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4 IDs
Dominion of New England (1686):
MA, NH, CT, RI, NY, NJ, and Plymouth combined into one administrative unit
There was no legislature and they were Anglican & Navigation Acts tolerant
James II made Sir Edmund Andros governor

The Glorious Revolution (1688):
James IIs wife gave birth to a Catholic son
Political & religious Protestants banded with Mary and William into England
Royal troops surrendered; James II fled to France
Started a limited monarchy

King Williams War (League of Augsburg 1689-1697):
England joined with Europe to take down Louis XIV (France)
The 5 nations (NY, New England, Iroquois, French allies) vs. French and Pro-French Indians
Bloody war where the English were losing
Grand Settlement (1701) ended the war by allowing the French access to Western furs

Queen Annes War (War of the Spanish Succession 1702):
England vs. France & Spain
Anglo-Americans had weak military forces
France destroyed MA & ME; Spain invaded Carolina
Anglo-Americans realized their dependence to UK of Great Britain & became Britons

Stono Rebellion (1739):
South Carolina
100 Black slaves seized guns and raided plantations along the way to Spanish FL
Militia defeated them
New laws were made: slaves are watched constantly, masters are fined for not disciplining slaves, and manumission
must be legislature approved

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