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10MCA556 WEB 2.


Name of the Faculty : Ms Uma B

Unit 1 : Introduction, Ajax-1
Q1) What is Web2.0? Explain the concepts involved in web 2.0?
Q2) Explain any two web services?
Q3) How is web application different from desktop applications?
Q4) Briefly discuss the convergence and multiple delivery channels?
Q5) What are social networkings? Briefly discuss?
Q6) Compare the traditional web model and AJAX models with relevant diagrams?
Q7) With the help of a diagram explain the hidden frame technique?
Q8) What are the key principles of a good Ajax pattern?
Q9) What is meant by readyState property ? Explain in detail about each values?
Q10) Give the complete code at the client side to implement the AJAX POST method?
Unit 2 : Ajax-2
Q1) Explain XMLHttpRequest object with GET and POST method? Also list the advantages and disadvantages?
Q2) Briefly explain AJAX design patterns?
Q3) Explain the cross browser way of creating XMLHttpRequest object?
Q4) Explain submission throttling AJAX pattern?
Q5) Explain frame and cache control?
Q7) Explain the various steps involved in client-server communication using XMLHttp object. Give the complete
Javascript code?
Q8) Write short note on Falling back pattern?
Q9) Explain multistage downloading?
Q10) Explain with an example about handling multiple XHR objects in the same page?
Unit 4: Flex-1
Q1) Explain the difference between traditional web application and FLEX web application
Q2) What is meant by FLEX framework? Explain any four FLEX frameworks?
Q3) Explain with a neat diagram how FLEX application works?
Q4) Explain with an example how one FLEX application can be loaded into another FLEX application?
Q5) Explain with a neat diagram how flex applications work?
Q6) Enlist various advantages of flash player?
Q7) Identify the difference between flash player and framework?
Q8) Explain with example, how one flex application can be loaded into another flex application?
Q9) Explain the reasons for adapting flash player?
Unit 5: Flex -2
Q1) Explain how to carry out the following using MXML 1) Handling Events 2) Data Binding
Q2) Explain the general structure of MXML document and explain each element
Q3) Explain the different categories of UI components. Also list the properties of common UI components?
Q4) Explain application document and component document of MXML?
Q5) Explain different ways in which component properties can be set in MXML?
Q6) What is the correlation between action script and MXML?
Q7) Explain the concept of array using MXML and action script?
Unit 6: Flex-3
Q1) Explain four basic options used during embedding action script in FLEX
Q2) Explain getter and setter in action script
Q3) Define action script? Give the basic options to place action script code within FLEX?
Q4) Explain the concept of inheritance in action script with an example?
Q5) List the difference between Interfaces and classes in Action script?
Q6) Explain methods and interfaces?
Q7) Explain runtime error handling capability of action script?
Q8) Explain various library methods in action script to read XML data using DOM?
Q9) Explain the concept of inheritance in action script with an example?
Unit 7: Flex-4
Q1) With an example, explain event handling (registering and unregistering listeners) in action script?
Q2) Explain FLEX application life cycle?
Q3) What is transitions in Flex?
Unit 8: Flex-5
Q1) What is data model? Give the implantation of XML based data modeling using <mx:XML> tag?
Q2) Explain the data binding features of flex framework?
Q3) What is data binding. What are the ways to apply data binding?
Q4) How to enable binding with custom classes?
Q5) What are the strategies of data communication? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Q6) Explain the FLEX application remote data communication?

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