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Physical Education Term 3 Learning Story

On Tuesday August 26
, Mr John Dorge, a former Australian Olympic basketball player
spoke to the Grade Six year level about his illustrious career in basketball as a player, coach
and mentor. In his talk, Mr Dorge touched on the three key themes of grasping
opportunities, setting effective goals and working as a part of a team.

Below are a series of reflective questions.


a) Reflect on a time, moment or event in which you took a risk and grabbed an
In Hoop Time, Mr Hartnett told me to dribble the ball. Im not a person who
dribbles the ball. I like to defend. I was scared because I dont do it and if I do, I
lose the ball. In the end, I was proud of myself because I got that ball and
dribbled it.

b) In your soon coming transition from Primary Education to Secondary Education,
is there something / an opportunity you are looking forward to trying?
Drama. I love drama but Im not that good at it so that is what I want to do.


c) Have you ever taken the time to set yourself a goal or a series of goals? If so, did
you achieve it / them?
I had a goal at Hoop Time. It was to get the ball and shoot it. At first I was like
There is no way Ill get a goal but in the final game, I got a goal! So I achieved
my goal.

d) In your soon coming transition from Primary Education to Secondary Education,
is there a goal or a series of goals you wish to set yourself. If so, what measures
will you take to achieve it / them?
My goals are for High School are to do homework as soon as I get them
because if I dont do them, Ill be doing them at the last minute.


e) Reflect on a time, where you worked as a part of a team. Was the team
successful, and if so, how did you positively contribute to the achieved success?
I went to hoop time which was a basketball tournament. We all helped each other
out by passing the ball to each other and sticking together.

f) In your soon coming transition from Primary Education to Secondary Education,
is there an opportunity you are looking forward to trying in which you will have
to work effectively as a part of a team?
If there is one, I will try out for a basketball team. I will have to help everyone
out and cooperate with everyone else.

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