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Pride Leader

Down in Fighter bay 1:

Captain, Ive opened the fighter storage units. I have never seen anything like this.

Captain Draa:
Lets see what we have then.

* * *

A few minutes later in the storage units they see the new Scorpion long range heavy strike fighter. She is
space black, about twenty-five long, forward swipe wings with a long tail fin, A cockpit for two. Her
armament starts with four rotary nine barrel rail cannons with variable ammo, capable of firing from
slugs to antimatter rounds. Ten hard points for mounting missiles to ten million ton nova bombs.
Powered by a core tap driving a grav drive system, her jump drive takes three nano seconds to spin up
and jump. Full spectrum jammers and shields; covering both divine and mortal dimensions, armour
rating equivalent to that of a battleship yet only two inches thick and six pairs of point defense cannons
to cover her rear top bottom and sides

Lt. Crowws
Holy crap! Look at those cannons.

Capt Draa:
Now thats a fighter.

Chief Wooll:
Her controls are just like Bat class fighter, so the pilots should have no problem learning to fly them. The
rotary cannons have a replicator feed system, No limit on ammo. And just about any type needed for
the job.

Capt Draa:
Get them in their launch tubes and get a second flight on launch ready standby.

Chief Wooll:
No problem Captain.


So Joy, thats what hes been doing every night.

So he been sneaking off and stressing over the war. What can we do Star? Its not like we can really stop

I know. I spoke with Rose and Violet, Violet says since his body is mortal and living, we could try some
drugs to make him relax.

And what of when he realizes we drugged him, how would we give it to him?

Im still working on that part.


Mark, I know this is going to be hard for you, but I cant sleep in your arms for awhile.

Whys that Tina?

Carrying the kits makes it very uncomfortable on me. And if I need to relive myself I have to work my
way out of your arms.

Mark stands there, He knows she is right, and its something too important to be selfish on, but its hard
to accepted it.

I understand. Is there anything I can do to make it easier on you?

No, its part of having kits, thank you for understanding.

Mark bends down and gives her a gentle hug and a long loving kiss.

If you need anything, just ask.

For now all I need is your love.

That you will always have no lack of from me.


Late a few nights later:

Marks talking to himself reading reports.
I cant believe this shit!
How the hell?
This cant be?

Flower is outside Marks office door:
Sire. Is everything okay in there?

Door open, Flower come on in.

Flower enters wearing just a simple robe:
Sire is there anything I can do?

Not at the moment, did I wake you?

No Sire, I was up checking on Catina and Holly, they stayed up late studying. I felt your anger. So I came
looking for you.

Sorry, I didnt realize I was projecting my anger. Ill try not to do that again.

Would you like some tea to relax?

That would be a good idea, please get some.

Right away Sire.

Flower goes for some tea and on her way back she is intercepted by Violet.

Is that tea for Mark?

Flower (stunned to hear Violet in her head):
Yes? This is for his Sire, Goddess.

So hes up in his office once more, lets go, I am going to have a few words with him.

Please dont get him mad at me.

Now Flower, you know he wouldnt blame you. Thats not his way.

* * *

What is so important that youve been sneaking out to work on?

Violet, I been receiving reports of ships vanishing. Not destroyed or wrecked, just vanishing right in the
middle of complete battle fleets.
Its driving me nuts. Thank you for the tea Flower, take a seat and relax. So thats why I been up late.

Mark, you have Gods, Goddesses, Queens and Officers, that can help find out. Why are you tearing
yourself up over this? Task one of them to find out.

I cant wait for them, there are lives at stake here. I cant just sit around and watch them die! I need to
find a way to stop this.

Mark, Im Sorry. < As she says this she pricks Mark with a bioolj rose, This rose numbs the body and
leave the owner with out control, one can hear, see, and feel everything, but has no will to fight back or
move on their own > I know you can hear me, Im going to take you to Roses garden and you will rest.
Even a God needs to rest. Just remember I did this because we love you. Flower, find the triplets and his
chamber maids, have the triplets take you and them to the gardens, I will let his wives know he is safe.
Now go. < In a flash Violet takes Mark to Roses Gardens to a waiting bed. >

Rose. I brought him.

So the thorn worked. < Looks down at the unmoving Mark > Im so sorry we had to do this to you, but
you have to rest. You are safe here and your servants should be here soon. So sleep, get some rest.
Youre not leaving until I feel youre rested enough.
Now Violet, did you find out why hes been sneaking out?

Yes, I found out, and I can understand why, lets go talk about this away from him, Mark, you rest. You
need it.

Mark lays there, unable to move, barely able to think, out of the corner of his eye, he sees little Rose
enter, she and her sister move quickly. Making sure Marks body is comfortable, undressing him and
covering him with silk covers. Kissy comes over and gently covers Marks eyes. Giving him no choice but
to sleep.

* * *

So what do you have hidden in here Rose?

That rooms off limits Saaaa.

Come on, is this where you have yours pet hidden? You know I will find him.

Saaaa, you came here to talk, not to be hunting down someone.

Hey, hes a new god, and you havent introduced us yet.

You know why, if he found out you were an other, he would try to rip out any knowledge you have on
the war.

Im a Demigoddess, not an other, and anyway, Im an outcast, I dont know anything. Hes in here is he. I
hear you goddesses were forced to make him rest. How stupid is this pet of yours anyway? Allowing
himself to stress out.

He wasnt born a God, and stop calling him a pet. How would you like being called a pet.

Id teach him the difference if he called me one. Ahh, a locked door, He must be in here.

Saaaa opens the door and suddenly finds herself slammed into a wall under a crushing pressure, she
stares in disbelieve as she watches three white tigers come out the door, their eyes glowing. The power
they wield. Its crushing her flat. She can feel her body being crushed into nothingness.

Okay you three, I think she knows now not to enter without permission now. Please stop.

The triplets give one final push by ramping up the power a hundred fold and then let off, letting the
unwelcomed demigoddess fall to the floor in a heap on the floor, while Saaaa gasps for air the triplets
turn their backs and return to the room, the door silently closes behind them.

I told you to leave him alone.

Their power! Is he as strong?

Saaaa my friend, that wasnt even a billionth of his power. They were using only what was needed to
keep you out.

You mean hes even stronger than that triad?

He made that triad. They can direct all his power if deemed so.

So the rumors are true. He could destroy a God.

He can heal a god also. I know that first hand. In a petty attempt on him, War had struck me with the
sword of death, Mark healed my wounds.

Saaaa ( With a shocked look ):
But, but no one can survive that blade! How!

I dont know how, but he did it.

Mother Nature walks out of the mist from behind Rose.
Rose my dear, is it time yet.

Hello Mother, Soon.

Mother Nature:
Saaaa, I hope you are here on a mission of mercy.

Me Mercy, Now mother, you do really have a sense of humor. I heard Rose had her Pet tied up here.

Rose stands there with a burning look in her eyes.
I told you hes no pet!

Mother Nature:
Now Saaaa, if he heard you calling him that, he would show you who the pet was.

I know what he would do. He would teach her what a bitch is for.

Im a bitch now. How about I < Out of the corner of her eye she spies the triplets moving in on her > Oh
no you dont. You three arent trapping me. < Just as she moves to defend herself she finds its too late,
shes now standing there as a marble statue.

What the! You three, thats not how we treat a guest!

Mother Nature:
Now that the quietest I have ever heard her.

She smells of evil. We couldnt let her get near his Sire.

Oh My, now she looks good, thats a good pose for her.

Violet, dont encourage them.

And how many times have we wished she would just shut up.

Mother Nature:
Is everyone here now?

Joys waiting with him, we are just waiting on Star.

Okay, okay, Im here now, Hey, is that Saaaa?

Yeap, Saaaa the quiet now.

Little Rose:
We could leave her that way and put her in his Sires office.

Hahahahahahaha, I could just see that. Her as a foot rest.. Oh my hahahahahaha.

* * *

Sounds, voices, Motion, someone sits on his chest. He can feel her warm fur on his skin, more motion
and the covers on his lower body has been removed, all thats covered now are his eyes. Than he hears
Mother Mature:
Okay Violet, remove the covers from his face.

Now Mark, I know you can hear me, listen carefully, I know its hard to pay attention. So we are going to
take this slow. You can not let yourself become stressed. I promise if you do it again, you will end up
here once more. Your stress affects others around you.
Violet, apply the salve to just below his temples.

Mark in a few seconds your thinking will start to clear up, you are in a safe place, no one here is going to
harm you, be calm. You should be able to turn your head under your own. Try to now.

< Slowly Marks head moves, his eyes focusing on Violet on his chest. He can feel the triplets in the back
of his mind again. Turning he see Joy and Rose. To the other side is Mother Nature and Flower. All are
smiling >

Now look at me Mark. You see this salve, It has to be applied all over your body to release you from the
affects of that thorn. Mother is going to leave you in our hands. So relax and enjoy yourself.

< Mother Nature shimmer and leaves the goddesses and servants to do their jobs. All the rest of the
females get paw fulls of the salve and find a place to start. Slowly and fully, covering every inch, Marks
body tingles and slowly comes to life. Out of the corner of Marks eye, He notices Fala slipping behind
Violet. Someone starts slowly rubbing on his balls, slowly bring him hard, and ready, she works the salve
in. Her paws gently teasing him and she swallow about half of him in her first try.>

Joy( whispering ):
Fala, you shouldnt take advantage of him while he cant fight back.

Fala ( speak so everyone can hear her ):
Heck, this is the perfect time to. Tell when else would we have control? He dominates everyone of us
when he makes love. Now its my turn.

Violet starts giggling at the thought, Rose smiles from ear to ear. Falas right, and why not, its a good
way to start off.


A few hours later Marks walking out of the room with Joy in one arm and Fala in the other.

Whats this? When did Rose add statues to her gardens?

Thats not really a statue, shes one of the others.

<Marks eyes flares, Joy jumps back, Rose runs in front of him, standing in-between Saaaa and Mark>

No Mark, she isnt one who fights you, she is a friend, an annoying one at times, but still a trusted friend.

Can she give me info on who I am fighting!

No Mark, She an outcast.

She was created as a Demigoddess, but she lives as a minor goddess, she has no ill will to you, she is a
goddess of Lust and infatuation. But she doesnt work with the others.

Then why is she a statue?

Well, earlier she heard you where here, she came here hoping to bed you, she kinda tried to enter your

Let me guess, the triplets got her.

Yes and no, they stopped her flat, really they flattened her into a wall. I got them to let her go, but a few
minutes later they trapped her, she had no chance. She cant help it, but her power ooze of evil. Your
girls just couldnt let her be as long as they see her as a threat to you.

Humm, you know, she would look good in my office, maybe down on all four < a wave of a paw and
Saaaa slowly changes position to being on all four with her tail high. > She does look good that way.

Joys stand there bursting out laughing, Rose can barely keep from laughing herself.

Mark, I believe she can hear and see everything.

Oh she can, I can feel her frustration. But for a husky, she is really cute that way. < With a thought
Saaaas body returns to normal, she still couldnt move, but now she can speak. >

Release me NOW!! I did nothing to you!! Let me go! You damn bastard, when I get up Im going to < She
never gets to finish, her voice gone as sudden as it returned >

She has a mouth on her, maybe it would be better for everyone IF I left her as a statue.

No Mark, please release her. Shes just mad.

I have to agree with Rose, Mark she needs to be herself.

Mark, she has always been a loud mouth, but she can be helpful when needed.

Whats her name anyway? I dont think she wants to be called here girl.

Her Name is Saaaa. And she a real bitch at times.

Yes, she really is I see, Okay Saaaa, Im going to release you, but remember, You would make a good foot
rest in my office.

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