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Verbal Complements

Verbs that come after other verbs
There are three kinds of Verbal Complements: "To-
infinitive" verbal compliments, "bare infinitive"
verbal compliments, and "gerund" complements.
Different "groups" of verbs "take" different
To-infinitives look like this: to+verb
to walk
Bare infinitives are the same as to-
infinitives without the "to"
Gerunds add -ing to the verb, or verb+ing
1. To-infinitives
Verbs like "convince" and verbs like "want" take to-infinitives
a Convince
!ill convinced !ett" to marry him.
#ohn asked $am to come to the part".
b %ant
!ett" wanted to write a letter.
$am loved to play football
&. Bare infinitives
Verbs like "make" take bare infinitives
a 'ake
!ett" made $am brush his teeth
!ill let $am go to the part"
(. Gerund
Verbs like "en)o"," verbs like "practice" and verbs like "imagine" take gerunds
a *n)o"
!ill enjoyed reading
#ohn disliked going to school
b +ractice
!ett" racticed her writing ever" da"
$am tried singing "esterda"
c ,magine
'ar" imagined winning the marathon
$usan dreamed of visiting Tok"o
That complements
Verbs that do not take to infinitives, bare
infinitives, or gerunds take "that" complements.
-or e.ample: , think that "ou will pass the test. /r:
0e said that "ou are nice. !e careful1 %ith that
complements, "ou have to con)ugate both verbs.
"0e said that you are nice" is good, but "0e said
that you be nice" is not1

To infinitive verbs: convince, order, tell,
authori2e3 want, hope, like, need, wish,
!are infinitive verbs: make, let, allow,
4erund verbs: en)o", like, dislike, agree
on3 practice, tr", talk about3 imagine,
dream of, remember
Note: $ome verbs can take both
gerunds and to5infinitives, such as
like, and love
Verbs that take that complements:
think, believe, sa", feel
There are lots of verbs that can take
that complements, or to infinitives or
gerunds. -or e.ample: imagine, hope,
like, love and wish

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