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Heat emergency occurs when body is not cooled effectively

Heavy clothing in hot environment is more prone

Heat exhaustion is the most common type of heat emergency
o Below normal body temp
o Sweating
o Nausea, exhaustion
Heat exhaustion heatstroke
o High body temp
o Hot skin
o Rapid pulse or weak
o Breathing is rapid but shallow
Remove victim from hot environment
Take off clothing
Apply cold wet towels/ cool packs
Give water
Take steps to minimize shock
Monitor persons condition and call ems

High winds, low temp can suffer from frost bite, hypothermia
Hypothermia- body cannot keep warm and body temp begins to drop
o Different body functions shut down
o Symptoms
Irregular pulse
Glassy stare
o Frost bite
Lack of feeling
Skin that appears waxy
Cold to touch
When water freezes in tissue
Lose consciousness
Pulse and breathing slow down
Eventually die, have to notice early
Get out of cold and into dry clothing and warm the body slowly
Alcohol, smoking, age, wet clothes make you more prone to hypothermia
Do not give food or water unless consciousness
Care for frost bite
o Handle gently
o Soak in water no more than 105 degrees
o Keep skin away from warming container
o Bandage with sterile dressing
o Put gauz
Call ems and monitor

Rescue Moves
Immediate danger
Access to other victims
Assists, carries and drags
o Your size and strength
o Victims size weight
o Injury
o Situation
o Support victim and move

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