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ME706 - Dinmica Estructural

Viviana Meruane
Dinmica Estructural
Estudio de las caractersticas y comportamiento de las estructuras
debido a cargas dinmicas (varan en el tiempo):
Maquinas rotatorias
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Dinmica Estructural
Modelacin Numrica
Sistemas de un grado de libertad
Sistemas con multiples grados de libertad
Elementos nitos
Solucin de la ecuaciones de movimiento (mtodos de
integracin numrica)
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Dinmica Estructural
Medicin Experimental
Procesamiento de seales
Anlisis modal experimental
Medicin y montajes experimentales
Advanced validation techniques
Advanced validation techniques include MAC (auto and cross), FRF
synthesis and modal mass calculation, as well as stiffness and
damping for physical correlations. Once a validated modal model
is available, users can quickly try different modifcations using
simulation techniques. LMS Test.Lab takes the validation process a
step further with smart suggestions for the best modifcation points.
The online FRF synthesis of the modifed structure really simplifes
modifcation defnition eliminating numerous iteration cycles.
Mastering masses of data
LMS Test.Lab Structures is designed to handle massive amounts of
data effortlessly in case of large-scale structural tests and multi-test
processes. The measurements as well as the analysis results are
automatically assembled, making it easy to select the relevant data
and to create a reliable modal model of the entire structure. Dedicated
data management assures that input FRFs, processing parameters
and analysis results remain properly related, minimizing the risk of
subsequent misinterpretation.
Simulation-ready structural testing
Using test data to create and validate simulation models requires
a broader scope of test parameters as well as a higher degree of
consistency. LMS Test.Lab Structures is designed to master both
challenges. It provides rotational degrees-of-freedom, rigid body
modes and other realistic factors for the creation of an accurate
dynamic simulation model. LMS Test.Lab Structures is designed
to provide consistent modal sub-models. It offers tools to validate
simulation models, including cross-MAC comparisons with
experimental observations, orthogonality checks and comparison
between computed-generated responses and actual physical shaker
7 LMS Test.Lab Structures LMS International | |
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Dinmica Estructural
Correlacin Numrico-Experimental
Mtodos de correlacin
Ajuste de modelos numricos
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Dinmica Estructural
Metodologa y Evaluacin
El curso consta de ctedras, laboratorios de mtodos numricos y
laboratorios experimentales.
Se evaluar por medio de tareas (70%) y un examen (30 %). Las
tareas son obligatorias.
El examen es de carcter obligatorio y consiste en la presentacin
de un proyecto realizado a lo largo del semestre.
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Dinmica Estructural
Se realiza en grupos de hasta 3 alumnos. Consiste en:
Seleccionar una estructura disponible para hacer mediciones y
simple de modelar (por ejemplo, el marco de una bicicleta, una
viga, etc).
Realizar el modelo en elementos nitos.
Determinar modos experimentales.
Correlacionar modelo numrico con los datos experimentales.
Ajuste del modelo numrico.
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