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Migori Politicians are a sham!!!

If the happenings of yesterday are something to go by, the entire leadership of Migori County has something to be afraid of. The fracas was well orchestrated and a significant
number of rowdy youths implanted into the crowd to cause mayhem when the substantive Governor Hon. Obado was to address the crowd.

Local political differences is the main drive to this kind of old behavior which was notorious during the Kenyatta and Moi governments. It is no secret that Suna MP J unet
Mohamed, Nyatike Mp Edick Omondi are alleged to be the brainy organizers of these neo colonial misbehavior to discredit all that the office of the governor stands for and its
office bearer Hon. Obado. It is no coincidence that some of the county leadership privy to the well planned event were missing from the dais.

The rift in the county has been on the rise from since the nomination of the ODM tickets prior to the 2013 general Election where nominations were a mere formality and party
ticket bearers were to the highest bidder. It is evident that the two leaders were the sole interested parties in the court battles that the Governor won. There is a lot of bitterness
that still engulf the minds of their supporters and all methods are being employed to ruin the personality and political relevance of Mr. Obado

I wont stop before I mention the fact that Migori populace is not a party oriented region but a policy oriented people who believe in principles. Coincidentally it is one unique
region which contributed generously to the winning J ubilee government with about 20,000 votes in 2013 General Elections.
It is my sincere appeal to the youth of Migori to accept and move on and let all those who are in leadership have their time. I personally do not ascribe to most of their styles,
but as Mahatma Gandhi said freedom is useless if there is no freedom to make mistakes.

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