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Collocations with way

1. Match the following collocations with the appropriate definitions.

1. Be made that way
2. This way and that
3. Have it your own way
4. In a roundabout way
5. In my way
6. Go out of my way to
7. Go back long way
8. On my way
9. In one way or another
10. All the way through
11. Get his own way
12. In a bad way
13. By the way
14. Work his way up
15. The right way up
16. Give way on
17. That's the way the cookie crumbles
18. In a big way
19. No way!
20. It's always the way
21. Know his way around
22. Go off her way to
23. The wrong way round
___ You are not going to argue anymore.
___ Until the end.
___ To obtain what sb wants.
___ Try to get/be promoted.
___ In a bad temper/ to be sick.
___ In all directions.
___ Not to discuss at all and accept anything.
___ To look for the properly form
___ A situation we can't change, so we must accept it.
___ To behave or do things in a particular manner because is part of your character.
___ No to be direct when talking.
___ In the incorrect position.
___ To know his/her surroundings/ to be familiar with.
___ There is no other option/ it's always the same.
___ Correctly.
___ It's impossible/not at all.
___ In my style.
___ Incidentally.
___ To know someone for a long time.
___ In direction of.
___ To make someone feel comfortable.
___ In one form or another.
___ A lot.

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