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Big percentage of teens have sex before the age of fourteen

What is the age to have sexual relations? Nowadays, parents like to think that
their children, whether they are male or female always behave appropiately and
responsability end that they will not have any kind of sexual relation early age.
Sexual relations are increasing early in Young people and parents that think
that this topic is inapropiate for their age, have forgotten what it means to be a

The main problem is that most teens do not have a full knowledge of who they
are and what they want in the future. At this age teens have a lot of energy that
if it is not channeled properly though education and training projects it can be
diverted to the coital satisfaction.
We must take into account that at this age they have high levels of arousal, so
there is a great need to satisfy those desires.

According to a survey by the CELSAM, about 35% of teens who start their
sexual life between 10 and 15 have not received information on the use of
contraception, or sexually trasmitted diseases.
In Peru the commite on Women and Family Congress approved a bill that
proposes decriminalizing consensual sexual relationships of adolescents
between 14 and 18 years. This proposal is questioned on how teens are
prepared to take the consequences of sexual activity.

To summarize we can not assure exactly an age for sex, this depends on
individuality of each person. For this reason sex being a natural act, this should
be accompanied by guindance and maturity

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