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1. What are the four corner stones of OOP ?

2. What do you understand by private, protected and public ?

3. Difference between a Class and an Obect ?
!. What is Downcastin" ?
#. What is Poly$orphis$ ? What %inds ?
&. What is the difference between $ethod overridin" and overloadin" ?
'. What is the restriction on an Overridden $ethods( accessibility ?
). What is the concept of a *irtual +unction ?
,. What is the i$plication of a *irtual Destructor ? *irtual Constructor ?
1-. Can a $ethod be overloaded based on different return type but sa$e ar"u$ent
type ?
11. What is a .stateless. protocol ?
12. What happens to a static var that is defined within a $ethod of a class ?
13. What is constructor chainin" and how is it achieved in /ava ?
1!. 0ow do you define a local inner class ?
1#. 0ow $any static init can you have ?
1&. What is passed by ref and what by value ?
1'. 0ow do you ensure si1e of a pri$itive data type ?
1). Describe the 2arba"e Collection process in /ava ?
1,. What is the difference a$on"st /*3 4pec, /*3 5$ple$entation, /*3 6unti$e ?
2-. Can 635 and Corba based applications interact ?

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