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Homework #2 (continued) Due 10/18/07

Q1) (Problem 3.5 in Shuler & Kargi) An inhibitor (I) is added to the enzymati reation at a le!el o" 1.# a$l. %he
"ollo&ing data &ere obtained "or Km ' (.) g S$l
! (rate in g$s) *S+ (in g S$l)
#.(#( )#
#.,5- 1#
#..(3 ,.,/
#..## 5
#.333 .
#.)-( 3.33
#.))/ ).5
a) Is the inhibitor om0etiti!e or nonom0etiti!e
b) 1ind KI2 (dissoiation onstant o" the inhibitor binding to the enzyme3 in g$l)
Q)) (Problem 3./ in Shuler & Kargi)
Q3) Su00ose &e ha!e a &ell4stirred tan5 ontaining an a6ueous solution. %he tan5 holds 1## liters o" "luid and
"luid "lo&s into and out o" the tan5 at a onstant rate o" 1# l$min (suh that the "luid !olume remains onstant at
1## liters). Su00ose that reatant A "lo&s into the tan5 at a onentration o" 1.# 7.
a) I" at time #3 the tan5 ontains no A3 om0ute an e80ression "or the onentration o" A as a "untion o"
time in the tan5. Assume no reation ours.
b) 9o&3 assume that an immobilized enzyme (:) binds to A and "orms 0rodut ;. I" the reation is not
di""usion4limited3 the 7ihaelis47enton onstant (Km) is #.#1 73 the total onentration o" enzyme
is #.173 and the reation rate onstant (5)) is #.) min
3 om0ute the onentration o" ; in the outlet
at steady state.
Q.) A single enzyme atalyzed reation S < : =44> S: P ours at a 0lanar inter"ae bet&een a "luid and a
non0orous solid &ith immobilized enzyme. %he substrate and 0rodut onentrations in the bul5 "luid are *S+b
and *P+b. and the mass trans"er oe""iients "or the trans0ort o" S and P bet&een the bul5 "luid and the inter"ae
are 5?3s and 5?30. Assuming the 7ihaelis47enten onstant (Km) is muh smaller than the substrate onentration
at the sur"ae3 determine the steady4state rate at &hih P a00ears in the bul5 "luid (in units o" moles 0er time 0er
unit sur"ae area o" the solid).

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