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Laboratory Exercise Java Programming

Looping and Array

1. Make a program that will accept integer number and check whether the new inputted number
is already been entered. If the inputted number is zero, the program will close.
Sample Output:
Enter number: 11
Enter number: 85
11 85
Enter number: 26
11 85 26
Enter number: 11
11 has already been entered
11 85 26
Enter number: 41
11 85 26 41

2. Make a program that generates a position of the horse piece in a chess board and display all
possible moves of the horse from the generated position. Note: Make a ChessPieceMoves class
with getPossibleMoves(chesspiece,position) that will return the possible moves of the chess
piece as array type and ToString() that will return all the possible moves in a string format.
Sample Output:
Generated Horse Position: E4
8[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
7[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
6[ ][ ][ ][x][ ][x][ ][ ]
5[ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][x][ ]
4[ ][ ][ ][ ][h][ ][ ][ ]
3[ ][ ][x][ ][ ][ ][x][ ]
2[ ][ ][ ][x][ ][x][ ][ ]
1[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

3. Make a program that will accept amount in words from zero to three thousand and display
the amount in numerical value. Note: Make a WordAmount class with ToNumeric() that will
return the numerical value of the string that passed to it.
Sample output:
Enter amount in words: one thousand three hundred twenty nine
In numerical value: 1329

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