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Pride Leader

Falas beating on Marks chest as she yells at him.

You scared the life out of me! Dont you ever do that again!

Sorry, I didnt plan on that happening. How was I to know?

You should have stopped when you felt it overcoming you!

Oh yeah, thatll be good, sorry, I couldnt save you because it might kill me.

Bastard!! You know what I mean!

Should I stop her Mother?

Mother Nature:
No, shes been thru a lot today. Marks not getting mad he know why shes upset


Send messages to system defense; I want all senior staff in a meeting in two hours.

Lt. Nuiook:
Yes Sir, sending orders now.

I will be in the war room, I want all damage reports sent there, as well as all after action reports.

Commander Jyirf:
Yes Sir.


Widor Pack cleared for landing bay one.

Pack leader:
Copy Bay command, Vectoring for bay one, Full pack checks ready. ETA 30 seconds.

Bay Command:
Copy Widor Pack.

< 30 fighters in four rows turn to face the landing bay, coming in fast and in perfect formation, suddenly
a Mayday call comes in >

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is Pack frost wing zero twelve. I have primary power loss, life support is
out and flight control is minimal. I need immediate landing clearance!

Bay Command:
Wave Off! Wave Off! Wider Pack, Code Gray, Wave Off! Wave Off!
Frost twelve, Bays Clear! You have priority.


Okay now, Fala, Rose are you two done with him now?

Fala and Rose:
Yes Mother.

Mother Nature:
Good then, Mark lets walk, you ladies wait here.

Mother I need to get back.

Mother Nature:
Come now Mark, we need to talk.

* * *

Okay Everyone, you now fully understand that this doesnt leave here, info that his body can be
destroyed can be dangerous if the wrong ones should find out.

Besides that, its not something Id like to go thru once more.

Besides if he does it to himself again Im going to kick his tail.

Youre going to have to stand in Line. I think he would have a few others very upset at him. Now Mark,
tell me. Why didnt you stop?

Tell you, I really didnt know anything had gone wrong until the battle ended and I released the power,
than it slammed into me like a brick wall.

God of Gods:
You had no sense of what was happening to your body?

None at all. The power felt so good, to be able to stop the Douhed, to save so many lives. It just felt so

Well we need to get back, you are going to be expected to meet lots of cats.

This is not the part Im looking forward to.

Mother Nature:
Oh Yes, Mark I hear you have a companion now.

Companion? Ahh yes the cat. Shes so quiet I forget shes there.

Who is she Mark?

Mother Nature:
Yes Mark, who is she?

I believe she said she was dove?

No Mark, Rove, Her name is Rove.

Rove found a home, Oh Im so happy for her.

Mother Nature:
Yes, she has been searching for a long time. Mark, she a confidant you can really use, you can tell her
anything, and it will never leave her lips. Mark she is a valuable commodity. She knows thing that no
other knows, she can help you think thru a problem. She is truly faithful just to you.

What do you mean? She just said she needed a home. Violet never told me any of this? She just said
Rove needed a loving home.

Thats very true. Did she also say it had to be a God that accepts her.

Yes. And Rove said shell be really good.

You accepted her without condition.

Mother Nature:
And by accepting her fully and unconditionally she is now yours fully. You can ask her anything thing, if
she knows the answers she will give it to you unconditionally..


Later that day. Mark gets a big surprise in his office. As he finds a vixen bent over and tied to his desk.
The triplets are sitting on the floor giggling. Flower behind the desk making sure the vixens tied tightly.

Sire we have a gift for you!

And since when do you find me gifts?

Shes like us, she cant speak and wants to be happy.

Ahh, Can you understand me this way Vixen?

Yes Sire. Please dont be angry I just want to be like them. Theyre so happy.

You dont need to do this to be happy. So do you have a name?

I was called bitch. Otherwise I have no name. Please take me.

Why would you be called that? And why are you wanting to be taken real bad?

Little Star:
Sire, she was on her way to a bitch house, the ship she was on was shot up. When we heard her crying
we found her and brought her here.

Little Rose:
Sire, if you take her. She will be unacceptable by the bitch house she was being sent to. Her owners will
sell her then.

But if you take her, she will be yours no matter what and she can stay.

I see, so you four are looking for another like you. Tell me are you on a hunt for deaf mutes?

<All five look at each other, the triplets and Flower get a big grin. They know they have been caught with
their paws in a cookie jar.>

I thought so. Flower, untie her and put her in my room. Have a nest made up for her with the twins.
Once youre done, formal dress and meet me in the throne room, that goes for you three also.

Yes Sire.


In the throne room, the queens and goddesses and gods sit and wait. A side door opens, and the triplets
walk out followed by Flower, then Mark in full dress armor. The girls look lovely in there semi-
transparent white dresses, the Light showing off their bodies and they prance proudly to their spots at
the foot of Marks throne. Mark remains standing and starts to speak.

Ladies and Gentlecats, today we honor and thank the warriors who have fought bravely to protect the
Vrol system. Many loved ones were lost, many more saved. Each fought with honor, each fought to save
as many as possible. Each will be honored, so please everyone rise, I like our high priestess to lead us all
in a prayer.

Fala steps forward.
Everyone please bow your heads for a moment of silent prayer.

Gods and Goddesses, please accept our loved ones in good grace and protect their souls. We ask you to
pass on our love and bless them with eternal happiness. Now for a moment of silent prayer, < A few
minutes later. > Thank you everyone.

Fala bows to the audience, then turns and bows to Mark. Before returning to her seat. Mark returns to
the front.

Now to My warriors, I am proud of your service to the throne. You all fought well and served with pride.
I am proud to have served with you. While we are in the Vrol system, Im recommending leave for all in
shifts, this will be controlled by your commanding officers.

The speeches go on for hours, covering things from thank yous to new orders.


Mark whats going on?

What are you talking about SsErcace?

You really dont know.

Unlike Ioi, Im not in the habit of reading other minds.

So true, okay, you have nine deaf mutes waiting in our room.

Mark stands there with a surprised look on his muzzle.
They really are doing it?!

Who what?

The triplets and Flower, theyre building a private staff. I thought it was a joke at first, but they really

Ahh, now it all makes sense, and by them all being deaf mute, it makes it so no one really can hear what
theyre saying but who they let hear. Mark dont worry about them doing this, its Normal for your
Mistress, Flower to find and hand pick you the best staff she can find for you. And shes picking ones she
can communicate freely.

Well, want to join me and see what she has found?

Oh no, theyre your private staff. You dont get to pick them, thats Flowers job, and its up to her to
keep them in line also. But I dont see you having much of a problem with them.

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