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Aki Ediriweera

Block: 7
March, 31/2014

Reflection paragraph
The research I did was quite useful to me because I could relate to most of my
ancestors that were some of the pioneers in creating and testing the railroad system in Sri
Lanka in 1858. I could just imagine how they felt when the railroads were finally completed.
What I found out to be the most compelling is that many people created scary rumors about
the train system. Some even said that travelling on a train would cause your intestines to
explode, this rumor was likely created because of the impeccable speeds that the train
achieves. I have travelled by our local train system (The Sky train) many times, and I think
how have the Victorians inspired our system and what are the major differences between our
system and theirs? I believe that if the Victorians did not create the railway system the
growth of Canada would have been much slower, because we could not connect far
communities as well as the transport of goods would have taken ages. I believe the Victorian
rail road system has been a golden example for the building of railroads worldwide. In
conclusion, I am happy that I researched this topic because of the knowledge I gained on the
Victorian era railroad. As well as, emotionally feeling how much the railroad benefited people
globally, not only in Canada.

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