphide II (II/Wind Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 11F (Dropped by a Titan)
Effect: Summons the air spirit Sylphide into battle dealing crushing air damage to single or multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict air averse. Can also be invoked by using Vainateyas Talons.
Incantation: Proud and noble maiden of the wind, o hear my voice. Lend me your strength!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Aeroflux (/Aerial Cry)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Onde (/Hurricane Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Hahnela (Dropped by Vainateya at Level 25)
Effect: Creates powerful shock waves dealing heavy air damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict air averse.
Incantation: Air, it trembles ere it breaks Hear ye the screaming of the sky!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Aeroflux II (II/Aerial Cry II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Onde II (II/Hurricane Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Hahnela (Dropped by Vainateya at Level 35)
Effect: Creates powerful shock waves dealing heavy air damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict air averse.
Incantation: Air, it trembles ere it breaks Hear ye the screaming of the sky!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Air (/Aero Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infuvent (/Blessed Wind Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the air spirits to grant air-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Garuda Bow and Ysaar.
Incantation: Lend to me your bared blade, assembled spirits of the skyunleash your raging winds!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Aeroguard (/Aero Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antivent (/Repelled Wind Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the air spirits to grant air attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked by
using Shield of the Winds, Robes of the Gale, Falcon Feathercoat, Falcon Mail, and Gale Choker.
Incantation: Arbitrator of the elements, a death I am to your design. Disperse, dissolve into the mists!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Whirlwind (/Whirlwind)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Trombe (/Twister Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - The Reisan Way (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 2L Event
- The Gates of Almorica (Dropped by a human-type Warlock below Level 31), Chapter 2C Event - The
Gates of Almorica (Dropped by a lawful human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Draws power from the air spirits to grant dodge to a single target.
Incantation: O, preserving breath of wind, turn arrow, stone, and bolt aside. Blow now misfortune back
whence it comes!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10),
Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 10), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar
(Lv. 11)
Guarding Gale (/Guarding Gale)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Detournant (/Redirecting Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the air spirits to inflict falseflight on a single target.
Incantation: Winds that race down battlefield, turn loosed arrows from their paths!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord
(Lv. 8), Shaman (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Balmy Breeze (/Balmy Breeze)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Hypnose (/Hypnosis Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Golborza Plain (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Puts multiple targets to sleep with a gentle breeze. Can also be invoked by using Zephyros.
Incantation: Hushing wind, lure you my foes into the minds abyss!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 4), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 3), Necromancer (Lv. 5), Lich (Lv. 2), Lord
(Lv. 4), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 4), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 5)
Black Williwaw (/Black Williwaw)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Fixateur (/Detaining Spellbook)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Effect: Binds multiple targets with a ferocious gust. Can also be invoked by using Euros.
Incantation: Whirling wind, with fetters unseen, fix my foes to where they stand!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Shaman (Lv. 16), Wicce (Lv. 15), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Familiar (Lv. 16)
Earth Magic
Vulcan Lance (/Vulcan Lance)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Aiguille (/Stalagmite Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - The Gates of Almorica (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Sends forth a jagged piece of igneous rock dealing piercing earth damage to a single target. Has
a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Giant upon mount of fire, cast down to earth your spear of rage!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Vulcan Lance II (II/Vulcan Lance II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Aiguille II (II/Stalagmite Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a phantom-type Wizard), Chapter 3N Event - The
Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Valkyrie), Chapter 2C Event - Ndamsa Fortress (Dropped
by a chaotic winged-type Wizard)
Effect: Sends forth a jagged piece of igneous rock dealing piercing earth damage to a single target. Has
a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Giant upon mount of fire, cast down to earth your spear of rage!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Vulcan Lance III (III/Vulcan Lance III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Aiguille III (III/Stalagmite Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Sends forth a jagged piece of igneous rock dealing piercing earth damage to a single target.
Has a chance to inflict earth averse. Can also be invoked by using Gaia Blade, Brahma, and Rabanas
Incantation: Giant upon mount of fire, cast down to earth your spear of rage!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Vulcan Lance IV (IV/Vulcan Lance IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Aiguille IV (IV/Stalagmite Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 12F (Dropped by a Matriarch)
Effect: Sends forth a jagged piece of igneous rock dealing piercing earth damage to a single target. Has
a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Giant upon mount of fire, cast down to earth your spear of rage!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Cragfall (/Crag Press)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Rocher (/Debris Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Golborza Plain (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Calls a gigantic rock down from the heavens dealing crushing earth damage to a single target.
Has a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Rakshas above hanging sky, tear firmament from foundation and hurl it to the ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Cragfall II (II/Crag Press II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Rocher II (II/Debris Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - The Reisan Way (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3L Event
- Psonji Weald (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3L Event - Psonji Weald (Dropped by a
human-type Witch), Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by Gildora), Chapter 3N Event
- Phidoch South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3C Event - The Reisan Way
(Dropped by a phantom-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a human-
type Witch)
Effect: Calls a gigantic rock down from the heavens dealing crushing earth damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Rakshas above hanging sky, tear firmament from foundation and hurl it to the ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Cragfall III (III/Crag Press III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Rocher III (III/Debris Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 13F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below
Level 31)
Effect: Calls a gigantic rock down from the heavens dealing crushing earth damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Rakshas above hanging sky, tear firmament from foundation and hurl it to the ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Cragfall IV (IV/Crag Press IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Rocher IV (IV/Debris Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 5F (Dropped by a Damasc Golem)
Effect: Calls a gigantic rock down from the heavens dealing crushing earth damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Rakshas above hanging sky, tear firmament from foundation and hurl it to the ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Gnome (/Gnome)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Orestiad (/Earth Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 4F (Dropped by a Templar Enchantress below Level
Effect: Summons the earth spirit Gnome to deal crushing earth damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: You who dwell in earth and stone, release your wrath upon those fools who would your
fastness foul!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Gnome II (II/Gnome II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Orestiad II (II/Earth Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 10F (Dropped by a Basilisk)
Effect: Summons the earth spirit Gnome to deal crushing earth damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: You who dwell in earth and stone, release your wrath upon those fools who would your
fastness foul!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Earthquake (/Earthquake)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Seisme (/Tremor Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Vaasa (Dropped by Nathalork at Level 25)
Effect: Causes tremors to shake the earth, dealing heavy earth damage to multiple targets. Has a chance
to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Serpent who lays sleeping among deepest roots of earth, awaken. Send your coils to course
across the land!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Earthquake II (II/Earthquake II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Seisme II (II/Tremor Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Vaasa (Dropped by Nathalork at Level 35)
Effect: Causes tremors to shake the earth, dealing heavy earth damage to multiple targets. Has a chance
to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Serpent who lays sleeping among deepest roots of earth, awaken. Send your coils to course
across the land!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Earth (/Soil Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infuterre (/Blessed Soil Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the earth spirits to grant earth-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked
by using Sirocco Bow and Khalmid.
Incantation: By this pact of times long past, I call thee, Vaasa, dame of earth. Lend here to me your
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Petroguard (/Soil Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antiterre (/Repelled Earth Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the earth spirits to grant earth attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked
by using Shield of the Loam, Robes of the Dust, Nathalork Rockcoat, Nathalork Mail, and Dust Choker.
Incantation: Rise now, shield! Unblemished form! From traitor earth defend!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Protect (/Protect)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Rempart (/Barrier Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a phantom-type Wizard)
Effect: Draws power from the earth spirits to fortify a single target.
Incantation: Spirit among veins of earth, protect our fragile flesh with mantle strong of stone!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10),
Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 10), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar
(Lv. 11)
Blade Ward (/Blade Ward)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Maladresse (/Blunting Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the earth spirits to inflict falsestrike on a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Earthen Greaves.
Incantation: Come now, hand of dark earth-vault, clutch at their eyes and steal their light!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord
(Lv. 8), Shaman (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Duststorm (/Dust Storm)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Ensablant (/Sandstorm Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Effect: Slows multiple targets with a ferocious dust storm.
Incantation: Sweep of sand, rend time asunder, blast and rage!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9), Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8),
Lord (Lv. 10), Shaman (Lv. 11), Wicce (Lv. 10), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 11), Familiar (Lv. 11)
Petrifog (/Petro Cloud)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Monolithe (/Fossilizing Spellbook)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Rune Fencer serving
Effect: Petrifies multiple targets with a mineralizing gas from the depths of the earth. Can also be invoked
by using Macuahuitl.
Incantation: Giant deep in desolation, sleeper in earth-halls, visit your pain upon the land!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Shaman (Lv. 16), Wicce (Lv. 15), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Familiar (Lv. 16)
Lightning Magic
Lightning Bow (/Lightning Bow)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Foudrarc (/Thunder Arrow Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Krysaro (Dropped by a phantom-type Wizard)
Effect: Unleashes a thunderbolt dealing piercing lightning damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lost souls who wander cross the landbecome as thunderbolts! With fiery blaze, return to
the Mothers blessed embrace!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Lightning Bow II (II/Lightning Bow II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Foudrarc II (II/Thunder Arrow Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L/2C Event - Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a neutral human-type Enchantress),
Chapter 3N Event - Mount Hedon (Dropped by a phantom-type Wizard)
Effect: Unleashes a thunderbolt dealing piercing lightning damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lost souls who wander cross the landbecome as thunderbolts! With fiery blaze, return to
the Mothers blessed embrace!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Lightning Bow III (III/Lightning Bow III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Foudrarc III (III/Thunder Arrow Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Unleashes a thunderbolt dealing piercing lightning damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse. Can also be invoked by using Daedalus Blade and Thunderfire.
Incantation: Lost souls who wander cross the landbecome as thunderbolts! With fiery blaze, return to
the Mothers blessed embrace!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Lightning Bow IV (IV/Lightning Bow IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Foudrarc IV (IV/Thunder Arrow Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 13F (Dropped by a Matriarch)
Effect: Unleashes a thunderbolt dealing piercing lightning damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lost souls who wander cross the landbecome as thunderbolts! With fiery blaze, return to
the Mothers blessed embrace!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Thunder Flare (/Thunder Flare)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Scindeciel (/Bolt Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Lake Bordu (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Calls forth sheaves of lightning dealing piercing lightning damage to a single target. Has a chance
to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Beast of lightning, rush from storm cloud, rend the earth with shining claws!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Thunder Flare II (II/Thunder Flare II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Scindeciel II (II/Bolt Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Madura Drift (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3L Event - The
Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3L Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by
a human-type Wizard serving Gatialo), Chapter 3N Event - Boed Fortress (Dropped by a lawful Templar
Wizard), Chapter 3N Event - Hagia Banhamuba (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar), Chapter 3N Event
- Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress), Chapter 3N Event - The Arkhaiopolis of
Rhime (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a human-type
Enchantress), Chapter 3C Event - Bahanna Highlands: First Visit (Dropped by a human-type Wizard),
Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event -
Coritanae Ward: Second Visit (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress serving Leonar)
Effect: Calls forth sheaves of lightning dealing piercing lightning damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Beast of lightning, rush from storm cloud, rend the earth with shining claws!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Thunder Flare III (III/Thunder Flare III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Scindeciel III (III/Bolt Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 1F (Dropped by a Templar Wizard below Level 31)
Effect: Calls forth sheaves of lightning dealing piercing lightning damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Beast of lightning, rush from storm cloud, rend the earth with shining claws!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Thunder Flare IV (IV/Thunder Flare IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Scindeciel IV (IV/Bolt Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 2F (Dropped by a winged-type Rune Fencer)
Effect: Calls forth sheaves of lightning dealing piercing lightning damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Beast of lightning, rush from storm cloud, rend the earth with shining claws!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Thunderbird (/Thunder Bird)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Tonnerre (/Thunder Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Effect: Summons the lightning spirit Thunderbird to deal crushing lightning damage to single or multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Bird of heavens, bearing lightning, follow my command!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Thunderbird II (II/Thunder Bird II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Tonnerre II (II/Thunder Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 15F (Dropped by a Gorgon)
Effect: Summons the lightning spirit Thunderbird to deal crushing lightning damage to single or multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Bird of heavens, bearing lightning, follow my command!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Thunderburst (/Thunder Burst)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Eclat (/Spark Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Nestharot (Dropped by Xolotl at Level 25)
Effect: Sends forth a blast of energy dealing heavy lightning damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lord of lightning among the clouds, unto me bequeath your light! Unleash your power and
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Thunderburst II (II/Thunder Burst II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Eclat II (II/Spark Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Nestharot (Dropped by Xolotl at Level 35)
Effect: Sends forth a blast of energy dealing heavy lightning damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lord of lightning among the clouds, unto me bequeath your light! Unleash your power and
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Lightning (/Lightning Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infufoudre (/Blessed Bolt Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the lightning spirits to grant lightning-touched to a single target. Can also be
invoked by using Pavana, Indras Bow, and Raed.
Incantation: Bolt of thunder in sky blazing, descend from heaven and serve me. Give me the power of
destruction that my enemies might fall!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Electriguard (/Lightning Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antifoudre (/Repelled Thunder Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the lightning spirits to grant lightning attuned to multiple targets. Can also be
invoked by using Shield of the Storm, Viraats Thundercoat, Viraats Mail, and Storm Choker.
Incantation: Rise ye now, fabric of darkness, avert lightning blazing bright. To me give your protection!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Galvanize (/Galvanize)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Electrisant (/Energizing Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - The Gates of Almorica (Dropped by Modiliani)
Effect: Draws power from the lightning spirits to grant truestrike to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Bringer of Light.
Incantation: Come into me spirit of lightning, polish form and strengthen heart. Guide the falling of my
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10),
Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 10), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar
(Lv. 11)
Stormspark (/Storm Spark)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Immobilisant (/Immobilizing Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Location: Chapter 1L Event - Balmamusa (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Shackles a single target with a powerful flash of light.
Incantation: Flash with brilliance, arcing lightning, rend a hole in times bright weave!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord
(Lv. 8), Shaman (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Stunbomb (/Stun Grenade)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Choquant (/Thunder Shock Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Stuns multiple targets with a massive discharge of light and energy. Can also be invoked by using
Lightning Gauntlets.
Incantation: Chains of light, numb with your brilliance, burn away shadow and night!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 5), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 4), Necromancer (Lv. 6), Lich (Lv. 3), Lord
(Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 6), Wicce (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 6), Familiar (Lv. 6)
Stunslay (/Stun Slaughter)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Eclair (/Flash Spellbook)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3L
Event - Psonji Weald (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress), Chapter 3N Event - The Arkhaiopolis of
Rhime (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Resets the RT of multiple targets to maximum with a brilliant radiance.
Incantation: Thunder light rend flow of time, swallow all in shining calm.
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Shaman (Lv. 16), Wicce (Lv. 15), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Familiar (Lv. 16)
Water Magic
Aquablast (/Aqua Blast)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Aquamasse (/Bubble Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Krysaro (Dropped by a phantom-type Enchantress)
Effect: Unleashes a jet of water dealing crushing water damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Swaying rise ye watery fist, with fury flow, crush bone and flesh!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Aquablast II (II/Aqua Blast II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Aquamasse II (II/Bubble Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2C Event - Ndamsa Fortress (Dropped by a chaotic human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Unleashes a jet of water dealing crushing water damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
water averse. Can also be invoked by using Superior Ghostblade.
Incantation: Swaying rise ye watery fist, with fury flow, crush bone and flesh!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Aquablast III (III/Aqua Blast III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Aquamasse III (III/Bubble Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Unleashes a jet of water dealing crushing water damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
water averse. Can also be invoked by using Rune Axe.
Incantation: Swaying rise ye watery fist, with fury flow, crush bone and flesh!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Aquablast IV (IV/Aqua Blast IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Aquamasse IV (IV/Bubble Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 12F (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar)
Effect: Unleashes a jet of water dealing crushing water damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Swaying rise ye watery fist, with fury flow, crush bone and flesh!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Acid Rain (/Acid Rain)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Malepluie (/Cursed Rain Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Lake Bordu (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Calls forth a corrosive downpour inflicting water damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Upon those sinners spilling blood, let rains of lamentation fall!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Acid Rain II (II/Acid Rain II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Malepluie II (II/Cursed Rain Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Bahanna Highlands (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress), Chapter 3N
Event - Phidoch South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event - Bahanna
Highlands: Second Visit (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Calls forth a corrosive downpour inflicting water damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Upon those sinners spilling blood, let rains of lamentation fall!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Acid Rain III (III/Acid Rain III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Malepluie III (III/Cursed Rain Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 2F (Dropped by a Templar Wizard below Level 31),
Chapter 4 Event - Heart of the Gardens: The Tomb Below (Dropped by a Templar Wizard below Level 31)
Effect: Calls forth a corrosive downpour inflicting water damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Upon those sinners spilling blood, let rains of lamentation fall!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Acid Rain IV (IV/Acid Rain IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Malepluie IV (IV/Cursed Rain Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 3F (Dropped by a Scylla at Level 31)
Effect: Calls forth a corrosive downpour inflicting water damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
water averse.
Incantation: Upon those sinners spilling blood, let rains of lamentation fall!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Undine (/Undine)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Naiade (/Water Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Effect: Summons the water spirit Undine to deal crushing water damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: O sainted maiden of clear spring, give Deaths reward unto those fools who break the
stillness of this place!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Undine II (II/Undine II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Naiade II (II/Water Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 8F (Dropped by a Dagon)
Effect: Summons the water spirit Undine to deal crushing water damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: O sainted maiden of clear spring, give Deaths reward unto those fools who break the
stillness of this place!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Dread Vapor (/Dread Vapor)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Vaporisateur (/Marine Geyser Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Greuza (Dropped by Tlaloc at Level 25)
Effect: Causes an eruption of blistering steam dealing heavy water damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: Atomies of water drifting, into scalding white mist turn; blast and boil, scald and burn!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Dread Vapor II (II/Dread Vapor II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Vaporisateur II (II/Marine Geyser Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Greuza (Dropped by Tlaloc at Level 35)
Effect: Causes an eruption of blistering steam dealing heavy water damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: Atomies of water drifting, into scalding white mist turn; blast and boil, scald and burn!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Water (/Aqua Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infueau (/Blessed Water Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the water spirits to grant water-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked
by using Vishnus Katara.
Incantation: Water flows on unabated past the wall and levee fallncome ye now imbue these hands!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Aquaguard (/Aqua Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antieau (/Repelled Water Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the water spirits to grant water attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked
by using Shield of the Waves, Robes of the Cataract, Whale Whiskercoat, Ur-Whale Mail, and Cataract
Incantation: Incantations of protection, these I chant to you: quell the raging water demons that would
threaten me!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Quench (/Mercy Rain)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Bonnepluie (/Gentle Rain Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Effect: Restores HP to multiple targets with a soothing rain. Can also be invoked by using Ishana and
Aqua Hammer.
Incantation: Greuza, goddess of the water, merciful your blessings be!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 9), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 8), Necromancer (Lv. 10), Lich (Lv. 7),
Lord (Lv. 9), Dark Priest (Lv. 11), Shaman (Lv. 8), Wicce (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 10), Familiar (Lv.
Stagnate (/Lazy Bones)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Stagnation (/Languishing Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Location: Chapter 1C Event - Balmamusa (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Draws power from the water spirits to inflict misstep on a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Watery Greaves.
Incantation: Rise now watery sheen reflecting, cast the light and blind the eyes; that arrows might fall to
the land, there to draw their streams of blood.
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord
(Lv. 8), Shaman (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Poison Mist (/Poison Mist)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 7
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Toxibrume (/Toxic Fog Spellbook)
Price: 700 Goth
Sell: 350 Goth
Effect: Poisons multiple targets with a venomous cloud. Can also be invoked by using Nifrit.
Incantation: Tremble you, with fear of doom, from poison cloud no safe path leads!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 7), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Sludgebind (/Sludge Bind)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Embourbant (/Quicksand Spellbook)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Psonji Weald (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Hobbles multiple targets by conjuring forth a boggy quagmire.
Incantation: Swirl ye currents, stop their writhing, cast anchor chains across their hearts!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Shaman (Lv. 16), Wicce (Lv. 15), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Familiar (Lv. 16)
Fire Magic
Sparksphere (/Spark Sphere)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Bouledefeu (/Fireball Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Tynemouth Hill (Dropped by Orba)
Effect: Unleashes a ball of hellfire dealing crushing fire damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
fire averse.
Incantation: Come now to my hands, o crimson flame piercing the sky; a red comet you are, herald of
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Sparksphere II (II/Spark Sphere II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Bouledefeu II (II/Fireball Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2C Event - Krysaro (Dropped by a lawful human-type Wizard), Chapter 3N Event -
Port Asyton (Dropped by a phantom-type Enchantress)
Effect: Unleashes a ball of hellfire dealing crushing fire damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
fire averse.
Incantation: Come now to my hands, o crimson flame piercing the sky; a red comet you are, herald of
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Sparksphere III (III/Spark Sphere III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Bouledefeu III (III/Fireball Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Location: Unleashes a ball of hellfire dealing crushing fire damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse. Can also be invoked by using Leksars Beloved and Flame Flail.
Incantation: Come now to my hands, o crimson flame piercing the sky; a red comet you are, herald of
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Sparksphere IV (IV/Spark Sphere IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Bouledefeu IV (IV/Fireball Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 3F (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar)
Effect: Unleashes a ball of hellfire dealing crushing fire damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
fire averse.
Incantation: Come now to my hands, o crimson flame piercing the sky; a red comet you are, herald of
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Firestorm (/Fire Storm)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Flammes (/Conflagration Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Calls forth a pillar of incandescent flame inflicting fire damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Xoshonell, goddess of fire, by your name command, spirits of flame, do ye my bidding!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Firestorm II (II/Fire Storm II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Flammes II (II/Conflagration Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Effect: Calls forth a pillar of incandescent flame inflicting fire damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse. Can also be invoked by using Yama and Shimmer Sword.
Incantation: Xoshonell, goddess of fire, by your name command, spirits of flame, do ye my bidding!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Firestorm III (III/Fire Storm III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Flammes III (III/Conflagration Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 4F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below Level
31), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 15F (Dropped by a Templar Wizard below Level 31)
Effect: Calls forth a pillar of incandescent flame inflicting fire damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Xoshonell, goddess of fire, by your name command, spirits of flame, do ye my bidding!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Firestorm IV (IV/Fire Storm IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Flammes IV (IV/Conflagration Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 9F (Dropped by a Phoenix)
Effect: Calls forth a pillar of incandescent flame inflicting fire damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Xoshonell, goddess of fire, by your name command, spirits of flame, do ye my bidding!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Salamander (/Salamander)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Salamandre (/Fire Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B33 (Dropped by a phantom-type Enchantress at Level
23), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B36 (Dropped by a phantom-type Enchantress at Level 23),
Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B37 (Dropped by a Gorgon at Level 23), Random Battle - Palace of
the Dead B44 (Dropped by a male Death Eater at Level 23)
Effect: Summons the fire spirit Salamander to deal crushing fire damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict fire averse.
Incantation: By pact bound fast in flames of hell, beast of fire, I command you: come!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Salamander II (II/Salamander II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Salamandre II (II/Fire Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 9F (Dropped by a Phoenix)
Effect: Summons the fire spirit Salamander to deal crushing fire damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict fire averse.
Incantation: By pact bound fast in flames of hell, beast of fire, I command you: come!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Supernova (/Supernova)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Calcination (/Explosion Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Xoshonell (Dropped by Ifrit at Level 25)
Effect: Detonates a scorching ball of light dealing heavy fire damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Like sun-sphere descends from heavens high, come down to scorch the earth to ash!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Supernova II (II/Supernova II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Calcination II (II/Explosion Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Xoshonell (Dropped by Ifrit at Level 35)
Effect: Detonates a scorching ball of light dealing heavy fire damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Like sun-sphere descends from heavens high, come down to scorch the earth to ash!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Fire (/Pyro Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infufeu (/Blessed Flame Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the fire spirits to grant fire-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Brimstone Bow and Shams.
Incantation: Into my blade, come burning sun, give fleeting aid unto this dweller on the earth.
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Pyroguard (/Pyro Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antifeu (/Repelled Blaze Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the fire spirits to grant fire attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked by
using Gerzas Atabaque, Shield of the Flames, Robes of the Inferno, Phoenix Flamecoat, Phoenix Mail,
and Firewyrm Choker.
Incantation: Give unto me your unseen shield, your skin of soot; protect this self from burning blade.
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Flame Fusion (/Flame Fusion)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Enflammant (/Wildfire Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - The Reisan Way (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 2L Event
- The Gates of Almorica (Dropped by a human-type Witch below Level 31), Chapter 2C Event - The
Gates of Almorica (Dropped by a chaotic human-type Wizard), Chapter 3N Event - Port Asyton (Dropped
by a phantom-type Enchantress), Chapter 3C Event - Bahanna Highlands: Second Visit (Dropped by a
human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Draws power from the fire spirits to strengthen a single target.
Incantation: Burn bright in my heart, flame of courage, wildfire in my hand. To you I give the power of
fire, the power of destruction!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10),
Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 10), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar
(Lv. 11)
Pyroclastic Flow (/Burning Flow)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Brulant (/Melting Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the fire spirits to inflict breached on a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Fire Gauntlets.
Incantation: O primal fire, rise up and stand, to burn the barriers fore our blades, turn them to ash!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord
(Lv. 8), Shaman (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 7)
Misery (/Miserable Body)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Calcinant (/Fragility Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Draws power from the fire spirits to weaken multiple targets. Can also be invoked by using Prox.
Incantation: My flame is cold and without mercy, your sinewy strength to burn away, your will to wither!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 4), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 3), Necromancer (Lv. 5), Lich (Lv. 2), Lord
(Lv. 4), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 4), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 5)
Brimstone (/Brimstone)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Fumerolle (/Sulfuric Gas Spellbook)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Phidoch West Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 4
Event - Brigantys South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Resets the TP of multiple targets with a scalding, poisonous gas.
Incantation: Dance up upon the burning wind, venom fire, sear air and breath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 17), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 16), Necromancer (Lv. 18), Lich (Lv. 15),
Lord (Lv. 17), Shaman (Lv. 18), Wicce (Lv. 17), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 18), Familiar (Lv. 18)
Ice Magic
Iceblast (/Ice Blast)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glace (/Icicle Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Effect: Sends forth a chilling blast dealing piercing ice damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
ice averse.
Incantation: O queen with breath as cold as ice, your heart is colder still; a blade of frost become, to cut
the land beneath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 1),
Wicce (Lv. 1), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Iceblast II (II/Ice Blast II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glace II (II/Icicle Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2C Event - Krysaro (Dropped by a neutral human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Sends forth a chilling blast dealing piercing ice damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
ice averse.
Incantation: O queen with breath as cold as ice, your heart is colder still; a blade of frost become, to cut
the land beneath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9),
Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 12), Shaman (Lv. 9),
Wicce (Lv. 10), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv.
Iceblast III (III/Ice Blast III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glace III (III/Icicle Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Sends forth a chilling blast dealing piercing ice damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
ice averse. Can also be invoked by using The Awakener and Beadbound Blade.
Incantation: O queen with breath as cold as ice, your heart is colder still; a blade of frost become, to cut
the land beneath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 19), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18),
Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 21), Shaman (Lv.
18), Wicce (Lv. 19), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 21), Familiar (Lv. 20), Cyclops
(Lv. 19)
Iceblast IV (IV/Ice Blast IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glace IV (IV/Icicle Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 11F (Dropped by a phantom-type
Effect: Sends forth a chilling blast dealing piercing ice damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
ice averse.
Incantation: O queen with breath as cold as ice, your heart is colder still; a blade of frost become, to cut
the land beneath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 28), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 30), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 27),
Necromancer (Lv. 29), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 30), Shaman (Lv.
27), Wicce (Lv. 28), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 30), Familiar (Lv. 29), Cyclops
(Lv. 28)
Avalanche (/Avalanche)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Congelation (/Avalanche Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Creates a freezing aura inflicting ice damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Freezing white the breath that robs the warmth of life and turns the air to ice!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 6), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 5), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 4), Lord
(Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 6), Knight
Commander (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Avalanche II (II/Avalanche II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Congelation II (II/Avalanche Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Madura Drift (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress), Chapter 3L Event
- Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress serving Gatialo), Chapter 3N Event - Boed
Fortress (Dropped by a lawful Templar Wizard), Chapter 3N Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a
human-type Wizard), Chapter 3C Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Creates a freezing aura inflicting ice damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict ice averse.
Can also be invoked by using Moon Blade.
Incantation: Freezing white the breath that robs the warmth of life and turns the air to ice!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 19), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv.
15), Knight Commander (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 16), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Avalanche III (III/Avalanche III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Congelation III (III/Avalanche Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Effect: Creates a freezing aura inflicting ice damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Freezing white the breath that robs the warmth of life and turns the air to ice!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 26), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 28), Dark Priest (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Shaman (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv.
24), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Avalanche IV (IV/Avalanche IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Congelation IV (IV/Avalanche Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 1F (Dropped by a Kraken)
Effect: Creates a freezing aura inflicting ice damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Freezing white the breath that robs the warmth of life and turns the air to ice!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 33), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 32), Necromancer (Lv. 35), Lich (Lv. 31),
Lord (Lv. 33), Princess (Lv. 37), Dark Priest (Lv. 36), Astromancer (Lv. 32), Shaman (Lv. 32), Wicce (Lv.
33), Knight Commander (Lv. 32), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 34), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Wendigo (/Wendigo)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Wendigo (/Ice Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 7F (Dropped by a Templar Enchantress below Level
Effect: Summons the ice spirit Wendigo to deal crushing ice damage to single or multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Spirit-king of ice and snow, with blizzard comeunto your hands I give the power of life and
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Shaman (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20)
Wendigo II (II/Wendigo II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Wendigo II (II/Ice Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 14F (Dropped by a Dagon)
Effect: Summons the ice spirit Wendigo to deal crushing ice damage to single or multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Spirit-king of ice and snow, with blizzard comeunto your hands I give the power of life and
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 40), Shaman (Lv. 40), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 38)
Ice Requiem (/Ice Requiem)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Grandfroid (/Snowstorm Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Lyuneram (Dropped by Lygenstzel at Level 25)
Effect: Invokes a glacial aura dealing heavy ice damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict ice
Incantation: Wyrm-king come from northern sea, give to my foes their crowns of ice, turn all to frozen
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26),
Shaman (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27)
Ice Requiem II (II/Ice Requiem II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Grandfroid II (II/Snowstorm Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Lyuneram (Dropped by Lygenstzel at Level 35)
Effect: Invokes a glacial aura dealing heavy ice damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict ice
Incantation: Wyrm-king come from northern sea, give to my foes their crowns of ice, turn all to frozen
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Princess (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38),
Shaman (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 40)
Instill Ice (/Frost Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infuglace (/Blessed Ice Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the ice spirits to grant ice-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Kshuparaka, Ixquimillis Bow, and Barad.
Incantation: O fist of ice, cold ice like steel, give frost to blade and spill both blood and warmth of life!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Shaman (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 2)
Frostguard (/Frost Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antiglace (/Repelled Frost Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the ice spirits to grant ice attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked by
using Shield of the Tundra, Robes of Black Ice, Vikrant Icecoat, Vikrant Mail, and Black Ice Choker.
Incantation: Sea-rime upon this blade, disperse, pull back these icy hands of white!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 5), Shaman (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4)
Icy Focus (/Chill Focus)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Serenite (/Concentration Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the ice spirits to grant spellstrike to a single target.
Incantation: Spirits as calm as icy plains, an arrow flies of magic bornstrike true your mark!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10),
Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 10), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar
(Lv. 11)
Indomitable Will (/Eruptive Force)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Fragilisant (/Shattering Spellbook)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the ice spirits to grant battering ram to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Rose Whip.
Incantation: Twisting shards of blazing ice, wipe cloud from eye and fear from heart, false paling fall
before your truth!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 7), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 6), Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 5), Lord
(Lv. 7), Shaman (Lv. 6), Wicce (Lv. 7), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 8), Familiar (Lv. 6)
Numbing Cold (/Numbing Cold)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Engourdissant (/Shivering Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Golborza Plain (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Draws power from the ice spirits to inflict spellslip on multiple targets. Can also be invoked by
using Hoarfrost Greaves.
Incantation: Icy the fog that tumbles turning, disturbing the heart to turn dark magics from their path!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 4), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 3), Necromancer (Lv. 5), Lich (Lv. 2), Lord
(Lv. 4), Shaman (Lv. 5), Wicce (Lv. 4), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 5)
Freezing Gust (/Freezing Gust)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Gelant (/Frigid Air Spellbook)
Price: 1500 Goth
Sell: 750 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Leadens multiple targets by freezing the air around them.
Incantation: Air laden with a frigid breath, wrench down the wings that dance through sky and hurl them
to the ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 14), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 13), Necromancer (Lv. 15), Lich (Lv. 12),
Lord (Lv. 14), Shaman (Lv. 15), Wicce (Lv. 14), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 15), Familiar (Lv. 15)
Divine Magic
Spiritsurge (/Spirit Surge)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Radiance (/Glimmer Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Effect: Unleashes divine power dealing piercing light damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
light averse.
Incantation: Spirits wreathed in light divine, gallop as arrows cross the sky and pierce my foemans
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 4), Lord (Lv. 3), Priest (Lv. 6),
Astromancer (Lv. 1), Vartan (Lv. 5), Knight Commander (Lv. 1), Familiar (Lv. 5)
Spiritsurge II (II/Spirit Surge II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Radiance II (II/Glimmer Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Boed Fortress (Dropped by a chaotic Templar Rune Fencer)
Effect: Unleashes divine power dealing piercing light damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
light averse.
Incantation: Spirits wreathed in light divine, gallop as arrows cross the sky and pierce my foemans
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 14), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 12), Lord (Lv. 11), Priest (Lv. 15),
Astromancer (Lv. 9), Vartan (Lv. 14), Knight Commander (Lv. 9), Familiar (Lv. 14)
Spiritsurge III (III/Spirit Surge III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Radiance III (III/Glimmer Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Location: Chapter 4C Event - Inside Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a phantom-type Warlock), Chapter 4
Event - Heart of the Gardens: The Tomb Below (Dropped by a Templar Knight below Level 31)
Effect: Unleashes divine power dealing piercing light damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
light averse. Can also be invoked by using Walitas, Lipuls Rod (1x), and Livelas Harp (1x).
Incantation: Spirits wreathed in light divine, gallop as arrows cross the sky and pierce my foemans
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 23), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 21), Lord (Lv. 20), Priest (Lv. 24),
Astromancer (Lv. 18), Vartan (Lv. 23), Knight Commander (Lv. 18), Familiar (Lv. 23)
Spiritsurge IV (IV/Spirit Surge IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Radiance IV (IV/Glimmer Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 1F (Dropped by a winged-type Cleric)
Effect: Unleashes divine power dealing piercing light damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
light averse.
Incantation: Spirits wreathed in light divine, gallop as arrows cross the sky and pierce my foemans
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 32), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 30), Lord (Lv. 29), Priest (Lv. 33),
Astromancer (Lv. 27), Vartan (Lv. 32), Knight Commander (Lv. 27), Familiar (Lv. 32)
Judgement (/Judgement)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Punition (/Divine Retribution Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Calls forth waves of divine light inflicting light damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
light averse.
Incantation: Wrath descend from throne on high, flash of thunder, judging light, hew down my foe!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 9), Priest (Lv. 9), Princess (Lv. 13), Astromancer (Lv. 8),
Knight Commander (Lv. 8)
Judgement II (II/Judgement II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Punition II (II/Divine Retribution Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Effect: Calls forth waves of divine light inflicting light damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
light averse. Can also be invoked by using Brynhildr.
Incantation: Wrath descend from throne on high, flash of thunder, judging light, hew down my foe!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 18), Priest (Lv. 18), Princess (Lv. 22), Astromancer (Lv.
17), Knight Commander (Lv. 17)
Judgement III (III/Judgement III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Punition III (III/Divine Retribution Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Effect: Calls forth waves of divine light inflicting light damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
light averse. Can also be invoked by using Huitzilopochtlis Rays.
Incantation: Wrath descend from throne on high, flash of thunder, judging light, hew down my foe!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 27), Priest (Lv. 27), Princess (Lv. 31), Astromancer (Lv.
26), Knight Commander (Lv. 26)
Judgement IV (IV/Judgement IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Punition IV (IV/Divine Retribution Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 7F (Dropped by a Crystal Dragon at Level 34)
Effect: Calls forth waves of divine light inflicting light damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
light averse.
Incantation: Wrath descend from throne on high, flash of thunder, judging light, hew down my foe!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 35), Lord (Lv. 36), Priest (Lv. 36), Princess (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv.
35), Knight Commander (Lv. 35)
Wisplight (/Wisplight)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Lumina (/Light Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Effect: Summons the light spirit Wisplight to deal crushing light damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict light averse.
Incantation: Avatar of light, from winking stars descend to me!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27)
Wisplight II (II/Wisplight II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Lumina II (II/Light Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 14F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision at
Level 43)
Effect: Summons the light spirit Wisplight to deal crushing light damage to single or multiple targets. Has
a chance to inflict light averse.
Incantation: Avatar of light, from winking stars descend to me!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 43), Lord (Lv. 45)
Heavenly Judge (/Heavenly Judge)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Chatiment (/Sanctifying Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 10F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Bathes an area in divine light dealing heavy light damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict light averse.
Incantation: In skyfields where the light tree grows, crack wide your doors, destroy the dark!
Class Usage: Lord (Lv. 30), Princess (Lv. 29), Astromancer (Lv. 28)
Heavenly Judge II (II/Heavenly Judge II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Chatiment II (II/Sanctifying Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 15F (Dropped by a Crystal Dragon at Level 40)
Effect: Bathes an area in divine light dealing heavy light damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to
inflict light averse.
Incantation: In skyfields where the light tree grows, crack wide your doors, destroy the dark!
Class Usage: Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 41), Astromancer (Lv. 40)
Exorcism (/Exorcism)
MP Cost: 34
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Exorcisme (/Vanquishing Spellbook)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 14F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31)
Effect: Exorcises a single stilled undead target. Can also be invoked by using Staff of Purification.
Incantation: Give dying souls their place in time, an ever-world where they might rest!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 4), Priest (Lv. 3)
Exorcism II (II/Exorcism II)
MP Cost: 68
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +23
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Exorcisme II (II/Vanquishing Spellbook II)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Effect: Exorcises multiple stilled undead target. Can also be invoked by using Oracion.
Incantation: Give dying souls their place in time, an ever-world where they might rest!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 18), Lord (Lv. 19), Priest (Lv. 18)
Instill Light (/Shining Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infulumiere (/Blessed Light Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the light spirits to grant light-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Durandal, Pajra, and Al-iklil.
Incantation: Give me the sword by hand of goddess blessed, to hew the dark and bring the light!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 4), Knight (Lv. 6), Lord (Lv. 6)
Lightguard (/Shining Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antilumiere (/Repelled Light Spellbook)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the light spirits to grant light attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked by
using Shield of Sages, Robes of Radiance, Aganista Lightcoat, Titania Mail, and Saint Kings Choker.
Incantation: Light fails where greater light shines bright, protection of the spiritsmine!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 6), Knight (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 8)
Silent Light (/Silent Spell)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Scellant (/Silencing Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Effect: Silences a single target with a scintillant wave.
Incantation: The brilliant light seals way the echoes crying for release!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 6), Cleric (Lv. 5), Lord (Lv. 6), Priest (Lv. 4), Princess (Lv. 5),
Familiar (Lv. 6)
Boon of Swiftness (/Quick Move)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Celerite (/Blur Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a human-type Berserker), Chapter 2C Event -
Xeod Moors (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of time to quicken a single target. Can also be invoked by using
Luminant Gauntlets, Snipe Gators, and Reaver Ring.
Incantation: Twist times whirlwind like the gales and lightning bolts race cross the sky!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 11), Cleric (Lv. 10), Lord (Lv. 11), Priest (Lv. 9), Princess (Lv.
10), Familiar (Lv. 11)
Dispel (/Dispel)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Annulation (/Removal Spellbook)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Heim Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type male Cleric), Chapter 4 Event -
The Hanging Gardens 8F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging
Gardens 17F (Dropped by a Templar Valkyrie below Level 31)
Effect: Removes a buff from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Wisemans Staff.
Incantation: Lords high on throne in heavens vault, give blessings not to the unworthy vessels, cracked
and rent!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 23), Cleric (Lv. 21), Lord (Lv. 22), Priest (Lv. 20), Princess (Lv.
Awaken (/Recovery)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Reveil (/Awakening Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Removes sleep and charm from a single target.
Incantation: How pure and clear this light, to heal spirit and flesh sullied by dark!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 4), Priest (Lv. 2), Princess (Lv. 3), Paladin (Lv. 5), White Knight (Lv.
Awaken II (II/Recovery II)
MP Cost: 50
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute:
Arcana: Grimoire Reveil II (II/Awakening Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 3F (Dropped by a winged-type Cleric)
Effect: Removes bewitch, spendthrift, and paranoia from a single target.
Incantation: How pure and clear this light, to heal spirit and flesh sullied by dark!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 30), Lord (Lv. 31), Priest (Lv. 29), Princess (Lv. 30)
Innervate (/Paraplegia)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Vivacite (/Rejuvenation Spellbook)
Price: 200 Goth
Sell: 100 Goth
Effect: Removes stun from a single target.
Incantation: Flesh by fetter of faith bound, release and joy in freedom found!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 2), Priest (Lv. 1), Princess (Lv. 1), Paladin (Lv. 1), White Knight (Lv.
Singing Light (/Chant Spell)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Volubilite (/Resounding Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Effect: Removes silence from a single target.
Incantation: Call back lost words, these pieces of a time gone by, to break the silence, sing your song!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 9), Priest (Lv. 7), Princess (Lv. 8), Paladin (Lv. 10), White Knight
(Lv. 11)
Awaken Stone (/Revive Stone)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Defigeant (/Fragmenting Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Removes petrify from a single target.
Incantation: From the rock for whom time does not flow, a wave of life spring forth!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 7), Lord (Lv. 8), Priest (Lv. 6), Princess (Lv. 7), Paladin (Lv. 9), White Knight (Lv.
Liberate (/Vanquish)
MP Cost: 35
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +17
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Fluidite (/Movement Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Removes bound, shackle, and stop from a single target.
Incantation: Free the bonds that weigh upon your mind, a light divine to cleanse!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 27), Lord (Lv. 28), Priest (Lv. 26), Princess (Lv. 27)
Cleanse (/Clear Blood)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Purete (/Detoxification Spellbook)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Effect: Removes poison from a single target.
Incantation: Gone the mud of misfortune, cleansed the blood of honest soul!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 9), Lord (Lv. 10), Priest (Lv. 8), Princess (Lv. 9), Paladin (Lv. 11), White Knight
(Lv. 12)
Cleanse II (II/Clear Blood II)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Purete II (II/Detoxification Spellbook II)
Price: 2400 Goth
Sell: 1200 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Heart of the Gardens: Relics of the Past (Dropped by a Templar Cleric
below Level 31)
Effect: Removes poison and venom from a single target.
Incantation: Gone the mud of misfortune, cleansed the blood of honest soul!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 24), Lord (Lv. 25), Priest (Lv. 23), Princess (Lv. 24)
Unburden (/Smooth Stride)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Mobilite (/Unburdening Spellbook)
Price: 1700 Goth
Sell: 850 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by an umbra-type Cleric), Chapter 3C Event -
Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - Bahanna Highlands: Second
Visit (Dropped by a human-type Cleric)
Effect: Removes hobble and leaden from a single target.
Incantation: Lift wings of light, this emissary, your burden to release!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 15), Lord (Lv. 16), Priest (Lv. 14), Princess (Lv. 15), Paladin (Lv. 17)
Decurse (/Blessing)
MP Cost: 50
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Benediction (/Consecration Spellbook)
Price: 3500 Goth
Sell: 1750 Goth
Effect: Removes curse, wither, and addle from a single target.
Incantation: A blessing I give in stead of gods, calamity visit no more!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 35), Lord (Lv. 36), Priest (Lv. 34), Princess (Lv. 35)
Hearten (/Brave Heart)
MP Cost: 35
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +17
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Bravoure (/Emboldening Spellbook)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Bahanna Highlands (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3L Event -
The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3L Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped
by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3N Event - Tynemouth Hill (Dropped by a lawful winged-type Cleric),
Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3C Event -
Bahanna Highlands: First Visit (Dropped by a human-type female Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys
Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 5F (Dropped by a
Templar Knight below Level 31)
Effect: Removes fear from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Ogresbane.
Incantation: Fierce warriors in your heavenly pride, kindle a light in trembling heart!
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 14), Knight (Lv. 18), Lord (Lv. 15), Priest (Lv. 13), Princess (Lv. 14), Paladin (Lv.
16), White Knight (Lv. 17)
Ease (/Clearance)
MP Cost: 40
Target: Indirect
Range: 8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Purgation (/Purification Spellbook)
Price: 2000 Goth
Sell: 1000 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Heim Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type male Cleric), Chapter 4 Event -
The Hanging Gardens 8F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging
Gardens 10F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below Level 31), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging
Gardens 14F (Dropped by a Templar Rune Fencer below Level 31)
Effect: Removes a debuff from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Sage Staff.
Incantation: By the mercy of the Father great, purify this sullied flesh!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 22), Cleric (Lv. 20), Lord (Lv. 21), Priest (Lv. 19), Princess (Lv.
Heal (/Heal)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Vitalite (/Healing Spellbook)
Price: 400 Goth
Sell: 200 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to a single target. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my prayers become a beacon, guide to gods to heal your blight.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 1), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 4), Knight (Lv. 3), Lord (Lv. 3), Priest (Lv. 1),
Princess (Lv. 3), Paladin (Lv. 2), White Knight (Lv. 3), Knight Commander (Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 3)
Heal II (II/Heal II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Vitalite II (II/Healing Spellbook II)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to a single target. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my prayers become a beacon, guide to gods to heal your blight.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 11), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 14), Knight (Lv. 13), Lord (Lv. 12), Priest (Lv.
10), Princess (Lv. 12), Paladin (Lv. 12), White Knight (Lv. 13), Knight Commander (Lv. 13), Familiar (Lv.
Heal III (III/Heal III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Vitalite III (III/Healing Spellbook III)
Price: 2400 Goth
Sell: 1200 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 12F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31),
Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 16F (Dropped by a Templar Knight below Level 31)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to a single target. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my prayers become a beacon, guide to gods to heal your blight.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 21), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 24), Knight (Lv. 23), Lord (Lv. 22), Priest (Lv.
10), Princess (Lv. 22), Paladin (Lv. 22), White Knight (Lv. 23), Knight Commander (Lv. 23), Familiar (Lv.
Heal IV (IV/Heal IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Vitalite IV (IV/Healing Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1700 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 4F (Dropped by an umbra-type Rune Fencer)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to a single target. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my prayers become a beacon, guide to gods to heal your blight.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 31), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 34), Knight (Lv. 33), Lord (Lv. 32), Priest (Lv.
30), Princess (Lv. 32), Paladin (Lv. 32), White Knight (Lv. 33), Knight Commander (Lv. 33), Familiar (Lv.
Major Heal (/Heal Plus)
MP Cost: 25
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Soins (/Mass Healing Spellbook)
Price: 900 Goth
Sell: 450 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a human-type Berserker), Chapter 2C Event -
Xeod Moors (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to multiple targets. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my call become the light of purest heaven, salvation yours.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 9), Lord (Lv. 10), Priest (Lv. 8)
Major Heal II (II/Heal Plus II)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Soins II (II/Mass Healing Spellbook II)
Price: 2300 Goth
Sell: 1150 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 1F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31),
Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 4F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31), Chapter 4
Event - The Hanging Gardens 17F (Dropped by a Templar Cleric below Level 31)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to multiple targets. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my call become the light of purest heaven, salvation yours.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 23), Lord (Lv. 24), Priest (Lv. 22)
Major Heal III (III/Heal Plus III)
MP Cost: 65
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +23
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Soins III (III/Mass Healing Spellbook III)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 11F (Dropped by a winged-type Cleric)
Effect: Draws power from the goddess of mercy to restore HP to multiple targets. Deals damage to
Incantation: May my call become the light of purest heaven, salvation yours.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 38), Priest (Lv. 36)
Resurrection (/Resurrect)
MP Cost: 100
Target: Indirect
Range: 2
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Resurrection (/Reviving Spellbook)
Price: 1500 Goth
Sell: 750 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - The Reisan Way (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3L Event
- Brigantys South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3L Event - The Gates of
Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3L Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-
type Cleric), Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3N
Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type female Cleric), Chapter 3N Event - The Arkhaiopolis
of Rhime (Dropped by a human-type female Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - The Gates of Coritanae: First
Visit (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - Coritanae Ward: First Visit (Dropped by a
human-type Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - Bahanna Highlands: First Visit (Dropped by a human-type male
Cleric), Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Cleric), Chapter
3C Event - Brigantys West Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type female Cleric), Chapter 3C Event -
Bahanna Highlands: Second Visit (Dropped by a human-type Cleric)
Effect: Revives a single incapacitated ally and restores 10% of max HP and MP.
Incantation: Ishtar, goddess of the light, save ye the souls of those who fell and are in darkness bound.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 14), Lord (Lv. 15), Priest (Lv. 13)
Resurrection II (II/Resurrect II)
MP Cost: 200
Target: Indirect
Range: 2
Area: 1
RT Delay: +50
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Resurrection II (II/Reviving Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 1750 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 11F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Revives a single incapacitated ally and restores 50% of max HP and MP.
Incantation: Ishtar, goddess of the light, save ye the souls of those who fell and are in darkness bound.
Class Usage: Cleric (Lv. 35), Lord (Lv. 36), Priest (Lv. 34)
Dark Magic
Word of Pain (/Word of Pain)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Douleur (/Agony Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Effect: Unleashes an agonizing curse dealing slashing dark damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict dark averse.
Incantation: Bring the pain to blood and flesh, this demon cast from mortal coil!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 2), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 5), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1),
Necromancer (Lv. 3), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Wicce (Lv. 2), Knight Commander
(Lv. 3), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 4), Familiar (Lv. 3), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Word of Pain II (II/Word of Pain II)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Douleur II (II/Agony Spellbook II)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Xeod Moors (Dropped by Garba), Chapter 2L Event - Almorica
Passageway (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Unleashes an agonizing curse dealing slashing dark damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict dark averse. Can also be invoked by using Kerberos Claws.
Incantation: Bring the pain to blood and flesh, this demon cast from mortal coil!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 11), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 14), Warlock/Witch (Lv.
10), Necromancer (Lv. 12), Lich (Lv. 9), Lord (Lv. 11), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Wicce (Lv. 11), Knight
Commander (Lv. 12), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 13), Familiar (Lv. 12), Cyclops (Lv. 9)
Word of Pain III (III/Word of Pain III)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Douleur III (III/Agony Spellbook III)
Price: 2100 Goth
Sell: 1050 Goth
Effect: Unleashes an agonizing curse dealing slashing dark damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict dark averse. Can also be invoked by using Sagara and Rabanas Tanbur.
Incantation: Bring the pain to blood and flesh, this demon cast from mortal coil!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 20), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 23), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 19),
Necromancer (Lv. 21), Lich (Lv. 18), Lord (Lv. 20), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Wicce (Lv. 20), Knight
Commander (Lv. 21), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 22), Familiar (Lv. 21), Cyclops (Lv. 18)
Word of Pain IV (IV/Word of Pain IV)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Douleur IV (IV/Agony Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 2F (Dropped by an umbra-type Terror Knight)
Effect: Unleashes an agonizing curse dealing slashing dark damage to a single target. Has a chance to
inflict dark averse.
Incantation: Bring the pain to blood and flesh, this demon cast from mortal coil!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 29), Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 32), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 28),
Necromancer (Lv. 30), Lich (Lv. 27), Lord (Lv. 29), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Wicce (Lv. 29), Knight
Commander (Lv. 30), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 31), Familiar (Lv. 30), Cyclops (Lv. 27)
Meteor Strike (II/Meteor Impact)
MP Cost: 22
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Briseciel (/Comet Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Calls down a meteorite dealing crushing dark damage to a single target. Has a chance to inflict
dark averse.
Incantation: Harness power of the wyrm, that races cross the vault of sky, drop stars from fastness high
above, come burning down to ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 7), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 6), Necromancer (Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 5), Lord
(Lv. 7), Dark Priest (Lv. 10), Astromancer (Lv. 6), Wicce (Lv. 7), Knight Commander (Lv. 8), Patriarch/
Matriarch (Lv. 9), Cyclops (Lv. 6)
Meteor Strike II (II/Meteor Impact II)
MP Cost: 46
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Briseciel II (II/Comet Spellbook II)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Lake Bordu (Dropped by an umbra-type Valkyrie)
Effect: Calls down a meteorite dealing crushing dark damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
dark averse. Can also be invoked by using Assassin Blade.
Incantation: Harness power of the wyrm, that races cross the vault of sky, drop stars from fastness high
above, come burning down to ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 16), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 15), Necromancer (Lv. 18), Lich (Lv. 14),
Lord (Lv. 16), Dark Priest (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 15), Wicce (Lv. 16), Knight Commander (Lv. 17),
Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 18), Cyclops (Lv. 15)
Meteor Strike III (III/Meteor Impact III)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Briseciel III (III/Comet Spellbook III)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Effect: Calls down a meteorite dealing crushing dark damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
dark averse.
Incantation: Harness power of the wyrm, that races cross the vault of sky, drop stars from fastness high
above, come burning down to ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 25), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 24), Necromancer (Lv. 27), Lich (Lv. 23),
Lord (Lv. 25), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 24), Wicce (Lv. 25), Knight Commander (Lv. 26),
Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 27), Cyclops (Lv. 24)
Meteor Strike IV (IV/Meteor Impact IV)
MP Cost: 94
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Briseciel IV (IV/Comet Spellbook IV)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 2F (Dropped by a Dark Dragon)
Effect: Calls down a meteorite dealing crushing dark damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict
dark averse.
Incantation: Harness power of the wyrm, that races cross the vault of sky, drop stars from fastness high
above, come burning down to ground!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 34), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 33), Necromancer (Lv. 36), Lich (Lv. 32),
Lord (Lv. 34), Dark Priest (Lv. 37), Astromancer (Lv. 33), Wicce (Lv. 34), Knight Commander (Lv. 35),
Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 36), Cyclops (Lv. 33)
Hellhound (/Hellhound)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Fenrir (/Dark Spirit Spellbook)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Effect: Summons a hellhound to deal crushing dark damage to single or multiple targets. Has a chance
to inflict dark averse. Can also be invoked by using Sweepblade.
Incantation: Come demon of the darkest depths, your body soaked in void! I call you to rend the life vein
with sharp fangs!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 24), Lord (Lv. 24), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 23), Cyclops (Lv. 23)
Hellhound II (II/Hellhound II)
MP Cost: 70
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +24
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Fenrir II (II/Dark Spirit Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 10F (Dropped by a Matriarch)
Effect: Summons a hellhound to deal crushing dark damage to single or multiple targets. Has a chance
to inflict dark averse.
Incantation: Come demon of the darkest depths, your body soaked in void! I call you to rend the life vein
with sharp fangs!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 42), Lord (Lv. 42), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 41), Cyclops (Lv. 41)
Abyss (/Abyss)
MP Cost: 90
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +28
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Abimes (/Void Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1900 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Sanctum of Vaasa (Dropped by a phantom-type Warlock), Chapter 4 Event -
Geyld Fortress (Dropped by a phantom-type Witch), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B111 (Dropped
by an Onyx Dragon)
Effect: Calls forth hellish phantoms that prey on souls of the living, dealing heavy dark damage to
multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict dark averse.
Incantation: Give unto me the opening key, fling wide the doors to that abyss: spirits of the dead arise
and take these souls as I decree!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 25), Lord (Lv. 27), Dark Priest (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 26), Wicce (Lv. 27),
Cyclops (Lv. 26)
Abyss II (II/Abyss II)
MP Cost: 140
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Abimes II (II/Void Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2250 Goth
Location: Chapter 4L Event - Golyat (Dropped by a human-type Witch), Chapter 4 Event - Palace of the
Dead B100 (Dropped by neutral Wraiths at Level 41 spawned via Summon Darkness)
Effect: Calls forth hellish phantoms that prey on souls of the living, dealing heavy dark damage to
multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict dark averse.
Incantation: Give unto me the opening key, fling wide the doors to that abyss: spirits of the dead arise
and take these souls as I decree!
Class Usage: Lich (Lv. 37), Lord (Lv. 39), Dark Priest (Lv. 40), Astromancer (Lv. 38), Wicce (Lv. 39),
Cyclops (Lv. 38)
Drain Heart (/Drain Heart)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Aspirevie (/Life Stealing Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Absorbs HP from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Blood Whip.
Incantation: Heartbeat of life, gossamer wings, return to roost, to me!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 8), Terror Knight (Lv. 10), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 7), Necromancer
(Lv. 9), Lich (Lv. 6), Lord (Lv. 8), Dark Priest (Lv. 9), Astromancer (Lv. 7), Wicce (Lv. 8), Patriarch/
Matriarch (Lv. 9), Cyclops (Lv. 7)
Drain Mind (/Drain Mind)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Aspiremagie (/Magic Stealing Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Effect: Absorbs MP from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Shaytans Bulova and Clearcrack
Incantation: Beast of dark, a wilder thing, I come blood-hungry and unsated, to drink deep of your soul!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 12), Terror Knight (Lv. 14), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 11), Necromancer
(Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 10), Lord (Lv. 12), Dark Priest (Lv. 13), Astromancer (Lv. 11), Wicce (Lv. 12), Patriarch/
Matriarch (Lv. 13), Cyclops (Lv. 11)
Drain Power (/Drain Power)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Aspirenergie (/Energy Stealing Spellbook)
Price: 1900 Goth
Sell: 950 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Phidoch West Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter
3C Event - Boed Fortress (Dropped by a Templar Wizard)
Effect: Absorbs TP from a single target. Can also be invoked by using Cat o Nine Tails.
Incantation: Come into my hands, light born of labor, gather and be one!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 17), Terror Knight (Lv. 19), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 16), Necromancer
(Lv. 18), Lich (Lv. 15), Lord (Lv. 17), Dark Priest (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 16), Wicce (Lv. 17), Patriarch/
Matriarch (Lv. 18), Cyclops (Lv. 16)
Instill Shadow (/Shadow Attach)
MP Cost: 15
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Infutenebres (/Blessed Darkness Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the dark spirits to grant dark-touched to a single target. Can also be invoked by
using Jiyglas Bow and Leilah.
Incantation: Hoist high the blade that shines in dimness, receive strength from steel of black!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 4), Terror Knight (Lv. 6), Lord (Lv. 4), Cyclops (Lv. 5)
Shadow Guard (/Shadow Guard)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 3
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antitenebres (/Repelled Darkness Spellbook)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Draws power from the dark spirits to grant dark attuned to multiple targets. Can also be invoked
by using Robes of Gloom, Jiyglas Darkcoat, Thanatos Armor, and Ghasts Choker.
Incantation: What is the dark in greater darknessa shallow pool within the sea? To me your protection!
Class Usage: Rune Fencer/Valkyrie (Lv. 6), Terror Knight (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 7), Cyclops (Lv. 7)
Spellcharge (/Spell Charge)
MP Cost: 35
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Offrande (/Offering Spellbook)
Price: 1500 Goth
Sell: 750 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Tynemouth Hill (Dropped by a neutral winged-type Wizard), Chapter 3N
Event - Mount Hedon (Dropped by Cassandra), Chapter 3N Event - Hagia Banhamuba (Dropped by
Cressida), Chapter 3N Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Enchantress)
Effect: Transfers some of the casters MP to a single target.
Incantation: By the ancient pact my strength and wisdom unto you I do bequeath.
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 14), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 13), Necromancer (Lv. 15), Lich (Lv. 12),
Lord (Lv. 14), Dark Priest (Lv. 15), Astromancer (Lv. 13), Wicce (Lv. 14), Familiar (Lv. 15), Cyclops (Lv.
Paradigm Shift (/Paradigm Shift)
MP Cost: 100
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Revirement (/Conversion Spellbook)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Coritanae Ward (Dropped by a human-type Terror Knight serving
Apollinaire), Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a human-type Terror Knight), Chapter
3C Event - Brigantys Great Hall (Dropped by a Cyclops)
Effect: Draws upon the knowledge of scholars from the abyss to set the RT of multiple targets to 0 and
allow them to act immediately.
Incantation: From the abyss, I borrow wisdom, release myself from bonds of time!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 15), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 13),
Lord (Lv. 15), Astromancer (Lv. 14), Wicce (Lv. 15), Cyclops (Lv. 14)
Torpor (/Slow Move)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Torpeur (/Torpid Spellbook)
Price: 1100 Goth
Sell: 550 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a winged-type Archer)
Effect: Draws power from a demon with dominion over time to slow a single target. Can also be invoked
by using Ogre Helm.
Incantation: Like gentle flow of river vast, slow now the ebbing of times tide!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 9), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 8), Necromancer (Lv. 10), Lich (Lv. 7),
Lord (Lv. 9), Dark Priest (Lv. 11), Astromancer (Lv. 8), Wicce (Lv. 9), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 11), Cyclops
(Lv. 8)
Petriburst (/Petro Burst)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Petrifiant (/Petrifying Spellbook)
Price: 1500 Goth
Sell: 750 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - Phidoch South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Wizard)
Effect: Petrifies a single target with a fossilizing gas. Can also be invoked by using Dagdas Hammer.
Incantation: Accursed ye wyrm of the cold earth, spew forth miasma, stony breath!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 13), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 12), Necromancer (Lv. 14), Lich (Lv. 11),
Lord (Lv. 13), Astromancer (Lv. 12), Wicce (Lv. 13), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 15), Cyclops (Lv. 12)
Paralytic Wave (/Paralyze)
MP Cost: 10
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Paralysie (/Enshrouding Spellbook)
Price: 300 Goth
Sell: 150 Goth
Effect: Stuns multiple targets with coils of dark energy. Can also be invoked by using Dark Spear, Ogre
Armor, and Shadowed Greaves.
Incantation: Ripple ye forth in waves of darkness, steal five temples of the soul, to bind them in your
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 1), Terror Knight (Lv. 3), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 1), Necromancer (Lv.
2), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 1), Dark Priest (Lv. 2), Astromancer (Lv. 1), Wicce (Lv. 1), Patriarch/Matriarch
(Lv. 3), Familiar (Lv. 2), Cyclops (Lv. 1)
Poison Cloud (/Poison Cloud)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 2
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Toxigaz (/Effluvium Spellbook)
Price: 700 Goth
Sell: 350 Goth
Effect: Poisons multiple targets with a venomous gas.
Incantation: Now rise once again, o breath of demons buried deep within the ground, bring writhing pain
and twisted death!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 5), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 4), Necromancer (Lv. 6), Lich (Lv. 3), Lord
(Lv. 5), Dark Priest (Lv. 6), Astromancer (Lv. 4), Wicce (Lv. 5), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 7), Familiar (Lv. 6),
Cyclops (Lv. 4)
Deadly Poison (/Deadly Poison)
MP Cost: 45
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +0
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Miasme (/Vile Poison Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1300 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 2F (Dropped by a reptile-type
Effect: Envenoms a single target with a potent toxic cloud.
Incantation: A gale blows up from endless void, a mist of death it carries forth!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 24), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 23), Necromancer (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22),
Lord (Lv. 24), Astromancer (Lv. 23), Wicce (Lv. 24), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 26), Cyclops (Lv. 23)
Sleep (/Sleep)
MP Cost: 20
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Sommeil (/Slumber Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Location: Chapter 1 Event - Krysaro (Dropped by Moldova)
Effect: Puts a single target to sleep with visions of torment.
Incantation: Nightmare of beauty horror-bent, my edict follow ye: to draw the curtains of sweet sleep
around my enemy.
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 3), Terror Knight (Lv. 5), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 2), Necromancer (Lv.
4), Lich (Lv. 1), Lord (Lv. 3), Dark Priest (Lv. 4), Astromancer (Lv. 2), Wicce (Lv. 3), Patriarch/Matriarch
(Lv. 5), Familiar (Lv. 4), Cyclops (Lv. 2)
Charm (/Charm)
MP Cost: 25
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Tentation (/Enticement Spellbook)
Price: 600 Goth
Sell: 300 Goth
Effect: Charms a single target by capturing their heart with a lascivious gaze. Can also be invoked by
using Caldia (1x).
Incantation: Ashmedai, my eyes, my breath: come now to bind your heart in chains of gold!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 4), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 3), Necromancer (Lv. 5), Lich (Lv. 2), Lord
(Lv. 4), Dark Priest (Lv. 5), Astromancer (Lv. 3), Wicce (Lv. 4), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 6), Familiar (Lv. 5),
Cyclops (Lv. 3)
Dominate (/Dominion)
MP Cost: 60
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +0
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Arret (/Time Stopping Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 7F (Dropped by a Rukh)
Effect: Draws power from a demon with dominion over time to stop a single target.
Incantation: Come, dark lord who dwells in space between the present and the pastreveal to me your
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 35), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 34), Necromancer (Lv. 36), Lich (Lv. 33),
Lord (Lv. 35), Astromancer (Lv. 34), Wicce (Lv. 35), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 37), Cyclops (Lv. 34)
Shackle (/Shackle Bolt)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Menottes (/Shackling Spellbook)
Price: 2300 Goth
Sell: 1150 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 15F (Dropped by a Templar Wizard below Level 31)
Effect: Draws power from souls damned to hell to shackle a single target.
Incantation: Hear, headsman bound in hellish march, your day of reckoning is nigh, bind foe to moment
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 21), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 20), Necromancer (Lv. 22), Lich (Lv. 19),
Lord (Lv. 21), Astromancer (Lv. 20), Wicce (Lv. 21), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 23), Cyclops (Lv. 20)
Fixate (/Fixate)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Entrave (/Binding Spellbook)
Price: 2000 Goth
Sell: 1000 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Vanessan Way (Dropped by a human-type Wizard), Chapter 4C Event -
Balmamusa (Dropped by an umbra-type Terror Knight)
Effect: Draws power from a crucified demon to bind a single target. Can also be invoked by using
Jiyglas Bracers.
Incantation: I am judge of you, your shadow will I bind to earth, to chain you in this place!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 18), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 17), Necromancer (Lv. 19), Lich (Lv. 16),
Lord (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 17), Wicce (Lv. 18), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 20), Cyclops (Lv. 17)
Gravity Flux (/Gravity)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Gravite (/Gravity Spellbook)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Port Asyton (Dropped by a winged-type Archer), Chapter 2L Event -
Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a Cyclops), Chapter 2C Event - Tynemouth Hill (Dropped by a Cyclops)
Effect: Draws power from an unhallowed spirit to leaden a single target.
Incantation: Darkest lords of Vuira Viou, grab fast these legs and drag them down!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 10), Terror Knight (Lv. 12), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 9), Necromancer
(Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 8), Lord (Lv. 10), Dark Priest (Lv. 11), Astromancer (Lv. 9), Wicce (Lv. 10), Patriarch/
Matriarch (Lv. 12), Familiar (Lv. 11), Cyclops (Lv. 9)
Deadscream (/Dead Scream)
MP Cost: 40
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +0
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Epouvante (/Frightening Spellbook)
Price: 2400 Goth
Sell: 1200 Goth
Effect: Draws power from an undead witch to frighten a single target. Can also be invoked by using Ogre
Shield and Skull Mask.
Incantation: Come, hearken to the cries of doom that rise from flames of hell!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 22), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 21), Necromancer (Lv. 23), Lich (Lv. 20),
Lord (Lv. 22), Astromancer (Lv. 21), Wicce (Lv. 22), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 24), Cyclops (Lv. 21)
Dead Mans Ivy (/Dead Mans Ivy)
MP Cost: 30
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +0
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Damnes (/Restraining Spellbook)
Price: 2500 Goth
Sell: 1250 Goth
Effect: Hobbles a single target with grasping arms that reach up from beyond the grave.
Incantation: Pitiful all you lost souls, relinquished not your grasp upon this living world, reach out in rage
and take what of the living you can!
Class Usage: Wizard/Enchantress (Lv. 23), Warlock/Witch (Lv. 22), Necromancer (Lv. 24), Lich (Lv. 21),
Lord (Lv. 23), Astromancer (Lv. 22), Wicce (Lv. 23), Patriarch/Matriarch (Lv. 25), Cyclops (Lv. 22)
Draconic Magic
Tempest (/Tempest)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tempete (/Cyclone Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater air spirits to unleash a terrible storm, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict air averse.
Incantation: Howl heaven, call the wyrm-cryblast wind and fury!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Tempest II (II/Tempest II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Grimoire Tempete II (II/Cyclone Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 8F (Dropped by Rakshas at Level 44), Random
Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 12F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Calls upon greater air spirits to unleash a terrible storm, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict air averse.
Incantation: Howl heaven, call the wyrm-cryblast wind and fury!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Gaia Strike (/Gaia Strike)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Distorsion (/Distortion Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater earth spirits to distort gravity, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Spirit of land, roiling ragewarp and rend!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Gaia Strike II (II/Gaia Strike II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Grimoire Distorsion II (II/Distortion Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - Phorampa Wildwood: Heart of the Wildwood (Dropped by Maitreya at Level
33), Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 15F (Dropped by a Titan)
Effect: Calls upon greater earth spirits to distort gravity, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict earth averse.
Incantation: Spirit of land, roiling ragewarp and rend!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Vortex (/Vortex)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Ouragan (/Thunderclap Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater lightning spirits to ignite the atmosphere, dealing heavy damage to multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lord of lightning, stream like starslend your judging light!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Vortex II (II/Vortex II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Grimoire Ouragan II (II/Thunderclap Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 4F (Dropped by Vayu at Level 44), Special Battle
- Phorampa Wildwood: Wonder at the Gods Above (Dropped by Indra at Level 32), Random Battle - San
Bronsa: Floating Ruins 16F (Dropped by a Titan)
Effect: Calls upon greater lightning spirits to ignite the atmosphere, dealing heavy damage to multiple
targets. Has a chance to inflict lightning averse.
Incantation: Lord of lightning, stream like starslend your judging light!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Deluge (/Deluge)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Inondation (/Flood Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater water spirits to summon a flood, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: Lord of scales, shake the seasbanish the impure!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Deluge II (II/Deluge II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Grimoire Inondation II (II/Flood Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - Pirates Graveyard: Memories of Turquoise (Dropped by Enja at Level 35),
Special Battle - Palace of the Dead B96 (Dropped by Ijana at Level 41), Random Battle - San Bronsa:
Floating Ruins 15F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision at Level 40)
Effect: Calls upon greater water spirits to summon a flood, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets.
Has a chance to inflict water averse.
Incantation: Lord of scales, shake the seasbanish the impure!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Annihilation (/Annihilation)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Fournaise (/Cremation Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater fire spirits to unleash a conflagration of hellfire, dealing heavy damage to
multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Scorching flame, from cliffs of chaosto you!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Annihilation II (II/Annihilation II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Grimoire Fournaise II (II/Cremation Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - Palace of the Dead B77 (Dropped by Ahurama at Level 35), Random Battle -
San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 16F (Dropped by a Phoenix)
Effect: Calls upon greater fire spirits to unleash a conflagration of hellfire, dealing heavy damage to
multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict fire averse.
Incantation: Scorching flame, from cliffs of chaosto you!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Iceover (/White Mute)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glaciation (/Glacier Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Calls upon greater ice spirits to freeze the air, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Icewyrm in frozen land, with glass-like glareyour scorn upon them all!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Iceover II (II/White Mute II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Grimoire Glaciation II (II/Glacier Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - Palace of the Dead B86 (Dropped by Vija at Level 38), Special Battle - Palace
of the Dead B93 (Dropped by Chandra at Level 41), Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 15F
(Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision at Level 40)
Effect: Calls upon greater ice spirits to freeze the air, dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a
chance to inflict ice averse.
Incantation: Icewyrm in frozen land, with glass-like glareyour scorn upon them all!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Starfall (/Star Tiara)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Stellaire (/Shooting Star Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Draws upon the power of divine spirits to invoke the radiance of the stars, dealing heavy damage
to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict light averse.
Incantation: Stars that wheel, gather beneathpurify this sullied land!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Starfall II (II/Star Tiara II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Grimoire Stellaire II (II/Shooting Star Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Special Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 14F (Dropped by Saranga at Level 46), Random
Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 7F (Dropped by a Crystal Dragon at Level 34), Random Battle - San
Bronsa: Floating Ruins 13F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Draws upon the power of divine spirits to invoke the radiance of the stars, dealing heavy damage
to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict light averse.
Incantation: Stars that wheel, gather beneathpurify this sullied land!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Diablos Spite (/Evil Dead)
MP Cost: 80
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +26
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Supplices (/Hellion Spellbook)
Price: 2700 Goth
Sell: 1350 Goth
Effect: Draws upon the power of Diablo the Magewyrm to summon forth negative energy from the abyss,
dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict air averse.
Incantation: Diablo wyrm-king, black burning ragescorch the land!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 25), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Princess (Lv. 27), Astromancer (Lv.
23), Shaman (Lv. 24)
Diablos Spite II (II/Evil Dead II)
MP Cost: 140
Reagents: 5x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +38
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Supplices II (II/Hellion Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Palace of the Dead B100 (Dropped by neutral Wraiths at Level 41 spawned
via Summon Darkness), Special Battle - Palace of the Dead B89 (Dropped by Asurama at Level 39),
Special Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 16F (Dropped by Aditi at Level 46)
Effect: Draws upon the power of Diablo the Magewyrm to summon forth negative energy from the abyss,
dealing heavy damage to multiple targets. Has a chance to inflict air averse.
Incantation: Diablo wyrm-king, black burning ragescorch the land!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 45), Lich (Lv. 40), Lord (Lv. 42), Princess (Lv. 48), Astromancer (Lv.
43), Shaman (Lv. 44)
Detect (/Detecting)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 3
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Decelement (/Disclosing Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 7F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Reveals multiple traps laid in the area.
Incantation: Ancient wisdom of wyrm-kingsfind the unseen snares!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 18), Astromancer (Lv. 16)
Springboard (/Jump Wall)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Grandsaut (/Hurdling Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1000 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B40 (Dropped by a Wraith at Level 23), Random Battle -
Palace of the Dead B48 (Dropped by a phantom-type Enchantress at Level 23), Random Battle - Palace
of the Dead B50 (Dropped by a Wraith at Level 23)
Effect: Moves a single allied unit to an adjacent tile regardless of elevation difference. Cannot be used
when the target tile contains another unit or a tarot card.
Incantation: Breath of earth-spirits, gather herelet me pass!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 17), Lord (Lv. 19), Astromancer (Lv. 18), Wicce (Lv. 19)
Teleport (/Teleport)
MP Cost: 85
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +27
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Transfert (/Transferring Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 5F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Instantly teleports a single allied unit to any tile they can move to. Cannot be used when the target
tile contains other units or tarot cards.
Incantation: O great zephyr, dance unseenfly across heavens veil!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 30), Lich (Lv. 26), Lord (Lv. 28), Astromancer (Lv. 27), Wicce (Lv. 28)
Gift of Restoration (/Generous Gain)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Vivification (/Regenerating Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 850 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B32 (Dropped by a Wraith at Level 23), Random Battle
- Palace of the Dead B33 (Dropped by a phantom-type Warlock at Level 23), Random Battle - Palace of
the Dead B37 (Dropped by a reptile-type Witch at Level 23), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B44
(Dropped by a reptile-type Witch at Level 23)
Effect: Grants healcraft to a single target, temporarily buffing spells that restore HP.
Incantation: Great earth-mother, grant your succorreach out with mercful hand!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 16), Lord (Lv. 17), Princess (Lv. 15)
Gift of Renewal (/Generous Heal)
MP Cost: 45
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Revigoration (/Reinvigorating Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 900 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 8F (Dropped by a female Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Grants renewal to a single target, gradually restoring HP for a set time. Has no effect on undead.
Incantation: Goddess breath, the grass to growspring forth, life!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 18), Lord (Lv. 20)
Nullify Strike (/Invalid Strike)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Insensibilite (/Blocked Attack Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 4F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Grants nullify to a single target, causing them to completely avoid a single physical effect.
Incantation: Driver of destiny, your blessing giveward blades!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 22), Wicce (Lv. 21)
Negate Spell (/Invalid Spell)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Immunite (/Blocked Magic Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1200 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 5F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Grants negate to a single target, causing them to completely avoid a single magical effect.
Incantation: Magebane, the secret skillmay no spell reach its mark!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 24), Lich (Lv. 22), Lord (Lv. 24), Wicce (Lv. 23)
Dodge Blades (/Dodge Blade)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 1x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Prestesse (/Evasion Spellbook)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 3C Event - The Gates of Coritanae: First Visit (Dropped by Gildora)
Effect: Grants dodge to a single target.
Incantation: Drake-wings wheeling, cut through skyas blades cut air alone!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 10), Lord (Lv. 12)
Ballistics (/Ballistics)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Oeildaigle (/Inner Sight Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - The Reisan Way (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3L Event
- The Arkhaiopolis of Rhime (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of
Coritanae (Dropped by Gildora), Chapter 3C Event - Coritanae Ward: First Visit (Dropped by a human-
type Warlock), Chapter 3C Event - The Gates of Coritanae: Second Visit (Dropped by a human-type
Witch), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 7F (Dropped by a Templar Warlock below Level 31)
Effect: Grants trueflight to a single target.
Incantation: Fletchings cut the straightest pathfly true!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 12), Lord (Lv. 14)
Enlighten (/Enlighten)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Vifesprit (/Enlightening Spellbook)
Price: 1500 Goth
Sell: 750 Goth
Location: Chapter 3L Event - Almorica Passageway (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter
3N Event - Phidoch West Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3C Event - The
Arkhaiopolis of Rhime (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 3C Event - Phidoch South Curtain
Wall (Dropped by a human-type Warlock), Chapter 4 Event - Heim South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a
human-type Witch)
Effect: Grants spellcraft to a single target.
Incantation: Ancient wisdom, lend to megive spells surfeit of strength!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 14), Lord (Lv. 15), Princess (Lv. 13)
Phantom Shell (/Phantom Shell)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Antimagie (/Weakened Magic Spellbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 3C Event - Brigantys South Curtain Wall (Dropped by a human-type Witch)
Effect: Grants resilient to a single target.
Incantation: Dark shadow, let rest your rulerward of darkness!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 11), Lord (Lv. 13), Princess (Lv. 12)
Holy Shield (/Holy Shield)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Sanctuaire (/Sanctuary Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Coda Event - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 12F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision),
Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B44 (Dropped by a reptile-type Witch at Level 23), Random Battle -
Palace of the Dead B48 (Dropped by a phantom-type Warlock at Level 23)
Effect: Grants sanctified to a single target, preventing undead from entering their vicinity.
Incantation: Carve rood in rock, the impure denypour your light!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 21), Lord (Lv. 20), Princess (Lv. 22)
Sacrifice (/Sacrifice)
MP Cost: 200
Reagents: 3x Wyrm Gem
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +50
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Dondevie (/Sacrificing Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Pirates Graveyard: Ripples of Grief (Dropped by a phantom-type Warlock at
Level 33), Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 7F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Revives a single incapacitated allied unit in exchange for the casters life.
Incantation: Wyrm-kings from darkened tomb, my life I offerreclaim this soul!
Class Usage: Warlock/Witch (Lv. 28), Lord (Lv. 27)
Living Corpse (/Living Corpse)
MP Cost: 75
Reagents: 2x Shoulder Shard
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Mortvivant (/Carcass Animation Spellbook)
Price: 1300 Goth
Sell: 650 Goth
Effect: Transforms a single incapacitated unit into a zombie.
Incantation: Corpses who walk upon the earth! From chains of death I set you free! Serve me as your
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 13), Lich (Lv. 12)
Banish (/Banish)
MP Cost: 25
Reagents: 1x Dried Eyestem
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Cendres (/Banishment Spellbook)
Price: 500 Goth
Sell: 250 Goth
Effect: Turns a single stilled undead unit to dust.
Incantation: Traitor-branded piteous soul! To you I give eternal rest!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 5), Lich (Lv. 4)
Curse (/Curse)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Bloodied Ventricle
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Malediction (/Hex Spellbook)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Effect: Withers a single target by tormenting them with evil spirits.
Incantation: Hungry spirits, lusting for life! To you an offering! Give rise to your wail of death!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 12), Lich (Lv. 11)
Curse II (II/Curse II)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 3x Bloodied Ventricle
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Malediction II (II/Hex Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 1100 Goth
Location: Chapter 4N Event - Palace of the Dead B5 (Dropped by a phantom-type Knight), Chapter
4 Event - Palace of the Dead B22 (Dropped by Georges), Chapter 4 Event - Palace of the Dead B74
(Dropped by Beelzebuth)
Effect: Addles a single target by tormenting them with evil spirits.
Incantation: Hungry spirits, lusting for life! To you an offering! Give rise to your wail of death!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 22), Lich (Lv. 21)
Curse III (III/Curse III)
MP Cost: 100
Reagents: 4x Bloodied Ventricle
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Malediction III (III/Hex Spellbook III)
Price: None
Sell: 1600 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Pirates Graveyard: On Holy Ground (Dropped by Rackham at Level 34)
Effect: Curses a single target by tormenting them with evil spirits.
Incantation: Hungry spirits, lusting for life! To you an offering! Give rise to your wail of death!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 32), Lich (Lv. 31)
Tainted Love (/Horrific Love)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Bloodied Ventricle
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Ensorcelant (/Bewitching Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1000 Goth
Location: Chapter 4L/4C Event - Palace of the Dead B5 (Dropped by Leonar), Chapter 4 Event - Palace
of the Dead B41 (Dropped by a male Lich)
Effect: Bewitches a single target with a hex that fills their heart with desire.
Incantation: Love running deeper than hatred, your reward is due!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 20), Lich (Lv. 19)
Prodigize (/Prodigal)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 2x Bloodied Ventricle
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: None
Price: None
Sell: None
Location: None
Effect: Makes a single target a spendthrift with a baleful curse.
Incantation: Sweet whisper of temptation! Steal away the steadfast heart! In pleasures drown!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 16), Lich (Lv. 15)
Breed Suspicion (/Breed Suspicion)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 1x Salted Lobe
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: None
Price: None
Sell: None
Location: None
Effect: Gives a single target paranoia with an ominous curse.
Incantation: Black seed of discord, in your heart I plant! Spread roots and grow!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 11), Lich (Lv. 10)
Phantom Pain (/Phantom Pain)
MP Cost: 60
Reagents: x3 Dried Eyestem
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Tourments (/Tormenting Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 1500 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Pirates Graveyard: Ripples of Grief (Dropped by a male Lich at Level 33)
Effect: Grants pain aura to a single target, causing them to be susceptible to damage, but dealing 10% to
50% of damage taken to their opponent.
Incantation: A bond between flesh, my pain is ours to share!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 30), Lich (Lv. 29)
Life Force (/Life Force)
MP Cost: 40
Reagents: 1x Shoulder Shard
Target: Missile
Range: 5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Metaponction (/Magic Essence Spellbook)
Price: 700 Goth
Sell: 350 Goth
Effect: Drains HP from a single target and converts the amount drained to MP for the caster.
Incantation: Glow of life, to dark strength shift! To me your power!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 7), Lich (Lv. 6)
Putrify (/Rotten Blood)
MP Cost: 30
Reagents: 2x Salted Lobe
Target: Indirect
Range: 3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Sangnoir (/Tainted Blood Spellbook)
Price: 1700 Goth
Sell: 850 Goth
Effect: Restores HP to undead and deals damage to the living.
Incantation: Pain to the living, succor to the dead! Droplets of crimson darkness!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 17), Lich (Lv. 16)
Putrify II (II/Rotten Blood II)
MP Cost: 60
Reagents: 3x Salted Lobe
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 3
RT Delay: +22
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Grimoire Sangnoir II (II/Tainted Blood Spellbook II)
Price: None
Sell: 1350 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Pirates Graveyard: Ripples of Grief (Dropped by a female Lich at Level 33),
Coda Event - San Bronsa: Tower of Law Eternal 12F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision)
Effect: Restores HP to undead and deals damage to the living.
Incantation: Pain to the living, succor to the dead! Droplets of crimson darkness!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 27), Lich (Lv. 26)
Brainrot (/Rotten Brain)
MP Cost: 25
Reagents: 1x Dried Eyestem
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Debilitation (/Enfeeblement Spellbook)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Inflicts spoilheal on a single target.
Incantation: Rise miasma, from sulfurous spring! Poison and rot to the living!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 8), Lich (Lv. 7)
Black Plume (/Black Plume)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 1x Shoulder Shard
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Sombrailes (/Ebony Wings Spellbook)
Price: None
Sell: 300 Goth
Location: Chapter 4L/4C Event - Palace of the Dead B5 (Dropped by Xaebos), Chapter 4N Event -
Palace of the Dead B5 (Dropped by a phantom-type Knight), Chapter 4 Event - Palace of the Dead B41
(Dropped by a female Lich)
Effect: Transforms a single target into a crow, allowing them to flee combat.
Incantation: Pinions glistening black, rescue me from darker lands, flap and flight!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 6), Lich (Lv. 5)
Styx Shift (/Styx Shift)
MP Cost: 65
Reagents: 1x Dried Eyestem
Target: Indirect
Range: 8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +23
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Grimoire Necrotransfert (/Transposing Spellbook)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Moves a single incapacitated or stilled unit.
Incantation: Reach through death, grasp hand and limb! Once again to battle!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 10, Lich (Lv. 9)
Summon Darkness (/Summon Darkness)
MP Cost: 15
Reagents: 3x Shoulder Shard
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 4
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: None
Price: None
Sell: None
Location: None
Effect: Summons forth malevolent creatures from the world of darkness.
Incantation: Denizens of the abyss! From ink of blackest night, I summon you! Darkness to me!
Class Usage: Necromancer (Lv. 1), Lich (Lv. 1)
Wind Dervish (/Kamaitachi no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Vibrant Whetstone
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Scroll of Windshear (/Wind Elemental Scroll)
Price: 1200 Goth
Sell: 600 Goth
Location: Chapter 2C Event - Lake Bordu (Dropped by Genzo)
Effect: Calls a wind dervish into battle inflicting slashing air damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come now, beast of wind - eternally my blade shines - cutting all it sees.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 6)
Wind Dervish II (II/Kamaitachi no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Vibrant Whetstone
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Air
Arcana: Scroll of Windshear II (/Wind Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2100 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Heim Courtyard (Dropped by a Ninja), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead
B105 (Dropped by a female Dark Stalker)
Effect: Calls a wind dervish into battle inflicting slashing air damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come now, beast of wind - eternally my blade shines - cutting all it sees.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 21)
Sand Spider (/Tsuchigumo no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Attercop Web
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Scroll of Earthshear (/Earth Elemental Scroll)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Location: Chapter 2C Event - Lake Bordu (Dropped by Genzo)
Effect: Calls a sand spider into battle inflicting crushing earth damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come now, beast of earth - a wave upon the mountains - swallowing my foes.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 7)
Sand Spider II (II/Tsuchigumo no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Attercop Web
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Arcana: Scroll of Earthshear II (/Earth Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2200 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a Ninja), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead
B36 (Dropped by a male Dark Stalker at Level 23), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B105 (Dropped
by a female Dark Stalker)
Effect: Calls a sand spider into battle inflicting crushing earth damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come now, beast of earth - a wave upon the mountains - swallowing my foes.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 22)
Chimaera (/Nue no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Nightjar Bell
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Scroll of Stormshear (/Lightning Elemental Scroll)
Price: 1600 Goth
Sell: 800 Goth
Location: Chapter 2L Event - Almorica Passageway (Dropped by a Kunoichi)
Effect: Calls a chimaera into battle inflicting piercing lightning damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come, beast of lightning - your bolts blazing across sky - smite the fools to ground.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 8)
Chimaera II (II/Nue no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Nightjar Bell
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Arcana: Scroll of Stormshear II (/Lightning Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2300 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Ndamsa Fortress (Dropped by a Ninja), Random Battle - Palace of the Dead
B40 (Dropped by a male Dark Stalker at Level 23)
Effect: Calls a chimaera into battle inflicting piercing lightning damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come, beast of lightning - your bolts blazing across sky - smite the fools to ground.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 23)
Water Tiger (/Suiko no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Tortoiseshell Pin
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Scroll of Waveshear (/Water Elemental Scroll)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a Ninja)
Effect: Calls a water tiger into battle inflicting crushing water damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come, beast of water - let shine your sharp claws to rend - all who dare approach.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 9)
Water Tiger II (II/Suiko no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Tortoiseshell Pin
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Water
Arcana: Scroll of Waveshear II (/Water Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2400 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Qadriga Fortress (Dropped by a Kunoichi)
Effect: Calls a water tiger into battle inflicting crushing water damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come, beast of water - let shine your sharp claws to rend - all who dare approach.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 24)
Fire Snake (/Tda no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Fuse Ash
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Scroll of Flameshear (/Fire Elemental Scroll)
Price: 2000 Goth
Sell: 1000 Goth
Effect: Calls a fire snake into battle inflicting crushing fire damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come, beast of fire - fan the flames of hell and scorch - all who would harm me.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 10)
Fire Snake II (II/Tda no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Fuse Ash
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Arcana: Scroll of Flameshear II (/Fire Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B104 (Dropped by a male Dark Stalker), Random Battle -
Palace of the Dead B104 (Dropped by a female Dark Stalker)
Effect: Calls a fire snake into battle inflicting crushing fire damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come, beast of fire - fan the flames of hell and scorch - all who would harm me.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 25)
Rime Raven (/Yatagarasu no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Crow Track
Target: Indirect
Range: 4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +12
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Scroll of Iceshear (/Ice Elemental Scroll)
Price: 2200 Goth
Sell: 1100 Goth
Effect: Calls a rime raven into battle inflicting piercing ice damage to a single target.
Incantation: Come now, beast of ice - wield the raging blizzard winds - lay waste to the weak.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 11)
Rime Raven II (II/Yatagarasu no Jutsu II)
Reagents: 2x Crow Track
Target: Indirect
Range: 5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Arcana: Scroll of Iceshear II (/Ice Elemental Scroll II)
Price: None
Sell: 2600 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Ndamsa Fortress (Dropped by a Kunoichi), Random Battle - Palace of the
Dead B104 (Dropped by a female Grim Reaper)
Effect: Calls a rime raven into battle inflicting piercing ice damage to single or multiple targets.
Incantation: Come now, beast of ice - wield the raging blizzard winds - lay waste to the weak.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 26)
Shadowbind (/Kagenui no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Short Kunai
Target: Indirect
Range: 6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +13
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Scroll of Shadow (/Silhouette Scroll)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Binds a single target by pinning their shadow to the ground.
Incantation: To bind your shadow - is to bind the body fast - there is no escape.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 4)
Leaping Monkey (/Sarutobi no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Grappling Hook
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Monkey (/Monkey Scroll)
Price: 3000 Goth
Sell: 1500 Goth
Effect: Grants nimble to a single target, allowing them to ignore terrain elevation differences.
Incantation: Leap from tree to tree - roam across mountain and field - light as a feather.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 15)
Waterstep (/Mizugumo no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Water Striders
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Strider (/Spider Scroll)
Price: None
Sell: 100 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Phorampa Wildwood: The Howling Hills (Dropped by a Ninja), Random Battle
- Phorampa Wildwood: Whisper of Leaf and Water (Dropped by a Ninja)
Effect: Grants waterwalk to a single target.
Incantation: Waves rise not to me - tread upon the flattest path - slide without a sound.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 1)
Decoy (/Utsusemi no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Paper Doll
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Cicada (/Cicada Scroll)
Price: None
Sell: 1600 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Hagia Banhamuba (Dropped by a chaotic Ninja), Chapter 4 Event - Heim
Courtyard (Dropped by a Ninja), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 16F (Dropped by a Templar
Kunoichi below Level 31)
Effect: Grants nullify to a single target, causing them to completely avoid a single physical effect.
Incantation: Strike at my body - but my body it is not - blade cutting the air.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 16)
Bridle (/Kutsuwagakari no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Horse Bit
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Reins (/Bridle Scroll)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Location: Chapter 3N Event - The Gates of Coritanae (Dropped by a Ninja)
Effect: Causes the melee weapon of a single target to silence opponents.
Incantation: Lilting song trails off - mouth bound fast by unseen chains - a scream without sound.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 9)
Benumb (/Gamakuchi no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Beaded Frogwax
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Toad (/Toad Scroll)
Price: 1000 Goth
Sell: 500 Goth
Effect: Causes the melee weapon of a single target to stun opponents.
Incantation: The slight graze of blade - no longer your own master - your senses betrayed.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 5)
Envenom (/Kodoku no Jutsu)
Reagents: 1x Vermin Ichor
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Scroll of the Spider (/Pestilence Scroll)
Price: 2600 Goth
Sell: 1300 Goth
Effect: Causes the melee weapon of a single target to poison opponents.
Incantation: Fell secret magics - the darkened blade stands as proof - rot body and heart.
Class Usage: Ninja/Kunoichi (Lv. 13)
War Dances
Lion Dance (/Shishikagura no Mai)
TP Cost: 20
Reagents: 1x Fan of the Brave
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Treatise on Courage (/Valiant Dancing Script)
Price: 800 Goth
Sell: 400 Goth
Effect: Strengthens multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: The voice rang out, the heavens shook. Then did the shining tiger come, lending courage
to those who saw his terrible glory
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 4)
Harvest Dance (/Gokokuhojo no Mai)
TP Cost: 25
Reagents: 1x Fan of the Merciful
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Treatise on Safety (/Tranquil Dancing Script)
Price: 1800 Goth
Sell: 900 Goth
Effect: Restores a small amount of HP to multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: So did the grain of life grow rich; land and people both knew health and the favor of the
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 9)
Bellows Dance (/Tatara no Mai)
TP Cost: 30
Reagents: 1x Fan of Protection
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Treatise on Resolve (/Firm Dancing Script)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Effect: Fortifies multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: The heavy boots crushed sand to black iron. Fashion from it a shield! the monger said
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 14)
Shriving Dance (/Haraiwa no Mai)
TP Cost: 35
Reagents: 1x Fan of the Mists
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +17
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Treatise on Cleansing (/Minimal Dancing Script)
Price: None
Sell: 2300 Goth
Location: Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B31 (Dropped by a male Kill Seeker at Level 23),
Random Battle - Palace of the Dead B40 (Dropped by a male Kill Seeker at Level 23)
Effect: Removes a small number of debuffs from multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: The sword he swung, a gift from the gods, and pain was banished
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 23)
Comely Dance (/Iwanaga no Mai)
TP Cost: 40
Reagents: 1x Fan of the Serpent
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Treatise on Inferiority (/Inferior Dancing Script)
Price: 2400 Goth
Sell: 1200 Goth
Effect: Inflicts breached on multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: A dance not of joy but a bellows to hate-fire. The steps become a song, a curse upon
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 12)
Bedeviling Dance (/Yasoki no Mai)
TP Cost: 45
Reagents: 1x Fan of Depravity
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 2
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Arcana: Treatise on Excess (/Wasteful Dancing Script)
Price: 3600 Goth
Sell: 1800 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 8F (Dropped by a Templar Swordmaster below Level
Effect: Slows multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: And the demons thronged, clinging to boot and mail, dragging him down like a suit of
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 18)
Envigorating Dance (/Atsumori no Mai)
HP Cost: 50
Reagents: 1x Fan of Wasting
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Treatise on Technique (/Skillful Dancing Script)
Price: 5200 Goth
Sell: 2600 Goth
Effect: Reduces the TP of multiple nearby enemies while increasing the casters TP.
Incantation: What a choice to bow, before enemy sworn, and sheath the sword
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 26)
Demonpetal Dance (/Hanayasha no Mai)
TP Cost: 50
Reagents: 1x Fan of Charisma
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 2
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Treatise on Seduction (/Seductive Dancing Script)
Price: None
Sell: 1600 Goth
Location: Chapter 4 Event - Barnicia Grand Staircase (Dropped by a Templar Swordmaster serving
Lanselot and Catiua), Chapter 4 Event - The Hanging Gardens 8F (Dropped by a Templar Swordmaster
below Level 31)
Effect: Charms multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: She danced a dance of beauty and night-flowers, and all who saw were taken with
Class Usage: Swordmaster (Lv. 16)
Ardent Conga (/Passionate Conga)
MP Cost: 20
Reagents: 1x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +14
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Devils Score (/Enchanting Songbook)
Price: 200 Goth
Sell: 100 Goth
Effect: Grants spellcraft to multiple nearby allies and restores a small amount of their MP.
Incantation: This fiery passion / none can stop / like a spring / dark flowing forth.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 1)
Weakening Joropo (/Captivating Joropo)
MP Cost: 25
Reagents: 1x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Cursed Score (/Haunting Songbook)
Price: 1400 Goth
Sell: 700 Goth
Effect: Weakens multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: Calm the soul / quiet the blaze / release your strength / and fill your heart.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 7)
Taunting Mambo (/Provocative Mambo)
MP Cost: 30
Reagents: 2x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +16
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Raucous Score (/Rambunctious Songbook)
Price: 2800 Goth
Sell: 1400 Goth
Effect: Inflicts stagger on multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: The slightest push / let reason fly / though you face the mountain / you will stand tall!
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 14)
Stirring Folclore (/Intense Folklore)
MP Cost: 35
Reagents: 3x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +17
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Limpid Score (/Clarifying Songbook)
Price: 4200 Goth
Sell: 2100 Goth
Effect: Grants healcraft to multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: Blow green winds / now is the season / a time of dance / and overflowing joy.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 21)
Somber Chacarera (/Tearful Chacarera)
MP Cost: 40
Reagents: 3x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +18
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Resonant Score (/Throbbing Songbook)
Price: None
Sell: 2800 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 13F (Dropped by a faerie-type Familiar)
Effect: Inflicts misstep on multiple nearby enemies.
Incantation: Those birds you watched / now flown too high / but age flies swifter / and cold earth calls.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 28)
Escalating Sanat (/Sensational Sanat)
MP Cost: 45
Reagents: 4x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +19
Elemental Attribute: None
Arcana: Glorious Score (/Eloquent Songbook)
Price: None
Sell: 3500 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 13F (Dropped by a winged-type Cleric)
Effect: Grants renewal to multiple nearby targets, gradually restoring HP for a set time. Has no effect on
Incantation: I hear your voice / and Im aflame / my heart beats quick / with memories of this.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 35)
Poised Arabesque (/Healing Arabesque)
MP Cost: 50
Reagents: 5x Songstresss Score
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Light
Arcana: Rapturous Score (/Gospel Songbook)
Price: None
Sell: 4200 Goth
Location: Random Battle - San Bronsa: Floating Ruins 14F (Dropped by a male Ethereal Vision at Level
Effect: Restores a small amount of HP and MP to multiple nearby allies.
Incantation: Touch of a finger / feel its warmth / the peace it brings / and fills you whole.
Class Usage: Songstress (Lv. 42)
Fist Finishing Moves
Flaming Fists (/Blazing Palm)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by releasing energy stored within the body as a burst of
flame. Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: Strike of flame!
Skill Requirement: Fists - Rank 2

Rapid Strikes (/Rush Beat)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a flurry of blows. Accuracy is modified by TP. Has a
chance to stun the target.
Incantation: A battering blow!
Skill Requirement: Fists - Rank 4

Howling Rage (/Howling Rage)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target, unleashing all energy held in reserve. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Feel my strength!
Skill Requirement: Fists - Rank 6

Retribution (/Retribution)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by unleashing a burst of dark energy. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Heres your reward!
Skill Requirement: Fists - Rank 8

Tempest Blade (/Thunder Blade)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a searing bolt of lightning from the heavens. Has a
chance to inflict weaken.
Incantation: If you find death so appealing, I shall give it to you!
Skill Requirement: Fists - Rank 4

Dagger Finishing Moves

Heart Crusher (/Heartbreak)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Air
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by calling forth a raging whirlwind. Accuracy is modified
by TP.
Incantation: Smash like the howling gale!
Skill Requirement: Daggers - Rank 2

Shadowpin (/Shadow Stitch)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a series of frenzied thrusts. Accuracy is modified by
TP. Has a chance to bind the target.
Incantation: Bind my enemy!
Skill Requirement: Daggers - Rank 4

Double Fang (/Double Fang)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a barrage of strikes. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: My sword, it howls!
Skill Requirement: Daggers - Rank 6

Overwhelm (/Destruction)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target by harnessing the fury of battle. Accuracy is modified by
Incantation: Hasten to your doom!
Skill Requirement: Daggers - Rank 8

One-Handed Sword Finishing Moves

Rending Gale (/Rending Gale)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a sweep followed by a downward thrust. Accuracy
is modified by TP.
Incantation: I cannot be stopped!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 2

Vile Wound (/Vile Wound)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by hurling a wave of toxic force. Accuracy is modified by
TP. Has a chance to poison the target.
Incantation: Ancient death, to you!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 4

Cherry Ronde (/Cherry Blossom Rondo)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by bringing down a shower of jagged ice. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Blood, spray like swirling petals!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 6

Papillon Reel (/Fluttering Butterflies)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by unleashing a burst of divine energy. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Shine, blade, with swarming light!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 8

Venomous Strike (/Flow Venom)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Water
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a blast of toxic water. Has a chance to envenom
the target.
Incantation: I was claiming heads when you were a suckling babe!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 4

Apocalypse (/Apocalypse)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a devastating blast of divine radiance. Causes a life
to be lost.
Incantation: To turn against Lodis is to turn against life!
Skill Requirement: Swords (1H) - Rank 4

Two-Handed Sword Finishing Moves

Sonic Blade (/Sonic Blade)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a swift downward blow. Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: Death, wielded!
Skill Requirement: Swords (2H) - Rank 2

Lightning Strike (/Riot Rave)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a surge of lightning. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: With dark strength, I end you!
Skill Requirement: Swords (2H) - Rank 4

Cyclone Saber (/Lean Saber)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Air
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by unleashing gale force winds with a sweep of the
blade. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: I cleave the sky itself!
Skill Requirement: Swords (2H) - Rank 6

Grand Cross (/Grand Cross)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by drawing lightning from the energy in the air. Damage
is modified by TP.
Incantation: Judgement of the heavens!
Skill Requirement: Swords (2H) - Rank 8

Crushing Blow (/Riot Burn)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Air
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by launching a frenzied attack with the force of a raging
storm. Has a chance to leaden the target.
Incantation: Mock the strength of Loslorien at your peril!
Skill Requirement: Swords (2H) - Rank 4

Axe Finishing Moves

Mistral Edge (/Mistral Edge)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a lightning-fast flourish. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Has a chance to silence the target.
Incantation: Not even screams can escape my blade!
Skill Requirement: Axes - Rank 2

Ice Prison (/Ice Prison)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by encircling them within an icy blast. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Breath of Lyuneram!
Skill Requirement: Axes - Rank 4

Mantis Strike (/Mantis Strike)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by lashing out in a sweeping motion. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Arm and blade, trained to perfection!
Skill Requirement: Axes - Rank 6

Infinity (/Infinity)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by hurling countless clumps of earth. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: The land has taught me the meaning of battle!
Skill Requirement: Axes - Rank 8

Dark Prison (/Black Prison)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a deluge of dark energy from the void. Has a
chance to inflict breach.
Incantation: I tire of your faces. Lets end this!
Skill Requirement: Axes - Rank 4

Spear Finishing Moves

Ruination (/Ruin Hearts)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a jet black lance of anguish. Accuracy is modified by
Incantation: Destroy all you touch!
Skill Requirement: Spears - Rank 2

Scythe Wind (/Scythe Wind)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a rapid sweep of the spear. Accuracy is modified by
TP. Has a chance to inflict breach.
Incantation: Hew like the reapers scythe!
Skill Requirement: Spears - Rank 4

Giga Tempest (/Giga Tempest)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals slashing damage to multiple targets by calling forth a storm. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: Call the thunder!
Skill Requirement: Spears - Rank 6

Spiral Scourge (/Spiral Scourge)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 3
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with spiteful thrusts. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: Know regret!
Skill Requirement: Spears - Rank 8

Flaming Death (/Flaming Death)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a burst of hellfire. Has a chance to hobble the
Incantation: This is what it means to be a true knight!
Skill Requirement: Spears - Rank 4

Hammer Finishing Moves

Tyrants Mace (/Tyrants Mace)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a gigantic block of ice. Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: This is strength!
Skill Requirement: Hammers - Rank 2

Gaia Sunder (/Gaia Break)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a ground-shaking blow. Accuracy is modified by
TP. Has a chance to inflict weaken.
Incantation: Shake the earth!
Skill Requirement: Hammers - Rank 4

Crimson Reach (/Crimson Note)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 2
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals crushing damage to multiple targets with a blast of scorching hot energy. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Spout of flame!
Skill Requirement: Hammers - Rank 6

Dancing Sprite (/Dancing Sprite)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a mighty bolt of lightning. Damage is modified by
Incantation: Thunderbolts, strike!
Skill Requirement: Hammers - Rank 8

Angel of Death (/Death Avenger)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by harnessing the power of the ley lines that encircle the
earth. Has a chance to petrify the target.
Incantation: Youre courageous to face mea courageous fool.
Skill Requirement: Hammers - Rank 4

One-Handed Katana Finishing Moves

Dark Blade (/Yamiha)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by hurling an unseen blade. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: My blade is arrow-swift!
Skill Requirement: Katana (1H) - Rank 2

Thunderwave (/Raiden)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target by sending lightning crackling down the blade. Accuracy
is modified by TP.
Incantation: A bolt upon my blade!
Skill Requirement: Katana (1H) - Rank 4

Swallow Slash (/Hien)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a devastatingly fast double attack. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Draw an arc to cleave in two!
Skill Requirement: Katana (1H) - Rank 6

Advent Sign (/Tenkuu)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 2
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to multiple targets with divine light from the heavens. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Heavens, give me strength!
Skill Requirement: Katana (1H) - Rank 8

Two-Handed Katana Finishing Moves

Stonebloom (/Tsukihana)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a mighty blow targeting a vital area. Accuracy is
modified by TP. Has a chance to petrify the target.
Incantation: Veins of blood to veins of stone!
Skill Requirement: Katana (2H) - Rank 2

Skyrend (/Kazeretsu)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a flesh-rending shock wave. Damage is modified by
Incantation: Wind, into my blade!
Skill Requirement: Katana (2H) - Rank 4

Ghostwail (/Kikoku)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by unleashing dark energy from within the blade.
Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: My soul to the ogre-gods!
Skill Requirement: Katana (2H) - Rank 6

Sunblossom (/Sakurayou)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by conjuring forth a fiery orb. Damage is modified by TP.
Has a chance to inflict falsestrike.
Incantation: Fly, petals! Rob their sight!
Skill Requirement: Katana (2H) - Rank 8

Cudgel Finishing Moves

Wrathful Strike (/Wrath Slash)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by channeling rage into a burst of light. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Rage, flow forth!
Skill Requirement: Cudgels - Rank 2

Raining Blows (/Countless Blows)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by yielding to a frenzied rage. Damage is modified by
Incantation: No mercy!
Skill Requirement: Cudgels - Rank 4

Pressure Whirl (/Gravis Aether)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a stifling radiant energy. Accuracy is modified by
TP. Has a chance to inflict enfeeble.
Incantation: The flesh is strong, but the spirit is weak!
Skill Requirement: Cudgels - Rank 6

Trinity Pulse (/Trinity Pulse)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 3
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with rays of pure divine light. Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: With this, I end you!
Skill Requirement: Cudgels - Rank 8

Whip Finishing Moves

Flood Lash (/Flood Impact)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Water
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by calling forth raging waters. Damage is modified by
Incantation: Strike as the torrent!
Skill Requirement: Whips - Rank 2

Wrenching Coil (/Squeeze Blow)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target by twisting their entangled body. Accuracy is modified
by TP. Has a chance to slow the target.
Incantation: Strike and coil!
Skill Requirement: Whips - Rank 4

Swift Thrash (/Swift Shock)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals slashing damage to a single target with a sudden flourish. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: This is the art of war!
Skill Requirement: Whips - Rank 6

Armageddon (/Armageddon)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by lashing out with countless frenzied blows. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Compassion has no place here!
Skill Requirement: Whips - Rank 8

Demon Rose (/Demon Rose)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 2-3
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with thrashing tendrils of ice. Damage is modified by TP.
Has a chance to bewitch the target.
Incantation: Youve nerve, but nerve only goes so far.
Skill Requirement: Whips - Rank 4

Spellbook Finishing Moves

Raging Pummel (/Raging Panel)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a barrage of blows. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Has a chance to leaden the target.
Incantation: Words flow, strong as steel!
Skill Requirement: Spellbooks - Rank 2

Disembrain (/Disembrain)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Earth
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by pressing them beneath an enormous rock. Damage
is modified by TP.
Incantation: Let knowledge open your ears to the howling of the earth!
Skill Requirement: Spellbooks - Rank 4

Eviscerate (/Evisceration)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a torrent of power. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: The page is mightier than the sword!
Skill Requirement: Spellbooks - Rank 6

Devastate (/Devastate)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by drawing them into a malevolent vortex. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Wisdom over blade!
Skill Requirement: Spellbooks - Rank 8

Instrument Finishing Moves

Aggressive Rendition (/Assault Rendition)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a relentless onslaught of rhythm. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: You think a sword is the mightiest weapon?
Skill Requirement: Instruments - Rank 2

Harmonic Blast (/Frequency Spark)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Wind
Effect: Deals crushing damage to multiple targets by invoking a squall with a resonating sound. Damage
is modified by TP.
Incantation: Ears ring with the howling wind!
Skill Requirement: Instruments - Rank 4

Torrential Rhapsody (/Bane Rhapsody)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 3
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Water
Effect: Deals crushing damage to multiple targets by calling forth a storm with the music. Damage is
modified by TP.
Incantation: This is a true art!
Skill Requirement: Instruments - Rank 6

Forced Fermata (/Advent Sign)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 1
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by binding them with musical energy. Accuracy is
modified by TP. Has a chance to stop the target.
Incantation: None can resist this!
Skill Requirement: Instruments - Rank 8

Blowgun Finishing Moves

Frigid Blast (/Frigid Breath)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 2-4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Ice
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a surge of cold air. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Incantation: Stab like ice!
Skill Requirement: Blowguns - Rank 2

Scorpion Shot (/Benumb Shot)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 2-4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a jagged thunderbolt. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Has a chance to stun the target.
Incantation: Everything stops in the blink of an eye!
Skill Requirement: Blowguns - Rank 4

Heavens Scorn (/Heavens Scorn)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 2-4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a pulverizing ball of light. Accuracy is modified by
Incantation: Judgement upon thee!
Skill Requirement: Blowguns - Rank 6

Venom Sting (/Venom Sting)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 2-4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a dart laced with primitive venom. Accuracy is
modified by TP. Has a chance to poison the target.
Incantation: The prick of death!
Skill Requirement: Blowguns - Rank 8

Bow Finishing Moves

Dark Weight (/Pluck Down)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-7
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with an impaling shot. Accuracy is modified by TP. Has a
chance to leaden the target.
Incantation: Spirit surge, pierce the heart!
Skill Requirement: Bows - Rank 2

Slumber Shot (/Dormancy Shot)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-7
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target with a shot that penetrates both body and mind.
Damage is modified by TP. Has a chance to put the target to sleep.
Incantation: A shot upon the soul!
Skill Requirement: Bows - Rank 4

Flaming Blast (/Flaming Blast)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 4-8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by loosing a flaming arrow. Accuracy is modified by TP.
Has a chance to charm the target.
Incantation: Strength of Xoshonell!
Skill Requirement: Bows - Rank 6

Empyreal Shot (/Empyreal Shot)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 4-8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Lightning
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by unleashing a lightning bolt that seeks the hearts of all
sinners. Damage is modified by TP. Has a chance to shackle the target.
Incantation: Thunder take freedom!
Skill Requirement: Bows - Rank 8

Crossbow Finishing Moves

Brimstone Hail (/Brimstone Hail)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Indirect
Range: 3-5
Area: 2
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: Fire
Effect: Deals slashing damage to multiple targets with an alchemical blaze. Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: Infernal fires wrap round my bolts!
Skill Requirement: Crossbows - Rank 2

Dullbind (/Dullness Bind)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 3-5
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a shot to the underbelly. Damage is modified by TP.
Has a chance to bind the target.
Incantation: Pierce limb to ground!
Skill Requirement: Crossbows - Rank 4

Deathwail (/Death Wail)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 3
Target: Missile
Range: 3-4
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target by loosing a volley of viciously barbed bolts. Accuracy is
modified by TP.
Incantation: Skill guide my bolt!
Skill Requirement: Crossbows - Rank 6

Sanctus Flare (/Sanctus Flare)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 3-6
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals crushing damage to a single target by unleashing a withering barrage that bends the flow of
time. Accuracy is modified by TP. Has a chance to stop the target.
Incantation: Light shine through my bolt!
Skill Requirement: Crossbows - Rank 8

Fusil Finishing Moves

Mirage Strike (/Mirage Strike)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 4-8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +15
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target while bewildering them with a phantasmal vision.
Accuracy is modified by TP. Has a chance to inflict stagger.
Incantation: No shield can withstand my lead!
Skill Requirement: Fusils - Rank 2

Rapid Blast (/Rapid Blast)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Target: Missile
Range: 4-8
Area: 1
RT Delay: +20
Elemental Attribute: None
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a breakneck shot. Accuracy is modified by TP. Has
a chance to inflict misstep.
Incantation: Theres no avoiding my flame!
Skill Requirement: Fusils - Rank 4

Scatter Shot (/Scatter Shot)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 2
Target: Missile
Range: 4-9
Area: 1
RT Delay: +25
Elemental Attribute: Air
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target by unleashing a salvo carried by a howling wind.
Damage is modified by TP.
Incantation: No sword can match this!
Skill Requirement: Fusils - Rank 6

Attunement (/Atonement)
TP Cost: 100+
Hits: 1
Range: 4-9
Area: 1
RT Delay: +30
Elemental Attribute: Light
Effect: Deals piercing damage to a single target with a bolt of radiant energy that lays waste to the
wicked. Damage is modified by TP. Has a chance to silence the target.
Incantation: Let there be light!
Skill Requirement: Fusils - Rank 8
Finishing Move Modifiers
Finishing Move Ai Ea Ln Wt Fi Ic Li Da
Flaming Fists 0 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0
Retribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 2
Tempest Blade 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Heart Crusher 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cherry Ronde -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Papillon Reel 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Venomous Strike 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0
Apocalypse 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Lightning Strike 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Cyclone Saber 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Cross 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Crushing Blow 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ice Prison -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Infinity 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0
Dark Prison 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 2
Giga Tempest 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Flaming Death 0 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0
Tyrants Mace -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Crimson Reach 0 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0
Dancing Sprite 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Angel of Death 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0
Thunderwave 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Advent Sign 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Ghostwail 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 2
Wrathful Strike 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Raining Blows 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Pressure Whirl 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Trinity Pulse 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Flood Lash 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0
Demon Rose -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Disembrain 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0
Devastate 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 2
Harmonic Blast 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Torrential Rhapsody 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0
Frigid Blast -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Scorpion Shot 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Flaming Blast 0 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0
Empyreal Shot 0 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0
Brimstone Hail 0 0 0 0 2 -1 0 0
Scatter Shot 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Attunement 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -1
Elemental Magic Modifiers
Offensive Magic Gain Loss
Missile Spells II + III 2 -1
Missile Spells IV 4 -2
Area Spells II + III 2 -1
Area Spells IV 4 -2
Summon Spells I 2 -1
Summon Spells II 4 -2
Forbidden Spells I 4 -2
Forbidden Spells II 6 -3

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