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Julien GUILLET LHERMITE Octobre 2011

At the end of the session, I should be able to :
1. Enter HYSYS environment
o Fill a component list, including pure component and petroleum
pseudo components
o Choose the appropriate thermodynamic system (Equation of
State + options)
o Set up and personalize the unit system
2. Build the oil part of the !"#
o Create a material stream from scratch or from existing stream
(copy, set, balance)
o uild a process !ith static equipments ("essel, "al"e)
o #nsert and set up rotating machines (pump $ compressor)
o %se the &pipeline' tool including the sizing option and
understand its limit(
o )d*ust the export +o! rate using a ad*ust loop
o ,ptimize the multi +ash separation using a case study and-or
o %nderstand and achie"e the oil export speci.cations
o Simulate a real separator (carry o"er set up) and use the
"essel sizing tool
$. Build the %as part of the !"#
o Set up a compressor to recycle associated gas
o /ecycle condensate and understand ho! &recycle' !or0
o Create a gas stream saturated !ith !ater (in+uence of
thermodynamic model)
o %se a component splitter to represent complex process
o %nderstand and achie"e the gas export speci.cations
o Set up a spreadsheet to monitor 1C de! point
&. '() re*over+
o set up 12S2S en"ironment and build 3F4
o %nderstand and set up the &phase en"elope' utility
o Set up a spreadsheet to e"aluate 567 reco"ery
o uild and con.gure a 1eat exchanger (simple or realistic)
o /un the 1ydrate pre"ention utility
,. "ra*tionation unit
o Set the operating pressure of the column
o %se a &shortcut distillation' to select the number of trays
o #mplement a real fractionation column

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